# Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack Foundation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import copy import itertools import operator from neutron_lib import constants from neutron_lib import exceptions from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_db import exception as db_exc from oslo_log import log as logging import oslo_messaging from oslo_utils import excutils from neutron._i18n import _, _LW from neutron.callbacks import resources from neutron.common import constants as n_const from neutron.common import exceptions as n_exc from neutron.common import utils from neutron.db import api as db_api from neutron.db import provisioning_blocks from neutron.extensions import portbindings from neutron.extensions import segment as segment_ext from neutron import manager from neutron.plugins.common import utils as p_utils from neutron.quota import resource_registry LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DhcpRpcCallback(object): """DHCP agent RPC callback in plugin implementations. This class implements the server side of an rpc interface. The client side of this interface can be found in neutron.agent.dhcp.agent.DhcpPluginApi. For more information about changing rpc interfaces, see doc/source/devref/rpc_api.rst. """ # API version history: # 1.0 - Initial version. # 1.1 - Added get_active_networks_info, create_dhcp_port, # and update_dhcp_port methods. # 1.2 - Removed get_dhcp_port. When removing a method (Making a # backwards incompatible change) you would normally bump the # major version. However, since the method was unused in the # RPC client for many releases, it should be OK to bump the # minor release instead and claim RPC compatibility with the # last few client versions. # 1.3 - Removed release_port_fixed_ip. It's not used by reference DHCP # agent since Juno, so similar rationale for not bumping the # major version as above applies here too. # 1.4 - Removed update_lease_expiration. It's not used by reference # DHCP agent since Juno, so similar rationale for not bumping the # major version as above applies here too. # 1.5 - Added dhcp_ready_on_ports. # 1.6 - Removed get_active_networks. It's not used by reference # DHCP agent since Havana, so similar rationale for not bumping # the major version as above applies here too. target = oslo_messaging.Target( namespace=n_const.RPC_NAMESPACE_DHCP_PLUGIN, version='1.6') def _get_active_networks(self, context, **kwargs): """Retrieve and return a list of the active networks.""" host = kwargs.get('host') plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin() if utils.is_extension_supported( plugin, constants.DHCP_AGENT_SCHEDULER_EXT_ALIAS): if cfg.CONF.network_auto_schedule: plugin.auto_schedule_networks(context, host) nets = plugin.list_active_networks_on_active_dhcp_agent( context, host) else: filters = dict(admin_state_up=[True]) nets = plugin.get_networks(context, filters=filters) return nets def _port_action(self, plugin, context, port, action): """Perform port operations taking care of concurrency issues.""" try: if action == 'create_port': return p_utils.create_port(plugin, context, port) elif action == 'update_port': return plugin.update_port(context, port['id'], port) else: msg = _('Unrecognized action') raise exceptions.Invalid(message=msg) except (db_exc.DBError, exceptions.NetworkNotFound, exceptions.SubnetNotFound, exceptions.IpAddressGenerationFailure) as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(reraise=False) as ctxt: if isinstance(e, exceptions.IpAddressGenerationFailure): # Check if the subnet still exists and if it does not, # this is the reason why the ip address generation failed. # In any other unlikely event re-raise try: subnet_id = port['port']['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] plugin.get_subnet(context, subnet_id) except exceptions.SubnetNotFound: pass else: ctxt.reraise = True net_id = port['port']['network_id'] LOG.warning(_LW("Action %(action)s for network %(net_id)s " "could not complete successfully: %(reason)s"), {"action": action, "net_id": net_id, 'reason': e}) def _group_by_network_id(self, res): grouped = {} keyfunc = operator.itemgetter('network_id') for net_id, values in itertools.groupby(sorted(res, key=keyfunc), keyfunc): grouped[net_id] = list(values) return grouped def get_active_networks_info(self, context, **kwargs): """Returns all the networks/subnets/ports in system.""" host = kwargs.get('host') LOG.debug('get_active_networks_info from %s', host) networks = self._get_active_networks(context, **kwargs) plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin() filters = {'network_id': [network['id'] for network in networks]} ports = plugin.get_ports(context, filters=filters) filters['enable_dhcp'] = [True] # NOTE(kevinbenton): we sort these because the agent builds tags # based on position in the list and has to restart the process if # the order changes. subnets = sorted(plugin.get_subnets(context, filters=filters), key=operator.itemgetter('id')) # Handle the possibility that the dhcp agent(s) only has connectivity # inside a segment. If the segment service plugin is loaded and # there are active dhcp enabled subnets, then filter out the subnets # that are not on the host's segment. seg_plug = manager.NeutronManager.get_service_plugins().get( segment_ext.SegmentPluginBase.get_plugin_type()) seg_subnets = [subnet for subnet in subnets if subnet.get('segment_id')] if seg_plug and seg_subnets: host_segment_ids = seg_plug.get_segments_by_hosts(context, [host]) # Gather the ids of all the subnets that are on a segment that # this host touches seg_subnet_ids = {subnet['id'] for subnet in seg_subnets if subnet['segment_id'] in host_segment_ids} # Gather the ids of all the networks that are routed routed_net_ids = {seg_subnet['network_id'] for seg_subnet in seg_subnets} # Remove the subnets with segments that are not in the same # segments as the host. Do this only for the networks that are # routed because we want non-routed networks to work as # before. subnets = [subnet for subnet in subnets if subnet['network_id'] not in routed_net_ids or subnet['id'] in seg_subnet_ids] grouped_subnets = self._group_by_network_id(subnets) grouped_ports = self._group_by_network_id(ports) for network in networks: network['subnets'] = grouped_subnets.get(network['id'], []) network['ports'] = grouped_ports.get(network['id'], []) return networks def get_network_info(self, context, **kwargs): """Retrieve and return extended information about a network.""" network_id = kwargs.get('network_id') host = kwargs.get('host') LOG.debug('Network %(network_id)s requested from ' '%(host)s', {'network_id': network_id, 'host': host}) plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin() try: network = plugin.get_network(context, network_id) except exceptions.NetworkNotFound: LOG.debug("Network %s could not be found, it might have " "been deleted concurrently.", network_id) return filters = dict(network_id=[network_id]) subnets = plugin.get_subnets(context, filters=filters) seg_plug = manager.NeutronManager.get_service_plugins().get( segment_ext.SegmentPluginBase.get_plugin_type()) if seg_plug and subnets: seg_subnets = [subnet for subnet in subnets if subnet.get('segment_id')] # If there are no subnets with segments, then this is not a routed # network and no filtering should take place. if seg_subnets: segment_ids = seg_plug.get_segments_by_hosts(context, [host]) # There might be something to do if no segment_ids exist that # are mapped to this host. However, it seems that if this # host is not mapped to any segments and this is a routed # network, then this host shouldn't have even been scheduled # to. subnets = [subnet for subnet in seg_subnets if subnet['segment_id'] in segment_ids] # NOTE(kevinbenton): we sort these because the agent builds tags # based on position in the list and has to restart the process if # the order changes. network['subnets'] = sorted(subnets, key=operator.itemgetter('id')) network['ports'] = plugin.get_ports(context, filters=filters) return network @db_api.retry_db_errors def release_dhcp_port(self, context, **kwargs): """Release the port currently being used by a DHCP agent.""" host = kwargs.get('host') network_id = kwargs.get('network_id') device_id = kwargs.get('device_id') LOG.debug('DHCP port deletion for %(network_id)s request from ' '%(host)s', {'network_id': network_id, 'host': host}) plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin() plugin.delete_ports_by_device_id(context, device_id, network_id) @db_api.retry_db_errors @resource_registry.mark_resources_dirty def create_dhcp_port(self, context, **kwargs): """Create and return dhcp port information. If an expected failure occurs, a None port is returned. """ host = kwargs.get('host') # Note(pbondar): Create deep copy of port to prevent operating # on changed dict if RetryRequest is raised port = copy.deepcopy(kwargs.get('port')) LOG.debug('Create dhcp port %(port)s ' 'from %(host)s.', {'port': port, 'host': host}) port['port']['device_owner'] = constants.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP port['port'][portbindings.HOST_ID] = host if 'mac_address' not in port['port']: port['port']['mac_address'] = constants.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin() return self._port_action(plugin, context, port, 'create_port') @db_api.retry_db_errors def update_dhcp_port(self, context, **kwargs): """Update the dhcp port.""" host = kwargs.get('host') port = kwargs.get('port') port['id'] = kwargs.get('port_id') port['port'][portbindings.HOST_ID] = host plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin() old_port = plugin.get_port(context, port['id']) if (old_port['device_id'] != n_const.DEVICE_ID_RESERVED_DHCP_PORT and old_port['device_id'] != utils.get_dhcp_agent_device_id(port['port']['network_id'], host)): raise n_exc.DhcpPortInUse(port_id=port['id']) LOG.debug('Update dhcp port %(port)s ' 'from %(host)s.', {'port': port, 'host': host}) return self._port_action(plugin, context, port, 'update_port') @db_api.retry_db_errors def dhcp_ready_on_ports(self, context, port_ids): for port_id in port_ids: provisioning_blocks.provisioning_complete( context, port_id, resources.PORT, provisioning_blocks.DHCP_ENTITY)