# Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # @author: Henry Gessau, Cisco Systems import mock import requests from oslo.config import cfg from neutron.common import config as neutron_config from neutron.plugins.ml2 import config as ml2_config from neutron.tests import base OK = requests.codes.ok APIC_HOSTS = ['fake.controller.local'] APIC_PORT = 7580 APIC_USR = 'notadmin' APIC_PWD = 'topsecret' APIC_TENANT = 'citizen14' APIC_NETWORK = 'network99' APIC_NETNAME = 'net99name' APIC_SUBNET = '' APIC_L3CTX = 'layer3context' APIC_AP = 'appProfile001' APIC_EPG = 'endPointGroup001' APIC_CONTRACT = 'signedContract' APIC_SUBJECT = 'testSubject' APIC_FILTER = 'carbonFilter' APIC_ENTRY = 'forcedEntry' APIC_VMMP = 'OpenStack' APIC_DOMAIN = 'cumuloNimbus' APIC_PDOM = 'rainStorm' APIC_NODE_PROF = 'red' APIC_LEAF = 'green' APIC_LEAF_TYPE = 'range' APIC_NODE_BLK = 'blue' APIC_PORT_PROF = 'yellow' APIC_PORT_SEL = 'front' APIC_PORT_TYPE = 'range' APIC_PORT_BLK1 = 'block01' APIC_PORT_BLK2 = 'block02' APIC_ACC_PORT_GRP = 'alpha' APIC_FUNC_PROF = 'beta' APIC_ATT_ENT_PROF = 'delta' APIC_VLAN_NAME = 'gamma' APIC_VLAN_MODE = 'dynamic' APIC_VLANID_FROM = 2900 APIC_VLANID_TO = 2999 APIC_VLAN_FROM = 'vlan-%d' % APIC_VLANID_FROM APIC_VLAN_TO = 'vlan-%d' % APIC_VLANID_TO class ControllerMixin(object): """Mock the controller for APIC driver and service unit tests.""" def __init__(self): self.response = None def set_up_mocks(self): # The mocked responses from the server are lists used by # mock.side_effect, which means each call to post or get will # return the next item in the list. This allows the test cases # to stage a sequence of responses to method(s) under test. self.response = {'post': [], 'get': []} self.reset_reponses() def reset_reponses(self, req=None): # Clear all staged responses. reqs = req and [req] or ['post', 'get'] # Both if none specified. for req in reqs: del self.response[req][:] self.restart_responses(req) def restart_responses(self, req): responses = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=self.response[req]) if req == 'post': requests.Session.post = responses elif req == 'get': requests.Session.get = responses def mock_response_for_post(self, mo, **attrs): attrs['debug_mo'] = mo # useful for debugging self._stage_mocked_response('post', OK, mo, **attrs) def _stage_mocked_response(self, req, mock_status, mo, **attrs): response = mock.MagicMock() response.status_code = mock_status mo_attrs = attrs and [{mo: {'attributes': attrs}}] or [] response.json.return_value = {'imdata': mo_attrs} self.response[req].append(response) def mock_apic_manager_login_responses(self, timeout=300): # APIC Manager tests are based on authenticated session self.mock_response_for_post('aaaLogin', userName=APIC_USR, token='ok', refreshTimeoutSeconds=timeout) class ConfigMixin(object): """Mock the config for APIC driver and service unit tests.""" def __init__(self): self.mocked_parser = None def set_up_mocks(self): # Mock the configuration file args = ['--config-file', base.etcdir('neutron.conf.test')] neutron_config.init(args=args) # Configure the ML2 mechanism drivers and network types ml2_opts = { 'mechanism_drivers': ['apic'], 'tenant_network_types': ['vlan'], } for opt, val in ml2_opts.items(): ml2_config.cfg.CONF.set_override(opt, val, 'ml2') # Configure the Cisco APIC mechanism driver apic_test_config = { 'apic_hosts': APIC_HOSTS, 'apic_username': APIC_USR, 'apic_password': APIC_PWD, 'apic_vmm_domain': APIC_DOMAIN, 'apic_vlan_ns_name': APIC_VLAN_NAME, 'apic_vlan_range': '%d:%d' % (APIC_VLANID_FROM, APIC_VLANID_TO), 'apic_node_profile': APIC_NODE_PROF, 'apic_entity_profile': APIC_ATT_ENT_PROF, 'apic_function_profile': APIC_FUNC_PROF, } for opt, val in apic_test_config.items(): cfg.CONF.set_override(opt, val, 'ml2_cisco_apic') apic_switch_cfg = { 'apic_switch:east01': {'ubuntu1,ubuntu2': ['3/11']}, 'apic_switch:east02': {'rhel01,rhel02': ['4/21'], 'rhel03': ['4/22']}, } self.mocked_parser = mock.patch.object(cfg, 'MultiConfigParser').start() self.mocked_parser.return_value.read.return_value = [apic_switch_cfg] self.mocked_parser.return_value.parsed = [apic_switch_cfg]