# Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import abc import itertools import re from neutron_lib.api.definitions import qos as apidef from neutron_lib.api import extensions as api_extensions from neutron_lib.plugins import constants from neutron_lib.plugins import directory from neutron_lib.services import base as service_base import six from neutron.api import extensions from neutron.api.v2 import base from neutron.api.v2 import resource_helper from neutron.objects.qos import rule as rule_object class Qos(api_extensions.APIExtensionDescriptor): """Quality of Service API extension.""" api_definition = apidef @classmethod def get_plugin_interface(cls): return QoSPluginBase @classmethod def get_resources(cls): """Returns Ext Resources.""" special_mappings = {'policies': 'policy'} plural_mappings = resource_helper.build_plural_mappings( special_mappings, itertools.chain( apidef.RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP, apidef.SUB_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP)) resources = resource_helper.build_resource_info( plural_mappings, apidef.RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP, constants.QOS, translate_name=True, allow_bulk=True) plugin = directory.get_plugin(constants.QOS) for collection_name in apidef.SUB_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP: resource_name = collection_name[:-1] parent = apidef.SUB_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP[ collection_name].get('parent') params = apidef.SUB_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP[collection_name].get( 'parameters') controller = base.create_resource(collection_name, resource_name, plugin, params, allow_bulk=True, parent=parent, allow_pagination=True, allow_sorting=True) resource = extensions.ResourceExtension( collection_name, controller, parent, path_prefix=apidef.API_PREFIX, attr_map=params) resources.append(resource) return resources @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class QoSPluginBase(service_base.ServicePluginBase): path_prefix = apidef.API_PREFIX # The rule object type to use for each incoming rule-related request. rule_objects = {'bandwidth_limit': rule_object.QosBandwidthLimitRule, 'dscp_marking': rule_object.QosDscpMarkingRule, 'minimum_bandwidth': rule_object.QosMinimumBandwidthRule} # Patterns used to call method proxies for all policy-rule-specific # method calls (see __getattr__ docstring, below). qos_rule_method_patterns = [ re.compile( r"^((create|update|delete)_policy_(?P.*)_rule)$"), re.compile( r"^(get_policy_(?P.*)_(rules|rule))$"), ] def __getattr__(self, attrib): """Implement method proxies for all policy-rule-specific requests. For a given request type (such as to update a rule), a single method will handle requests for all rule types. For example, the update_policy_rule method will handle requests for both update_policy_dscp_marking_rule and update_policy_bandwidth_limit_rule. :param attrib: the requested method; in the normal case, this will be, for example, "update_policy_dscp_marking_rule" :type attrib: str """ # Find and call the proxy method that implements the requested one. for pattern in self.qos_rule_method_patterns: res = re.match(pattern, attrib) if res: rule_type = res.group('rule_type') if rule_type in self.rule_objects: # Remove the rule_type value (plus underscore) from attrib # in order to get the proxy method name. So, for instance, # from "delete_policy_dscp_marking_rule" we'll get # "delete_policy_rule". proxy_method = attrib.replace(rule_type + '_', '') rule_cls = self.rule_objects[rule_type] return self._call_proxy_method(proxy_method, rule_cls) # If we got here, then either attrib matched no pattern or the # rule_type embedded in attrib wasn't in self.rule_objects. raise AttributeError(attrib) def _call_proxy_method(self, method_name, rule_cls): """Call proxy method. We need to add the rule_cls, obtained from the self.rule_objects dictionary, to the incoming args. The context is passed to proxy method as first argument; the remaining args will follow rule_cls. Some of the incoming method calls have the policy rule name as one of the keys in the kwargs. For instance, the incoming kwargs for the create_policy_bandwidth_limit_rule take this form: { 'bandwidth_limit_rule': { u'bandwidth_limit_rule': { 'max_burst_kbps': 0, u'max_kbps': u'100', 'tenant_id': u'a8a31c9434ff431cb789c809777505ec'} }, 'policy_id': u'46985da5-9684-402e-b0d7-b7adac909c3a' } We need to generalize this structure for all rule types so will (effectively) rename the rule-specific keyword (e.g., in the above, the first occurrence of 'bandwidth_limit_rule') to be 'rule_data'. :param method_name: the name of the method to call :type method_name: str :param rule_cls: the rule class, which is sent as an argument to the proxy method :type rule_cls: a class from the rule_object (qos.objects.rule) module """ def _make_call(method_name, rule_cls, *args, **kwargs): context = args[0] args_list = list(args[1:]) params = kwargs rule_data_name = rule_cls.rule_type + "_rule" if rule_data_name in params: params['rule_data'] = params.pop(rule_data_name) return getattr(self, method_name)( context, rule_cls, *args_list, **params ) return lambda *args, **kwargs: _make_call( method_name, rule_cls, *args, **kwargs) def get_plugin_description(self): return "QoS Service Plugin for ports and networks" @classmethod def get_plugin_type(cls): return constants.QOS @abc.abstractmethod def get_rule_type(self, context, rule_type_name, fields=None): pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_rule_types(self, context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): pass @abc.abstractmethod def create_policy(self, context, policy): pass @abc.abstractmethod def update_policy(self, context, policy_id, policy): pass @abc.abstractmethod def delete_policy(self, context, policy_id): pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_policy(self, context, policy_id, fields=None): pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_policies(self, context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): pass @abc.abstractmethod def create_policy_rule(self, context, rule_cls, policy_id, rule_data): pass @abc.abstractmethod def update_policy_rule(self, context, rule_cls, rule_id, policy_id, rule_data): pass @abc.abstractmethod def delete_policy_rule(self, context, rule_cls, rule_id, policy_id): pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_policy_rule(self, context, rule_cls, rule_id, policy_id, fields=None): pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_policy_rules(self, context, rule_cls, policy_id, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): pass