#!/usr/bin/env bash # Script Arguments: # $1 - ovn-db IP address # $2 - provider network starting IP address # $3 - provider network ending IP address # $4 - provider network gateway # $5 - provider network network # $6 - ovn vm subnet ovnip=$1 start_ip=$2 end_ip=$3 gateway=$4 network=$5 ovn_vm_subnet=$6 # Get the IP address if ip a | grep enp0 ; then ipaddress=$(ip -4 addr show enp0s8 | grep -oP "(?<=inet ).*(?=/)") else ipaddress=$(ip -4 addr show eth1 | grep -oP "(?<=inet ).*(?=/)") fi # Adjust some things in local.conf cat << DEVSTACKEOF >> devstack/local.conf.vagrant # Good to set these HOST_IP=$ipaddress HOSTNAME=$(hostname) SERVICE_HOST_NAME=${HOST_NAME} SERVICE_HOST=$ipaddress OVN_SB_REMOTE=tcp:$ovnip:6642 OVN_NB_REMOTE=tcp:$ovnip:6641 # Enable logging to files. LOGFILE=/opt/stack/log/stack.sh.log # Disable the ovn-northd service on the controller node because the # architecture includes a separate OVN database server. disable_service ovn-northd # Disable the ovn-controller service because the architecture lacks services # on the controller node that depend on it. disable_service ovn-controller # Disable the ovn metadata agent. disable_service neutron-ovn-metadata-agent # Disable the nova compute service on the controller node because the # architecture only deploys it on separate compute nodes. disable_service n-cpu # Disable cinder services and tempest to reduce deployment time. disable_service c-api c-sch c-vol tempest # Until OVN supports NAT, the private network IP address range # must not conflict with IP address ranges on the host. Change # as necessary for your environment. NETWORK_GATEWAY= FIXED_RANGE= # Use provider network for public. Q_USE_PROVIDERNET_FOR_PUBLIC=True OVS_PHYSICAL_BRIDGE=br-provider PHYSICAL_NETWORK=provider PUBLIC_NETWORK_NAME=provider PUBLIC_NETWORK_GATEWAY="$gateway" PUBLIC_PHYSICAL_NETWORK=provider PUBLIC_SUBNET_NAME=provider-v4 IPV6_PUBLIC_SUBNET_NAME=provider-v6 Q_FLOATING_ALLOCATION_POOL="start=$start_ip,end=$end_ip" FLOATING_RANGE="$network" # If the admin wants to enable this chassis to host gateway routers for # external connectivity, then set ENABLE_CHASSIS_AS_GW to True. # Then devstack will set ovn-cms-options with enable-chassis-as-gw # in Open_vSwitch table's external_ids column ENABLE_CHASSIS_AS_GW=True DEVSTACKEOF # Add unique post-config for DevStack here using a separate 'cat' with # single quotes around EOF to prevent interpretation of variables such # as $NEUTRON_CONF. cat << 'DEVSTACKEOF' >> devstack/local.conf.vagrant # Enable two DHCP agents per neutron subnet with support for availability # zones. Requires two or more compute nodes. [[post-config|/$NEUTRON_CONF]] [DEFAULT] network_scheduler_driver = neutron.scheduler.dhcp_agent_scheduler.AZAwareWeightScheduler dhcp_load_type = networks dhcp_agents_per_network = 2 # Configure the Compute service (nova) metadata API to use the X-Forwarded-For # header sent by the Networking service metadata proxies on the compute nodes. [[post-config|$NOVA_CONF]] [DEFAULT] use_forwarded_for = True DEVSTACKEOF sed '/#EXTRA_CONFIG/ r devstack/local.conf.vagrant' \ neutron/devstack/ovn-local.conf.sample > devstack/local.conf devstack/stack.sh # Make the provider network shared and enable DHCP for its v4 subnet. source devstack/openrc admin admin neutron net-update --shared $PUBLIC_NETWORK_NAME neutron subnet-update --enable_dhcp=True $PUBLIC_SUBNET_NAME # NFS server setup sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y nfs-kernel-server nfs-common sudo mkdir -p /opt/stack/data/nova/instances sudo touch /etc/exports sudo sh -c "echo \"/opt/stack/data/nova/instances $ovn_vm_subnet(rw,sync,fsid=0,no_root_squash)\" >> /etc/exports" sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart sudo service nfs-idmapd restart # Set the OVN_*_DB variables to enable OVN commands using a remote database. echo -e "\n# Enable OVN commands using a remote database. export OVN_NB_DB=$OVN_NB_REMOTE export OVN_SB_DB=$OVN_SB_REMOTE" >> ~/.bash_profile