# Copyright 2011 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from neutron_lib import constants from neutron_lib.utils import net from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_service import wsgi from oslo_utils import netutils from neutron._i18n import _ core_opts = [ cfg.HostAddressOpt('bind_host', default='', help=_("The host IP to bind to.")), cfg.PortOpt('bind_port', default=9696, help=_("The port to bind to")), cfg.StrOpt('api_extensions_path', default="", help=_("The path for API extensions. " "Note that this can be a colon-separated list of paths. " "For example: api_extensions_path = " "extensions:/path/to/more/exts:/even/more/exts. " "The __path__ of neutron.extensions is appended to " "this, so if your extensions are in there you do not " "need to specify them here.")), cfg.StrOpt('auth_strategy', default='keystone', help=_("The type of authentication to use")), cfg.StrOpt('core_plugin', help=_("The core plugin Neutron will use")), cfg.ListOpt('service_plugins', default=[], help=_("The service plugins Neutron will use")), cfg.StrOpt('base_mac', default="fa:16:3e:00:00:00", help=_("The base MAC address Neutron will use for VIFs. " "The first 3 octets will remain unchanged. If the 4th " "octet is not 00, it will also be used. The others " "will be randomly generated.")), cfg.BoolOpt('allow_bulk', default=True, help=_("Allow the usage of the bulk API")), cfg.StrOpt('pagination_max_limit', default="-1", help=_("The maximum number of items returned in a single " "response, value of 'infinite' or negative integer " "means no limit")), cfg.ListOpt('default_availability_zones', default=[], help=_("Default value of availability zone hints. The " "availability zone aware schedulers use this when " "the resources availability_zone_hints is empty. " "Multiple availability zones can be specified by a " "comma separated string. This value can be empty. " "In this case, even if availability_zone_hints for " "a resource is empty, availability zone is " "considered for high availability while scheduling " "the resource.")), cfg.IntOpt('max_dns_nameservers', default=5, help=_("Maximum number of DNS nameservers per subnet")), cfg.IntOpt('max_subnet_host_routes', default=20, help=_("Maximum number of host routes per subnet")), cfg.BoolOpt('ipv6_pd_enabled', default=False, help=_("Warning: This feature is experimental with low test " "coverage, and the Dibbler client which is used for " "this feature is no longer maintained! " "Enables IPv6 Prefix Delegation for automatic subnet " "CIDR allocation. " "Set to True to enable IPv6 Prefix Delegation for " "subnet allocation in a PD-capable environment. Users " "making subnet creation requests for IPv6 subnets " "without providing a CIDR or subnetpool ID will be " "given a CIDR via the Prefix Delegation mechanism. " "Note that enabling PD will override the behavior of " "the default IPv6 subnetpool."), deprecated_for_removal=True, deprecated_since='2023.2', deprecated_reason=("The Dibbler client used for this feature " "is no longer maintained. See LP#1916428"), ), cfg.IntOpt('dhcp_lease_duration', default=86400, help=_("DHCP lease duration (in seconds). Use -1 to tell " "dnsmasq to use infinite lease times.")), cfg.StrOpt('dns_domain', default='openstacklocal', help=_('Domain to use for building the hostnames')), cfg.StrOpt('external_dns_driver', help=_('Driver for external DNS integration.')), cfg.BoolOpt('dhcp_agent_notification', default=True, help=_("Allow sending resource operation" " notification to DHCP agent")), cfg.HostAddressOpt('host', default=net.get_hostname(), sample_default='example.domain', help=_("Hostname to be used by the Neutron server, " "agents and services running on this machine. " "All the agents and services running on this " "machine must use the same host value.")), cfg.StrOpt("network_link_prefix", help=_("This string is prepended to the normal URL that is " "returned in links to the OpenStack Network API. If it " "is empty (the default), the URLs are returned " "unchanged.")), cfg.BoolOpt('notify_nova_on_port_status_changes', default=True, help=_("Send notification to Nova when port status changes")), cfg.BoolOpt('notify_nova_on_port_data_changes', default=True, help=_("Send notification to Nova when port data (fixed_ips/" "floatingip) changes so Nova can update its cache.")), cfg.IntOpt('send_events_interval', default=2, help=_('Number of seconds between sending events to Nova if ' 'there are any events to send.')), cfg.StrOpt('setproctitle', default='on', help=_("Set process name to match child worker role. " "Available options are: 'off' - retains the previous " "behavior; 'on' - renames processes to " "'neutron-server: role (original string)'; " "'brief' - renames the same as 'on', but without the " "original string, such as 'neutron-server: role'.")), cfg.StrOpt('ipam_driver', default='internal', help=_("Neutron IPAM (IP address management) driver to use. " "By default, the reference implementation of the " "Neutron IPAM driver is used.")), cfg.BoolOpt('vlan_transparent', default=False, help=_('If True, then allow plugins that support it to ' 'create VLAN transparent networks.')), cfg.BoolOpt('filter_validation', default=True, help=_('If True, then allow plugins to decide ' 'whether to perform validations on filter parameters. ' 'Filter validation is enabled if this config ' 'is turned on and it is supported by all plugins')), cfg.IntOpt('global_physnet_mtu', default=constants.DEFAULT_NETWORK_MTU, deprecated_name='segment_mtu', deprecated_group='ml2', help=_('MTU of the underlying physical network. Neutron uses ' 'this value to calculate MTU for all virtual network ' 'components. For flat and VLAN networks, neutron uses ' 'this value without modification. For overlay networks ' 'such as VXLAN, neutron automatically subtracts the ' 'overlay protocol overhead from this value. Defaults ' 'to 1500, the standard value for Ethernet.')), cfg.IntOpt('http_retries', default=3, min=0, help=_("Number of times client connections (Nova, Ironic) " "should be retried on a failed HTTP call. 0 (zero) " "means connection is attempted only once (not retried). " "Setting to any positive integer means that on failure " "the connection is retried that many times. " "For example, setting to 3 means total attempts to " "connect will be 4.")), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_traditional_dhcp', default=True, help=_('If False, neutron-server will disable the following ' 'DHCP-agent related functions: ' '1. DHCP provisioning block ' '2. DHCP scheduler API extension ' '3. Network scheduling mechanism ' '4. DHCP RPC/notification')), cfg.StrOpt('my_ip', default=netutils.get_my_ipv4(), help=_('IPv4 address of this host. If no address is provided ' 'and one cannot be determined, will be ' 'used.')), cfg.StrOpt('my_ipv6', default=netutils.get_my_ipv6(), help=_('IPv6 address of this host. If no address is provided ' 'and one cannot be determined, ::1 will be ' 'used.')), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_signals', default=True, help=_('If False, neutron-server will not listen for signals ' 'like SIGINT or SIGTERM. This is useful when running ' 'behind a WSGI server like apache/mod_wsgi.')), ] core_cli_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('state_path', default='/var/lib/neutron', help=_("Where to store Neutron state files. " "This directory must be writable by the agent.")), ] def register_core_common_config_opts(cfg=cfg.CONF): cfg.register_opts(core_opts) cfg.register_cli_opts(core_cli_opts) wsgi.register_opts(cfg) NOVA_CONF_SECTION = 'nova' nova_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('region_name', help=_('Name of Nova region to use. Useful if Keystone manages' ' more than one region.')), cfg.StrOpt('endpoint_type', default='public', choices=['public', 'admin', 'internal'], help=_('Type of the Nova endpoint to use. This endpoint will' ' be looked up in the Keystone catalog and should be' ' one of public, internal or admin.')), ] def register_nova_opts(cfg=cfg.CONF): cfg.register_opts(nova_opts, group=NOVA_CONF_SECTION) PLACEMENT_CONF_SECTION = 'placement' placement_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('region_name', help=_('Name of placement region to use. Useful if Keystone ' 'manages more than one region.')), cfg.StrOpt('endpoint_type', default='public', choices=['public', 'admin', 'internal'], help=_('Type of the placement endpoint to use. This endpoint ' 'will be looked up in the Keystone catalog and should ' 'be one of public, internal or admin.')), ] def register_placement_opts(cfg=cfg.CONF): cfg.register_opts(placement_opts, group=PLACEMENT_CONF_SECTION) IRONIC_CONF_SECTION = 'ironic' ironic_opts = [ cfg.BoolOpt('enable_notifications', default=False, help=_("Send notification events to Ironic. (For example on " "relevant port status changes.)")), ] def register_ironic_opts(cfg=cfg.CONF): cfg.register_opts(ironic_opts, group=IRONIC_CONF_SECTION) CLI_SCRIPT_SECTION = 'cli_script' cli_script_options = [ cfg.BoolOpt('dry_run', default=False, help=_('Dry-run execution of the CLI script. No change will ' 'be performed on the system.')), ] def register_cli_script_opts(cfg=cfg.CONF): cfg.register_opts(cli_script_options, group=CLI_SCRIPT_SECTION)