# All Rights Reserved. # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import functools import fixtures from neutron_lib import constants from oslo_utils import uuidutils from neutron.agent import firewall from neutron.agent.linux import ip_lib from neutron.common import constants as n_consts from neutron.tests.common import machine_fixtures from neutron.tests.common import net_helpers # NOTE: IPv6 uses NDP for obtaining destination endpoints link address that # extends round-trip packet time in ICMP tests. The timeout value should be # sufficient for correct scenarios but not too high because of negative # tests. ICMP_VERSION_TIMEOUTS = { constants.IP_VERSION_4: 1, constants.IP_VERSION_6: 2, } class ConnectionTesterException(Exception): pass def _validate_direction(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrap(self, direction, *args, **kwargs): if direction not in (firewall.INGRESS_DIRECTION, firewall.EGRESS_DIRECTION): raise ConnectionTesterException('Unknown direction %s' % direction) return f(self, direction, *args, **kwargs) return wrap class ConnectionTester(fixtures.Fixture): """Base class for testers This class implements API for various methods for testing connectivity. The concrete implementation relies on how encapsulated resources are configured. That means child classes should define resources by themselves (e.g. endpoints connected through linux bridge or ovs bridge). """ UDP = net_helpers.NetcatTester.UDP TCP = net_helpers.NetcatTester.TCP ICMP = constants.PROTO_NAME_ICMP ARP = n_consts.ETHERTYPE_NAME_ARP INGRESS = firewall.INGRESS_DIRECTION EGRESS = firewall.EGRESS_DIRECTION def __init__(self, ip_cidr): self.ip_cidr = ip_cidr def _setUp(self): self._protocol_to_method = { self.UDP: self._test_transport_connectivity, self.TCP: self._test_transport_connectivity, self.ICMP: self._test_icmp_connectivity, self.ARP: self._test_arp_connectivity} self._nc_testers = {} self._pingers = {} self.addCleanup(self.cleanup) def cleanup(self): for nc in self._nc_testers.values(): nc.stop_processes() for pinger in self._pingers.values(): pinger.stop() @property def vm_namespace(self): return self._vm.namespace @property def vm_ip_address(self): return self._vm.ip @property def vm_ip_cidr(self): return self._vm.ip_cidr @vm_ip_cidr.setter def vm_ip_cidr(self, ip_cidr): self._vm.ip_cidr = ip_cidr @property def vm_mac_address(self): return self._vm.port.link.address @vm_mac_address.setter def vm_mac_address(self, mac_address): self._vm.mac_address = mac_address @property def peer_mac_address(self): return self._peer.port.link.address @peer_mac_address.setter def peer_mac_address(self, mac_address): self._peer.mac_address = mac_address @property def peer_namespace(self): return self._peer.namespace @property def peer_ip_address(self): return self._peer.ip def set_vm_default_gateway(self, default_gw): self._vm.set_default_gateway(default_gw) def flush_arp_tables(self): """Flush arptables in all used namespaces""" for machine in (self._peer, self._vm): machine.port.neigh.flush(4, 'all') def _test_transport_connectivity(self, direction, protocol, src_port, dst_port): nc_tester = self._create_nc_tester(direction, protocol, src_port, dst_port) try: nc_tester.test_connectivity() except RuntimeError as exc: nc_tester.stop_processes() raise ConnectionTesterException( "%s connection over %s protocol with %s source port and " "%s destination port can't be established: %s" % ( direction, protocol, src_port, dst_port, exc)) @_validate_direction def _get_namespace_and_address(self, direction): if direction == self.INGRESS: return self.peer_namespace, self.vm_ip_address return self.vm_namespace, self.peer_ip_address def _test_icmp_connectivity(self, direction, protocol, src_port, dst_port): src_namespace, ip_address = self._get_namespace_and_address(direction) ip_version = ip_lib.get_ip_version(ip_address) icmp_timeout = ICMP_VERSION_TIMEOUTS[ip_version] try: net_helpers.assert_ping(src_namespace, ip_address, timeout=icmp_timeout) except RuntimeError: raise ConnectionTesterException( "ICMP packets can't get from %s namespace to %s address" % ( src_namespace, ip_address)) def _test_arp_connectivity(self, direction, protocol, src_port, dst_port): src_namespace, ip_address = self._get_namespace_and_address(direction) try: net_helpers.assert_arping(src_namespace, ip_address) except RuntimeError: raise ConnectionTesterException( "ARP queries to %s address have no response from %s namespace" % (ip_address, src_namespace)) @_validate_direction def assert_connection(self, direction, protocol, src_port=None, dst_port=None): testing_method = self._protocol_to_method[protocol] testing_method(direction, protocol, src_port, dst_port) def assert_no_connection(self, direction, protocol, src_port=None, dst_port=None): try: self.assert_connection(direction, protocol, src_port, dst_port) except ConnectionTesterException: pass else: dst_port_info = str() src_port_info = str() if dst_port is not None: dst_port_info = " and destination port %d" % dst_port if src_port is not None: src_port_info = " and source port %d" % src_port raise ConnectionTesterException("%s connection with protocol %s, " "source port %s, destination " "port %s was established but it " "shouldn't be possible" % ( direction, protocol, src_port_info, dst_port_info)) @_validate_direction def assert_established_connection(self, direction, protocol, src_port=None, dst_port=None): nc_params = (direction, protocol, src_port, dst_port) nc_tester = self._nc_testers.get(nc_params) if nc_tester: if nc_tester.is_established: try: nc_tester.test_connectivity() except RuntimeError: raise ConnectionTesterException( "Established %s connection with protocol %s, source " "port %s and destination port %s can no longer " "communicate") else: nc_tester.stop_processes() raise ConnectionTesterException( '%s connection with protocol %s, source port %s and ' 'destination port %s is not established' % nc_params) else: raise ConnectionTesterException( "Attempting to test established %s connection with protocol %s" ", source port %s and destination port %s that hasn't been " "established yet by calling establish_connection()" % nc_params) def assert_no_established_connection(self, direction, protocol, src_port=None, dst_port=None): try: self.assert_established_connection(direction, protocol, src_port, dst_port) except ConnectionTesterException: pass else: raise ConnectionTesterException( 'Established %s connection with protocol %s, source port %s, ' 'destination port %s can still send packets through' % ( direction, protocol, src_port, dst_port)) @_validate_direction def establish_connection(self, direction, protocol, src_port=None, dst_port=None): nc_tester = self._create_nc_tester(direction, protocol, src_port, dst_port) nc_tester.establish_connection() self.addCleanup(nc_tester.stop_processes) def _create_nc_tester(self, direction, protocol, src_port, dst_port): """Create netcat tester If there already exists a netcat tester that has established connection, exception is raised. """ nc_key = (direction, protocol, src_port, dst_port) nc_tester = self._nc_testers.get(nc_key) if nc_tester and nc_tester.is_established: raise ConnectionTesterException( '%s connection using %s protocol, source port %s and ' 'destination port %s is already established' % ( direction, protocol, src_port, dst_port)) if direction == self.INGRESS: client_ns = self.peer_namespace server_ns = self.vm_namespace server_addr = self.vm_ip_address else: client_ns = self.vm_namespace server_ns = self.peer_namespace server_addr = self.peer_ip_address server_port = dst_port or net_helpers.get_free_namespace_port( protocol, server_ns) nc_tester = net_helpers.NetcatTester(client_namespace=client_ns, server_namespace=server_ns, address=server_addr, protocol=protocol, src_port=src_port, dst_port=server_port) self._nc_testers[nc_key] = nc_tester return nc_tester def _get_pinger(self, direction): try: pinger = self._pingers[direction] except KeyError: src_namespace, dst_address = self._get_namespace_and_address( direction) pinger = net_helpers.Pinger(src_namespace, dst_address) self._pingers[direction] = pinger return pinger def start_sending_icmp(self, direction): pinger = self._get_pinger(direction) pinger.start() def stop_sending_icmp(self, direction): pinger = self._get_pinger(direction) pinger.stop() def get_sent_icmp_packets(self, direction): pinger = self._get_pinger(direction) return pinger.sent def get_received_icmp_packets(self, direction): pinger = self._get_pinger(direction) return pinger.received def assert_net_unreachable(self, direction, destination): src_namespace, dst_address = self._get_namespace_and_address( direction) pinger = net_helpers.Pinger(src_namespace, destination, count=5) pinger.start() pinger.wait() if not pinger.destination_unreachable: raise ConnectionTesterException( 'No Host Destination Unreachable packets were received when ' 'sending icmp packets to %s' % destination) class OVSConnectionTester(ConnectionTester): """Tester with OVS bridge in the middle The endpoints are created as OVS ports attached to the OVS bridge. NOTE: The OVS ports are connected from the namespace. This connection is currently not supported in OVS and may lead to unpredicted behavior: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1160340 """ def _setUp(self): super(OVSConnectionTester, self)._setUp() self.bridge = self.useFixture(net_helpers.OVSBridgeFixture()).bridge self._peer, self._vm = self.useFixture( machine_fixtures.PeerMachines( self.bridge, self.ip_cidr)).machines self._set_port_attrs(self._peer.port) self._set_port_attrs(self._vm.port) def _set_port_attrs(self, port): port.id = uuidutils.generate_uuid() attrs = [('type', 'internal'), ('external_ids', { 'iface-id': port.id, 'iface-status': 'active', 'attached-mac': port.link.address})] for column, value in attrs: self.bridge.set_db_attribute('Interface', port.name, column, value) @property def peer_port_id(self): return self._peer.port.id @property def vm_port_id(self): return self._vm.port.id def set_tag(self, port_name, tag): self.bridge.set_db_attribute('Port', port_name, 'tag', tag) other_config = self.bridge.db_get_val( 'Port', port_name, 'other_config') other_config['tag'] = tag self.bridge.set_db_attribute( 'Port', port_name, 'other_config', other_config) def set_vm_tag(self, tag): self.set_tag(self._vm.port.name, tag) def set_peer_tag(self, tag): self.set_tag(self._peer.port.name, tag) class LinuxBridgeConnectionTester(ConnectionTester): """Tester with linux bridge in the middle Both endpoints are placed in their separated namespace connected to bridge's namespace via veth pair. """ def _setUp(self): super(LinuxBridgeConnectionTester, self)._setUp() self.bridge = self.useFixture(net_helpers.LinuxBridgeFixture()).bridge self._peer, self._vm = self.useFixture( machine_fixtures.PeerMachines( self.bridge, self.ip_cidr)).machines @property def bridge_namespace(self): return self.bridge.namespace @property def vm_port_id(self): return net_helpers.VethFixture.get_peer_name(self._vm.port.name) @property def peer_port_id(self): return net_helpers.VethFixture.get_peer_name(self._peer.port.name) def flush_arp_tables(self): self.bridge.neigh.flush(4, 'all') super(LinuxBridgeConnectionTester, self).flush_arp_tables()