# Copyright (c) 2015 Thales Services SAS # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import abc import functools import os import random import re import select import shlex import signal import subprocess import fixtures import netaddr from oslo_utils import uuidutils import six from neutron.agent.common import config from neutron.agent.common import ovs_lib from neutron.agent.linux import bridge_lib from neutron.agent.linux import ip_lib from neutron.agent.linux import utils from neutron.common import constants as n_const from neutron.tests import base as tests_base from neutron.tests.common import base as common_base from neutron.tests import tools NS_PREFIX = 'func-' BR_PREFIX = 'test-br' PORT_PREFIX = 'test-port' VETH0_PREFIX = 'test-veth0' VETH1_PREFIX = 'test-veth1' SS_SOURCE_PORT_PATTERN = re.compile( r'^.*\s+\d+\s+.*:(?P\d+)\s+[0-9:].*') READ_TIMEOUT = os.environ.get('OS_TEST_READ_TIMEOUT', 5) CHILD_PROCESS_TIMEOUT = os.environ.get('OS_TEST_CHILD_PROCESS_TIMEOUT', 20) CHILD_PROCESS_SLEEP = os.environ.get('OS_TEST_CHILD_PROCESS_SLEEP', 0.5) TRANSPORT_PROTOCOLS = (n_const.PROTO_NAME_TCP, n_const.PROTO_NAME_UDP) def get_rand_port_name(): return tests_base.get_rand_name(max_length=n_const.DEVICE_NAME_MAX_LEN, prefix=PORT_PREFIX) def increment_ip_cidr(ip_cidr, offset=1): """Increment ip_cidr offset times. example: increment_ip_cidr("", 2) ==> "" """ net0 = netaddr.IPNetwork(ip_cidr) net = netaddr.IPNetwork(ip_cidr) net.value += offset if not net0.network < net.ip < net0.broadcast: tools.fail( 'Incorrect ip_cidr,offset tuple (%s,%s): "incremented" ip_cidr is ' 'outside ip_cidr' % (ip_cidr, offset)) return str(net) def set_namespace_gateway(port_dev, gateway_ip): """Set gateway for the namespace associated to the port.""" if not port_dev.namespace: tools.fail('tests should not change test machine gateway') port_dev.route.add_gateway(gateway_ip) def assert_ping(src_namespace, dst_ip, timeout=1, count=1): ipversion = netaddr.IPAddress(dst_ip).version ping_command = 'ping' if ipversion == 4 else 'ping6' ns_ip_wrapper = ip_lib.IPWrapper(src_namespace) ns_ip_wrapper.netns.execute([ping_command, '-c', count, '-W', timeout, dst_ip]) def assert_no_ping(src_namespace, dst_ip, timeout=1, count=1): try: assert_ping(src_namespace, dst_ip, timeout, count) except RuntimeError: pass else: tools.fail("destination ip %(destination)s is replying to ping from " "namespace %(ns)s, but it shouldn't" % {'ns': src_namespace, 'destination': dst_ip}) def assert_arping(src_namespace, dst_ip, source=None, timeout=1, count=1): """Send arp request using arping executable. NOTE: ARP protocol is used in IPv4 only. IPv6 uses Neighbour Discovery Protocol instead. """ ns_ip_wrapper = ip_lib.IPWrapper(src_namespace) arping_cmd = ['arping', '-c', count, '-w', timeout] if source: arping_cmd.extend(['-s', source]) arping_cmd.append(dst_ip) ns_ip_wrapper.netns.execute(arping_cmd) def assert_no_arping(src_namespace, dst_ip, source=None, timeout=1, count=1): try: assert_arping(src_namespace, dst_ip, source, timeout, count) except RuntimeError: pass else: tools.fail("destination ip %(destination)s is replying to arp from " "namespace %(ns)s, but it shouldn't" % {'ns': src_namespace, 'destination': dst_ip}) def _get_source_ports_from_ss_output(output): ports = set() for line in output.splitlines(): match = SS_SOURCE_PORT_PATTERN.match(line) if match: ports.add(match.group('port')) return ports def get_unused_port(used, start=1024, end=65535): candidates = set(range(start, end + 1)) return random.choice(list(candidates - used)) def get_free_namespace_port(protocol, namespace=None): """Return an unused port from given namespace WARNING: This function returns a port that is free at the execution time of this function. If this port is used later for binding then there is a potential danger that port will be no longer free. It's up to the programmer to handle error if port is already in use. :param protocol: Return free port for given protocol. Supported protocols are 'tcp' and 'udp'. """ if protocol == n_const.PROTO_NAME_TCP: param = '-tna' elif protocol == n_const.PROTO_NAME_UDP: param = '-una' else: raise ValueError("Unsupported procotol %s" % protocol) ip_wrapper = ip_lib.IPWrapper(namespace=namespace) output = ip_wrapper.netns.execute(['ss', param]) used_ports = _get_source_ports_from_ss_output(output) return get_unused_port(used_ports) class RootHelperProcess(subprocess.Popen): def __init__(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs): for arg in ('stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr'): kwargs.setdefault(arg, subprocess.PIPE) self.namespace = kwargs.pop('namespace', None) self.cmd = cmd if self.namespace is not None: cmd = ['ip', 'netns', 'exec', self.namespace] + cmd root_helper = config.get_root_helper(utils.cfg.CONF) cmd = shlex.split(root_helper) + cmd self.child_pid = None super(RootHelperProcess, self).__init__(cmd, *args, **kwargs) self._wait_for_child_process() def kill(self, sig=signal.SIGKILL): pid = self.child_pid or str(self.pid) utils.execute(['kill', '-%d' % sig, pid], run_as_root=True) def read_stdout(self, timeout=None): return self._read_stream(self.stdout, timeout) @staticmethod def _read_stream(stream, timeout): if timeout: poller = select.poll() poller.register(stream.fileno()) poll_predicate = functools.partial(poller.poll, 1) utils.wait_until_true(poll_predicate, timeout, 0.1, RuntimeError( 'No output in %.2f seconds' % timeout)) return stream.readline() def writeline(self, data): self.stdin.write(data + os.linesep) self.stdin.flush() def _wait_for_child_process(self, timeout=CHILD_PROCESS_TIMEOUT, sleep=CHILD_PROCESS_SLEEP): def child_is_running(): child_pid = utils.get_root_helper_child_pid( self.pid, run_as_root=True) if utils.pid_invoked_with_cmdline(child_pid, self.cmd): return True utils.wait_until_true( child_is_running, timeout, exception=RuntimeError("Process %s hasn't been spawned " "in %d seconds" % (self.cmd, timeout))) self.child_pid = utils.get_root_helper_child_pid( self.pid, run_as_root=True) class NetcatTester(object): TESTING_STRING = 'foo' TCP = n_const.PROTO_NAME_TCP UDP = n_const.PROTO_NAME_UDP def __init__(self, client_namespace, server_namespace, address, dst_port, protocol, server_address='', src_port=None): """ Tool for testing connectivity on transport layer using netcat executable. The processes are spawned lazily. :param client_namespace: Namespace in which netcat process that connects to other netcat will be spawned :param server_namespace: Namespace in which listening netcat process will be spawned :param address: Server address from client point of view :param dst_port: Port on which netcat listens :param protocol: Transport protocol, either 'tcp' or 'udp' :param server_address: Address in server namespace on which netcat should listen :param src_port: Source port of netcat process spawned in client namespace - packet will have src_port in TCP/UDP header with this value """ self.client_namespace = client_namespace self.server_namespace = server_namespace self._client_process = None self._server_process = None self.address = address self.server_address = server_address self.dst_port = str(dst_port) self.src_port = str(src_port) if src_port else None if protocol not in TRANSPORT_PROTOCOLS: raise ValueError("Unsupported protocol %s" % protocol) self.protocol = protocol @property def client_process(self): if not self._client_process: self.establish_connection() return self._client_process @property def server_process(self): if not self._server_process: self._spawn_server_process() return self._server_process def _spawn_server_process(self): self._server_process = self._spawn_nc_in_namespace( self.server_namespace, address=self.server_address, listen=True) @property def is_established(self): return bool(self._client_process and not self._client_process.poll()) def establish_connection(self): if self._client_process: raise RuntimeError('%(proto)s connection to $(ip_addr)s is already' ' established' % {'proto': self.protocol, 'ip_addr': self.address}) if not self._server_process: self._spawn_server_process() self._client_process = self._spawn_nc_in_namespace( self.client_namespace, address=self.address) if self.protocol == self.UDP: # Create an entry in conntrack table for UDP packets self.client_process.writeline(self.TESTING_STRING) def test_connectivity(self, respawn=False): stop_required = (respawn and self._client_process and self._client_process.poll() is not None) if stop_required: self.stop_processes() self.client_process.writeline(self.TESTING_STRING) message = self.server_process.read_stdout(READ_TIMEOUT).strip() self.server_process.writeline(message) message = self.client_process.read_stdout(READ_TIMEOUT).strip() return message == self.TESTING_STRING def _spawn_nc_in_namespace(self, namespace, address, listen=False): cmd = ['nc', address, self.dst_port] if self.protocol == self.UDP: cmd.append('-u') if listen: cmd.append('-l') if self.protocol == self.TCP: cmd.append('-k') else: cmd.extend(['-w', '20']) if self.src_port: cmd.extend(['-p', self.src_port]) proc = RootHelperProcess(cmd, namespace=namespace) return proc def stop_processes(self): for proc_attr in ('_client_process', '_server_process'): proc = getattr(self, proc_attr) if proc: if proc.poll() is None: proc.kill() proc.wait() setattr(self, proc_attr, None) class NamespaceFixture(fixtures.Fixture): """Create a namespace. :ivar ip_wrapper: created namespace :type ip_wrapper: IPWrapper :ivar name: created namespace name :type name: str """ def __init__(self, prefix=NS_PREFIX): super(NamespaceFixture, self).__init__() self.prefix = prefix def _setUp(self): ip = ip_lib.IPWrapper() self.name = self.prefix + uuidutils.generate_uuid() self.addCleanup(self.destroy) self.ip_wrapper = ip.ensure_namespace(self.name) def destroy(self): if self.ip_wrapper.netns.exists(self.name): self.ip_wrapper.netns.delete(self.name) class VethFixture(fixtures.Fixture): """Create a veth. :ivar ports: created veth ports :type ports: IPDevice 2-uplet """ def _setUp(self): ip_wrapper = ip_lib.IPWrapper() self.ports = common_base.create_resource( VETH0_PREFIX, lambda name: ip_wrapper.add_veth(name, self.get_peer_name(name))) self.addCleanup(self.destroy) def destroy(self): for port in self.ports: ip_wrapper = ip_lib.IPWrapper(port.namespace) try: ip_wrapper.del_veth(port.name) break except RuntimeError: # NOTE(cbrandily): It seems a veth is automagically deleted # when a namespace owning a veth endpoint is deleted. pass @staticmethod def get_peer_name(name): if name.startswith(VETH0_PREFIX): return name.replace(VETH0_PREFIX, VETH1_PREFIX) elif name.startswith(VETH1_PREFIX): return name.replace(VETH1_PREFIX, VETH0_PREFIX) else: tools.fail('%s is not a valid VethFixture veth endpoint' % name) @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class PortFixture(fixtures.Fixture): """Create a port. :ivar port: created port :type port: IPDevice :ivar bridge: port bridge """ def __init__(self, bridge=None, namespace=None): super(PortFixture, self).__init__() self.bridge = bridge self.namespace = namespace @abc.abstractmethod def _create_bridge_fixture(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def _setUp(self): super(PortFixture, self)._setUp() if not self.bridge: self.bridge = self.useFixture(self._create_bridge_fixture()).bridge @classmethod def get(cls, bridge, namespace=None): """Deduce PortFixture class from bridge type and instantiate it.""" if isinstance(bridge, ovs_lib.OVSBridge): return OVSPortFixture(bridge, namespace) if isinstance(bridge, bridge_lib.BridgeDevice): return LinuxBridgePortFixture(bridge, namespace) if isinstance(bridge, VethBridge): return VethPortFixture(bridge, namespace) tools.fail('Unexpected bridge type: %s' % type(bridge)) class OVSBridgeFixture(fixtures.Fixture): """Create an OVS bridge. :ivar prefix: bridge name prefix :type prefix: str :ivar bridge: created bridge :type bridge: OVSBridge """ def __init__(self, prefix=BR_PREFIX): super(OVSBridgeFixture, self).__init__() self.prefix = prefix def _setUp(self): ovs = ovs_lib.BaseOVS() self.bridge = common_base.create_resource(self.prefix, ovs.add_bridge) self.addCleanup(self.bridge.destroy) class OVSPortFixture(PortFixture): def __init__(self, bridge=None, namespace=None, attrs=None): super(OVSPortFixture, self).__init__(bridge, namespace) if attrs is None: attrs = [] self.attrs = attrs def _create_bridge_fixture(self): return OVSBridgeFixture() def _setUp(self): super(OVSPortFixture, self)._setUp() port_name = common_base.create_resource(PORT_PREFIX, self.create_port) self.addCleanup(self.bridge.delete_port, port_name) self.port = ip_lib.IPDevice(port_name) ns_ip_wrapper = ip_lib.IPWrapper(self.namespace) ns_ip_wrapper.add_device_to_namespace(self.port) self.port.link.set_up() def create_port(self, name): self.attrs.insert(0, ('type', 'internal')) self.bridge.add_port(name, *self.attrs) return name class LinuxBridgeFixture(fixtures.Fixture): """Create a linux bridge. :ivar bridge: created bridge :type bridge: BridgeDevice :ivar namespace: created bridge namespace :type namespace: str """ def _setUp(self): self.namespace = self.useFixture(NamespaceFixture()).name self.bridge = common_base.create_resource( BR_PREFIX, bridge_lib.BridgeDevice.addbr, namespace=self.namespace) self.addCleanup(self.bridge.delbr) self.bridge.link.set_up() self.addCleanup(self.bridge.link.set_down) class LinuxBridgePortFixture(PortFixture): """Create a linux bridge port. :ivar port: created port :type port: IPDevice :ivar br_port: bridge side veth peer port :type br_port: IPDevice """ def _create_bridge_fixture(self): return LinuxBridgeFixture() def _setUp(self): super(LinuxBridgePortFixture, self)._setUp() self.port, self.br_port = self.useFixture(VethFixture()).ports # bridge side br_ip_wrapper = ip_lib.IPWrapper(self.bridge.namespace) br_ip_wrapper.add_device_to_namespace(self.br_port) self.bridge.addif(self.br_port) self.br_port.link.set_up() # port side ns_ip_wrapper = ip_lib.IPWrapper(self.namespace) ns_ip_wrapper.add_device_to_namespace(self.port) self.port.link.set_up() class VethBridge(object): def __init__(self, ports): self.ports = ports self.unallocated_ports = set(self.ports) def allocate_port(self): try: return self.unallocated_ports.pop() except KeyError: tools.fail('All FakeBridge ports (%s) are already allocated.' % len(self.ports)) class VethBridgeFixture(fixtures.Fixture): """Simulate a bridge with a veth. :ivar bridge: created bridge :type bridge: FakeBridge """ def _setUp(self): ports = self.useFixture(VethFixture()).ports self.bridge = VethBridge(ports) class VethPortFixture(PortFixture): """Create a veth bridge port. :ivar port: created port :type port: IPDevice """ def _create_bridge_fixture(self): return VethBridgeFixture() def _setUp(self): super(VethPortFixture, self)._setUp() self.port = self.bridge.allocate_port() ns_ip_wrapper = ip_lib.IPWrapper(self.namespace) ns_ip_wrapper.add_device_to_namespace(self.port) self.port.link.set_up()