# Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import functools import netaddr from neutron_lib import constants from oslo_utils import uuidutils from neutron.common import utils from neutron.services.trunk.drivers.openvswitch.agent import ovsdb_handler from neutron.services.trunk.drivers.openvswitch import utils as trunk_ovs_utils from neutron.tests.fullstack import base from neutron.tests.fullstack.resources import environment from neutron.tests.fullstack.resources import machine def make_ip_network(port, network): """Make an IPNetwork object from port and network. Function returns IPNetwork object containing fixed IP address from port dictionary with prefixlen from network object. :param port: Port dictionary returned by Neutron API :param network: IPNetwork object in which the port's IP will be assigned. """ ip_address = netaddr.IPAddress( port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address']) return netaddr.IPNetwork( (ip_address.value, network.prefixlen)) class TrunkTestException(Exception): pass class Network(object): """A helper class to keep persistent info about assigned addresses.""" def __init__(self, prefix, network_cidr, tag=None): self.prefix = prefix self.network = netaddr.IPNetwork(network_cidr) self.neutron_network = None self.neutron_subnet = None self.tag = tag # Currently, only vlan is supported. Pass via __init__ once more are # supported. self.segmentation_type = 'vlan' @property def cidr(self): return str(self.network.cidr) @property def gateway(self): """Return lowest possible IP in the given subnet.""" return str(netaddr.IPAddress(self.network.first + 1)) @property def id(self): return self.neutron_network['id'] @property def name(self): return "%s-network" % self.prefix @property def subnet_name(self): return "%s-subnet" % self.prefix class TestTrunkPlugin(base.BaseFullStackTestCase): def setUp(self): host_desc = [environment.HostDescription( l3_agent=False, l2_agent_type=constants.AGENT_TYPE_OVS)] env_desc = environment.EnvironmentDescription(service_plugins='trunk') env = environment.Environment(env_desc, host_desc) super(TestTrunkPlugin, self).setUp(env) self.tenant_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid() self.trunk_network = Network('trunk', '') self.vlan1_network = Network('vlan1', '', tag=10) self.vlan2_network = Network('vlan2', '', tag=20) self.host = self.environment.hosts[0] for network in ( self.trunk_network, self.vlan1_network, self.vlan2_network): self.create_network_and_subnet(network) def create_network_and_subnet(self, network): """Create network and subnet resources in Neutron based on network object. The resource names will be -network and -subnet, where prefix is taken from network object. :param network: Network object from this module. """ network.neutron_network = self.safe_client.create_network( self.tenant_id, network.name) network.neutron_subnet = self.safe_client.create_subnet( self.tenant_id, network.id, cidr=network.cidr, gateway_ip=network.gateway, name=network.subnet_name, enable_dhcp=False) def create_vlan_aware_vm(self, trunk_network, vlan_networks): """Create a fake machine with one untagged port and subports according vlan_networks parameter. :param trunk_network: Instance of Network where trunk port should be created. :param vlan_networks: List of Network instances where subports should be created. """ trunk_parent_port = self.safe_client.create_port( self.tenant_id, trunk_network.id) vlan_subports = [ self.safe_client.create_port(self.tenant_id, vlan_network.id, mac_address=trunk_parent_port['mac_address']) for vlan_network in vlan_networks] trunk = self.safe_client.create_trunk( self.tenant_id, name='mytrunk', port_id=trunk_parent_port['id'], sub_ports=[ {'port_id': vlan_subport['id'], 'segmentation_type': 'vlan', 'segmentation_id': vlan_network.tag} for vlan_subport, vlan_network in zip(vlan_subports, vlan_networks) ], ) vm = self.useFixture( machine.FakeFullstackTrunkMachine( trunk, self.host, trunk_network.id, self.tenant_id, self.safe_client, neutron_port=trunk_parent_port, bridge_name=trunk_ovs_utils.gen_trunk_br_name(trunk['id']))) for port, vlan_network in zip(vlan_subports, vlan_networks): ip_network = make_ip_network(port, vlan_network.network) vm.add_vlan_interface( port['mac_address'], ip_network, vlan_network.tag) vm.block_until_boot() return vm def create_vm_in_network(self, network): """Create a fake machine in given network.""" return self.useFixture( machine.FakeFullstackMachine( self.host, network.id, self.tenant_id, self.safe_client ) ) def add_subport_to_vm(self, vm, subport_network): """Add subport from subport_network to given vm. :param vm: FakeFullstackMachine instance to with subport should be added. :param subport_network: Network object representing network containing port for subport. """ subport = self.safe_client.create_port( self.tenant_id, subport_network.id, mac_address=vm.neutron_port['mac_address']) subport_spec = { 'port_id': subport['id'], 'segmentation_type': subport_network.segmentation_type, 'segmentation_id': subport_network.tag } self.safe_client.trunk_add_subports( self.tenant_id, vm.trunk['id'], [subport_spec]) ip_network = make_ip_network(subport, subport_network.network) vm.add_vlan_interface( subport['mac_address'], ip_network, subport_network.tag) # NOTE(slaweq): As is described in bug # https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1687709 when more than one # different ovs-agent with enabled trunk driver is running at a time it # might lead to race conditions between them. # Because of that ovs_agent used for fullstack tests is monkeypatched and # loads trunk driver only if trunk service plugin is enabled. # That makes restriction that only a single set of tests with trunk-enabled # services will run at the same time. def test_trunk_lifecycle(self): """Test life-cycle of a fake VM with trunk port. This test uses 4 fake machines: - vlan_aware_vm (A) that is at the beginning connected to a trunk network and a vlan1 network. - trunk_network_vm (B) that is connected to the trunk network. - vlan1_network_vm (C) that is connected to the vlan1 network. - vlan2_network_vm (D) that is connected to a vlan2 network. Scenario steps: - all the vms from above are created - A can talk with B (over the trunk network) - A can talk with C (over the vlan1 network) - A can not talk with D (no leg on the vlan2 network) - subport from the vlan2 network is added to A - A can now talk with D (over the vlan2 network) - subport from the vlan1 network is removed from A - A can talk with B (over the trunk network) - A can not talk with C (no leg on the vlan1 network) - A can talk with D (over the vlan2 network) - A is deleted which leads to removal of trunk bridge - no leftovers like patch ports to the trunk bridge should remain on an integration bridge """ vlan_aware_vm = self.create_vlan_aware_vm( self.trunk_network, [self.vlan1_network] ) trunk_id = vlan_aware_vm.trunk['id'] # Create helper vms with different networks trunk_network_vm = self.create_vm_in_network(self.trunk_network) vlan1_network_vm = self.create_vm_in_network(self.vlan1_network) vlan2_network_vm = self.create_vm_in_network(self.vlan2_network) for vm in trunk_network_vm, vlan1_network_vm, vlan2_network_vm: vm.block_until_boot() # Test connectivity to trunk and subport vlan_aware_vm.block_until_ping(trunk_network_vm.ip) vlan_aware_vm.block_until_ping(vlan1_network_vm.ip) # Subport for vlan2 hasn't been added yet vlan_aware_vm.block_until_no_ping(vlan2_network_vm.ip) # Add another subport and test self.add_subport_to_vm(vlan_aware_vm, self.vlan2_network) vlan_aware_vm.block_until_ping(vlan2_network_vm.ip) # Remove the first subport self.safe_client.trunk_remove_subports( self.tenant_id, trunk_id, [vlan_aware_vm.trunk['sub_ports'][0]]) # vlan1_network_vm now shouldn't be able to talk to vlan_aware_vm vlan_aware_vm.block_until_no_ping(vlan1_network_vm.ip) # but trunk and vlan2 should be able to ping vlan_aware_vm.block_until_ping(trunk_network_vm.ip) vlan_aware_vm.block_until_ping(vlan2_network_vm.ip) # Delete vm and check that patch ports are gone vlan_aware_vm.destroy() integration_bridge = self.host.get_bridge(None) no_patch_ports_predicate = functools.partial( lambda bridge: not ovsdb_handler.bridge_has_service_port(bridge), integration_bridge, ) try: utils.wait_until_true(no_patch_ports_predicate) except utils.WaitTimeout: # Create exception object after timeout to provide up-to-date list # of interfaces raise TrunkTestException( "Integration bridge %s still has following ports while some of" " them are patch ports for trunk that were supposed to be " "removed: %s" % ( integration_bridge.br_name, integration_bridge.get_iface_name_list() ) )