# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import abc from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log import six from neutron.ipam import requests as ipam_req from neutron import manager LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class Pool(object): """Interface definition for an IPAM driver. There should be an instance of the driver for every subnet pool. """ def __init__(self, subnetpool, context): """Initialize pool :param subnetpool: SubnetPool of the address space to use. :type subnetpool: dict """ self._subnetpool = subnetpool self._context = context @classmethod def get_instance(cls, subnet_pool, context): """Returns an instance of the configured IPAM driver :param subnet_pool: Subnet pool of the address space to use. :type subnet_pool: dict :returns: An instance of Driver for the given subnet pool """ ipam_driver_name = cfg.CONF.ipam_driver mgr = manager.NeutronManager LOG.debug("Loading ipam driver: %s", ipam_driver_name) driver_class = mgr.load_class_for_provider('neutron.ipam_drivers', ipam_driver_name) return driver_class(subnet_pool, context) @abc.abstractmethod def allocate_subnet(self, request): """Allocates a subnet based on the subnet request :param request: Describes the allocation requested. :type request: An instance of a sub-class of SubnetRequest :returns: An instance of Subnet :raises: RequestNotSupported, IPAMAlreadyAllocated """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_subnet(self, subnet_id): """Gets the matching subnet if it has been allocated :param subnet_id: the subnet identifier :type subnet_id: str uuid :returns: An instance of IPAM Subnet :raises: IPAMAllocationNotFound """ @abc.abstractmethod def update_subnet(self, request): """Updates an already allocated subnet This is used to notify the external IPAM system of updates to a subnet. :param request: Update the subnet to match this request :type request: An instance of a sub-class of SpecificSubnetRequest :returns: An instance of IPAM Subnet :raises: RequestNotSupported, IPAMAllocationNotFound """ @abc.abstractmethod def remove_subnet(self, subnet_id): """Removes an allocation The initial reference implementation will probably do nothing. :param subnet_id: the subnet identifier :type subnet_id: str uuid :raises: IPAMAllocationNotFound """ def get_subnet_request_factory(self): """Returns default SubnetRequestFactory Can be overridden on driver level to return custom factory """ return ipam_req.SubnetRequestFactory def get_address_request_factory(self): """Returns default AddressRequestFactory Can be overridden on driver level to return custom factory """ return ipam_req.AddressRequestFactory @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class Subnet(object): """Interface definition for an IPAM subnet A subnet would typically be associated with a network but may not be. It could represent a dynamically routed IP address space in which case the normal network and broadcast addresses would be useable. It should always be a routable block of addresses and representable in CIDR notation. """ @abc.abstractmethod def allocate(self, address_request): """Allocates an IP address based on the request passed in :param address_request: Specifies what to allocate. :type address_request: An instance of a subclass of AddressRequest :returns: A netaddr.IPAddress :raises: AddressNotAvailable, AddressOutsideAllocationPool, AddressOutsideSubnet """ @abc.abstractmethod def deallocate(self, address): """Returns a previously allocated address to the pool :param address: The address to give back. :type address: A netaddr.IPAddress or convertible to one. :returns: None :raises: IPAMAllocationNotFound """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_details(self): """Returns the details of the subnet :returns: An instance of SpecificSubnetRequest with the subnet detail. """ @abc.abstractmethod def associate_neutron_subnet(self, subnet_id): """Associate the IPAM subnet with a neutron subnet. This operation should be performed to attach a neutron subnet to the current subnet instance. In some cases IPAM subnets may be created independently of neutron subnets and associated at a later stage. :param subnet_id: neutron subnet identifier. """