# Copyright 2016 Huawei Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import oslo_messaging from neutron.common import rpc as n_rpc from neutron.services.bgp.common import constants as bgp_consts class BgpDrAgentNotifyApi(object): """API for plugin to notify BGP DrAgent. This class implements the client side of an rpc interface. The server side is neutron.services.bgp_speaker.agent.bgp_dragent.BgpDrAgent. For more information about rpc interfaces, please see doc/source/devref/rpc_api.rst. """ def __init__(self, topic=bgp_consts.BGP_DRAGENT): target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic=topic, version='1.0') self.client = n_rpc.get_client(target) self.topic = topic def bgp_routes_advertisement(self, context, bgp_speaker_id, routes, host): """Tell BgpDrAgent to begin advertising the given route. Invoked on FIP association, adding router port to a tenant network, and new DVR port-host bindings, and subnet creation(?). """ self._notification_host_cast(context, 'bgp_routes_advertisement_end', {'advertise_routes': {'speaker_id': bgp_speaker_id, 'routes': routes}}, host) def bgp_routes_withdrawal(self, context, bgp_speaker_id, routes, host): """Tell BgpDrAgent to stop advertising the given route. Invoked on FIP disassociation, removal of a router port on a network, and removal of DVR port-host binding, and subnet delete(?). """ self._notification_host_cast(context, 'bgp_routes_withdrawal_end', {'withdraw_routes': {'speaker_id': bgp_speaker_id, 'routes': routes}}, host) def bgp_peer_disassociated(self, context, bgp_speaker_id, bgp_peer_ip, host): """Tell BgpDrAgent about a new BGP Peer association. This effectively tells the BgpDrAgent to stop a peering session. """ self._notification_host_cast(context, 'bgp_peer_disassociation_end', {'bgp_peer': {'speaker_id': bgp_speaker_id, 'peer_ip': bgp_peer_ip}}, host) def bgp_peer_associated(self, context, bgp_speaker_id, bgp_peer_id, host): """Tell BgpDrAgent about a BGP Peer disassociation. This effectively tells the bgp_dragent to open a peering session. """ self._notification_host_cast(context, 'bgp_peer_association_end', {'bgp_peer': {'speaker_id': bgp_speaker_id, 'peer_id': bgp_peer_id}}, host) def bgp_speaker_created(self, context, bgp_speaker_id, host): """Tell BgpDrAgent about the creation of a BGP Speaker. Because a BGP Speaker can be created with BgpPeer binding in place, we need to inform the BgpDrAgent of a new BGP Speaker in case a peering session needs to opened immediately. """ self._notification_host_cast(context, 'bgp_speaker_create_end', {'bgp_speaker': {'id': bgp_speaker_id}}, host) def bgp_speaker_removed(self, context, bgp_speaker_id, host): """Tell BgpDrAgent about the removal of a BGP Speaker. Because a BGP Speaker can be removed with BGP Peer binding in place, we need to inform the BgpDrAgent of the removal of a BGP Speaker in case peering sessions need to be stopped. """ self._notification_host_cast(context, 'bgp_speaker_remove_end', {'bgp_speaker': {'id': bgp_speaker_id}}, host) def _notification_host_cast(self, context, method, payload, host): """Send payload to BgpDrAgent in the cast mode""" cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=self.topic, server=host) cctxt.cast(context, method, payload=payload) def _notification_host_call(self, context, method, payload, host): """Send payload to BgpDrAgent in the call mode""" cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=self.topic, server=host) cctxt.call(context, method, payload=payload)