# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import errno from os import path import re import threading import time import eventlet import netaddr from neutron_lib import constants from neutron_lib import exceptions from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import netutils from pyroute2.netlink import exceptions as netlink_exceptions from pyroute2.netlink import rtnl from pyroute2.netlink.rtnl import ifaddrmsg from pyroute2.netlink.rtnl import ifinfmsg from pyroute2 import netns from neutron._i18n import _ from neutron.agent.common import utils from neutron.common import utils as common_utils from neutron.privileged.agent.linux import ip_lib as privileged from neutron.privileged.agent.linux import utils as priv_utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) IP_NONLOCAL_BIND = 'net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind' LOOPBACK_DEVNAME = 'lo' FB_TUNNEL_DEVICE_NAMES = ['gre0', 'gretap0', 'tunl0', 'erspan0', 'sit0', 'ip6tnl0', 'ip6gre0'] IP_RULE_TABLES = {'default': 253, 'main': 254, 'local': 255} IP_RULE_TABLES_NAMES = {v: k for k, v in IP_RULE_TABLES.items()} # Rule indexes: pyroute2.netlink.rtnl # Rule names: https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/8-ip-rule/ # NOTE(ralonsoh): 'masquerade' type is printed as 'nat' in 'ip rule' command IP_RULE_TYPES = {0: 'unspecified', 1: 'unicast', 6: 'blackhole', 7: 'unreachable', 8: 'prohibit', 10: 'nat'} IP_ADDRESS_SCOPE = {rtnl.rtscopes['RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE']: 'global', rtnl.rtscopes['RT_SCOPE_SITE']: 'site', rtnl.rtscopes['RT_SCOPE_LINK']: 'link', rtnl.rtscopes['RT_SCOPE_HOST']: 'host'} IP_ADDRESS_SCOPE_NAME = {v: k for k, v in IP_ADDRESS_SCOPE.items()} IP_ADDRESS_EVENTS = {'RTM_NEWADDR': 'added', 'RTM_DELADDR': 'removed'} SYS_NET_PATH = '/sys/class/net' DEFAULT_GW_PATTERN = re.compile(r"via (\S+)") METRIC_PATTERN = re.compile(r"metric (\S+)") DEVICE_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(\d+?): (\S+?):.*") # NOTE: no metric is interpreted by the kernel as having the highest priority # (value 0). "ip route" uses the netlink API to communicate with the kernel. In # IPv6, when the metric value is not set is translated as 1024 as default: # https://access.redhat.com/solutions/3659171 IP_ROUTE_METRIC_DEFAULT = {constants.IP_VERSION_4: 0, constants.IP_VERSION_6: 1024} def remove_interface_suffix(interface): """Remove a possible "@" suffix from an interface' name. This suffix can appear in some kernel versions, and intends on specifying, for example, a veth's pair. However, this interface name is useless to us as further 'ip' commands require that the suffix be removed. """ # If '@' is not present, this will do nothing. return interface.partition("@")[0] class AddressNotReady(exceptions.NeutronException): message = _("Failure waiting for address %(address)s to " "become ready: %(reason)s") InvalidArgument = privileged.InvalidArgument class SubProcessBase(object): def __init__(self, namespace=None, log_fail_as_error=True): self.namespace = namespace self.log_fail_as_error = log_fail_as_error try: self.force_root = cfg.CONF.ip_lib_force_root except cfg.NoSuchOptError: # Only callers that need to force use of the root helper # need to register the option. self.force_root = False def _run(self, options, command, args): if self.namespace: return self._as_root(options, command, args) elif self.force_root: # Force use of the root helper to ensure that commands # will execute in dom0 when running under XenServer/XCP. return self._execute(options, command, args, run_as_root=True) else: return self._execute(options, command, args) def _as_root(self, options, command, args, use_root_namespace=False): namespace = self.namespace if not use_root_namespace else None return self._execute(options, command, args, run_as_root=True, namespace=namespace) def _execute(self, options, command, args, run_as_root=False, namespace=None): opt_list = ['-%s' % o for o in options] ip_cmd = add_namespace_to_cmd(['ip'], namespace) cmd = ip_cmd + opt_list + [command] + list(args) return utils.execute(cmd, run_as_root=run_as_root, log_fail_as_error=self.log_fail_as_error) def set_log_fail_as_error(self, fail_with_error): self.log_fail_as_error = fail_with_error def get_log_fail_as_error(self): return self.log_fail_as_error class IPWrapper(SubProcessBase): def __init__(self, namespace=None): super(IPWrapper, self).__init__(namespace=namespace) self.netns = IpNetnsCommand(self) def device(self, name): return IPDevice(name, namespace=self.namespace) def get_devices_info(self, exclude_loopback=True, exclude_fb_tun_devices=True): devices = get_devices_info(self.namespace) retval = [] for device in devices: if (exclude_loopback and device['name'] == LOOPBACK_DEVNAME or exclude_fb_tun_devices and device['name'] in FB_TUNNEL_DEVICE_NAMES): continue retval.append(device) return retval def get_devices(self, exclude_loopback=True, exclude_fb_tun_devices=True): retval = [] try: devices = privileged.get_device_names(self.namespace) except privileged.NetworkNamespaceNotFound: return retval for name in devices: if (exclude_loopback and name == LOOPBACK_DEVNAME or exclude_fb_tun_devices and name in FB_TUNNEL_DEVICE_NAMES): continue retval.append(IPDevice(name, namespace=self.namespace)) return retval def get_device_by_ip(self, ip): """Get the IPDevice from system which has ip configured. @param ip: look for the device holding this ip. If this is None, None is returned. @type ip: str. """ if not ip: return None cidr = common_utils.ip_to_cidr(ip) kwargs = {'address': common_utils.cidr_to_ip(cidr)} if not common_utils.is_cidr_host(cidr): kwargs['mask'] = common_utils.cidr_mask_length(cidr) devices = get_devices_with_ip(self.namespace, **kwargs) if not devices: # Search by broadcast address. broadcast = common_utils.cidr_broadcast_address(cidr) if broadcast: devices = get_devices_with_ip(self.namespace, broadcast=broadcast) if devices: return IPDevice(devices[0]['name'], namespace=self.namespace) def add_tuntap(self, name, mode='tap'): privileged.create_interface( name, self.namespace, "tuntap", mode=mode) return IPDevice(name, namespace=self.namespace) def add_veth(self, name1, name2, namespace2=None): peer = {'ifname': name2} if namespace2 is None: namespace2 = self.namespace else: self.ensure_namespace(namespace2) peer['net_ns_fd'] = namespace2 privileged.create_interface( name1, self.namespace, 'veth', peer=peer) return (IPDevice(name1, namespace=self.namespace), IPDevice(name2, namespace=namespace2)) def add_macvtap(self, name, src_dev, mode='bridge'): privileged.create_interface(name, self.namespace, "macvtap", physical_interface=src_dev, mode=mode) return IPDevice(name, namespace=self.namespace) def del_veth(self, name): """Delete a virtual interface between two namespaces.""" privileged.delete_interface(name, self.namespace) def add_dummy(self, name): """Create a Linux dummy interface with the given name.""" privileged.create_interface(name, self.namespace, "dummy") return IPDevice(name, namespace=self.namespace) def ensure_namespace(self, name): if not self.netns.exists(name): ip = self.netns.add(name) lo = ip.device(LOOPBACK_DEVNAME) lo.link.set_up() else: ip = IPWrapper(namespace=name) return ip def namespace_is_empty(self): return not self.get_devices() def garbage_collect_namespace(self): """Conditionally destroy the namespace if it is empty.""" if self.namespace and self.netns.exists(self.namespace): if self.namespace_is_empty(): self.netns.delete(self.namespace) return True return False def add_device_to_namespace(self, device): if self.namespace: device.link.set_netns(self.namespace) def add_vlan(self, name, physical_interface, vlan_id): privileged.create_interface(name, self.namespace, "vlan", physical_interface=physical_interface, vlan_id=vlan_id) return IPDevice(name, namespace=self.namespace) def add_vxlan(self, name, vni, group=None, dev=None, ttl=None, tos=None, local=None, srcport=None, dstport=None, proxy=False): kwargs = {'vxlan_id': vni} if group: kwargs['vxlan_group'] = group if dev: kwargs['physical_interface'] = dev if ttl: kwargs['vxlan_ttl'] = ttl if tos: kwargs['vxlan_tos'] = tos if local: kwargs['vxlan_local'] = local if proxy: kwargs['vxlan_proxy'] = proxy # tuple: min,max if srcport: if len(srcport) == 2 and srcport[0] <= srcport[1]: kwargs['vxlan_port_range'] = (str(srcport[0]), str(srcport[1])) else: raise exceptions.NetworkVxlanPortRangeError( vxlan_range=srcport) if dstport: kwargs['vxlan_port'] = dstport privileged.create_interface(name, self.namespace, "vxlan", **kwargs) return (IPDevice(name, namespace=self.namespace)) class IPDevice(SubProcessBase): def __init__(self, name, namespace=None, kind='link'): super(IPDevice, self).__init__(namespace=namespace) self._name = name self.kind = kind self.link = IpLinkCommand(self) self.addr = IpAddrCommand(self) self.route = IpRouteCommand(self) self.neigh = IpNeighCommand(self) def __eq__(self, other): return (other is not None and self.name == other.name and self.namespace == other.namespace) def __str__(self): return self.name def __repr__(self): return "" % (self._name, self.namespace) def exists(self): """Return True if the device exists in the namespace.""" return privileged.interface_exists(self.name, self.namespace) def delete_addr_and_conntrack_state(self, cidr): """Delete an address along with its conntrack state This terminates any active connections through an IP. :param cidr: the IP address for which state should be removed. This can be passed as a string with or without /NN. A netaddr.IPAddress or netaddr.Network representing the IP address can also be passed. """ self.addr.delete(cidr) self.delete_conntrack_state(cidr) def delete_conntrack_state(self, cidr): """Delete conntrack state rules Deletes both rules (if existing), the destination and the reply one. """ ip_str = str(netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr).ip) ip_wrapper = IPWrapper(namespace=self.namespace) # Delete conntrack state for ingress traffic # If 0 flow entries have been deleted # conntrack -D will return 1 try: ip_wrapper.netns.execute(["conntrack", "-D", "-d", ip_str], check_exit_code=True, extra_ok_codes=[1]) except RuntimeError: LOG.exception("Failed deleting ingress connection state of" " floatingip %s", ip_str) # Delete conntrack state for egress traffic try: ip_wrapper.netns.execute(["conntrack", "-D", "-q", ip_str], check_exit_code=True, extra_ok_codes=[1]) except RuntimeError: LOG.exception("Failed deleting egress connection state of" " floatingip %s", ip_str) def delete_socket_conntrack_state(self, cidr, dport, protocol): ip_str = str(netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr).ip) ip_wrapper = IPWrapper(namespace=self.namespace) cmd = ["conntrack", "-D", "-d", ip_str, '-p', protocol, '--dport', dport] try: ip_wrapper.netns.execute(cmd, check_exit_code=True, extra_ok_codes=[1]) except RuntimeError: LOG.exception("Failed deleting ingress connection state of " "socket %(ip)s:%(port)s", {'ip': ip_str, 'port': dport}) def disable_ipv6(self): if not netutils.is_ipv6_enabled(): return sysctl_name = re.sub(r'\.', '/', self.name) cmd = ['net.ipv6.conf.%s.disable_ipv6=1' % sysctl_name] return sysctl(cmd, namespace=self.namespace) @property def name(self): if self._name: return self._name[:constants.DEVICE_NAME_MAX_LEN] return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name): self._name = name class IpCommandBase(object): COMMAND = '' def __init__(self, parent): self._parent = parent def _run(self, options, args): return self._parent._run(options, self.COMMAND, args) def _as_root(self, options, args, use_root_namespace=False): return self._parent._as_root(options, self.COMMAND, args, use_root_namespace=use_root_namespace) class IpDeviceCommandBase(IpCommandBase): @property def name(self): return self._parent.name @property def kind(self): return self._parent.kind class IpLinkCommand(IpDeviceCommandBase): COMMAND = 'link' def set_address(self, mac_address): privileged.set_link_attribute( self.name, self._parent.namespace, address=mac_address) def set_allmulticast_on(self): privileged.set_link_flags( self.name, self._parent.namespace, ifinfmsg.IFF_ALLMULTI) def set_mtu(self, mtu_size): privileged.set_link_attribute( self.name, self._parent.namespace, mtu=mtu_size) def set_up(self): privileged.set_link_attribute( self.name, self._parent.namespace, state='up') def set_down(self): privileged.set_link_attribute( self.name, self._parent.namespace, state='down') def set_netns(self, namespace): privileged.set_link_attribute( self.name, self._parent.namespace, net_ns_fd=namespace) self._parent.namespace = namespace common_utils.wait_until_true(lambda: self.exists, timeout=5, sleep=0.5) def set_name(self, name): privileged.set_link_attribute( self.name, self._parent.namespace, ifname=name) self._parent.name = name def set_alias(self, alias_name): privileged.set_link_attribute( self.name, self._parent.namespace, ifalias=alias_name) def create(self): privileged.create_interface(self.name, self._parent.namespace, self.kind) def delete(self): privileged.delete_interface(self.name, self._parent.namespace) @property def address(self): return self.attributes.get('link/ether') @property def state(self): return self.attributes.get('state') @property def allmulticast(self): return self.attributes.get('allmulticast') @property def mtu(self): return self.attributes.get('mtu') @property def qdisc(self): return self.attributes.get('qdisc') @property def qlen(self): return self.attributes.get('qlen') @property def alias(self): return self.attributes.get('alias') @property def link_kind(self): return self.attributes.get('link_kind') @property def attributes(self): return privileged.get_link_attributes(self.name, self._parent.namespace) @property def exists(self): return privileged.interface_exists(self.name, self._parent.namespace) def get_vfs(self): return privileged.get_link_vfs(self.name, self._parent.namespace) def set_vf_feature(self, vf_config): return privileged.set_link_vf_feature( self.name, self._parent.namespace, vf_config) class IpAddrCommand(IpDeviceCommandBase): COMMAND = 'addr' def add(self, cidr, scope='global', add_broadcast=True): add_ip_address(cidr, self.name, self._parent.namespace, scope, add_broadcast) def delete(self, cidr): delete_ip_address(cidr, self.name, self._parent.namespace) def flush(self, ip_version): flush_ip_addresses(ip_version, self.name, self._parent.namespace) def list(self, scope=None, to=None, filters=None, ip_version=None): """Get device details of a device named .""" def filter_device(device, filters): # Accepted filters: dynamic, permanent, tentative, dadfailed. for filter in filters: if filter == 'permanent' and device['dynamic']: return False elif not device[filter]: return False return True kwargs = {} if to: cidr = common_utils.ip_to_cidr(to) kwargs = {'address': common_utils.cidr_to_ip(cidr)} if not common_utils.is_cidr_host(cidr): kwargs['mask'] = common_utils.cidr_mask_length(cidr) if scope: kwargs['scope'] = scope if ip_version: kwargs['family'] = common_utils.get_socket_address_family( ip_version) devices = get_devices_with_ip(self._parent.namespace, name=self.name, **kwargs) if not filters: return devices filtered_devices = [] for device in (device for device in devices if filter_device(device, filters)): filtered_devices.append(device) return filtered_devices def wait_until_address_ready(self, address, wait_time=30): """Wait until an address is no longer marked 'tentative' raises AddressNotReady if times out or address not present on interface """ def is_address_ready(): try: addr_info = self.list(to=address)[0] except IndexError: raise AddressNotReady( address=address, reason=_('Address not present on interface')) if not addr_info['tentative']: return True if addr_info['dadfailed']: raise AddressNotReady( address=address, reason=_('Duplicate address detected')) return False errmsg = _("Exceeded %s second limit waiting for " "address to leave the tentative state.") % wait_time common_utils.wait_until_true( is_address_ready, timeout=wait_time, sleep=0.20, exception=AddressNotReady(address=address, reason=errmsg)) class IpRouteCommand(IpDeviceCommandBase): COMMAND = 'route' def __init__(self, parent, table=None): super(IpRouteCommand, self).__init__(parent) self._table = table def add_gateway(self, gateway, metric=None, table=None, scope='global'): self.add_route(None, via=gateway, table=table, metric=metric, scope=scope) def delete_gateway(self, gateway, table=None, scope=None): self.delete_route(None, device=self.name, via=gateway, table=table, scope=scope) def list_routes(self, ip_version, scope=None, via=None, table=None, **kwargs): table = table or self._table return list_ip_routes(self._parent.namespace, ip_version, scope=scope, via=via, table=table, device=self.name, **kwargs) def list_onlink_routes(self, ip_version): routes = self.list_routes(ip_version, scope='link') return [r for r in routes if not r['source_prefix']] def add_onlink_route(self, cidr): self.add_route(cidr, scope='link') def delete_onlink_route(self, cidr): self.delete_route(cidr, device=self.name, scope='link') def get_gateway(self, scope=None, table=None, ip_version=constants.IP_VERSION_4): routes = self.list_routes(ip_version, scope=scope, table=table) for route in routes: if route['via'] and route['cidr'] in constants.IP_ANY.values(): return route def flush(self, ip_version, table=None, **kwargs): for route in self.list_routes(ip_version, table=table): self.delete_route(route['cidr'], device=route['device'], via=route['via'], table=table, **kwargs) def add_route(self, cidr, via=None, table=None, metric=None, scope=None, **kwargs): table = table or self._table add_ip_route(self._parent.namespace, cidr, device=self.name, via=via, table=table, metric=metric, scope=scope, **kwargs) def delete_route(self, cidr, device=None, via=None, table=None, scope=None, **kwargs): table = table or self._table delete_ip_route(self._parent.namespace, cidr, device=device, via=via, table=table, scope=scope, **kwargs) class IPRoute(SubProcessBase): def __init__(self, namespace=None, table=None): super(IPRoute, self).__init__(namespace=namespace) self.name = None self.route = IpRouteCommand(self, table=table) class IpNeighCommand(IpDeviceCommandBase): COMMAND = 'neigh' def add(self, ip_address, mac_address, **kwargs): add_neigh_entry(ip_address, mac_address, self.name, self._parent.namespace, **kwargs) def delete(self, ip_address, mac_address, **kwargs): delete_neigh_entry(ip_address, mac_address, self.name, self._parent.namespace, **kwargs) def dump(self, ip_version, **kwargs): return dump_neigh_entries(ip_version, self.name, self._parent.namespace, **kwargs) def flush(self, ip_version, ip_address): """Flush neighbour entries Given address entry is removed from neighbour cache (ARP or NDP). To flush all entries pass string 'all' as an address. :param ip_version: Either 4 or 6 for IPv4 or IPv6 respectively :param ip_address: The prefix selecting the neighbours to flush """ # NOTE(haleyb): There is no equivalent to 'flush' in pyroute2 self._as_root([ip_version], ('flush', 'to', ip_address)) class IpNetnsCommand(IpCommandBase): COMMAND = 'netns' def add(self, name): create_network_namespace(name) wrapper = IPWrapper(namespace=name) wrapper.netns.execute(['sysctl', '-w', 'net.ipv4.conf.all.promote_secondaries=1']) return wrapper def delete(self, name): delete_network_namespace(name) def execute(self, cmds, addl_env=None, check_exit_code=True, log_fail_as_error=True, extra_ok_codes=None, run_as_root=False): ns_params = [] if self._parent.namespace: run_as_root = True ns_params = ['ip', 'netns', 'exec', self._parent.namespace] env_params = [] if addl_env: env_params = (['env'] + ['%s=%s' % pair for pair in addl_env.items()]) cmd = ns_params + env_params + list(cmds) return utils.execute(cmd, check_exit_code=check_exit_code, extra_ok_codes=extra_ok_codes, log_fail_as_error=log_fail_as_error, run_as_root=run_as_root) def exists(self, name): return network_namespace_exists(name) def vlan_in_use(segmentation_id, namespace=None): """Return True if VLAN ID is in use by an interface, else False.""" interfaces = get_devices_info(namespace) vlans = {interface.get('vlan_id') for interface in interfaces if interface.get('vlan_id')} return segmentation_id in vlans def vxlan_in_use(segmentation_id, namespace=None): """Return True if VXLAN VNID is in use by an interface, else False.""" interfaces = get_devices_info(namespace) vxlans = {interface.get('vxlan_id') for interface in interfaces if interface.get('vxlan_id')} return segmentation_id in vxlans def device_exists(device_name, namespace=None): """Return True if the device exists in the namespace.""" return IPDevice(device_name, namespace=namespace).exists() def device_exists_with_ips_and_mac(device_name, ip_cidrs, mac, namespace=None): """Return True if the device with the given IP addresses and MAC address exists in the namespace. """ try: device = IPDevice(device_name, namespace=namespace) if mac and mac != device.link.address: return False device_ip_cidrs = [ip['cidr'] for ip in device.addr.list()] for ip_cidr in ip_cidrs: if ip_cidr not in device_ip_cidrs: return False except RuntimeError: return False else: return True def get_device_mac(device_name, namespace=None): """Return the MAC address of the device.""" return IPDevice(device_name, namespace=namespace).link.address def get_device_mtu(device_name, namespace=None): """Return the MTU value of the device.""" return IPDevice(device_name, namespace=namespace).link.mtu NetworkNamespaceNotFound = privileged.NetworkNamespaceNotFound NetworkInterfaceNotFound = privileged.NetworkInterfaceNotFound IpAddressAlreadyExists = privileged.IpAddressAlreadyExists def add_ip_address(cidr, device, namespace=None, scope='global', add_broadcast=True): """Add an IP address. :param cidr: IP address to add, in CIDR notation :param device: Device name to use in adding address :param namespace: The name of the namespace in which to add the address :param scope: scope of address being added :param add_broadcast: should broadcast address be added """ net = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr) broadcast = None if add_broadcast and net.version == 4: # NOTE(slaweq): in case if cidr is /32 net.broadcast is None so # same IP address as cidr should be set as broadcast broadcast = str(net.broadcast or net.ip) privileged.add_ip_address( net.version, str(net.ip), net.prefixlen, device, namespace, scope, broadcast) def delete_ip_address(cidr, device, namespace=None): """Delete an IP address. :param cidr: IP address to delete, in CIDR notation :param device: Device name to use in deleting address :param namespace: The name of the namespace in which to delete the address """ net = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr) privileged.delete_ip_address( net.version, str(net.ip), net.prefixlen, device, namespace) def flush_ip_addresses(ip_version, device, namespace=None): """Flush all IP addresses. :param ip_version: IP version of addresses to flush :param device: Device name to use in flushing addresses :param namespace: The name of the namespace in which to flush the addresses """ privileged.flush_ip_addresses(ip_version, device, namespace) def get_routing_table(ip_version, namespace=None): """Return a list of dictionaries, each representing a route. @param ip_version: the routes of version to return, for example 4 @param namespace @return: a list of dictionaries, each representing a route. The dictionary format is: {'destination': cidr, 'nexthop': ip, 'device': device_name, 'scope': scope} """ # oslo.privsep turns lists to tuples in its IPC code. Change it back return list(privileged.get_routing_table(ip_version, namespace)) # NOTE(haleyb): These neighbour functions live outside the IpNeighCommand # class since not all callers require it. def add_neigh_entry(ip_address, mac_address, device, namespace=None, **kwargs): """Add a neighbour entry. :param ip_address: IP address of entry to add :param mac_address: MAC address of entry to add :param device: Device name to use in adding entry :param namespace: The name of the namespace in which to add the entry """ ip_version = common_utils.get_ip_version(ip_address) privileged.add_neigh_entry(ip_version, ip_address, mac_address, device, namespace, **kwargs) def delete_neigh_entry(ip_address, mac_address, device, namespace=None, **kwargs): """Delete a neighbour entry. :param ip_address: IP address of entry to delete :param mac_address: MAC address of entry to delete :param device: Device name to use in deleting entry :param namespace: The name of the namespace in which to delete the entry """ ip_version = common_utils.get_ip_version(ip_address) privileged.delete_neigh_entry(ip_version, ip_address, mac_address, device, namespace, **kwargs) def dump_neigh_entries(ip_version, device=None, namespace=None, **kwargs): """Dump all neighbour entries. :param ip_version: IP version of entries to show (4 or 6) :param device: Device name to use in dumping entries :param namespace: The name of the namespace in which to dump the entries :param kwargs: Callers add any filters they use as kwargs :return: a list of dictionaries, each representing a neighbour. The dictionary format is: {'dst': ip_address, 'lladdr': mac_address, 'device': device_name} """ return list(privileged.dump_neigh_entries(ip_version, device, namespace, **kwargs)) def create_network_namespace(namespace, **kwargs): """Create a network namespace. :param namespace: The name of the namespace to create :param kwargs: Callers add any filters they use as kwargs """ privileged.create_netns(namespace, **kwargs) def delete_network_namespace(namespace, **kwargs): """Delete a network namespace. :param namespace: The name of the namespace to delete :param kwargs: Callers add any filters they use as kwargs """ privileged.remove_netns(namespace, **kwargs) def list_network_namespaces(**kwargs): """List all network namespace entries. :param kwargs: Callers add any filters they use as kwargs """ if cfg.CONF.AGENT.use_helper_for_ns_read: return privileged.list_netns(**kwargs) else: return netns.listnetns(**kwargs) def network_namespace_exists(namespace, try_is_ready=False, **kwargs): """Check if a network namespace exists. :param namespace: The name of the namespace to check :param try_is_ready: Try to open the namespace to know if the namespace is ready to be operated. :param kwargs: Callers add any filters they use as kwargs """ if not namespace: return False if not try_is_ready: nspath = kwargs.get('nspath') or netns.NETNS_RUN_DIR nspath += '/' + namespace if cfg.CONF.AGENT.use_helper_for_ns_read: return priv_utils.path_exists(nspath) else: return path.exists(nspath) try: privileged.open_namespace(namespace) return True except (RuntimeError, OSError): pass return False def list_namespace_pids(namespace): """List namespace process PIDs :param namespace: (string) the name of the namespace :return: (tuple) """ return privileged.list_ns_pids(namespace) def ensure_device_is_ready(device_name, namespace=None): dev = IPDevice(device_name, namespace=namespace) try: # Ensure the device has a MAC address and is up, even if it is already # up. if not dev.link.exists or not dev.link.address: LOG.error("Device %s cannot be used as it has no MAC " "address", device_name) return False dev.link.set_up() except RuntimeError: return False return True def iproute_arg_supported(command, arg): command += ['help'] stdout, stderr = utils.execute(command, check_exit_code=False, return_stderr=True, log_fail_as_error=False) return any(arg in line for line in stderr.split('\n')) def _arping(ns_name, iface_name, address, count, log_exception): # Due to a Linux kernel bug*, it's advised to spread gratuitous updates # more, injecting an interval between consequent packets that is longer # than 1s which is currently hardcoded** in arping. To achieve that, we # call arping tool the 'count' number of times, each issuing a single ARP # update, and wait between iterations. # # * https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/760372/ # ** https://github.com/iputils/iputils/pull/86 first = True # Since arping is used to send gratuitous ARP, a response is # not expected. In some cases (no response) and with some # platforms (>=Ubuntu 14.04), arping exit code can be 1. extra_ok_codes = [1] ip_wrapper = IPWrapper(namespace=ns_name) for i in range(count): if not first: # hopefully enough for kernel to get out of locktime loop time.sleep(2) # On the second (and subsequent) arping calls, we can get a # "bind: Cannot assign requested address" error since # the IP address might have been deleted concurrently. # We will log an error below if this isn't the case, so # no need to have execute() log one as well. extra_ok_codes = [1, 2] first = False # some Linux kernels* don't honour REPLYs. Send both gratuitous REQUEST # and REPLY packets (REQUESTs are left for backwards compatibility for # in case if some network peers, vice versa, honor REPLYs and not # REQUESTs) # # * https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/763016/ for arg in ('-U', '-A'): arping_cmd = ['arping', arg, '-I', iface_name, '-c', 1, # Pass -w to set timeout to ensure exit if interface # removed while running '-w', 2, address] try: ip_wrapper.netns.execute(arping_cmd, extra_ok_codes=extra_ok_codes) except Exception as exc: # Since this is spawned in a thread and executed 2 seconds # apart, something may have been deleted while we were # sleeping. Downgrade message to info and return early # unless it was the first try. exists = device_exists_with_ips_and_mac(iface_name, [address], mac=None, namespace=ns_name) msg = _("Failed sending gratuitous ARP to %(addr)s on " "%(iface)s in namespace %(ns)s: %(err)s") logger_method = LOG.exception if not (log_exception and (first or exists)): logger_method = LOG.info logger_method(msg, {'addr': address, 'iface': iface_name, 'ns': ns_name, 'err': exc}) if not exists: LOG.info("Interface %(iface)s or address %(addr)s " "in namespace %(ns)s was deleted concurrently", {'iface': iface_name, 'addr': address, 'ns': ns_name}) return def send_ip_addr_adv_notif( ns_name, iface_name, address, count=3, log_exception=True, use_eventlet=True): """Send advance notification of an IP address assignment. If the address is in the IPv4 family, send gratuitous ARP. If the address is in the IPv6 family, no advance notification is necessary, since the Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP), Duplicate Address Discovery (DAD), and (for stateless addresses) router advertisements (RAs) are sufficient for address resolution and duplicate address detection. :param ns_name: Namespace name which GARPs are gonna be sent from. :param iface_name: Name of interface which GARPs are gonna be sent from. :param address: Advertised IP address. :param count: (Optional) How many GARPs are gonna be sent. Default is 3. :param log_exception: (Optional) True if possible failures should be logged on exception level. Otherwise they are logged on WARNING level. Default is True. :param use_eventlet: (Optional) True if the arping command will be spawned using eventlet, False to use Python threads (threading). """ def arping(): _arping(ns_name, iface_name, address, count, log_exception) if count > 0 and netaddr.IPAddress(address).version == 4: if use_eventlet: eventlet.spawn_n(arping) else: threading.Thread(target=arping).start() def sysctl(cmd, namespace=None, log_fail_as_error=True): """Run sysctl command 'cmd' @param cmd: a list containing the sysctl command to run @param namespace: network namespace to run command in @param log_fail_as_error: failure logged as LOG.error execute() doesn't return the exit status of the command it runs, it returns stdout and stderr. Setting check_exit_code=True will cause it to raise a RuntimeError if the exit status of the command is non-zero, which in sysctl's case is an error. So we're normalizing that into zero (success) and one (failure) here to mimic what "echo $?" in a shell would be. This is all because sysctl is too verbose and prints the value you just set on success, unlike most other utilities that print nothing. execute() will have dumped a message to the logs with the actual output on failure, so it's not lost, and we don't need to print it here. """ cmd = ['sysctl', '-w'] + cmd ip_wrapper = IPWrapper(namespace=namespace) try: ip_wrapper.netns.execute(cmd, run_as_root=True, log_fail_as_error=log_fail_as_error) except RuntimeError as rte: LOG.warning( "Setting %(cmd)s in namespace %(ns)s failed: %(err)s.", {'cmd': cmd, 'ns': namespace, 'err': rte}) return 1 return 0 def add_namespace_to_cmd(cmd, namespace=None): """Add an optional namespace to the command.""" return ['ip', 'netns', 'exec', namespace] + cmd if namespace else cmd def get_ipv6_lladdr(mac_addr): return '%s/64' % netaddr.EUI(mac_addr).ipv6_link_local() def get_ip_nonlocal_bind(namespace=None): """Get kernel option value of ip_nonlocal_bind in given namespace.""" cmd = ['sysctl', '-bn', IP_NONLOCAL_BIND] ip_wrapper = IPWrapper(namespace) return int(ip_wrapper.netns.execute(cmd, run_as_root=True)) def set_ip_nonlocal_bind(value, namespace=None, log_fail_as_error=True): """Set sysctl knob of ip_nonlocal_bind to given value.""" cmd = ['%s=%d' % (IP_NONLOCAL_BIND, value)] return sysctl(cmd, namespace=namespace, log_fail_as_error=log_fail_as_error) def set_ip_nonlocal_bind_for_namespace(namespace, value, root_namespace=False): """Set ip_nonlocal_bind but don't raise exception on failure.""" failed = set_ip_nonlocal_bind(value, namespace=namespace, log_fail_as_error=False) if failed and root_namespace: # Somewhere in the 3.19 kernel timeframe ip_nonlocal_bind was # changed to be a per-namespace attribute. To be backwards # compatible we need to try both if at first we fail. LOG.debug('Namespace (%s) does not support setting %s, ' 'trying in root namespace', namespace, IP_NONLOCAL_BIND) return set_ip_nonlocal_bind(value) if failed: LOG.warning( "%s will not be set to %d in the root namespace in order to " "not break DVR, which requires this value be set to 1. This " "may introduce a race between moving a floating IP to a " "different network node, and the peer side getting a " "populated ARP cache for a given floating IP address.", IP_NONLOCAL_BIND, value) def get_ipv6_forwarding(device, namespace=None): """Get kernel value of IPv6 forwarding for device in given namespace.""" cmd = ['sysctl', '-b', "net.ipv6.conf.%s.forwarding" % device] ip_wrapper = IPWrapper(namespace) return int(ip_wrapper.netns.execute(cmd, run_as_root=True)) def _parse_ip_rule(rule, ip_version): """Parse a pyroute2 rule and returns a dictionary Parameters contained in the returned dictionary: - priority: rule priority - from: source IP address - to: (optional) destination IP address - type: rule type (see RULE_TYPES) - table: table name or number (see RULE_TABLES) - fwmark: (optional) FW mark - iif: (optional) input interface name - oif: (optional) output interface name :param rule: pyroute2 rule dictionary :param ip_version: IP version (4, 6) :return: dictionary with IP rule information """ parsed_rule = {'priority': str(rule['attrs'].get('FRA_PRIORITY', 0))} from_ip = rule['attrs'].get('FRA_SRC') if from_ip: parsed_rule['from'] = common_utils.ip_to_cidr( from_ip, prefix=rule['src_len']) if common_utils.is_cidr_host(parsed_rule['from']): parsed_rule['from'] = common_utils.cidr_to_ip(parsed_rule['from']) else: parsed_rule['from'] = constants.IP_ANY[ip_version] to_ip = rule['attrs'].get('FRA_DST') if to_ip: parsed_rule['to'] = common_utils.ip_to_cidr( to_ip, prefix=rule['dst_len']) if common_utils.is_cidr_host(parsed_rule['to']): parsed_rule['to'] = common_utils.cidr_to_ip(parsed_rule['to']) parsed_rule['type'] = IP_RULE_TYPES[rule['action']] table_num = rule['attrs']['FRA_TABLE'] for table_name in (name for (name, index) in IP_RULE_TABLES.items() if index == table_num): parsed_rule['table'] = table_name break else: parsed_rule['table'] = str(table_num) fwmark = rule['attrs'].get('FRA_FWMARK') if fwmark: fwmask = rule['attrs'].get('FRA_FWMASK') parsed_rule['fwmark'] = '{0:#x}/{1:#x}'.format(fwmark, fwmask) iifname = rule['attrs'].get('FRA_IIFNAME') if iifname: parsed_rule['iif'] = iifname oifname = rule['attrs'].get('FRA_OIFNAME') if oifname: parsed_rule['oif'] = oifname return parsed_rule def list_ip_rules(namespace, ip_version): """List all IP rules in a namespace :param namespace: namespace name :param ip_version: IP version (4, 6) :return: list of dictionaries with the rules information """ rules = privileged.list_ip_rules(namespace, ip_version) return [_parse_ip_rule(rule, ip_version) for rule in rules] def _make_pyroute2_args(ip, iif, table, priority, to): """Returns a dictionary of arguments to be used in pyroute rule commands :param ip: (string) source IP or CIDR address (IPv4, IPv6) :param iif: (string) input interface name :param table: (string, int) table number (as an int or a string) or table name ('default', 'main', 'local') :param priority: (string, int) rule priority :param to: (string) destination IP or CIDR address (IPv4, IPv6) :return: a dictionary with the kwargs needed in pyroute rule commands """ ip_version = common_utils.get_ip_version(ip) # In case we need to add a rule based on an incoming interface, no # IP address is given; the rule default source ("from") address is # "all". cmd_args = {'family': common_utils.get_socket_address_family(ip_version)} if iif: cmd_args['iifname'] = iif else: cmd_args['src'] = common_utils.cidr_to_ip(ip) cmd_args['src_len'] = common_utils.cidr_mask(ip) if to: cmd_args['dst'] = common_utils.cidr_to_ip(to) cmd_args['dst_len'] = common_utils.cidr_mask(to) if table: cmd_args['table'] = IP_RULE_TABLES.get(table) or int(table) if priority: cmd_args['priority'] = int(priority) return cmd_args def _exist_ip_rule(rules, ip, iif, table, priority, to): """Check if any rule matches the conditions""" for rule in rules: if iif and rule.get('iif') != iif: continue if not iif and rule['from'] != ip: continue if table and rule.get('table') != str(table): continue if priority and rule['priority'] != str(priority): continue if to and rule.get('to') != to: continue break else: return False return True def add_ip_rule(namespace, ip, iif=None, table=None, priority=None, to=None): """Create an IP rule in a namespace :param namespace: (string) namespace name :param ip: (string) source IP or CIDR address (IPv4, IPv6) :param iif: (Optional) (string) input interface name :param table: (Optional) (string, int) table number :param priority: (Optional) (string, int) rule priority :param to: (Optional) (string) destination IP or CIDR address (IPv4, IPv6) """ ip_version = common_utils.get_ip_version(ip) rules = list_ip_rules(namespace, ip_version) if _exist_ip_rule(rules, ip, iif, table, priority, to): return cmd_args = _make_pyroute2_args(ip, iif, table, priority, to) privileged.add_ip_rule(namespace, **cmd_args) def delete_ip_rule(namespace, ip, iif=None, table=None, priority=None, to=None): """Delete an IP rule in a namespace :param namespace: (string) namespace name :param ip: (string) source IP or CIDR address (IPv4, IPv6) :param iif: (Optional) (string) input interface name :param table: (Optional) (string, int) table number :param priority: (Optional) (string, int) rule priority :param to: (Optional) (string) destination IP or CIDR address (IPv4, IPv6) """ cmd_args = _make_pyroute2_args(ip, iif, table, priority, to) privileged.delete_ip_rule(namespace, **cmd_args) def get_attr(pyroute2_obj, attr_name): """Get an attribute from a PyRoute2 object""" rule_attrs = pyroute2_obj.get('attrs', []) for attr in (attr for attr in rule_attrs if attr[0] == attr_name): return attr[1] def _parse_ip_address(pyroute2_address, device_name): ip = get_attr(pyroute2_address, 'IFA_ADDRESS') ip_length = pyroute2_address['prefixlen'] event = IP_ADDRESS_EVENTS.get(pyroute2_address.get('event')) cidr = common_utils.ip_to_cidr(ip, prefix=ip_length) flags = get_attr(pyroute2_address, 'IFA_FLAGS') dynamic = not bool(flags & ifaddrmsg.IFA_F_PERMANENT) tentative = bool(flags & ifaddrmsg.IFA_F_TENTATIVE) dadfailed = bool(flags & ifaddrmsg.IFA_F_DADFAILED) scope = IP_ADDRESS_SCOPE[pyroute2_address['scope']] return {'name': device_name, 'cidr': cidr, 'scope': scope, 'broadcast': get_attr(pyroute2_address, 'IFA_BROADCAST'), 'dynamic': dynamic, 'tentative': tentative, 'dadfailed': dadfailed, 'event': event} def get_devices_with_ip(namespace, name=None, **kwargs): retval = [] link_args = {} if name: link_args['ifname'] = name scope = kwargs.pop('scope', None) if scope: kwargs['scope'] = IP_ADDRESS_SCOPE_NAME[scope] if not link_args: ip_addresses = privileged.get_ip_addresses(namespace, **kwargs) else: device = get_devices_info(namespace, **link_args) if not device: return retval ip_addresses = privileged.get_ip_addresses( namespace, index=device[0]['index'], **kwargs) devices = {} # {device index: name} for ip_address in ip_addresses: index = ip_address['index'] name = get_attr(ip_address, 'IFA_LABEL') or devices.get(index) if not name: device = get_devices_info(namespace, index=index) if not device: continue name = device[0]['name'] retval.append(_parse_ip_address(ip_address, name)) devices[index] = name return retval def get_devices_info(namespace, **kwargs): devices = privileged.get_link_devices(namespace, **kwargs) retval = {} for device in devices: ret = {'index': device['index'], 'name': get_attr(device, 'IFLA_IFNAME'), 'operstate': get_attr(device, 'IFLA_OPERSTATE'), 'linkmode': get_attr(device, 'IFLA_LINKMODE'), 'mtu': get_attr(device, 'IFLA_MTU'), 'promiscuity': get_attr(device, 'IFLA_PROMISCUITY'), 'mac': get_attr(device, 'IFLA_ADDRESS'), 'broadcast': get_attr(device, 'IFLA_BROADCAST')} ifla_link = get_attr(device, 'IFLA_LINK') if ifla_link: ret['parent_index'] = ifla_link ifla_linkinfo = get_attr(device, 'IFLA_LINKINFO') if ifla_linkinfo: ret['kind'] = get_attr(ifla_linkinfo, 'IFLA_INFO_KIND') ifla_data = get_attr(ifla_linkinfo, 'IFLA_INFO_DATA') if ret['kind'] == 'vxlan': ret['vxlan_id'] = get_attr(ifla_data, 'IFLA_VXLAN_ID') ret['vxlan_group'] = get_attr(ifla_data, 'IFLA_VXLAN_GROUP') ret['vxlan_link_index'] = get_attr(ifla_data, 'IFLA_VXLAN_LINK') elif ret['kind'] == 'vlan': ret['vlan_id'] = get_attr(ifla_data, 'IFLA_VLAN_ID') retval[device['index']] = ret for device in retval.values(): if device.get('parent_index'): parent_device = retval.get(device['parent_index']) if parent_device: device['parent_name'] = parent_device['name'] elif device.get('vxlan_link_index'): device['vxlan_link_name'] = ( retval[device['vxlan_link_index']]['name']) return list(retval.values()) def ip_monitor(namespace, queue, event_stop, event_started): """Monitor IP address changes If namespace is not None, this function must be executed as root user, but cannot use privsep because is a blocking function and can exhaust the number of working threads. """ def get_device_name(index): try: with privileged.get_iproute(namespace) as ip: device = ip.link('get', index=index) if device: attrs = device[0].get('attrs', []) for attr in (attr for attr in attrs if attr[0] == 'IFLA_IFNAME'): return attr[1] except netlink_exceptions.NetlinkError as e: if e.code == errno.ENODEV: return raise def read_ip_updates(_ip, _queue): """Read Pyroute2.IPRoute input socket The aim of this function is to open and bind an IPRoute socket only for reading the netlink changes; no other operations are done with this opened socket. This function is executed in a separate thread, dedicated only to this task. """ _ip.bind(async_cache=True) try: while True: ip_addresses = _ip.get() for ip_address in ip_addresses: _queue.put(ip_address) except EOFError: pass _queue = eventlet.Queue() try: cache_devices = {} with privileged.get_iproute(namespace) as ip: for device in ip.get_links(): cache_devices[device['index']] = get_attr(device, 'IFLA_IFNAME') _ip = privileged.get_iproute(namespace) ip_updates_thread = threading.Thread(target=read_ip_updates, args=(_ip, _queue)) ip_updates_thread.start() event_started.set() while not event_stop.is_set(): try: ip_address = _queue.get(timeout=1) except eventlet.queue.Empty: continue if 'index' in ip_address and 'prefixlen' in ip_address: index = ip_address['index'] name = (get_device_name(index) or cache_devices.get(index)) if not name: continue cache_devices[index] = name queue.put(_parse_ip_address(ip_address, name)) _ip.close() ip_updates_thread.join(timeout=5) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise privileged.NetworkNamespaceNotFound(netns_name=namespace) raise def add_ip_route(namespace, cidr, device=None, via=None, table=None, metric=None, scope=None, **kwargs): """Add an IP route""" if table: table = IP_RULE_TABLES.get(table, table) ip_version = common_utils.get_ip_version(cidr or via) privileged.add_ip_route(namespace, cidr, ip_version, device=device, via=via, table=table, metric=metric, scope=scope, **kwargs) def list_ip_routes(namespace, ip_version, scope=None, via=None, table=None, device=None, **kwargs): """List IP routes""" def get_device(index, devices): for device in (d for d in devices if d['index'] == index): return get_attr(device, 'IFLA_IFNAME') table = table if table else 'main' table = IP_RULE_TABLES.get(table, table) routes = privileged.list_ip_routes(namespace, ip_version, device=device, table=table, **kwargs) devices = privileged.get_link_devices(namespace) ret = [] for route in routes: cidr = get_attr(route, 'RTA_DST') if cidr: cidr = '%s/%s' % (cidr, route['dst_len']) else: cidr = constants.IP_ANY[ip_version] table = int(get_attr(route, 'RTA_TABLE')) metric = (get_attr(route, 'RTA_PRIORITY') or IP_ROUTE_METRIC_DEFAULT[ip_version]) value = { 'table': IP_RULE_TABLES_NAMES.get(table, table), 'source_prefix': get_attr(route, 'RTA_PREFSRC'), 'cidr': cidr, 'scope': IP_ADDRESS_SCOPE[int(route['scope'])], 'device': get_device(int(get_attr(route, 'RTA_OIF')), devices), 'via': get_attr(route, 'RTA_GATEWAY'), 'metric': metric, } ret.append(value) if scope: ret = [route for route in ret if route['scope'] == scope] if via: ret = [route for route in ret if route['via'] == via] return ret def delete_ip_route(namespace, cidr, device=None, via=None, table=None, scope=None, **kwargs): """Delete an IP route""" if table: table = IP_RULE_TABLES.get(table, table) ip_version = common_utils.get_ip_version(cidr or via) privileged.delete_ip_route(namespace, cidr, ip_version, device=device, via=via, table=table, scope=scope, **kwargs)