# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ This provides a sphinx extension able to render the source/general_feature_support_matrix.ini file into the developer documentation. It is used via a single directive in the .rst file .. support_matrix:: """ import re from docutils import nodes from docutils.parsers import rst from six.moves import configparser RE_PATTERN = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]") class SupportMatrix(object): """Represents the entire support matrix for Neutron drivers""" def __init__(self): self.features = [] self.targets = {} class SupportMatrixFeature(object): STATUS_IMMATURE = "immature" STATUS_MATURE = "mature" STATUS_REQUIRED = "required" STATUS_DEPRECATED = "deprecated" STATUS_ALL = [STATUS_IMMATURE, STATUS_MATURE, STATUS_REQUIRED, STATUS_DEPRECATED] def __init__(self, key, title, status=STATUS_IMMATURE, group=None, notes=None, cli=(), api=None): self.key = key self.title = title self.status = status self.group = group self.notes = notes self.cli = cli self.api = api self.implementations = {} class SupportMatrixImplementation(object): STATUS_COMPLETE = "complete" STATUS_PARTIAL = "partial" STATUS_INCOMPLETE = "incomplete" STATUS_UNKNOWN = "unknown" STATUS_ALL = [STATUS_COMPLETE, STATUS_INCOMPLETE, STATUS_PARTIAL, STATUS_UNKNOWN] def __init__(self, status=STATUS_INCOMPLETE, notes=None): self.status = status self.notes = notes STATUS_DICT = { SupportMatrixImplementation.STATUS_COMPLETE: u"\u2714", SupportMatrixImplementation.STATUS_INCOMPLETE: u"\u2716", SupportMatrixImplementation.STATUS_PARTIAL: u"\u2714", SupportMatrixImplementation.STATUS_UNKNOWN: u"?" } class SupportMatrixTarget(object): def __init__(self, key, title, driver, plugin=None, architecture=None, api=None): """:param key: Unique identifier for plugin :param title: Human readable name for plugin :param driver: name of the driver :param plugin: optional name of plugin :param architecture: optional name of architecture """ self.api = api self.key = key self.title = title self.driver = driver self.plugin = plugin self.architecture = architecture class SupportMatrixDirective(rst.Directive): # general_feature_support_matrix.ini is the arg required_arguments = 1 def run(self): matrix = self._load_support_matrix() return self._build_markup(matrix) def _load_support_matrix(self): """Reads the support-matrix.ini file and populates an instance of the SupportMatrix class with all the data. :returns: SupportMatrix instance """ cfg = configparser.SafeConfigParser() env = self.state.document.settings.env fname = self.arguments[0] rel_fpath, fpath = env.relfn2path(fname) with open(fpath) as fp: cfg.readfp(fp) # This ensures that the docs are rebuilt whenever the # .ini file changes env.note_dependency(rel_fpath) matrix = SupportMatrix() matrix.targets = self._get_targets(cfg) matrix.features = self._get_features(cfg, matrix.targets) return matrix def _get_targets(self, cfg): # The 'targets' section is special - it lists all the # backend drivers that this file records data for targets = {} network_target = "networking-" for item in cfg.options("targets"): if not item.startswith(network_target): continue # The driver string will optionally contain # 'networking-*' qualifier # so we expect between 1 and 3 components # in the name key = item[len(network_target):] title = cfg.get("targets", item) name = key.split("-") if len(name) > 3: raise Exception("'%s' field is malformed in '[%s]' section" % (item, "DEFAULT")) else: target = SupportMatrixTarget(key, title, *name) targets[key] = target return targets def _get_features(self, cfg, targets): # All sections except 'targets' describe some feature of # the Neutron backend driver. features = [] for section in cfg.sections(): if section == "targets": continue if not cfg.has_option(section, "title"): raise Exception( "'title' field missing in '[%s]' section" % section) title = cfg.get(section, "title") status = SupportMatrixFeature.STATUS_IMMATURE if cfg.has_option(section, "status"): # The value is a string "status(group)" where # the 'group' part is optional status = cfg.get(section, "status") offset = status.find("(") group = None if offset != -1: group = status[offset + 1:-1] status = status[0:offset] if status not in SupportMatrixFeature.STATUS_ALL: raise Exception( "'status' field value '%s' in ['%s']" "section must be %s" % (status, section, ",".join(SupportMatrixFeature.STATUS_ALL))) cli = [] if cfg.has_option(section, "cli"): cli = cfg.get(section, "cli") api = None if cfg.has_option(section, "api"): api = cfg.get(section, "api") notes = None if cfg.has_option(section, "notes"): notes = cfg.get(section, "notes") feature = SupportMatrixFeature(section, title, status, group, notes, cli, api) # Now we've got the basic feature details, we must process # the backend driver implementation for each feature for item in cfg.options(section): network_target = "networking-" network_notes = "networking-notes-" if not item.startswith(network_target): continue key = item[len(network_target):] if key not in targets: raise Exception( "networking-'%s' in '[%s]' not declared" % (item, section)) status = cfg.get(section, item) if status not in SupportMatrixImplementation.STATUS_ALL: raise Exception( "'%s' value '%s' in '[%s]' section must be %s" % (item, status, section, ",".join(SupportMatrixImplementation.STATUS_ALL))) notes_key = network_notes + item[len(network_notes):] notes = None if cfg.has_option(section, notes_key): notes = cfg.get(section, notes_key) target = targets[key] impl = SupportMatrixImplementation(status, notes) feature.implementations[target.key] = impl for key in targets: if key not in feature.implementations: raise Exception("'%s' missing in '[%s]' section" % (target.key, section)) features.append(feature) return features def _build_markup(self, matrix): """Constructs the docutils content for the support matrix """ content = [] self._build_summary(matrix, content) self._build_details(matrix, content) self._build_notes(content) return content def _build_summary(self, matrix, content): """Constructs the docutils content for the summary of the support matrix. The summary consists of a giant table, with one row for each feature, and a column for each backend driver. It provides an 'at a glance' summary of the status of each driver """ summary_title = nodes.subtitle(text="Summary") summary = nodes.table() cols = len(matrix.targets.keys()) cols += 2 summary_group = nodes.tgroup(cols=cols) summary_body = nodes.tbody() summary_head = nodes.thead() for i in range(cols): summary_group.append(nodes.colspec(colwidth=1)) summary_group.append(summary_head) summary_group.append(summary_body) summary.append(summary_group) content.append(summary_title) content.append(summary) # This sets up all the column headers - two fixed # columns for feature name & status header = nodes.row() blank = nodes.entry() blank.append(nodes.emphasis(text="Feature")) header.append(blank) blank = nodes.entry() blank.append(nodes.emphasis(text="Status")) header.append(blank) summary_head.append(header) # then one column for each backend driver impls = matrix.targets.keys() impls.sort() for key in impls: target = matrix.targets[key] implcol = nodes.entry() header.append(implcol) implcol.append(nodes.strong(text=target.title)) # We now produce the body of the table, one row for # each feature to report on for feature in matrix.features: item = nodes.row() # the hyperlink target name linking to details feature_id = re.sub(RE_PATTERN, "_", feature.key) # first the fixed columns for title/status key_col = nodes.entry() item.append(key_col) key_ref = nodes.reference(refid=feature_id) key_txt = nodes.inline() key_col.append(key_txt) key_txt.append(key_ref) key_ref.append(nodes.strong(text=feature.title)) status_col = nodes.entry() item.append(status_col) status_col.append(nodes.inline( text=feature.status, classes=["sp_feature_" + feature.status])) # and then one column for each backend driver impls = matrix.targets.keys() impls.sort() for key in impls: target = matrix.targets[key] impl = feature.implementations[key] impl_col = nodes.entry() item.append(impl_col) key_id = re.sub(RE_PATTERN, "_", "{}_{}".format(feature.key, key)) impl_ref = nodes.reference(refid=key_id) impl_txt = nodes.inline() impl_col.append(impl_txt) impl_txt.append(impl_ref) status = STATUS_DICT.get(impl.status, "") impl_ref.append(nodes.literal( text=status, classes=["sp_impl_summary", "sp_impl_" + impl.status])) summary_body.append(item) def _build_details(self, matrix, content): """Constructs the docutils content for the details of the support matrix. """ details_title = nodes.subtitle(text="Details") details = nodes.bullet_list() content.append(details_title) content.append(details) # One list entry for each feature we're reporting on for feature in matrix.features: item = nodes.list_item() status = feature.status if feature.group is not None: status += "({})".format(feature.group) feature_id = re.sub(RE_PATTERN, "_", feature.key) # Highlight the feature title name item.append(nodes.strong(text=feature.title, ids=[feature_id])) # Add maturity status para = nodes.paragraph() para.append(nodes.strong(text="Status: {} ".format(status))) item.append(para) # If API Alias exists add it if feature.api is not None: para = nodes.paragraph() para.append( nodes.strong(text="API Alias: {} ".format(feature.api))) item.append(para) if feature.cli: item.append(self._create_cli_paragraph(feature)) if feature.notes is not None: item.append(self._create_notes_paragraph(feature.notes)) para_divers = nodes.paragraph() para_divers.append(nodes.strong(text="Driver Support:")) # A sub-list giving details of each backend driver target impls = nodes.bullet_list() for key in feature.implementations: target = matrix.targets[key] impl = feature.implementations[key] subitem = nodes.list_item() key_id = re.sub(RE_PATTERN, "_", "{}_{}".format(feature.key, key)) subitem += [ nodes.strong(text="{}: ".format(target.title)), nodes.literal(text=impl.status, classes=["sp_impl_{}".format(impl.status)], ids=[key_id]), ] if impl.notes is not None: subitem.append(self._create_notes_paragraph(impl.notes)) impls.append(subitem) para_divers.append(impls) item.append(para_divers) details.append(item) def _build_notes(self, content): """Constructs a list of notes content for the support matrix. This is generated as a bullet list. """ notes_title = nodes.subtitle(text="Notes:") notes = nodes.bullet_list() content.append(notes_title) content.append(notes) for note in ["This document is a continuous work in progress"]: item = nodes.list_item() item.append(nodes.strong(text=note)) notes.append(item) def _create_cli_paragraph(self, feature): """Create a paragraph which represents the CLI commands of the feature The paragraph will have a bullet list of CLI commands. """ para = nodes.paragraph() para.append(nodes.strong(text="CLI commands:")) commands = nodes.bullet_list() for c in feature.cli.split(";"): cli_command = nodes.list_item() cli_command += nodes.literal(text=c, classes=["sp_cli"]) commands.append(cli_command) para.append(commands) return para def _create_notes_paragraph(self, notes): """Constructs a paragraph which represents the implementation notes The paragraph consists of text and clickable URL nodes if links were given in the notes. """ para = nodes.paragraph() para.append(nodes.strong(text="Notes: ")) # links could start with http:// or https:// link_idxs = [m.start() for m in re.finditer('https?://', notes)] start_idx = 0 for link_idx in link_idxs: # assume the notes start with text (could be empty) para.append(nodes.inline(text=notes[start_idx:link_idx])) # create a URL node until the next text or the end of the notes link_end_idx = notes.find(" ", link_idx) if link_end_idx == -1: # In case the notes end with a link without a blank link_end_idx = len(notes) uri = notes[link_idx:link_end_idx + 1] para.append(nodes.reference("", uri, refuri=uri)) start_idx = link_end_idx + 1 # get all text after the last link (could be empty) or all of the # text if no link was given para.append(nodes.inline(text=notes[start_idx:])) return para def setup(app): app.add_directive('support_matrix', SupportMatrixDirective) app.add_stylesheet('support_matrix.css')