# Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import threading import urllib from neutron._i18n import _ from neutron.agent.linux import utils as agent_utils from neutron.agent.ovn.metadata import ovsdb from neutron.common import ipv6_utils from neutron.common.ovn import constants as ovn_const from neutron.common import utils as common_utils from neutron.conf.agent.metadata import config from neutron_lib.callbacks import events from neutron_lib.callbacks import registry from neutron_lib.callbacks import resources from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging import requests import webob LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) MODE_MAP = { config.USER_MODE: 0o644, config.GROUP_MODE: 0o664, config.ALL_MODE: 0o666, } class MetadataProxyHandler(object): def __init__(self, conf, chassis, sb_idl): self.conf = conf self.chassis = chassis self._sb_idl = sb_idl self._post_fork_event = threading.Event() self.subscribe() @property def sb_idl(self): if not self._sb_idl: self._post_fork_event.wait() return self._sb_idl @sb_idl.setter def sb_idl(self, val): self._sb_idl = val def subscribe(self): registry.subscribe(self.post_fork_initialize, resources.PROCESS, events.AFTER_INIT) def post_fork_initialize(self, resource, event, trigger, payload=None): # We need to open a connection to OVN SouthBound database for # each worker so that we can process the metadata requests. self._post_fork_event.clear() self.sb_idl = ovsdb.MetadataAgentOvnSbIdl( tables=('Port_Binding', 'Datapath_Binding', 'Chassis'), chassis=self.chassis).start() # Now IDL connections can be safely used. self._post_fork_event.set() @webob.dec.wsgify(RequestClass=webob.Request) def __call__(self, req): try: LOG.debug("Request: %s", req) instance_id, project_id = self._get_instance_and_project_id(req) if instance_id: return self._proxy_request(instance_id, project_id, req) else: return webob.exc.HTTPNotFound() except Exception: LOG.exception("Unexpected error.") msg = _('An unknown error has occurred. ' 'Please try your request again.') explanation = str(msg) return webob.exc.HTTPInternalServerError(explanation=explanation) def _get_instance_and_project_id(self, req): remote_address = req.headers.get('X-Forwarded-For') network_id = req.headers.get('X-OVN-Network-ID') ports = self.sb_idl.get_network_port_bindings_by_ip(network_id, remote_address) num_ports = len(ports) if num_ports == 1: external_ids = ports[0].external_ids return (external_ids[ovn_const.OVN_DEVID_EXT_ID_KEY], external_ids[ovn_const.OVN_PROJID_EXT_ID_KEY]) elif num_ports == 0: LOG.error("No port found in network %s with IP address %s", network_id, remote_address) elif num_ports > 1: port_uuids = ', '.join([str(port.uuid) for port in ports]) LOG.error("More than one port found in network %s with IP address " "%s. Please run the neutron-ovn-db-sync-util script as " "there seems to be inconsistent data between Neutron " "and OVN databases. OVN Port uuids: %s", network_id, remote_address, port_uuids) return None, None def _proxy_request(self, instance_id, tenant_id, req): headers = { 'X-Forwarded-For': req.headers.get('X-Forwarded-For'), 'X-Instance-ID': instance_id, 'X-Tenant-ID': tenant_id, 'X-Instance-ID-Signature': common_utils.sign_instance_id( self.conf, instance_id) } nova_host_port = ipv6_utils.valid_ipv6_url( self.conf.nova_metadata_host, self.conf.nova_metadata_port) url = urllib.parse.urlunsplit(( self.conf.nova_metadata_protocol, nova_host_port, req.path_info, req.query_string, '')) disable_ssl_certificate_validation = self.conf.nova_metadata_insecure if self.conf.auth_ca_cert and not disable_ssl_certificate_validation: verify_cert = self.conf.auth_ca_cert else: verify_cert = not disable_ssl_certificate_validation client_cert = None if self.conf.nova_client_cert and self.conf.nova_client_priv_key: client_cert = (self.conf.nova_client_cert, self.conf.nova_client_priv_key) resp = requests.request(method=req.method, url=url, headers=headers, data=req.body, cert=client_cert, verify=verify_cert) if resp.status_code == 200: req.response.content_type = resp.headers['content-type'] req.response.body = resp.content LOG.debug(str(resp)) return req.response elif resp.status_code == 403: LOG.warning( 'The remote metadata server responded with Forbidden. This ' 'response usually occurs when shared secrets do not match.' ) return webob.exc.HTTPForbidden() elif resp.status_code == 400: return webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest() elif resp.status_code == 404: return webob.exc.HTTPNotFound() elif resp.status_code == 409: return webob.exc.HTTPConflict() elif resp.status_code == 500: msg = _( 'Remote metadata server experienced an internal server error.' ) LOG.warning(msg) explanation = str(msg) return webob.exc.HTTPInternalServerError(explanation=explanation) else: raise Exception(_('Unexpected response code: %s') % resp.status_code) class UnixDomainMetadataProxy(object): def __init__(self, conf, chassis, sb_idl=None): self.conf = conf self.chassis = chassis self.sb_idl = sb_idl agent_utils.ensure_directory_exists_without_file( cfg.CONF.metadata_proxy_socket) def _get_socket_mode(self): mode = self.conf.metadata_proxy_socket_mode if mode == config.DEDUCE_MODE: user = self.conf.metadata_proxy_user if (not user or user == '0' or user == 'root' or agent_utils.is_effective_user(user)): # user is agent effective user or root => USER_MODE mode = config.USER_MODE else: group = self.conf.metadata_proxy_group if not group or agent_utils.is_effective_group(group): # group is agent effective group => GROUP_MODE mode = config.GROUP_MODE else: # otherwise => ALL_MODE mode = config.ALL_MODE return MODE_MAP[mode] def run(self): self.server = agent_utils.UnixDomainWSGIServer( 'neutron-ovn-metadata-agent') # Set the default metadata_workers if not yet set in the config file md_workers = self.conf.metadata_workers md_workers = 0 if md_workers is None else md_workers sb_idl = self.sb_idl if md_workers == 0 else None self.server.start(MetadataProxyHandler(self.conf, self.chassis, sb_idl), self.conf.metadata_proxy_socket, workers=md_workers, backlog=self.conf.metadata_backlog, mode=self._get_socket_mode()) def wait(self): self.server.wait()