# Copyright 2012 New Dream Network, LLC (DreamHost) # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import copy from logging import config as logging_config import os from alembic import command as alembic_command from alembic import config as alembic_config from alembic import environment from alembic import migration as alembic_migration from alembic import script as alembic_script from alembic import util as alembic_util from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_utils import fileutils from oslo_utils import importutils from neutron._i18n import _ from neutron.conf.db import migration_cli from neutron.db import migration from neutron.db.migration.connection import DBConnection HEAD_FILENAME = 'HEAD' HEADS_FILENAME = 'HEADS' CONTRACT_HEAD_FILENAME = 'CONTRACT_HEAD' EXPAND_HEAD_FILENAME = 'EXPAND_HEAD' CURRENT_RELEASE = migration.VICTORIA RELEASES = ( migration.LIBERTY, migration.MITAKA, migration.NEWTON, migration.OCATA, migration.PIKE, migration.QUEENS, migration.ROCKY, migration.STEIN, migration.TRAIN, migration.USSURI, migration.VICTORIA, ) EXPAND_BRANCH = 'expand' CONTRACT_BRANCH = 'contract' MIGRATION_BRANCHES = (EXPAND_BRANCH, CONTRACT_BRANCH) neutron_alembic_ini = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'alembic.ini') CONF = cfg.ConfigOpts() migration_cli.register_db_cli_opts(CONF) log_error = alembic_util.err log_warning = alembic_util.warn log_info = alembic_util.msg def do_alembic_command(config, cmd, revision=None, desc=None, **kwargs): args = [] if revision: args.append(revision) project = config.get_main_option('neutron_project') if desc: log_info(_('Running %(cmd)s (%(desc)s) for %(project)s ...') % {'cmd': cmd, 'desc': desc, 'project': project}) else: log_info(_('Running %(cmd)s for %(project)s ...') % {'cmd': cmd, 'project': project}) try: getattr(alembic_command, cmd)(config, *args, **kwargs) except alembic_util.CommandError as e: log_error(str(e)) log_info(_('OK')) def _get_alembic_entrypoint(project): if project not in migration_cli.migration_entrypoints: log_error(_('Sub-project %s not installed.') % project) return migration_cli.migration_entrypoints[project] def do_generic_show(config, cmd): kwargs = {'verbose': CONF.command.verbose} do_alembic_command(config, cmd, **kwargs) def do_check_migration(config, cmd): do_alembic_command(config, 'branches') validate_revisions(config) validate_head_files(config) def add_alembic_subparser(sub, cmd): return sub.add_parser(cmd, help=getattr(alembic_command, cmd).__doc__) def add_branch_options(parser): group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('--expand', action='store_true') group.add_argument('--contract', action='store_true') return group def _find_milestone_revisions(config, milestone, branch=None): """Return the revision(s) for a given milestone.""" script = alembic_script.ScriptDirectory.from_config(config) return [ (m.revision, label) for m in _get_revisions(script) for label in (m.branch_labels or [None]) if milestone in getattr(m.module, 'neutron_milestone', []) and (branch is None or branch in m.branch_labels) ] def do_upgrade(config, cmd): branch = None if ((CONF.command.revision or CONF.command.delta) and (CONF.command.expand or CONF.command.contract)): raise SystemExit(_( 'Phase upgrade options do not accept revision specification')) if CONF.command.expand: branch = EXPAND_BRANCH revision = _get_branch_head(EXPAND_BRANCH) elif CONF.command.contract: branch = CONTRACT_BRANCH revision = _get_branch_head(CONTRACT_BRANCH) elif not CONF.command.revision and not CONF.command.delta: raise SystemExit(_('You must provide a revision or relative delta')) else: revision = CONF.command.revision or '' if '-' in revision: raise SystemExit(_('Negative relative revision (downgrade) not ' 'supported')) delta = CONF.command.delta if delta: if '+' in revision: raise SystemExit(_('Use either --delta or relative revision, ' 'not both')) if delta < 0: raise SystemExit(_('Negative delta (downgrade) not supported')) revision = '%s+%d' % (revision, delta) # leave branchless 'head' revision request backward compatible by # applying all heads in all available branches. if revision == 'head': revision = 'heads' if revision in migration.NEUTRON_MILESTONES: expand_revisions = _find_milestone_revisions(config, revision, EXPAND_BRANCH) contract_revisions = _find_milestone_revisions(config, revision, CONTRACT_BRANCH) # Expand revisions must be run before contract revisions revisions = expand_revisions + contract_revisions else: revisions = [(revision, branch)] for revision, branch in revisions: if not CONF.command.sql: run_sanity_checks(config, revision) do_alembic_command(config, cmd, revision=revision, desc=branch, sql=CONF.command.sql) def no_downgrade(config, cmd): raise SystemExit(_("Downgrade no longer supported")) def do_stamp(config, cmd): do_alembic_command(config, cmd, revision=CONF.command.revision, sql=CONF.command.sql) def _get_branch_head(branch): '''Get the latest @head specification for a branch.''' return '%s@head' % branch def _check_bootstrap_new_branch(branch, version_path, addn_kwargs): addn_kwargs['version_path'] = version_path addn_kwargs['head'] = _get_branch_head(branch) if not os.path.exists(version_path): # Bootstrap initial directory structure fileutils.ensure_tree(version_path, mode=0o755) def do_revision(config, cmd): kwargs = { 'message': CONF.command.message, 'autogenerate': CONF.command.autogenerate, 'sql': CONF.command.sql, } branches = [] if CONF.command.expand: kwargs['head'] = 'expand@head' branches.append(EXPAND_BRANCH) elif CONF.command.contract: kwargs['head'] = 'contract@head' branches.append(CONTRACT_BRANCH) else: branches = MIGRATION_BRANCHES if not CONF.command.autogenerate: for branch in branches: args = copy.copy(kwargs) version_path = _get_version_branch_path( config, release=CURRENT_RELEASE, branch=branch) _check_bootstrap_new_branch(branch, version_path, args) do_alembic_command(config, cmd, **args) else: # autogeneration code will take care of enforcing proper directories do_alembic_command(config, cmd, **kwargs) update_head_files(config) def _get_release_labels(labels): result = set() for label in labels: # release labels were introduced Liberty for a short time and dropped # in that same release cycle result.add('%s_%s' % (migration.LIBERTY, label)) return result def _compare_labels(revision, expected_labels): # validate that the script has expected labels only bad_labels = revision.branch_labels - expected_labels if bad_labels: # NOTE(ihrachyshka): this hack is temporary to accommodate those # projects that already initialized their branches with liberty_* # labels. Let's notify them about the deprecation for now and drop it # later. bad_labels_with_release = (revision.branch_labels - _get_release_labels(expected_labels)) if not bad_labels_with_release: log_warning( _('Release aware branch labels (%s) are deprecated. ' 'Please switch to expand@ and contract@ ' 'labels.') % bad_labels) return script_name = os.path.basename(revision.path) log_error( _('Unexpected label for script %(script_name)s: %(labels)s') % {'script_name': script_name, 'labels': bad_labels} ) def _validate_single_revision_labels(script_dir, revision, label=None): expected_labels = set() if label is not None: expected_labels.add(label) _compare_labels(revision, expected_labels) # if it's not the root element of the branch, expect the parent of the # script to have the same label if revision.down_revision is not None: down_revision = script_dir.get_revision(revision.down_revision) _compare_labels(down_revision, expected_labels) def _validate_revision(script_dir, revision): for branch in MIGRATION_BRANCHES: if branch in revision.path: _validate_single_revision_labels( script_dir, revision, label=branch) return # validate script from branchless part of migration rules _validate_single_revision_labels(script_dir, revision) def validate_revisions(config): script_dir = alembic_script.ScriptDirectory.from_config(config) revisions = _get_revisions(script_dir) for revision in revisions: _validate_revision(script_dir, revision) branchpoints = _get_branch_points(script_dir) if len(branchpoints) > 1: branchpoints = ', '.join(p.revision for p in branchpoints) log_error( _('Unexpected number of alembic branch points: %(branchpoints)s') % {'branchpoints': branchpoints} ) def _get_revisions(script): return list(script.walk_revisions(base='base', head='heads')) def _get_branch_points(script): branchpoints = [] for revision in _get_revisions(script): if revision.is_branch_point: branchpoints.append(revision) return branchpoints def _get_heads_map(config): script = alembic_script.ScriptDirectory.from_config(config) heads = script.get_heads() head_map = {} for head in heads: if CONTRACT_BRANCH in script.get_revision(head).branch_labels: head_map[CONTRACT_BRANCH] = head else: head_map[EXPAND_BRANCH] = head return head_map def _check_head(branch_name, head_file, head): try: with open(head_file) as file_: observed_head = file_.read().strip() except IOError: pass else: if observed_head != head: log_error( _('%(branch)s HEAD file does not match migration timeline ' 'head, expected: %(head)s') % {'branch': branch_name.title(), 'head': head}) def validate_head_files(config): '''Check that HEAD files contain the latest head for the branch.''' contract_head = _get_contract_head_file_path(config) expand_head = _get_expand_head_file_path(config) if not os.path.exists(contract_head) or not os.path.exists(expand_head): log_warning(_("Repository does not contain HEAD files for " "contract and expand branches.")) return head_map = _get_heads_map(config) _check_head(CONTRACT_BRANCH, contract_head, head_map[CONTRACT_BRANCH]) _check_head(EXPAND_BRANCH, expand_head, head_map[EXPAND_BRANCH]) def update_head_files(config): '''Update HEAD files with the latest branch heads.''' head_map = _get_heads_map(config) contract_head = _get_contract_head_file_path(config) expand_head = _get_expand_head_file_path(config) with open(contract_head, 'w+') as f: f.write(head_map[CONTRACT_BRANCH] + '\n') with open(expand_head, 'w+') as f: f.write(head_map[EXPAND_BRANCH] + '\n') old_head_file = _get_head_file_path(config) old_heads_file = _get_heads_file_path(config) for file_ in (old_head_file, old_heads_file): fileutils.delete_if_exists(file_) def _get_current_database_heads(config): with DBConnection(config.neutron_config.database.connection) as conn: opts = { 'version_table': get_alembic_version_table(config) } context = alembic_migration.MigrationContext.configure( conn, opts=opts) return context.get_current_heads() def has_offline_migrations(config, cmd): heads_map = _get_heads_map(config) if heads_map[CONTRACT_BRANCH] not in _get_current_database_heads(config): # If there is at least one contract revision not applied to database, # it means we should shut down all neutron-server instances before # proceeding with upgrade. project = config.get_main_option('neutron_project') log_info(_('Need to apply migrations from %(project)s ' 'contract branch. This will require all Neutron ' 'server instances to be shutdown before ' 'proceeding with the upgrade.') % {"project": project}) return True return False def add_command_parsers(subparsers): for name in ['current', 'history', 'branches', 'heads']: parser = add_alembic_subparser(subparsers, name) parser.set_defaults(func=do_generic_show) parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true', help='Display more verbose output for the ' 'specified command') help_text = (getattr(alembic_command, 'branches').__doc__ + ' and validate head file') parser = subparsers.add_parser('check_migration', help=help_text) parser.set_defaults(func=do_check_migration) parser = add_alembic_subparser(subparsers, 'upgrade') parser.add_argument('--delta', type=int) parser.add_argument('--sql', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('revision', nargs='?') parser.add_argument('--mysql-engine', default='', help='Change MySQL storage engine of current ' 'existing tables') add_branch_options(parser) parser.set_defaults(func=do_upgrade) parser = subparsers.add_parser('downgrade', help="(No longer supported)") parser.add_argument('None', nargs='?', help="Downgrade not supported") parser.set_defaults(func=no_downgrade) parser = add_alembic_subparser(subparsers, 'stamp') parser.add_argument('--sql', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('revision') parser.set_defaults(func=do_stamp) parser = add_alembic_subparser(subparsers, 'revision') parser.add_argument('-m', '--message') parser.add_argument('--sql', action='store_true') group = add_branch_options(parser) group.add_argument('--autogenerate', action='store_true') parser.set_defaults(func=do_revision) parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'has_offline_migrations', help='Determine whether there are pending migration scripts that ' 'require full shutdown for all services that directly access ' 'database.') parser.set_defaults(func=has_offline_migrations) command_opt = cfg.SubCommandOpt('command', title='Command', help=_('Available commands'), handler=add_command_parsers) CONF.register_cli_opt(command_opt) def _get_project_base(config): '''Return the base python namespace name for a project.''' script_location = config.get_main_option('script_location') return script_location.split(':')[0].split('.')[0] def _get_package_root_dir(config): root_module = importutils.try_import(_get_project_base(config)) if not root_module: project = config.get_main_option('neutron_project') log_error(_("Failed to locate source for %s.") % project) # The root_module.__file__ property is a path like # '/opt/stack/networking-foo/networking_foo/__init__.py' # We return just # '/opt/stack/networking-foo' return os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(root_module.__file__)) def _get_root_versions_dir(config): '''Return root directory that contains all migration rules.''' root_dir = _get_package_root_dir(config) script_location = config.get_main_option('script_location') # Script location is something like: # 'project_base.db.migration:alembic_migrations' # Convert it to: # 'project_base/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions' part1, part2 = script_location.split(':') parts = part1.split('.') + part2.split('.') + ['versions'] # Return the absolute path to the versions dir return os.path.join(root_dir, *parts) def _get_head_file_path(config): '''Return the path of the file that contains single head.''' return os.path.join( _get_root_versions_dir(config), HEAD_FILENAME) def _get_heads_file_path(config): '''Get heads file path Return the path of the file that was once used to maintain the list of latest heads. ''' return os.path.join( _get_root_versions_dir(config), HEADS_FILENAME) def _get_contract_head_file_path(config): '''Return the path of the file that is used to maintain contract head''' return os.path.join( _get_root_versions_dir(config), CONTRACT_HEAD_FILENAME) def _get_expand_head_file_path(config): '''Return the path of the file that is used to maintain expand head''' return os.path.join( _get_root_versions_dir(config), EXPAND_HEAD_FILENAME) def _get_version_branch_path(config, release=None, branch=None): version_path = _get_root_versions_dir(config) if branch and release: return os.path.join(version_path, release, branch) return version_path def _set_version_locations(config): '''Make alembic see all revisions in all migration branches.''' split_branches = False version_paths = [_get_version_branch_path(config)] for release in RELEASES: for branch in MIGRATION_BRANCHES: version_path = _get_version_branch_path(config, release, branch) if split_branches or os.path.exists(version_path): split_branches = True version_paths.append(version_path) config.set_main_option('version_locations', ' '.join(version_paths)) def _get_installed_entrypoint(subproject): '''Get the entrypoint for the subproject, which must be installed.''' if subproject not in migration_cli.migration_entrypoints: log_error(_('Package %s not installed') % subproject) return migration_cli.migration_entrypoints[subproject] def _get_subproject_script_location(subproject): '''Get the script location for the installed subproject.''' entrypoint = _get_installed_entrypoint(subproject) return ':'.join([entrypoint.module_name, entrypoint.attrs[0]]) def _get_subproject_base(subproject): '''Get the import base name for the installed subproject.''' entrypoint = _get_installed_entrypoint(subproject) return entrypoint.module_name.split('.')[0] def get_alembic_version_table(config): script_dir = alembic_script.ScriptDirectory.from_config(config) alembic_version_table = [None] def alembic_version_table_from_env(rev, context): alembic_version_table[0] = context.version_table return [] with environment.EnvironmentContext(config, script_dir, fn=alembic_version_table_from_env): script_dir.run_env() return alembic_version_table[0] def get_alembic_configs(): '''Return a list of alembic configs, one per project. ''' # Get the script locations for the specified or installed projects. # Which projects to get script locations for is determined by the CLI # options as follows: # --subproject P # only subproject P (where P can be neutron) # (none specified) # neutron and all installed subprojects script_locations = {} if CONF.subproject: script_location = _get_subproject_script_location(CONF.subproject) script_locations[CONF.subproject] = script_location else: for subproject in migration_cli.migration_entrypoints: script_locations[subproject] = _get_subproject_script_location( subproject) # Return a list of alembic configs from the projects in the # script_locations dict. If neutron is in the list it is first. configs = [] project_seq = sorted(script_locations.keys()) # Core neutron must be the first project if there is more than one if len(project_seq) > 1 and 'neutron' in project_seq: project_seq.insert(0, project_seq.pop(project_seq.index('neutron'))) for project in project_seq: config = alembic_config.Config(neutron_alembic_ini) config.set_main_option('neutron_project', project) script_location = script_locations[project] config.set_main_option('script_location', script_location) _set_version_locations(config) config.neutron_config = CONF configs.append(config) return configs def get_neutron_config(): # Neutron's alembic config is always the first one return get_alembic_configs()[0] def run_sanity_checks(config, revision): script_dir = alembic_script.ScriptDirectory.from_config(config) def check_sanity(rev, context): # TODO(ihrachyshka): here we use internal API for alembic; we may need # alembic to expose implicit_base= argument into public # iterate_revisions() call for script in script_dir.revision_map.iterate_revisions( revision, rev, implicit_base=True): if hasattr(script.module, 'check_sanity'): script.module.check_sanity(context.connection) return [] with environment.EnvironmentContext(config, script_dir, fn=check_sanity, starting_rev=None, destination_rev=revision): script_dir.run_env() def get_engine_config(): return [obj for obj in migration_cli.DB_OPTS if obj.name == 'engine'] def main(): # Interpret the config file for Python logging. # This line sets up loggers basically. logging_config.fileConfig(neutron_alembic_ini) CONF(project='neutron') return_val = False for config in get_alembic_configs(): # TODO(gongysh) enable logging return_val |= bool(CONF.command.func(config, CONF.command.name)) if CONF.command.name == 'has_offline_migrations' and not return_val: log_info(_('No offline migrations pending.')) return return_val