features: - Neutron child processes now set their process titles to match their roles ('api worker', 'rpc worker', 'periodic worker', 'services worker', or any other defined by workers from out-of-tree plugins.) This behavior can be disabled by setting the ``setproctitle`` config option in the ``[default]`` section in neutron.conf to ``off``. The original process string is also appended to the end, to help with scripting that is looking for the old strings. There is also an option called ``brief``, which results in much shorter and easier to read process names. The default setting for this option is ``on``, for a combination of backwards compatibility and identifying different processes easily. The recommended setting is ``brief``, once the deployer has verified that none of their tooling depends on the older strings. upgrade: - The change to the process title happens by default with the new ``setproctitle`` config option. The old string is still part of the new process title, but any scripts looking for exact string matches of the old string may need to be modified.