# Copyright (c) 2016 IBM Corp. # # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections import contextlib import sys import time from neutron_lib.callbacks import events from neutron_lib.callbacks import registry from neutron_lib.callbacks import resources as local_resources from neutron_lib import constants from neutron_lib import context from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_service import loopingcall from oslo_service import service from oslo_utils import excutils from osprofiler import profiler from neutron.agent.l2 import l2_agent_extensions_manager as ext_manager from neutron.agent import rpc as agent_rpc from neutron.agent import securitygroups_rpc as agent_sg_rpc from neutron.api.rpc.callbacks import resources from neutron.api.rpc.handlers import securitygroups_rpc as sg_rpc from neutron.common import config as common_config from neutron.common import constants as n_const from neutron.common import topics from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.agent import _agent_manager_base as amb from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.agent import capabilities from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.agent import config as cagt_config # noqa LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) @profiler.trace_cls("rpc") class CommonAgentLoop(service.Service): def __init__(self, manager, polling_interval, quitting_rpc_timeout, agent_type, agent_binary): """Constructor. :param manager: the manager object containing the impl specifics :param polling_interval: interval (secs) to poll DB. :param quitting_rpc_timeout: timeout in seconds for rpc calls after stop is called. :param agent_type: Specifies the type of the agent :param agent_binary: The agent binary string """ super(CommonAgentLoop, self).__init__() self.mgr = manager self._validate_manager_class() self.polling_interval = polling_interval self.quitting_rpc_timeout = quitting_rpc_timeout self.agent_type = agent_type self.agent_binary = agent_binary def _validate_manager_class(self): if not isinstance(self.mgr, amb.CommonAgentManagerBase): LOG.error("Manager class must inherit from " "CommonAgentManagerBase to ensure CommonAgent " "works properly.") sys.exit(1) def start(self): # stores all configured ports on agent self.network_ports = collections.defaultdict(list) # flag to do a sync after revival self.fullsync = False self.context = context.get_admin_context_without_session() self.setup_rpc() self.init_extension_manager(self.connection) configurations = {'extensions': self.ext_manager.names()} configurations.update(self.mgr.get_agent_configurations()) #TODO(mangelajo): optimize resource_versions (see ovs agent) self.agent_state = { 'binary': self.agent_binary, 'host': cfg.CONF.host, 'topic': constants.L2_AGENT_TOPIC, 'configurations': configurations, 'agent_type': self.agent_type, 'resource_versions': resources.LOCAL_RESOURCE_VERSIONS, 'start_flag': True} report_interval = cfg.CONF.AGENT.report_interval if report_interval: heartbeat = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall( self._report_state) heartbeat.start(interval=report_interval) capabilities.notify_init_event(self.agent_type, self) # The initialization is complete; we can start receiving messages self.connection.consume_in_threads() self.daemon_loop() def stop(self, graceful=True): LOG.info("Stopping %s agent.", self.agent_type) if graceful and self.quitting_rpc_timeout: self.set_rpc_timeout(self.quitting_rpc_timeout) super(CommonAgentLoop, self).stop(graceful) def reset(self): common_config.setup_logging() def _report_state(self): try: devices = len(self.mgr.get_all_devices()) self.agent_state.get('configurations')['devices'] = devices agent_status = self.state_rpc.report_state(self.context, self.agent_state, True) if agent_status == n_const.AGENT_REVIVED: LOG.info('%s Agent has just been revived. ' 'Doing a full sync.', self.agent_type) self.fullsync = True # we only want to update resource versions on startup self.agent_state.pop('resource_versions', None) self.agent_state.pop('start_flag', None) except Exception: LOG.exception("Failed reporting state!") def _validate_rpc_endpoints(self): if not isinstance(self.endpoints[0], amb.CommonAgentManagerRpcCallBackBase): LOG.error("RPC Callback class must inherit from " "CommonAgentManagerRpcCallBackBase to ensure " "CommonAgent works properly.") sys.exit(1) def setup_rpc(self): self.plugin_rpc = agent_rpc.PluginApi(topics.PLUGIN) self.sg_plugin_rpc = sg_rpc.SecurityGroupServerRpcApi(topics.PLUGIN) self.sg_agent = agent_sg_rpc.SecurityGroupAgentRpc( self.context, self.sg_plugin_rpc, defer_refresh_firewall=True) self.agent_id = self.mgr.get_agent_id() LOG.info("RPC agent_id: %s", self.agent_id) self.topic = topics.AGENT self.state_rpc = agent_rpc.PluginReportStateAPI(topics.REPORTS) # RPC network init # Handle updates from service self.rpc_callbacks = self.mgr.get_rpc_callbacks(self.context, self, self.sg_agent) self.endpoints = [self.rpc_callbacks] self._validate_rpc_endpoints() # Define the listening consumers for the agent consumers = self.mgr.get_rpc_consumers() self.connection = agent_rpc.create_consumers(self.endpoints, self.topic, consumers, start_listening=False) def init_extension_manager(self, connection): ext_manager.register_opts(cfg.CONF) self.ext_manager = ( ext_manager.L2AgentExtensionsManager(cfg.CONF)) self.ext_manager.initialize( connection, self.mgr.get_extension_driver_type()) def _clean_network_ports(self, device): for netid, ports_list in self.network_ports.items(): for port_data in ports_list: if device == port_data['device']: ports_list.remove(port_data) if ports_list == []: self.network_ports.pop(netid) return port_data['port_id'] def _update_network_ports(self, network_id, port_id, device): self._clean_network_ports(device) self.network_ports[network_id].append({ "port_id": port_id, "device": device }) def process_network_devices(self, device_info): resync_a = False resync_b = False self.sg_agent.setup_port_filters(device_info.get('added'), device_info.get('updated')) # Updated devices are processed the same as new ones, as their # admin_state_up may have changed. The set union prevents duplicating # work when a device is new and updated in the same polling iteration. devices_added_updated = (set(device_info.get('added')) | set(device_info.get('updated'))) if devices_added_updated: resync_a = self.treat_devices_added_updated(devices_added_updated) if device_info.get('removed'): resync_b = self.treat_devices_removed(device_info['removed']) # If one of the above operations fails => resync with plugin return (resync_a | resync_b) def treat_devices_added_updated(self, devices): try: devices_details_list = self.plugin_rpc.get_devices_details_list( self.context, devices, self.agent_id, host=cfg.CONF.host) except Exception: LOG.exception("Unable to get port details for %s", devices) # resync is needed return True for device_details in devices_details_list: self._process_device_if_exists(device_details) # no resync is needed return False def _process_device_if_exists(self, device_details): # ignore exceptions from devices that disappear because they will # be handled as removed in the next iteration device = device_details['device'] with self._ignore_missing_device_exceptions(device): LOG.debug("Port %s added", device) if 'port_id' in device_details: LOG.info("Port %(device)s updated. Details: %(details)s", {'device': device, 'details': device_details}) self.mgr.setup_arp_spoofing_protection(device, device_details) segment = amb.NetworkSegment( device_details.get('network_type'), device_details['physical_network'], device_details.get('segmentation_id'), device_details.get('mtu') ) network_id = device_details['network_id'] self.rpc_callbacks.add_network(network_id, segment) interface_plugged = self.mgr.plug_interface( network_id, segment, device, device_details['device_owner']) # REVISIT(scheuran): Changed the way how ports admin_state_up # is implemented. # # Old lb implementation: # - admin_state_up: ensure that tap is plugged into bridge # - admin_state_down: remove tap from bridge # New lb implementation: # - admin_state_up: set tap device state to up # - admin_state_down: set tap device state to down # # However both approaches could result in races with # nova/libvirt and therefore to an invalid system state in the # scenario, where an instance is booted with a port configured # with admin_state_up = False: # # Libvirt does the following actions in exactly # this order (see libvirt virnetdevtap.c) # 1) Create the tap device, set its MAC and MTU # 2) Plug the tap into the bridge # 3) Set the tap online # # Old lb implementation: # A race could occur, if the lb agent removes the tap device # right after step 1). Then libvirt will add it to the bridge # again in step 2). # New lb implementation: # The race could occur if the lb-agent sets the taps device # state to down right after step 2). In step 3) libvirt # might set it to up again. # # This is not an issue if an instance is booted with a port # configured with admin_state_up = True. Libvirt would just # set the tap device up again. # # This refactoring is recommended for the following reasons: # 1) An existing race with libvirt caused by the behavior of # the old implementation. See Bug #1312016 # 2) The new code is much more readable if interface_plugged: self.mgr.ensure_port_admin_state( device, device_details['admin_state_up']) # update plugin about port status if admin_state is up if device_details['admin_state_up']: if interface_plugged: self.plugin_rpc.update_device_up(self.context, device, self.agent_id, cfg.CONF.host) else: self.plugin_rpc.update_device_down(self.context, device, self.agent_id, cfg.CONF.host) self._update_network_ports(device_details['network_id'], device_details['port_id'], device_details['device']) self.ext_manager.handle_port(self.context, device_details) registry.notify(local_resources.PORT_DEVICE, events.AFTER_UPDATE, self, context=self.context, device_details=device_details) else: LOG.info("Device %s not defined on plugin", device) @contextlib.contextmanager def _ignore_missing_device_exceptions(self, device): try: yield except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ectx: if device not in self.mgr.get_all_devices(): ectx.reraise = False LOG.debug("%s was removed during processing.", device) def treat_devices_removed(self, devices): resync = False self.sg_agent.remove_devices_filter(devices) for device in devices: LOG.info("Attachment %s removed", device) details = None try: details = self.plugin_rpc.update_device_down(self.context, device, self.agent_id, cfg.CONF.host) except Exception: LOG.exception("Error occurred while removing port %s", device) resync = True if details and details['exists']: LOG.info("Port %s updated.", device) else: LOG.debug("Device %s not defined on plugin", device) port_id = self._clean_network_ports(device) try: self.ext_manager.delete_port(self.context, {'device': device, 'port_id': port_id}) except Exception: LOG.exception("Error occurred while processing extensions " "for port removal %s", device) resync = True registry.notify(local_resources.PORT_DEVICE, events.AFTER_DELETE, self, context=self.context, device=device, port_id=port_id) self.mgr.delete_arp_spoofing_protection(devices) return resync @staticmethod def _get_devices_locally_modified(timestamps, previous_timestamps): """Returns devices with previous timestamps that do not match new. If a device did not have a timestamp previously, it will not be returned because this means it is new. """ return {device for device, timestamp in timestamps.items() if previous_timestamps.get(device) and timestamp != previous_timestamps.get(device)} def scan_devices(self, previous, sync): device_info = {} updated_devices = self.rpc_callbacks.get_and_clear_updated_devices() current_devices = self.mgr.get_all_devices() device_info['current'] = current_devices if previous is None: # This is the first iteration of daemon_loop(). previous = {'added': set(), 'current': set(), 'updated': set(), 'removed': set(), 'timestamps': {}} # clear any orphaned ARP spoofing rules (e.g. interface was # manually deleted) self.mgr.delete_unreferenced_arp_protection(current_devices) # check to see if any devices were locally modified based on their # timestamps changing since the previous iteration. If a timestamp # doesn't exist for a device, this calculation is skipped for that # device. device_info['timestamps'] = self.mgr.get_devices_modified_timestamps( current_devices) locally_updated = self._get_devices_locally_modified( device_info['timestamps'], previous['timestamps']) if locally_updated: LOG.debug("Adding locally changed devices to updated set: %s", locally_updated) updated_devices |= locally_updated if sync: # This is the first iteration, or the previous one had a problem. # Re-add all existing devices. device_info['added'] = current_devices # Retry cleaning devices that may not have been cleaned properly. # And clean any that disappeared since the previous iteration. device_info['removed'] = (previous['removed'] | previous['current'] - current_devices) # Retry updating devices that may not have been updated properly. # And any that were updated since the previous iteration. # Only update devices that currently exist. device_info['updated'] = (previous['updated'] | updated_devices & current_devices) else: device_info['added'] = current_devices - previous['current'] device_info['removed'] = previous['current'] - current_devices device_info['updated'] = updated_devices & current_devices return device_info def _device_info_has_changes(self, device_info): return (device_info.get('added') or device_info.get('updated') or device_info.get('removed')) def daemon_loop(self): LOG.info("%s Agent RPC Daemon Started!", self.agent_type) device_info = None sync = True while True: start = time.time() if self.fullsync: sync = True self.fullsync = False if sync: LOG.info("%s Agent out of sync with plugin!", self.agent_type) device_info = self.scan_devices(previous=device_info, sync=sync) sync = False if (self._device_info_has_changes(device_info) or self.sg_agent.firewall_refresh_needed()): LOG.debug("Agent loop found changes! %s", device_info) try: sync = self.process_network_devices(device_info) except Exception: LOG.exception("Error in agent loop. Devices info: %s", device_info) sync = True # sleep till end of polling interval elapsed = (time.time() - start) if (elapsed < self.polling_interval): time.sleep(self.polling_interval - elapsed) else: LOG.debug("Loop iteration exceeded interval " "(%(polling_interval)s vs. %(elapsed)s)!", {'polling_interval': self.polling_interval, 'elapsed': elapsed}) def set_rpc_timeout(self, timeout): for rpc_api in (self.plugin_rpc, self.sg_plugin_rpc, self.state_rpc): rpc_api.client.timeout = timeout