# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from neutron_lib.api.definitions import portbindings from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl import vlog from neutron._i18n import _ from neutron.conf.agent import ovs_conf LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) EXTRA_LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULTS = [ ] VLOG_LEVELS = {'CRITICAL': vlog.CRITICAL, 'ERROR': vlog.ERROR, 'WARNING': vlog.WARN, 'INFO': vlog.INFO, 'DEBUG': vlog.DEBUG} MIGRATE_MODE = "migrate" ovn_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('ovn_nb_connection', default='tcp:', help=_('The connection string for the OVN_Northbound OVSDB.\n' 'Use tcp:IP:PORT for TCP connection.\n' 'Use ssl:IP:PORT for SSL connection. The ' 'ovn_nb_private_key, ovn_nb_certificate and ' 'ovn_nb_ca_cert are mandatory.\n' 'Use unix:FILE for unix domain socket connection.\n' 'Multiple connection can be specified by a comma ' 'separated string. See also: ' 'https://github.com/openvswitch/ovs/blob' '/ab4d3bfbef37c31331db5a9dbe7c22eb8d5e5e5f' '/python/ovs/db/idl.py#L215-L216')), cfg.StrOpt('ovn_nb_private_key', default='', help=_('The PEM file with private key for SSL connection to ' 'OVN-NB-DB')), cfg.StrOpt('ovn_nb_certificate', default='', help=_('The PEM file with certificate that certifies the ' 'private key specified in ovn_nb_private_key')), cfg.StrOpt('ovn_nb_ca_cert', default='', help=_('The PEM file with CA certificate that OVN should use to' ' verify certificates presented to it by SSL peers')), cfg.StrOpt('ovn_sb_connection', default='tcp:', help=_('The connection string for the OVN_Southbound OVSDB.\n' 'Use tcp:IP:PORT for TCP connection.\n' 'Use ssl:IP:PORT for SSL connection. The ' 'ovn_sb_private_key, ovn_sb_certificate and ' 'ovn_sb_ca_cert are mandatory.\n' 'Use unix:FILE for unix domain socket connection.\n' 'Multiple connection can be specified by a comma ' 'separated string. See also: ' 'https://github.com/openvswitch/ovs/blob' '/ab4d3bfbef37c31331db5a9dbe7c22eb8d5e5e5f' '/python/ovs/db/idl.py#L215-L216')), cfg.StrOpt('ovn_sb_private_key', default='', help=_('The PEM file with private key for SSL connection to ' 'OVN-SB-DB')), cfg.StrOpt('ovn_sb_certificate', default='', help=_('The PEM file with certificate that certifies the ' 'private key specified in ovn_sb_private_key')), cfg.StrOpt('ovn_sb_ca_cert', default='', help=_('The PEM file with CA certificate that OVN should use to' ' verify certificates presented to it by SSL peers')), cfg.IntOpt('ovsdb_connection_timeout', default=180, help=_('Timeout in seconds for the OVSDB ' 'connection transaction')), cfg.IntOpt('ovsdb_retry_max_interval', default=180, help=_('Max interval in seconds between ' 'each retry to get the OVN NB and SB IDLs')), cfg.IntOpt('ovsdb_probe_interval', min=0, default=60000, help=_('The probe interval in for the OVSDB session in ' 'milliseconds. If this is zero, it disables the ' 'connection keepalive feature. If non-zero the value ' 'will be forced to at least 1000 milliseconds. Defaults ' 'to 60 seconds.')), cfg.StrOpt('neutron_sync_mode', default='log', choices=('off', 'log', 'repair', MIGRATE_MODE), help=_('The synchronization mode of OVN_Northbound OVSDB ' 'with Neutron DB.\n' 'off - synchronization is off \n' 'log - during neutron-server startup, ' 'check to see if OVN is in sync with ' 'the Neutron database. ' ' Log warnings for any inconsistencies found so' ' that an admin can investigate \n' 'repair - during neutron-server startup, automatically' ' create resources found in Neutron but not in OVN.' ' Also remove resources from OVN' ' that are no longer in Neutron.' '%(migrate)s - This mode is to OVS to OVN migration. It' ' will sync the DB just like repair mode but it will' ' additionally fix the Neutron DB resource from OVS to' ' OVN.') % {'migrate': MIGRATE_MODE}), cfg.BoolOpt('ovn_l3_mode', default=True, deprecated_for_removal=True, deprecated_reason="This option is no longer used. Native L3 " "support in OVN is always used.", help=_('Whether to use OVN native L3 support. Do not change ' 'the value for existing deployments that contain ' 'routers.')), cfg.StrOpt("ovn_l3_scheduler", default='leastloaded', choices=('leastloaded', 'chance'), help=_('The OVN L3 Scheduler type used to schedule router ' 'gateway ports on hypervisors/chassis. \n' 'leastloaded - chassis with fewest gateway ports ' 'selected \n' 'chance - chassis randomly selected')), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_distributed_floating_ip', default=False, help=_('Enable distributed floating IP support.\n' 'If True, the NAT action for floating IPs will be done ' 'locally and not in the centralized gateway. This ' 'saves the path to the external network. This requires ' 'the user to configure the physical network map ' '(i.e. ovn-bridge-mappings) on each compute node.')), cfg.StrOpt("vif_type", deprecated_for_removal=True, deprecated_reason="The port VIF type is now determined based " "on the OVN chassis information when the " "port is bound to a host.", default=portbindings.VIF_TYPE_OVS, help=_("Type of VIF to be used for ports valid values are " "(%(ovs)s, %(dpdk)s) default %(ovs)s") % { "ovs": portbindings.VIF_TYPE_OVS, "dpdk": portbindings.VIF_TYPE_VHOST_USER}, choices=[portbindings.VIF_TYPE_OVS, portbindings.VIF_TYPE_VHOST_USER]), cfg.StrOpt("vhost_sock_dir", default="/var/run/openvswitch", help=_("The directory in which vhost virtio socket " "is created by all the vswitch daemons")), cfg.IntOpt('dhcp_default_lease_time', default=(12 * 60 * 60), help=_('Default least time (in seconds) to use with ' 'OVN\'s native DHCP service.')), cfg.StrOpt("ovsdb_log_level", default="INFO", choices=list(VLOG_LEVELS.keys()), help=_("The log level used for OVSDB")), cfg.BoolOpt('ovn_metadata_enabled', default=False, help=_('Whether to use metadata service.')), cfg.ListOpt('dns_servers', default=[], help=_("Comma-separated list of the DNS servers which will be " "used as forwarders if a subnet's dns_nameservers " "field is empty. If both subnet's dns_nameservers and " "this option is empty, then the DNS resolvers on the " "host running the neutron server will be used.")), cfg.DictOpt('ovn_dhcp4_global_options', default={}, help=_("Dictionary of global DHCPv4 options which will be " "automatically set on each subnet upon creation and " "on all existing subnets when Neutron starts.\n" "An empty value for a DHCP option will cause that " "option to be unset globally.\n" "EXAMPLES:\n" "- ntp_server:,wpad: - Set ntp_server " "and wpad\n" "- ntp_server:,wpad: - Unset ntp_server and " "set wpad\n" "See the ovn-nb(5) man page for available options.")), cfg.DictOpt('ovn_dhcp6_global_options', default={}, help=_("Dictionary of global DHCPv6 options which will be " "automatically set on each subnet upon creation and " "on all existing subnets when Neutron starts.\n" "An empty value for a DHCP option will cause that " "option to be unset globally.\n" "EXAMPLES:\n" "- ntp_server:,wpad: - Set ntp_server " "and wpad\n" "- ntp_server:,wpad: - Unset ntp_server and " "set wpad\n" "See the ovn-nb(5) man page for available options.")), cfg.BoolOpt('ovn_emit_need_to_frag', default=False, help=_('Configure OVN to emit "need to frag" packets in ' 'case of MTU mismatch.\n' 'Before enabling this configuration make sure that ' 'its supported by the host kernel (version >= 5.2) ' 'or by checking the output of the following command: \n' 'ovs-appctl -t ovs-vswitchd dpif/show-dp-features ' 'br-int | grep "Check pkt length action".')), cfg.BoolOpt('disable_ovn_dhcp_for_baremetal_ports', default=False, help=_('Disable OVN\'s built-in DHCP for baremetal ports ' '(VNIC type "baremetal"). This alllow operators to ' 'plug their own DHCP server of choice for PXE booting ' 'baremetal nodes. Defaults to False.')), cfg.BoolOpt('allow_stateless_action_supported', default=True, deprecated_for_removal=True, deprecated_since="2023.1", help=_('If OVN older than 21.06 is used together with ' 'Neutron, this option should be set to ``False`` in ' 'order to disable ``stateful-security-group`` API ' 'extension as ``allow-stateless`` keyword is only ' 'supported by OVN >= 21.06.')), ] def register_opts(): cfg.CONF.register_opts(ovn_opts, group='ovn') ovs_conf.register_ovs_agent_opts() def list_opts(): return [ ('ovn', ovn_opts), ('ovs', ovs_conf.OPTS) ] def get_ovn_nb_connection(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovn_nb_connection def get_ovn_nb_private_key(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovn_nb_private_key def get_ovn_nb_certificate(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovn_nb_certificate def get_ovn_nb_ca_cert(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovn_nb_ca_cert def get_ovn_sb_connection(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovn_sb_connection def get_ovn_sb_private_key(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovn_sb_private_key def get_ovn_sb_certificate(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovn_sb_certificate def get_ovn_sb_ca_cert(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovn_sb_ca_cert def get_ovn_ovsdb_timeout(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovsdb_connection_timeout def get_ovn_ovsdb_retry_max_interval(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovsdb_retry_max_interval def get_ovn_ovsdb_probe_interval(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovsdb_probe_interval def get_ovn_neutron_sync_mode(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.neutron_sync_mode def is_ovn_l3(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovn_l3_mode def get_ovn_l3_scheduler(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovn_l3_scheduler def is_ovn_distributed_floating_ip(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.enable_distributed_floating_ip def get_ovn_vhost_sock_dir(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.vhost_sock_dir def get_ovn_dhcp_default_lease_time(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.dhcp_default_lease_time def get_ovn_ovsdb_log_level(): return VLOG_LEVELS[cfg.CONF.ovn.ovsdb_log_level] def is_ovn_metadata_enabled(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovn_metadata_enabled def get_dns_servers(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.dns_servers def get_global_dhcpv4_opts(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovn_dhcp4_global_options def get_global_dhcpv6_opts(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovn_dhcp6_global_options def is_ovn_emit_need_to_frag_enabled(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.ovn_emit_need_to_frag def is_igmp_snooping_enabled(): return cfg.CONF.OVS.igmp_snooping_enable def is_ovn_dhcp_disabled_for_baremetal(): return cfg.CONF.ovn.disable_ovn_dhcp_for_baremetal_ports