# Copyright 2011 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections import hashlib import signal import sys import time import uuid import functools import netaddr from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging import oslo_messaging from oslo_service import loopingcall import six from six import moves from neutron.agent.common import ovs_lib from neutron.agent.common import polling from neutron.agent.common import utils from neutron.agent.l2.extensions import manager as ext_manager from neutron.agent.linux import ip_lib from neutron.agent import rpc as agent_rpc from neutron.agent import securitygroups_rpc as sg_rpc from neutron.api.rpc.handlers import dvr_rpc from neutron.common import config from neutron.common import constants as n_const from neutron.common import exceptions from neutron.common import ipv6_utils as ipv6 from neutron.common import topics from neutron.common import utils as n_utils from neutron import context from neutron.i18n import _LE, _LI, _LW from neutron.plugins.common import constants as p_const from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.l2pop.rpc_manager import l2population_rpc from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.common \ import constants from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent \ import ovs_dvr_neutron_agent LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) cfg.CONF.import_group('AGENT', 'neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.' 'agent.common.config') cfg.CONF.import_group('OVS', 'neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.' 'common.config') # A placeholder for dead vlans. DEAD_VLAN_TAG = p_const.MAX_VLAN_TAG + 1 UINT64_BITMASK = (1 << 64) - 1 class _mac_mydialect(netaddr.mac_unix): word_fmt = '%.2x' class DeviceListRetrievalError(exceptions.NeutronException): message = _("Unable to retrieve port details for devices: %(devices)s ") class LocalVLANMapping(object): def __init__(self, vlan, network_type, physical_network, segmentation_id, vif_ports=None): if vif_ports is None: vif_ports = {} self.vlan = vlan self.network_type = network_type self.physical_network = physical_network self.segmentation_id = segmentation_id self.vif_ports = vif_ports # set of tunnel ports on which packets should be flooded self.tun_ofports = set() def __str__(self): return ("lv-id = %s type = %s phys-net = %s phys-id = %s" % (self.vlan, self.network_type, self.physical_network, self.segmentation_id)) class OVSPluginApi(agent_rpc.PluginApi): pass def has_zero_prefixlen_address(ip_addresses): return any(netaddr.IPNetwork(ip).prefixlen == 0 for ip in ip_addresses) class OVSNeutronAgent(sg_rpc.SecurityGroupAgentRpcCallbackMixin, l2population_rpc.L2populationRpcCallBackTunnelMixin, dvr_rpc.DVRAgentRpcCallbackMixin): '''Implements OVS-based tunneling, VLANs and flat networks. Two local bridges are created: an integration bridge (defaults to 'br-int') and a tunneling bridge (defaults to 'br-tun'). An additional bridge is created for each physical network interface used for VLANs and/or flat networks. All VM VIFs are plugged into the integration bridge. VM VIFs on a given virtual network share a common "local" VLAN (i.e. not propagated externally). The VLAN id of this local VLAN is mapped to the physical networking details realizing that virtual network. For virtual networks realized as GRE tunnels, a Logical Switch (LS) identifier is used to differentiate tenant traffic on inter-HV tunnels. A mesh of tunnels is created to other Hypervisors in the cloud. These tunnels originate and terminate on the tunneling bridge of each hypervisor. Port patching is done to connect local VLANs on the integration bridge to inter-hypervisor tunnels on the tunnel bridge. For each virtual network realized as a VLAN or flat network, a veth or a pair of patch ports is used to connect the local VLAN on the integration bridge with the physical network bridge, with flow rules adding, modifying, or stripping VLAN tags as necessary. ''' # history # 1.0 Initial version # 1.1 Support Security Group RPC # 1.2 Support DVR (Distributed Virtual Router) RPC # 1.3 Added param devices_to_update to security_groups_provider_updated # 1.4 Added support for network_update target = oslo_messaging.Target(version='1.4') def __init__(self, bridge_classes, integ_br, tun_br, local_ip, bridge_mappings, polling_interval, tunnel_types=None, veth_mtu=None, l2_population=False, enable_distributed_routing=False, minimize_polling=False, ovsdb_monitor_respawn_interval=( constants.DEFAULT_OVSDBMON_RESPAWN), arp_responder=False, prevent_arp_spoofing=True, use_veth_interconnection=False, quitting_rpc_timeout=None, conf=None): '''Constructor. :param bridge_classes: a dict for bridge classes. :param integ_br: name of the integration bridge. :param tun_br: name of the tunnel bridge. :param local_ip: local IP address of this hypervisor. :param bridge_mappings: mappings from physical network name to bridge. :param polling_interval: interval (secs) to poll DB. :param tunnel_types: A list of tunnel types to enable support for in the agent. If set, will automatically set enable_tunneling to True. :param veth_mtu: MTU size for veth interfaces. :param l2_population: Optional, whether L2 population is turned on :param minimize_polling: Optional, whether to minimize polling by monitoring ovsdb for interface changes. :param ovsdb_monitor_respawn_interval: Optional, when using polling minimization, the number of seconds to wait before respawning the ovsdb monitor. :param arp_responder: Optional, enable local ARP responder if it is supported. :param prevent_arp_spoofing: Optional, enable suppression of any ARP responses from ports that don't match an IP address that belongs to the ports. Spoofing rules will not be added to ports that have port security disabled. :param use_veth_interconnection: use veths instead of patch ports to interconnect the integration bridge to physical bridges. :param quitting_rpc_timeout: timeout in seconds for rpc calls after SIGTERM is received :param conf: an instance of ConfigOpts ''' super(OVSNeutronAgent, self).__init__() self.conf = conf or cfg.CONF # init bridge classes with configured datapath type. self.br_int_cls, self.br_phys_cls, self.br_tun_cls = ( functools.partial(bridge_classes[b], datapath_type=self.conf.OVS.datapath_type) for b in ('br_int', 'br_phys', 'br_tun')) self.use_veth_interconnection = use_veth_interconnection self.veth_mtu = veth_mtu self.available_local_vlans = set(moves.range(p_const.MIN_VLAN_TAG, p_const.MAX_VLAN_TAG)) self.use_call = True self.tunnel_types = tunnel_types or [] self.l2_pop = l2_population # TODO(ethuleau): Change ARP responder so it's not dependent on the # ML2 l2 population mechanism driver. self.enable_distributed_routing = enable_distributed_routing self.arp_responder_enabled = arp_responder and self.l2_pop self.prevent_arp_spoofing = prevent_arp_spoofing self.agent_state = { 'binary': 'neutron-openvswitch-agent', 'host': self.conf.host, 'topic': n_const.L2_AGENT_TOPIC, 'configurations': {'bridge_mappings': bridge_mappings, 'tunnel_types': self.tunnel_types, 'tunneling_ip': local_ip, 'l2_population': self.l2_pop, 'arp_responder_enabled': self.arp_responder_enabled, 'enable_distributed_routing': self.enable_distributed_routing, 'log_agent_heartbeats': self.conf.AGENT.log_agent_heartbeats}, 'agent_type': self.conf.AGENT.agent_type, 'start_flag': True} if tunnel_types: self.enable_tunneling = True else: self.enable_tunneling = False # Validate agent configurations self._check_agent_configurations() # Keep track of int_br's device count for use by _report_state() self.int_br_device_count = 0 self.agent_uuid_stamp = uuid.uuid4().int & UINT64_BITMASK self.int_br = self.br_int_cls(integ_br) self.setup_integration_br() # Stores port update notifications for processing in main rpc loop self.updated_ports = set() # Stores port delete notifications self.deleted_ports = set() self.network_ports = collections.defaultdict(set) # keeps association between ports and ofports to detect ofport change self.vifname_to_ofport_map = {} self.setup_rpc() self.init_extension_manager(self.connection) self.bridge_mappings = bridge_mappings self.setup_physical_bridges(self.bridge_mappings) self.local_vlan_map = {} self.tun_br_ofports = {p_const.TYPE_GENEVE: {}, p_const.TYPE_GRE: {}, p_const.TYPE_VXLAN: {}} self.polling_interval = polling_interval self.minimize_polling = minimize_polling self.ovsdb_monitor_respawn_interval = ovsdb_monitor_respawn_interval self.local_ip = local_ip self.tunnel_count = 0 self.vxlan_udp_port = self.conf.AGENT.vxlan_udp_port self.dont_fragment = self.conf.AGENT.dont_fragment self.tunnel_csum = cfg.CONF.AGENT.tunnel_csum self.tun_br = None self.patch_int_ofport = constants.OFPORT_INVALID self.patch_tun_ofport = constants.OFPORT_INVALID if self.enable_tunneling: # The patch_int_ofport and patch_tun_ofport are updated # here inside the call to setup_tunnel_br() self.setup_tunnel_br(tun_br) self.dvr_agent = ovs_dvr_neutron_agent.OVSDVRNeutronAgent( self.context, self.dvr_plugin_rpc, self.int_br, self.tun_br, self.bridge_mappings, self.phys_brs, self.int_ofports, self.phys_ofports, self.patch_int_ofport, self.patch_tun_ofport, self.conf.host, self.enable_tunneling, self.enable_distributed_routing) report_interval = self.conf.AGENT.report_interval if report_interval: heartbeat = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall( self._report_state) heartbeat.start(interval=report_interval) if self.enable_tunneling: self.setup_tunnel_br_flows() self.dvr_agent.setup_dvr_flows() # Collect additional bridges to monitor self.ancillary_brs = self.setup_ancillary_bridges(integ_br, tun_br) # In order to keep existed device's local vlan unchanged, # restore local vlan mapping at start self._restore_local_vlan_map() # Security group agent support self.sg_agent = sg_rpc.SecurityGroupAgentRpc(self.context, self.sg_plugin_rpc, self.local_vlan_map, defer_refresh_firewall=True) # Initialize iteration counter self.iter_num = 0 self.run_daemon_loop = True self.catch_sigterm = False self.catch_sighup = False # The initialization is complete; we can start receiving messages self.connection.consume_in_threads() self.quitting_rpc_timeout = quitting_rpc_timeout def _report_state(self): # How many devices are likely used by a VM self.agent_state.get('configurations')['devices'] = ( self.int_br_device_count) self.agent_state.get('configurations')['in_distributed_mode'] = ( self.dvr_agent.in_distributed_mode()) try: self.state_rpc.report_state(self.context, self.agent_state, self.use_call) self.use_call = False self.agent_state.pop('start_flag', None) except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE("Failed reporting state!")) def _restore_local_vlan_map(self): cur_ports = self.int_br.get_vif_ports() port_names = [p.port_name for p in cur_ports] port_info = self.int_br.get_ports_attributes( "Port", columns=["name", "other_config", "tag"], ports=port_names) by_name = {x['name']: x for x in port_info} for port in cur_ports: # if a port was deleted between get_vif_ports and # get_ports_attributes, we # will get a KeyError try: local_vlan_map = by_name[port.port_name]['other_config'] local_vlan = by_name[port.port_name]['tag'] except KeyError: continue if not local_vlan: continue net_uuid = local_vlan_map.get('net_uuid') if (net_uuid and net_uuid not in self.local_vlan_map and local_vlan != DEAD_VLAN_TAG): segmentation_id = local_vlan_map.get('segmentation_id') if segmentation_id == 'None': # Backward compatible check when we used to store the # string 'None' in OVS segmentation_id = None if segmentation_id is not None: segmentation_id = int(segmentation_id) self.provision_local_vlan(local_vlan_map['net_uuid'], local_vlan_map['network_type'], local_vlan_map['physical_network'], segmentation_id, local_vlan) def setup_rpc(self): self.agent_id = 'ovs-agent-%s' % self.conf.host self.topic = topics.AGENT self.plugin_rpc = OVSPluginApi(topics.PLUGIN) self.sg_plugin_rpc = sg_rpc.SecurityGroupServerRpcApi(topics.PLUGIN) self.dvr_plugin_rpc = dvr_rpc.DVRServerRpcApi(topics.PLUGIN) self.state_rpc = agent_rpc.PluginReportStateAPI(topics.PLUGIN) # RPC network init self.context = context.get_admin_context_without_session() # Handle updates from service self.endpoints = [self] # Define the listening consumers for the agent consumers = [[topics.PORT, topics.UPDATE], [topics.PORT, topics.DELETE], [constants.TUNNEL, topics.UPDATE], [constants.TUNNEL, topics.DELETE], [topics.SECURITY_GROUP, topics.UPDATE], [topics.DVR, topics.UPDATE], [topics.NETWORK, topics.UPDATE]] if self.l2_pop: consumers.append([topics.L2POPULATION, topics.UPDATE]) self.connection = agent_rpc.create_consumers(self.endpoints, self.topic, consumers, start_listening=False) def init_extension_manager(self, connection): ext_manager.register_opts(self.conf) self.ext_manager = ( ext_manager.AgentExtensionsManager(self.conf)) self.ext_manager.initialize( connection, constants.EXTENSION_DRIVER_TYPE) def get_net_uuid(self, vif_id): for network_id, vlan_mapping in six.iteritems(self.local_vlan_map): if vif_id in vlan_mapping.vif_ports: return network_id def port_update(self, context, **kwargs): port = kwargs.get('port') # Put the port identifier in the updated_ports set. # Even if full port details might be provided to this call, # they are not used since there is no guarantee the notifications # are processed in the same order as the relevant API requests self.updated_ports.add(port['id']) LOG.debug("port_update message processed for port %s", port['id']) def port_delete(self, context, **kwargs): port_id = kwargs.get('port_id') self.deleted_ports.add(port_id) self.updated_ports.discard(port_id) LOG.debug("port_delete message processed for port %s", port_id) def network_update(self, context, **kwargs): network_id = kwargs['network']['id'] for port_id in self.network_ports[network_id]: # notifications could arrive out of order, if the port is deleted # we don't want to update it anymore if port_id not in self.deleted_ports: self.updated_ports.add(port_id) LOG.debug("network_update message processed for network " "%(network_id)s, with ports: %(ports)s", {'network_id': network_id, 'ports': self.network_ports[network_id]}) def _clean_network_ports(self, port_id): for port_set in self.network_ports.values(): if port_id in port_set: port_set.remove(port_id) break def process_deleted_ports(self, port_info): # don't try to process removed ports as deleted ports since # they are already gone if 'removed' in port_info: self.deleted_ports -= port_info['removed'] deleted_ports = list(self.deleted_ports) while self.deleted_ports: port_id = self.deleted_ports.pop() port = self.int_br.get_vif_port_by_id(port_id) self._clean_network_ports(port_id) self.ext_manager.delete_port(self.context, {"vif_port": port, "port_id": port_id}) # move to dead VLAN so deleted ports no # longer have access to the network if port: # don't log errors since there is a chance someone will be # removing the port from the bridge at the same time self.port_dead(port, log_errors=False) self.port_unbound(port_id) # Flush firewall rules after ports are put on dead VLAN to be # more secure self.sg_agent.remove_devices_filter(deleted_ports) def tunnel_update(self, context, **kwargs): LOG.debug("tunnel_update received") if not self.enable_tunneling: return tunnel_ip = kwargs.get('tunnel_ip') tunnel_ip_hex = self.get_ip_in_hex(tunnel_ip) if not tunnel_ip_hex: return tunnel_type = kwargs.get('tunnel_type') if not tunnel_type: LOG.error(_LE("No tunnel_type specified, cannot create tunnels")) return if tunnel_type not in self.tunnel_types: LOG.error(_LE("tunnel_type %s not supported by agent"), tunnel_type) return if tunnel_ip == self.local_ip: return tun_name = '%s-%s' % (tunnel_type, tunnel_ip_hex) if not self.l2_pop: self._setup_tunnel_port(self.tun_br, tun_name, tunnel_ip, tunnel_type) def tunnel_delete(self, context, **kwargs): LOG.debug("tunnel_delete received") if not self.enable_tunneling: return tunnel_ip = kwargs.get('tunnel_ip') if not tunnel_ip: LOG.error(_LE("No tunnel_ip specified, cannot delete tunnels")) return tunnel_type = kwargs.get('tunnel_type') if not tunnel_type: LOG.error(_LE("No tunnel_type specified, cannot delete tunnels")) return if tunnel_type not in self.tunnel_types: LOG.error(_LE("tunnel_type %s not supported by agent"), tunnel_type) return ofport = self.tun_br_ofports[tunnel_type].get(tunnel_ip) self.cleanup_tunnel_port(self.tun_br, ofport, tunnel_type) def _tunnel_port_lookup(self, network_type, remote_ip): return self.tun_br_ofports[network_type].get(remote_ip) def fdb_add(self, context, fdb_entries): LOG.debug("fdb_add received") for lvm, agent_ports in self.get_agent_ports(fdb_entries, self.local_vlan_map): agent_ports.pop(self.local_ip, None) if len(agent_ports): if not self.enable_distributed_routing: with self.tun_br.deferred() as deferred_br: self.fdb_add_tun(context, deferred_br, lvm, agent_ports, self._tunnel_port_lookup) else: self.fdb_add_tun(context, self.tun_br, lvm, agent_ports, self._tunnel_port_lookup) def fdb_remove(self, context, fdb_entries): LOG.debug("fdb_remove received") for lvm, agent_ports in self.get_agent_ports(fdb_entries, self.local_vlan_map): agent_ports.pop(self.local_ip, None) if len(agent_ports): if not self.enable_distributed_routing: with self.tun_br.deferred() as deferred_br: self.fdb_remove_tun(context, deferred_br, lvm, agent_ports, self._tunnel_port_lookup) else: self.fdb_remove_tun(context, self.tun_br, lvm, agent_ports, self._tunnel_port_lookup) def add_fdb_flow(self, br, port_info, remote_ip, lvm, ofport): if port_info == n_const.FLOODING_ENTRY: lvm.tun_ofports.add(ofport) br.install_flood_to_tun(lvm.vlan, lvm.segmentation_id, lvm.tun_ofports) else: self.setup_entry_for_arp_reply(br, 'add', lvm.vlan, port_info.mac_address, port_info.ip_address) br.install_unicast_to_tun(lvm.vlan, lvm.segmentation_id, ofport, port_info.mac_address) def del_fdb_flow(self, br, port_info, remote_ip, lvm, ofport): if port_info == n_const.FLOODING_ENTRY: if ofport not in lvm.tun_ofports: LOG.debug("attempt to remove a non-existent port %s", ofport) return lvm.tun_ofports.remove(ofport) if len(lvm.tun_ofports) > 0: br.install_flood_to_tun(lvm.vlan, lvm.segmentation_id, lvm.tun_ofports) else: # This local vlan doesn't require any more tunnelling br.delete_flood_to_tun(lvm.vlan) else: self.setup_entry_for_arp_reply(br, 'remove', lvm.vlan, port_info.mac_address, port_info.ip_address) br.delete_unicast_to_tun(lvm.vlan, port_info.mac_address) def _fdb_chg_ip(self, context, fdb_entries): LOG.debug("update chg_ip received") with self.tun_br.deferred() as deferred_br: self.fdb_chg_ip_tun(context, deferred_br, fdb_entries, self.local_ip, self.local_vlan_map) def setup_entry_for_arp_reply(self, br, action, local_vid, mac_address, ip_address): '''Set the ARP respond entry. When the l2 population mechanism driver and OVS supports to edit ARP fields, a table (ARP_RESPONDER) to resolve ARP locally is added to the tunnel bridge. ''' if not self.arp_responder_enabled: return ip = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_address) if ip.version == 6: return ip = str(ip) mac = str(netaddr.EUI(mac_address, dialect=_mac_mydialect)) if action == 'add': br.install_arp_responder(local_vid, ip, mac) elif action == 'remove': br.delete_arp_responder(local_vid, ip) else: LOG.warning(_LW('Action %s not supported'), action) def _local_vlan_for_flat(self, lvid, physical_network): phys_br = self.phys_brs[physical_network] phys_port = self.phys_ofports[physical_network] int_br = self.int_br int_port = self.int_ofports[physical_network] phys_br.provision_local_vlan(port=phys_port, lvid=lvid, segmentation_id=None, distributed=False) int_br.provision_local_vlan(port=int_port, lvid=lvid, segmentation_id=None) def _local_vlan_for_vlan(self, lvid, physical_network, segmentation_id): distributed = self.enable_distributed_routing phys_br = self.phys_brs[physical_network] phys_port = self.phys_ofports[physical_network] int_br = self.int_br int_port = self.int_ofports[physical_network] phys_br.provision_local_vlan(port=phys_port, lvid=lvid, segmentation_id=segmentation_id, distributed=distributed) int_br.provision_local_vlan(port=int_port, lvid=lvid, segmentation_id=segmentation_id) def provision_local_vlan(self, net_uuid, network_type, physical_network, segmentation_id, local_vlan=None): '''Provisions a local VLAN. :param net_uuid: the uuid of the network associated with this vlan. :param network_type: the network type ('gre', 'vxlan', 'vlan', 'flat', 'local', 'geneve') :param physical_network: the physical network for 'vlan' or 'flat' :param segmentation_id: the VID for 'vlan' or tunnel ID for 'tunnel' ''' # On a restart or crash of OVS, the network associated with this VLAN # will already be assigned, so check for that here before assigning a # new one. lvm = self.local_vlan_map.get(net_uuid) if lvm: lvid = lvm.vlan else: if local_vlan in self.available_local_vlans: lvid = local_vlan self.available_local_vlans.remove(local_vlan) else: if not self.available_local_vlans: LOG.error(_LE("No local VLAN available for net-id=%s"), net_uuid) return lvid = self.available_local_vlans.pop() self.local_vlan_map[net_uuid] = LocalVLANMapping(lvid, network_type, physical_network, segmentation_id) LOG.info(_LI("Assigning %(vlan_id)s as local vlan for " "net-id=%(net_uuid)s"), {'vlan_id': lvid, 'net_uuid': net_uuid}) if network_type in constants.TUNNEL_NETWORK_TYPES: if self.enable_tunneling: # outbound broadcast/multicast ofports = list(self.tun_br_ofports[network_type].values()) if ofports: self.tun_br.install_flood_to_tun(lvid, segmentation_id, ofports) # inbound from tunnels: set lvid in the right table # and resubmit to Table LEARN_FROM_TUN for mac learning if self.enable_distributed_routing: self.dvr_agent.process_tunneled_network( network_type, lvid, segmentation_id) else: self.tun_br.provision_local_vlan( network_type=network_type, lvid=lvid, segmentation_id=segmentation_id) else: LOG.error(_LE("Cannot provision %(network_type)s network for " "net-id=%(net_uuid)s - tunneling disabled"), {'network_type': network_type, 'net_uuid': net_uuid}) elif network_type == p_const.TYPE_FLAT: if physical_network in self.phys_brs: self._local_vlan_for_flat(lvid, physical_network) else: LOG.error(_LE("Cannot provision flat network for " "net-id=%(net_uuid)s - no bridge for " "physical_network %(physical_network)s"), {'net_uuid': net_uuid, 'physical_network': physical_network}) elif network_type == p_const.TYPE_VLAN: if physical_network in self.phys_brs: self._local_vlan_for_vlan(lvid, physical_network, segmentation_id) else: LOG.error(_LE("Cannot provision VLAN network for " "net-id=%(net_uuid)s - no bridge for " "physical_network %(physical_network)s"), {'net_uuid': net_uuid, 'physical_network': physical_network}) elif network_type == p_const.TYPE_LOCAL: # no flows needed for local networks pass else: LOG.error(_LE("Cannot provision unknown network type " "%(network_type)s for net-id=%(net_uuid)s"), {'network_type': network_type, 'net_uuid': net_uuid}) def reclaim_local_vlan(self, net_uuid): '''Reclaim a local VLAN. :param net_uuid: the network uuid associated with this vlan. ''' lvm = self.local_vlan_map.pop(net_uuid, None) if lvm is None: LOG.debug("Network %s not used on agent.", net_uuid) return LOG.info(_LI("Reclaiming vlan = %(vlan_id)s from " "net-id = %(net_uuid)s"), {'vlan_id': lvm.vlan, 'net_uuid': net_uuid}) if lvm.network_type in constants.TUNNEL_NETWORK_TYPES: if self.enable_tunneling: self.tun_br.reclaim_local_vlan( network_type=lvm.network_type, segmentation_id=lvm.segmentation_id) self.tun_br.delete_flood_to_tun(lvm.vlan) self.tun_br.delete_unicast_to_tun(lvm.vlan, None) self.tun_br.delete_arp_responder(lvm.vlan, None) if self.l2_pop: # Try to remove tunnel ports if not used by other networks for ofport in lvm.tun_ofports: self.cleanup_tunnel_port(self.tun_br, ofport, lvm.network_type) elif lvm.network_type == p_const.TYPE_FLAT: if lvm.physical_network in self.phys_brs: # outbound br = self.phys_brs[lvm.physical_network] br.reclaim_local_vlan( port=self.phys_ofports[lvm.physical_network], lvid=lvm.vlan) # inbound br = self.int_br br.reclaim_local_vlan( port=self.int_ofports[lvm.physical_network], segmentation_id=None) elif lvm.network_type == p_const.TYPE_VLAN: if lvm.physical_network in self.phys_brs: # outbound br = self.phys_brs[lvm.physical_network] br.reclaim_local_vlan( port=self.phys_ofports[lvm.physical_network], lvid=lvm.vlan) # inbound br = self.int_br br.reclaim_local_vlan( port=self.int_ofports[lvm.physical_network], segmentation_id=lvm.segmentation_id) elif lvm.network_type == p_const.TYPE_LOCAL: # no flows needed for local networks pass else: LOG.error(_LE("Cannot reclaim unknown network type " "%(network_type)s for net-id=%(net_uuid)s"), {'network_type': lvm.network_type, 'net_uuid': net_uuid}) self.available_local_vlans.add(lvm.vlan) def port_bound(self, port, net_uuid, network_type, physical_network, segmentation_id, fixed_ips, device_owner, ovs_restarted): '''Bind port to net_uuid/lsw_id and install flow for inbound traffic to vm. :param port: a ovs_lib.VifPort object. :param net_uuid: the net_uuid this port is to be associated with. :param network_type: the network type ('gre', 'vlan', 'flat', 'local') :param physical_network: the physical network for 'vlan' or 'flat' :param segmentation_id: the VID for 'vlan' or tunnel ID for 'tunnel' :param fixed_ips: the ip addresses assigned to this port :param device_owner: the string indicative of owner of this port :param ovs_restarted: indicates if this is called for an OVS restart. ''' if net_uuid not in self.local_vlan_map or ovs_restarted: self.provision_local_vlan(net_uuid, network_type, physical_network, segmentation_id) lvm = self.local_vlan_map[net_uuid] lvm.vif_ports[port.vif_id] = port self.dvr_agent.bind_port_to_dvr(port, lvm, fixed_ips, device_owner) port_other_config = self.int_br.db_get_val("Port", port.port_name, "other_config") if port_other_config is None: if port.vif_id in self.deleted_ports: LOG.debug("Port %s deleted concurrently", port.vif_id) elif port.vif_id in self.updated_ports: LOG.error(_LE("Expected port %s not found"), port.vif_id) else: LOG.debug("Unable to get config for port %s", port.vif_id) return vlan_mapping = {'net_uuid': net_uuid, 'network_type': network_type, 'physical_network': physical_network} if segmentation_id is not None: vlan_mapping['segmentation_id'] = segmentation_id port_other_config.update(vlan_mapping) self.int_br.set_db_attribute("Port", port.port_name, "other_config", port_other_config) def _bind_devices(self, need_binding_ports): devices_up = [] devices_down = [] port_names = [p['vif_port'].port_name for p in need_binding_ports] port_info = self.int_br.get_ports_attributes( "Port", columns=["name", "tag"], ports=port_names, if_exists=True) tags_by_name = {x['name']: x['tag'] for x in port_info} for port_detail in need_binding_ports: lvm = self.local_vlan_map.get(port_detail['network_id']) if not lvm: # network for port was deleted. skip this port since it # will need to be handled as a DEAD port in the next scan continue port = port_detail['vif_port'] device = port_detail['device'] # Do not bind a port if it's already bound cur_tag = tags_by_name.get(port.port_name) if cur_tag is None: LOG.info(_LI("Port %s was deleted concurrently, skipping it"), port.port_name) continue if cur_tag != lvm.vlan: self.int_br.delete_flows(in_port=port.ofport) if self.prevent_arp_spoofing: self.setup_arp_spoofing_protection(self.int_br, port, port_detail) if cur_tag != lvm.vlan: self.int_br.set_db_attribute( "Port", port.port_name, "tag", lvm.vlan) # update plugin about port status # FIXME(salv-orlando): Failures while updating device status # must be handled appropriately. Otherwise this might prevent # neutron server from sending network-vif-* events to the nova # API server, thus possibly preventing instance spawn. if port_detail.get('admin_state_up'): LOG.debug("Setting status for %s to UP", device) devices_up.append(device) else: LOG.debug("Setting status for %s to DOWN", device) devices_down.append(device) failed_devices = [] if devices_up or devices_down: devices_set = self.plugin_rpc.update_device_list( self.context, devices_up, devices_down, self.agent_id, self.conf.host) failed_devices = (devices_set.get('failed_devices_up') + devices_set.get('failed_devices_down')) if failed_devices: LOG.error(_LE("Configuration for devices %s failed!"), failed_devices) #TODO(rossella_s) handle better the resync in next patches, # this is just to preserve the current behavior raise DeviceListRetrievalError(devices=failed_devices) LOG.info(_LI("Configuration for devices up %(up)s and devices " "down %(down)s completed."), {'up': devices_up, 'down': devices_down}) @staticmethod def setup_arp_spoofing_protection(bridge, vif, port_details): # clear any previous flows related to this port in our ARP table bridge.delete_arp_spoofing_protection(port=vif.ofport) if not port_details.get('port_security_enabled', True): LOG.info(_LI("Skipping ARP spoofing rules for port '%s' because " "it has port security disabled"), vif.port_name) return if port_details['device_owner'].startswith('network:'): LOG.debug("Skipping ARP spoofing rules for network owned port " "'%s'.", vif.port_name) return # collect all of the addresses and cidrs that belong to the port addresses = {f['ip_address'] for f in port_details['fixed_ips']} mac_addresses = {vif.vif_mac} if port_details.get('allowed_address_pairs'): addresses |= {p['ip_address'] for p in port_details['allowed_address_pairs']} mac_addresses |= {p['mac_address'] for p in port_details['allowed_address_pairs'] if p.get('mac_address')} ipv6_addresses = {ip for ip in addresses if netaddr.IPNetwork(ip).version == 6} # Allow neighbor advertisements for LLA address. ipv6_addresses |= {str(ipv6.get_ipv6_addr_by_EUI64( n_const.IPV6_LLA_PREFIX, mac)) for mac in mac_addresses} if not has_zero_prefixlen_address(ipv6_addresses): # Install protection only when prefix is not zero because a /0 # prefix allows any address anyway and the nd_target can only # match on /1 or more. bridge.install_icmpv6_na_spoofing_protection(port=vif.ofport, ip_addresses=ipv6_addresses) ipv4_addresses = {ip for ip in addresses if netaddr.IPNetwork(ip).version == 4} if not has_zero_prefixlen_address(ipv4_addresses): # Install protection only when prefix is not zero because a /0 # prefix allows any address anyway and the ARP_SPA can only # match on /1 or more. bridge.install_arp_spoofing_protection(port=vif.ofport, ip_addresses=ipv4_addresses) def port_unbound(self, vif_id, net_uuid=None): '''Unbind port. Removes corresponding local vlan mapping object if this is its last VIF. :param vif_id: the id of the vif :param net_uuid: the net_uuid this port is associated with. ''' if net_uuid is None: net_uuid = self.get_net_uuid(vif_id) if not self.local_vlan_map.get(net_uuid): LOG.info(_LI('port_unbound(): net_uuid %s not in local_vlan_map'), net_uuid) return lvm = self.local_vlan_map[net_uuid] if vif_id in lvm.vif_ports: vif_port = lvm.vif_ports[vif_id] self.dvr_agent.unbind_port_from_dvr(vif_port, lvm) lvm.vif_ports.pop(vif_id, None) if not lvm.vif_ports: self.reclaim_local_vlan(net_uuid) def port_dead(self, port, log_errors=True): '''Once a port has no binding, put it on the "dead vlan". :param port: a ovs_lib.VifPort object. ''' # Don't kill a port if it's already dead cur_tag = self.int_br.db_get_val("Port", port.port_name, "tag", log_errors=log_errors) if cur_tag != DEAD_VLAN_TAG: self.int_br.set_db_attribute("Port", port.port_name, "tag", DEAD_VLAN_TAG, log_errors=log_errors) self.int_br.drop_port(in_port=port.ofport) def setup_integration_br(self): '''Setup the integration bridge. ''' self.int_br.set_agent_uuid_stamp(self.agent_uuid_stamp) # Ensure the integration bridge is created. # ovs_lib.OVSBridge.create() will run # ovs-vsctl -- --may-exist add-br BRIDGE_NAME # which does nothing if bridge already exists. self.int_br.create() self.int_br.set_secure_mode() self.int_br.setup_controllers(self.conf) self.int_br.delete_port(self.conf.OVS.int_peer_patch_port) if self.conf.AGENT.drop_flows_on_start: self.int_br.delete_flows() self.int_br.setup_default_table() def setup_ancillary_bridges(self, integ_br, tun_br): '''Setup ancillary bridges - for example br-ex.''' ovs = ovs_lib.BaseOVS() ovs_bridges = set(ovs.get_bridges()) # Remove all known bridges ovs_bridges.remove(integ_br) if self.enable_tunneling: ovs_bridges.remove(tun_br) br_names = [self.phys_brs[physical_network].br_name for physical_network in self.phys_brs] ovs_bridges.difference_update(br_names) # Filter list of bridges to those that have external # bridge-id's configured br_names = [] for bridge in ovs_bridges: bridge_id = ovs.get_bridge_external_bridge_id(bridge) if bridge_id != bridge: br_names.append(bridge) ovs_bridges.difference_update(br_names) ancillary_bridges = [] for bridge in ovs_bridges: br = ovs_lib.OVSBridge(bridge) LOG.info(_LI('Adding %s to list of bridges.'), bridge) ancillary_bridges.append(br) return ancillary_bridges def setup_tunnel_br(self, tun_br_name=None): '''(re)initialize the tunnel bridge. Creates tunnel bridge, and links it to the integration bridge using a patch port. :param tun_br_name: the name of the tunnel bridge. ''' if not self.tun_br: self.tun_br = self.br_tun_cls(tun_br_name) self.tun_br.set_agent_uuid_stamp(self.agent_uuid_stamp) if not self.tun_br.bridge_exists(self.tun_br.br_name): self.tun_br.create(secure_mode=True) self.tun_br.setup_controllers(self.conf) if (not self.int_br.port_exists(self.conf.OVS.int_peer_patch_port) or self.patch_tun_ofport == ovs_lib.INVALID_OFPORT): self.patch_tun_ofport = self.int_br.add_patch_port( self.conf.OVS.int_peer_patch_port, self.conf.OVS.tun_peer_patch_port) if (not self.tun_br.port_exists(self.conf.OVS.tun_peer_patch_port) or self.patch_int_ofport == ovs_lib.INVALID_OFPORT): self.patch_int_ofport = self.tun_br.add_patch_port( self.conf.OVS.tun_peer_patch_port, self.conf.OVS.int_peer_patch_port) if ovs_lib.INVALID_OFPORT in (self.patch_tun_ofport, self.patch_int_ofport): LOG.error(_LE("Failed to create OVS patch port. Cannot have " "tunneling enabled on this agent, since this " "version of OVS does not support tunnels or patch " "ports. Agent terminated!")) exit(1) if self.conf.AGENT.drop_flows_on_start: self.tun_br.delete_flows() def setup_tunnel_br_flows(self): '''Setup the tunnel bridge. Add all flows to the tunnel bridge. ''' self.tun_br.setup_default_table(self.patch_int_ofport, self.arp_responder_enabled) def get_peer_name(self, prefix, name): """Construct a peer name based on the prefix and name. The peer name can not exceed the maximum length allowed for a linux device. Longer names are hashed to help ensure uniqueness. """ if len(prefix + name) <= n_const.DEVICE_NAME_MAX_LEN: return prefix + name # We can't just truncate because bridges may be distinguished # by an ident at the end. A hash over the name should be unique. # Leave part of the bridge name on for easier identification hashlen = 6 namelen = n_const.DEVICE_NAME_MAX_LEN - len(prefix) - hashlen if isinstance(name, six.text_type): hashed_name = hashlib.sha1(name.encode('utf-8')) else: hashed_name = hashlib.sha1(name) new_name = ('%(prefix)s%(truncated)s%(hash)s' % {'prefix': prefix, 'truncated': name[0:namelen], 'hash': hashed_name.hexdigest()[0:hashlen]}) LOG.warning(_LW("Creating an interface named %(name)s exceeds the " "%(limit)d character limitation. It was shortened to " "%(new_name)s to fit."), {'name': name, 'limit': n_const.DEVICE_NAME_MAX_LEN, 'new_name': new_name}) return new_name def setup_physical_bridges(self, bridge_mappings): '''Setup the physical network bridges. Creates physical network bridges and links them to the integration bridge using veths or patch ports. :param bridge_mappings: map physical network names to bridge names. ''' self.phys_brs = {} self.int_ofports = {} self.phys_ofports = {} ip_wrapper = ip_lib.IPWrapper() ovs = ovs_lib.BaseOVS() ovs_bridges = ovs.get_bridges() for physical_network, bridge in six.iteritems(bridge_mappings): LOG.info(_LI("Mapping physical network %(physical_network)s to " "bridge %(bridge)s"), {'physical_network': physical_network, 'bridge': bridge}) # setup physical bridge if bridge not in ovs_bridges: LOG.error(_LE("Bridge %(bridge)s for physical network " "%(physical_network)s does not exist. Agent " "terminated!"), {'physical_network': physical_network, 'bridge': bridge}) sys.exit(1) br = self.br_phys_cls(bridge) br.setup_controllers(self.conf) br.setup_default_table() self.phys_brs[physical_network] = br # interconnect physical and integration bridges using veth/patchs int_if_name = self.get_peer_name(constants.PEER_INTEGRATION_PREFIX, bridge) phys_if_name = self.get_peer_name(constants.PEER_PHYSICAL_PREFIX, bridge) # Interface type of port for physical and integration bridges must # be same, so check only one of them. int_type = self.int_br.db_get_val("Interface", int_if_name, "type") if self.use_veth_interconnection: # Drop ports if the interface types doesn't match the # configuration value. if int_type == 'patch': self.int_br.delete_port(int_if_name) br.delete_port(phys_if_name) if ip_lib.device_exists(int_if_name): ip_lib.IPDevice(int_if_name).link.delete() # Give udev a chance to process its rules here, to avoid # race conditions between commands launched by udev rules # and the subsequent call to ip_wrapper.add_veth utils.execute(['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=10']) int_veth, phys_veth = ip_wrapper.add_veth(int_if_name, phys_if_name) int_ofport = self.int_br.add_port(int_veth) phys_ofport = br.add_port(phys_veth) else: # Drop ports if the interface type doesn't match the # configuration value if int_type == 'veth': self.int_br.delete_port(int_if_name) br.delete_port(phys_if_name) # Create patch ports without associating them in order to block # untranslated traffic before association int_ofport = self.int_br.add_patch_port( int_if_name, constants.NONEXISTENT_PEER) phys_ofport = br.add_patch_port( phys_if_name, constants.NONEXISTENT_PEER) self.int_ofports[physical_network] = int_ofport self.phys_ofports[physical_network] = phys_ofport # block all untranslated traffic between bridges self.int_br.drop_port(in_port=int_ofport) br.drop_port(in_port=phys_ofport) if self.use_veth_interconnection: # enable veth to pass traffic int_veth.link.set_up() phys_veth.link.set_up() if self.veth_mtu: # set up mtu size for veth interfaces int_veth.link.set_mtu(self.veth_mtu) phys_veth.link.set_mtu(self.veth_mtu) else: # associate patch ports to pass traffic self.int_br.set_db_attribute('Interface', int_if_name, 'options:peer', phys_if_name) br.set_db_attribute('Interface', phys_if_name, 'options:peer', int_if_name) def update_stale_ofport_rules(self): # right now the ARP spoofing rules are the only thing that utilizes # ofport-based rules, so make arp_spoofing protection a conditional # until something else uses ofport if not self.prevent_arp_spoofing: return [] previous = self.vifname_to_ofport_map current = self.int_br.get_vif_port_to_ofport_map() # if any ofport numbers have changed, re-process the devices as # added ports so any rules based on ofport numbers are updated. moved_ports = self._get_ofport_moves(current, previous) # delete any stale rules based on removed ofports ofports_deleted = set(previous.values()) - set(current.values()) for ofport in ofports_deleted: self.int_br.delete_arp_spoofing_protection(port=ofport) # store map for next iteration self.vifname_to_ofport_map = current return moved_ports @staticmethod def _get_ofport_moves(current, previous): """Returns a list of moved ports. Takes two port->ofport maps and returns a list ports that moved to a different ofport. Deleted ports are not included. """ port_moves = [] for name, ofport in previous.items(): if name not in current: continue current_ofport = current[name] if ofport != current_ofport: port_moves.append(name) return port_moves def _get_port_info(self, registered_ports, cur_ports, readd_registered_ports): port_info = {'current': cur_ports} # FIXME(salv-orlando): It's not really necessary to return early # if nothing has changed. if not readd_registered_ports and cur_ports == registered_ports: return port_info if readd_registered_ports: port_info['added'] = cur_ports else: port_info['added'] = cur_ports - registered_ports # Update port_info with ports not found on the integration bridge port_info['removed'] = registered_ports - cur_ports return port_info def scan_ports(self, registered_ports, sync, updated_ports=None): cur_ports = self.int_br.get_vif_port_set() self.int_br_device_count = len(cur_ports) port_info = self._get_port_info(registered_ports, cur_ports, sync) if updated_ports is None: updated_ports = set() updated_ports.update(self.check_changed_vlans()) if updated_ports: # Some updated ports might have been removed in the # meanwhile, and therefore should not be processed. # In this case the updated port won't be found among # current ports. updated_ports &= cur_ports if updated_ports: port_info['updated'] = updated_ports return port_info def scan_ancillary_ports(self, registered_ports, sync): cur_ports = set() for bridge in self.ancillary_brs: cur_ports |= bridge.get_vif_port_set() return self._get_port_info(registered_ports, cur_ports, sync) def check_changed_vlans(self): """Return ports which have lost their vlan tag. The returned value is a set of port ids of the ports concerned by a vlan tag loss. """ port_tags = self.int_br.get_port_tag_dict() changed_ports = set() for lvm in self.local_vlan_map.values(): for port in lvm.vif_ports.values(): if ( port.port_name in port_tags and port_tags[port.port_name] != lvm.vlan ): LOG.info( _LI("Port '%(port_name)s' has lost " "its vlan tag '%(vlan_tag)d'!"), {'port_name': port.port_name, 'vlan_tag': lvm.vlan} ) changed_ports.add(port.vif_id) return changed_ports def treat_vif_port(self, vif_port, port_id, network_id, network_type, physical_network, segmentation_id, admin_state_up, fixed_ips, device_owner, ovs_restarted): # When this function is called for a port, the port should have # an OVS ofport configured, as only these ports were considered # for being treated. If that does not happen, it is a potential # error condition of which operators should be aware port_needs_binding = True if not vif_port.ofport: LOG.warn(_LW("VIF port: %s has no ofport configured, " "and might not be able to transmit"), vif_port.vif_id) if vif_port: if admin_state_up: self.port_bound(vif_port, network_id, network_type, physical_network, segmentation_id, fixed_ips, device_owner, ovs_restarted) else: self.port_dead(vif_port) port_needs_binding = False else: LOG.debug("No VIF port for port %s defined on agent.", port_id) return port_needs_binding def _setup_tunnel_port(self, br, port_name, remote_ip, tunnel_type): ofport = br.add_tunnel_port(port_name, remote_ip, self.local_ip, tunnel_type, self.vxlan_udp_port, self.dont_fragment, self.tunnel_csum) if ofport == ovs_lib.INVALID_OFPORT: LOG.error(_LE("Failed to set-up %(type)s tunnel port to %(ip)s"), {'type': tunnel_type, 'ip': remote_ip}) return 0 self.tun_br_ofports[tunnel_type][remote_ip] = ofport # Add flow in default table to resubmit to the right # tunnelling table (lvid will be set in the latter) br.setup_tunnel_port(tunnel_type, ofport) ofports = self.tun_br_ofports[tunnel_type].values() if ofports and not self.l2_pop: # Update flooding flows to include the new tunnel for vlan_mapping in list(self.local_vlan_map.values()): if vlan_mapping.network_type == tunnel_type: br.install_flood_to_tun(vlan_mapping.vlan, vlan_mapping.segmentation_id, ofports) return ofport def setup_tunnel_port(self, br, remote_ip, network_type): remote_ip_hex = self.get_ip_in_hex(remote_ip) if not remote_ip_hex: return 0 port_name = '%s-%s' % (network_type, remote_ip_hex) ofport = self._setup_tunnel_port(br, port_name, remote_ip, network_type) return ofport def cleanup_tunnel_port(self, br, tun_ofport, tunnel_type): # Check if this tunnel port is still used for lvm in self.local_vlan_map.values(): if tun_ofport in lvm.tun_ofports: break # If not, remove it else: items = list(self.tun_br_ofports[tunnel_type].items()) for remote_ip, ofport in items: if ofport == tun_ofport: port_name = '%s-%s' % (tunnel_type, self.get_ip_in_hex(remote_ip)) br.delete_port(port_name) br.cleanup_tunnel_port(ofport) self.tun_br_ofports[tunnel_type].pop(remote_ip, None) def treat_devices_added_or_updated(self, devices, ovs_restarted): skipped_devices = [] need_binding_devices = [] security_disabled_devices = [] devices_details_list = ( self.plugin_rpc.get_devices_details_list_and_failed_devices( self.context, devices, self.agent_id, self.conf.host)) if devices_details_list.get('failed_devices'): #TODO(rossella_s) handle better the resync in next patches, # this is just to preserve the current behavior raise DeviceListRetrievalError(devices=devices) devices = devices_details_list.get('devices') vif_by_id = self.int_br.get_vifs_by_ids( [vif['device'] for vif in devices]) for details in devices: device = details['device'] LOG.debug("Processing port: %s", device) port = vif_by_id.get(device) if not port: # The port disappeared and cannot be processed LOG.info(_LI("Port %s was not found on the integration bridge " "and will therefore not be processed"), device) skipped_devices.append(device) continue if 'port_id' in details: LOG.info(_LI("Port %(device)s updated. Details: %(details)s"), {'device': device, 'details': details}) details['vif_port'] = port need_binding = self.treat_vif_port(port, details['port_id'], details['network_id'], details['network_type'], details['physical_network'], details['segmentation_id'], details['admin_state_up'], details['fixed_ips'], details['device_owner'], ovs_restarted) if need_binding: need_binding_devices.append(details) port_security = details['port_security_enabled'] has_sgs = 'security_groups' in details if not port_security or not has_sgs: security_disabled_devices.append(device) self._update_port_network(details['port_id'], details['network_id']) self.ext_manager.handle_port(self.context, details) else: LOG.warn(_LW("Device %s not defined on plugin"), device) if (port and port.ofport != -1): self.port_dead(port) return skipped_devices, need_binding_devices, security_disabled_devices def _update_port_network(self, port_id, network_id): self._clean_network_ports(port_id) self.network_ports[network_id].add(port_id) def treat_ancillary_devices_added(self, devices): devices_details_list = ( self.plugin_rpc.get_devices_details_list_and_failed_devices( self.context, devices, self.agent_id, self.conf.host)) if devices_details_list.get('failed_devices'): #TODO(rossella_s) handle better the resync in next patches, # this is just to preserve the current behavior raise DeviceListRetrievalError(devices=devices) devices_added = [ d['device'] for d in devices_details_list.get('devices')] LOG.info(_LI("Ancillary Ports %s added"), devices_added) # update plugin about port status devices_set_up = ( self.plugin_rpc.update_device_list(self.context, devices_added, [], self.agent_id, self.conf.host)) if devices_set_up.get('failed_devices_up'): #TODO(rossella_s) handle better the resync in next patches, # this is just to preserve the current behavior raise DeviceListRetrievalError() def treat_devices_removed(self, devices): resync = False self.sg_agent.remove_devices_filter(devices) LOG.info(_LI("Ports %s removed"), devices) devices_down = self.plugin_rpc.update_device_list(self.context, [], devices, self.agent_id, self.conf.host) failed_devices = devices_down.get('failed_devices_down') if failed_devices: LOG.debug("Port removal failed for %(devices)s ", failed_devices) resync = True for device in devices: self.port_unbound(device) return resync def treat_ancillary_devices_removed(self, devices): resync = False LOG.info(_LI("Ancillary ports %s removed"), devices) devices_down = self.plugin_rpc.update_device_list(self.context, [], devices, self.agent_id, self.conf.host) failed_devices = devices_down.get('failed_devices_down') if failed_devices: LOG.debug("Port removal failed for %(devices)s ", failed_devices) resync = True for detail in devices_down.get('devices_down'): if detail['exists']: LOG.info(_LI("Port %s updated."), detail['device']) # Nothing to do regarding local networking else: LOG.debug("Device %s not defined on plugin", detail['device']) return resync def process_network_ports(self, port_info, ovs_restarted): resync_a = False resync_b = False # TODO(salv-orlando): consider a solution for ensuring notifications # are processed exactly in the same order in which they were # received. This is tricky because there are two notification # sources: the neutron server, and the ovs db monitor process # If there is an exception while processing security groups ports # will not be wired anyway, and a resync will be triggered # VIF wiring needs to be performed always for 'new' devices. # For updated ports, re-wiring is not needed in most cases, but needs # to be performed anyway when the admin state of a device is changed. # A device might be both in the 'added' and 'updated' # list at the same time; avoid processing it twice. devices_added_updated = (port_info.get('added', set()) | port_info.get('updated', set())) need_binding_devices = [] security_disabled_ports = [] if devices_added_updated: start = time.time() try: (skipped_devices, need_binding_devices, security_disabled_ports) = ( self.treat_devices_added_or_updated( devices_added_updated, ovs_restarted)) LOG.debug("process_network_ports - iteration:%(iter_num)d - " "treat_devices_added_or_updated completed. " "Skipped %(num_skipped)d devices of " "%(num_current)d devices currently available. " "Time elapsed: %(elapsed).3f", {'iter_num': self.iter_num, 'num_skipped': len(skipped_devices), 'num_current': len(port_info['current']), 'elapsed': time.time() - start}) # Update the list of current ports storing only those which # have been actually processed. port_info['current'] = (port_info['current'] - set(skipped_devices)) except DeviceListRetrievalError: # Need to resync as there was an error with server # communication. LOG.exception(_LE("process_network_ports - iteration:%d - " "failure while retrieving port details " "from server"), self.iter_num) resync_a = True # TODO(salv-orlando): Optimize avoiding applying filters # unnecessarily, (eg: when there are no IP address changes) added_ports = port_info.get('added', set()) if security_disabled_ports: added_ports -= set(security_disabled_ports) self.sg_agent.setup_port_filters(added_ports, port_info.get('updated', set())) self._bind_devices(need_binding_devices) if 'removed' in port_info and port_info['removed']: start = time.time() resync_b = self.treat_devices_removed(port_info['removed']) LOG.debug("process_network_ports - iteration:%(iter_num)d - " "treat_devices_removed completed in %(elapsed).3f", {'iter_num': self.iter_num, 'elapsed': time.time() - start}) # If one of the above operations fails => resync with plugin return (resync_a | resync_b) def process_ancillary_network_ports(self, port_info): resync_a = False resync_b = False if 'added' in port_info and port_info['added']: start = time.time() try: self.treat_ancillary_devices_added(port_info['added']) LOG.debug("process_ancillary_network_ports - iteration: " "%(iter_num)d - treat_ancillary_devices_added " "completed in %(elapsed).3f", {'iter_num': self.iter_num, 'elapsed': time.time() - start}) except DeviceListRetrievalError: # Need to resync as there was an error with server # communication. LOG.exception(_LE("process_ancillary_network_ports - " "iteration:%d - failure while retrieving " "port details from server"), self.iter_num) resync_a = True if 'removed' in port_info and port_info['removed']: start = time.time() resync_b = self.treat_ancillary_devices_removed( port_info['removed']) LOG.debug("process_ancillary_network_ports - iteration: " "%(iter_num)d - treat_ancillary_devices_removed " "completed in %(elapsed).3f", {'iter_num': self.iter_num, 'elapsed': time.time() - start}) # If one of the above operations fails => resync with plugin return (resync_a | resync_b) def get_ip_in_hex(self, ip_address): try: return '%08x' % netaddr.IPAddress(ip_address, version=4) except Exception: LOG.warn(_LW("Invalid remote IP: %s"), ip_address) return def tunnel_sync(self): try: for tunnel_type in self.tunnel_types: details = self.plugin_rpc.tunnel_sync(self.context, self.local_ip, tunnel_type, self.conf.host) if not self.l2_pop: tunnels = details['tunnels'] for tunnel in tunnels: if self.local_ip != tunnel['ip_address']: remote_ip = tunnel['ip_address'] remote_ip_hex = self.get_ip_in_hex(remote_ip) if not remote_ip_hex: continue tun_name = '%s-%s' % (tunnel_type, remote_ip_hex) self._setup_tunnel_port(self.tun_br, tun_name, tunnel['ip_address'], tunnel_type) except Exception as e: LOG.debug("Unable to sync tunnel IP %(local_ip)s: %(e)s", {'local_ip': self.local_ip, 'e': e}) return True return False def _agent_has_updates(self, polling_manager): return (polling_manager.is_polling_required or self.updated_ports or self.deleted_ports or self.sg_agent.firewall_refresh_needed()) def _port_info_has_changes(self, port_info): return (port_info.get('added') or port_info.get('removed') or port_info.get('updated')) def check_ovs_status(self): # Check for the canary flow status = self.int_br.check_canary_table() if status == constants.OVS_RESTARTED: LOG.warn(_LW("OVS is restarted. OVSNeutronAgent will reset " "bridges and recover ports.")) elif status == constants.OVS_DEAD: LOG.warn(_LW("OVS is dead. OVSNeutronAgent will keep running " "and checking OVS status periodically.")) return status def loop_count_and_wait(self, start_time, port_stats): # sleep till end of polling interval elapsed = time.time() - start_time LOG.debug("Agent rpc_loop - iteration:%(iter_num)d " "completed. Processed ports statistics: " "%(port_stats)s. Elapsed:%(elapsed).3f", {'iter_num': self.iter_num, 'port_stats': port_stats, 'elapsed': elapsed}) if elapsed < self.polling_interval: time.sleep(self.polling_interval - elapsed) else: LOG.debug("Loop iteration exceeded interval " "(%(polling_interval)s vs. %(elapsed)s)!", {'polling_interval': self.polling_interval, 'elapsed': elapsed}) self.iter_num = self.iter_num + 1 def get_port_stats(self, port_info, ancillary_port_info): port_stats = { 'regular': { 'added': len(port_info.get('added', [])), 'updated': len(port_info.get('updated', [])), 'removed': len(port_info.get('removed', []))}} if self.ancillary_brs: port_stats['ancillary'] = { 'added': len(ancillary_port_info.get('added', [])), 'removed': len(ancillary_port_info.get('removed', []))} return port_stats def cleanup_stale_flows(self): if self.iter_num == 0: bridges = [self.int_br] if self.enable_tunneling: bridges.append(self.tun_br) for bridge in bridges: LOG.info(_LI("Cleaning stale %s flows"), bridge.br_name) bridge.cleanup_flows() def rpc_loop(self, polling_manager=None): if not polling_manager: polling_manager = polling.get_polling_manager( minimize_polling=False) sync = True ports = set() updated_ports_copy = set() ancillary_ports = set() tunnel_sync = True ovs_restarted = False consecutive_resyncs = 0 while self._check_and_handle_signal(): port_info = {} ancillary_port_info = {} start = time.time() LOG.debug("Agent rpc_loop - iteration:%d started", self.iter_num) if sync: LOG.info(_LI("Agent out of sync with plugin!")) polling_manager.force_polling() consecutive_resyncs = consecutive_resyncs + 1 if consecutive_resyncs >= constants.MAX_DEVICE_RETRIES: LOG.warn(_LW("Clearing cache of registered ports, retrials" " to resync were > %s"), constants.MAX_DEVICE_RETRIES) ports.clear() ancillary_ports.clear() sync = False consecutive_resyncs = 0 else: consecutive_resyncs = 0 ovs_status = self.check_ovs_status() if ovs_status == constants.OVS_RESTARTED: self.setup_integration_br() self.setup_physical_bridges(self.bridge_mappings) if self.enable_tunneling: self.setup_tunnel_br() self.setup_tunnel_br_flows() tunnel_sync = True if self.enable_distributed_routing: self.dvr_agent.reset_ovs_parameters(self.int_br, self.tun_br, self.patch_int_ofport, self.patch_tun_ofport) self.dvr_agent.reset_dvr_parameters() self.dvr_agent.setup_dvr_flows() elif ovs_status == constants.OVS_DEAD: # Agent doesn't apply any operations when ovs is dead, to # prevent unexpected failure or crash. Sleep and continue # loop in which ovs status will be checked periodically. port_stats = self.get_port_stats({}, {}) self.loop_count_and_wait(start, port_stats) continue # Notify the plugin of tunnel IP if self.enable_tunneling and tunnel_sync: LOG.info(_LI("Agent tunnel out of sync with plugin!")) try: tunnel_sync = self.tunnel_sync() except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE("Error while synchronizing tunnels")) tunnel_sync = True ovs_restarted |= (ovs_status == constants.OVS_RESTARTED) if self._agent_has_updates(polling_manager) or ovs_restarted: try: LOG.debug("Agent rpc_loop - iteration:%(iter_num)d - " "starting polling. Elapsed:%(elapsed).3f", {'iter_num': self.iter_num, 'elapsed': time.time() - start}) # Save updated ports dict to perform rollback in # case resync would be needed, and then clear # self.updated_ports. As the greenthread should not yield # between these two statements, this will be thread-safe updated_ports_copy = self.updated_ports self.updated_ports = set() reg_ports = (set() if ovs_restarted else ports) port_info = self.scan_ports(reg_ports, sync, updated_ports_copy) self.process_deleted_ports(port_info) ofport_changed_ports = self.update_stale_ofport_rules() if ofport_changed_ports: port_info.setdefault('updated', set()).update( ofport_changed_ports) LOG.debug("Agent rpc_loop - iteration:%(iter_num)d - " "port information retrieved. " "Elapsed:%(elapsed).3f", {'iter_num': self.iter_num, 'elapsed': time.time() - start}) # Treat ancillary devices if they exist if self.ancillary_brs: ancillary_port_info = self.scan_ancillary_ports( ancillary_ports, sync) LOG.debug("Agent rpc_loop - iteration:%(iter_num)d - " "ancillary port info retrieved. " "Elapsed:%(elapsed).3f", {'iter_num': self.iter_num, 'elapsed': time.time() - start}) sync = False # Secure and wire/unwire VIFs and update their status # on Neutron server if (self._port_info_has_changes(port_info) or self.sg_agent.firewall_refresh_needed() or ovs_restarted): LOG.debug("Starting to process devices in:%s", port_info) # If treat devices fails - must resync with plugin sync = self.process_network_ports(port_info, ovs_restarted) self.cleanup_stale_flows() LOG.debug("Agent rpc_loop - iteration:%(iter_num)d - " "ports processed. Elapsed:%(elapsed).3f", {'iter_num': self.iter_num, 'elapsed': time.time() - start}) ports = port_info['current'] if self.ancillary_brs: sync |= self.process_ancillary_network_ports( ancillary_port_info) LOG.debug("Agent rpc_loop - iteration: " "%(iter_num)d - ancillary ports " "processed. Elapsed:%(elapsed).3f", {'iter_num': self.iter_num, 'elapsed': time.time() - start}) ancillary_ports = ancillary_port_info['current'] polling_manager.polling_completed() # Keep this flag in the last line of "try" block, # so we can sure that no other Exception occurred. if not sync: ovs_restarted = False except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE("Error while processing VIF ports")) # Put the ports back in self.updated_port self.updated_ports |= updated_ports_copy sync = True port_stats = self.get_port_stats(port_info, ancillary_port_info) self.loop_count_and_wait(start, port_stats) def daemon_loop(self): # Start everything. LOG.info(_LI("Agent initialized successfully, now running... ")) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._handle_sigterm) if hasattr(signal, 'SIGHUP'): signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self._handle_sighup) with polling.get_polling_manager( self.minimize_polling, self.ovsdb_monitor_respawn_interval) as pm: self.rpc_loop(polling_manager=pm) def _handle_sigterm(self, signum, frame): self.catch_sigterm = True if self.quitting_rpc_timeout: self.set_rpc_timeout(self.quitting_rpc_timeout) def _handle_sighup(self, signum, frame): self.catch_sighup = True def _check_and_handle_signal(self): if self.catch_sigterm: LOG.info(_LI("Agent caught SIGTERM, quitting daemon loop.")) self.run_daemon_loop = False self.catch_sigterm = False if self.catch_sighup: LOG.info(_LI("Agent caught SIGHUP, resetting.")) self.conf.reload_config_files() config.setup_logging() LOG.debug('Full set of CONF:') self.conf.log_opt_values(LOG, logging.DEBUG) self.catch_sighup = False return self.run_daemon_loop def set_rpc_timeout(self, timeout): for rpc_api in (self.plugin_rpc, self.sg_plugin_rpc, self.dvr_plugin_rpc, self.state_rpc): rpc_api.client.timeout = timeout def _check_agent_configurations(self): if (self.enable_distributed_routing and self.enable_tunneling and not self.l2_pop): raise ValueError(_("DVR deployments for VXLAN/GRE/Geneve " "underlays require L2-pop to be enabled, " "in both the Agent and Server side.")) def create_agent_config_map(config): """Create a map of agent config parameters. :param config: an instance of cfg.CONF :returns: a map of agent configuration parameters """ try: bridge_mappings = n_utils.parse_mappings(config.OVS.bridge_mappings) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(_("Parsing bridge_mappings failed: %s.") % e) kwargs = dict( integ_br=config.OVS.integration_bridge, tun_br=config.OVS.tunnel_bridge, local_ip=config.OVS.local_ip, bridge_mappings=bridge_mappings, polling_interval=config.AGENT.polling_interval, minimize_polling=config.AGENT.minimize_polling, tunnel_types=config.AGENT.tunnel_types, veth_mtu=config.AGENT.veth_mtu, enable_distributed_routing=config.AGENT.enable_distributed_routing, l2_population=config.AGENT.l2_population, arp_responder=config.AGENT.arp_responder, prevent_arp_spoofing=config.AGENT.prevent_arp_spoofing, use_veth_interconnection=config.OVS.use_veth_interconnection, quitting_rpc_timeout=config.AGENT.quitting_rpc_timeout ) # Verify the tunnel_types specified are valid for tun in kwargs['tunnel_types']: if tun not in constants.TUNNEL_NETWORK_TYPES: msg = _('Invalid tunnel type specified: %s'), tun raise ValueError(msg) if not kwargs['local_ip']: msg = _('Tunneling cannot be enabled without a valid local_ip.') raise ValueError(msg) return kwargs def validate_local_ip(local_ip): """If tunneling is enabled, verify if the ip exists on the agent's host.""" if not cfg.CONF.AGENT.tunnel_types: return if not ip_lib.IPWrapper().get_device_by_ip(local_ip): LOG.error(_LE("Tunneling can't be enabled with invalid local_ip '%s'." " IP couldn't be found on this host's interfaces."), local_ip) raise SystemExit(1) def prepare_xen_compute(): is_xen_compute_host = 'rootwrap-xen-dom0' in cfg.CONF.AGENT.root_helper if is_xen_compute_host: # Force ip_lib to always use the root helper to ensure that ip # commands target xen dom0 rather than domU. cfg.CONF.register_opts(ip_lib.OPTS) cfg.CONF.set_default('ip_lib_force_root', True) def main(bridge_classes): try: agent_config = create_agent_config_map(cfg.CONF) except ValueError: LOG.exception(_LE("Agent failed to create agent config map")) raise SystemExit(1) prepare_xen_compute() validate_local_ip(agent_config['local_ip']) try: agent = OVSNeutronAgent(bridge_classes, **agent_config) except (RuntimeError, ValueError) as e: LOG.error(_LE("%s Agent terminated!"), e) sys.exit(1) agent.daemon_loop()