# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from neutron_lib.db import constants as db_const from neutron_lib.db import model_base import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy import sql from neutron.agent.common import utils class Agent(model_base.BASEV2, model_base.HasId): """Represents agents running in neutron deployments.""" __table_args__ = ( sa.UniqueConstraint('agent_type', 'host', name='uniq_agents0agent_type0host'), model_base.BASEV2.__table_args__ ) # L3 agent, DHCP agent, OVS agent, LinuxBridge agent_type = sa.Column(sa.String(255), nullable=False) binary = sa.Column(sa.String(255), nullable=False) # TOPIC is a fanout exchange topic topic = sa.Column(sa.String(255), nullable=False) # TOPIC.host is a target topic host = sa.Column(sa.String(255), nullable=False) availability_zone = sa.Column(sa.String(255)) admin_state_up = sa.Column(sa.Boolean, default=True, server_default=sql.true(), nullable=False) # the time when first report came from agents created_at = sa.Column(sa.DateTime, nullable=False) # the time when first report came after agents start started_at = sa.Column(sa.DateTime, nullable=False) # updated when agents report heartbeat_timestamp = sa.Column(sa.DateTime, nullable=False) # description is note for admin user description = sa.Column(sa.String(db_const.DESCRIPTION_FIELD_SIZE)) # configurations: a json dict string, I think 4095 is enough configurations = sa.Column(sa.String(4095), nullable=False) # resource_versions: json dict, 8191 allows for ~256 resource versions # assuming ~32byte length "'name': 'ver'," # the whole row limit is 65535 bytes in mysql resource_versions = sa.Column(sa.String(8191)) # load - number of resources hosted by the agent load = sa.Column(sa.Integer, server_default='0', nullable=False) @property def is_active(self): return not utils.is_agent_down(self.heartbeat_timestamp)