# neutron-rootwrap command filters to support functional testing. It # is NOT intended to be used outside of a test environment. # # This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user [Filters] # enable ping from namespace ping_filter: CommandFilter, ping, root ping6_filter: CommandFilter, ping6, root ping_kill: KillFilter, root, ping, -2 # enable curl from namespace curl_filter: RegExpFilter, /usr/bin/curl, root, curl, --max-time, \d+, -D-, http://[0-9a-z:./-]+ ncat_filter: CommandFilter, ncat, root ncat_kill: KillFilter, root, ncat, -9 ss_filter: CommandFilter, ss, root # enable neutron-linuxbridge-cleanup from namespace lb_cleanup_filter: RegExpFilter, neutron-linuxbridge-cleanup, root, neutron-linuxbridge-cleanup, --config-file, .* # enable dhclient from namespace dhclient_filter: CommandFilter, dhclient, root dhclient_kill: KillFilter, root, dhclient, -9 # Actually, dhclient is used for test dhcp-agent and runs # in dhcp-agent namespace. If in that namespace resolv.conf file not exist # dhclient will override system /etc/resolv.conf # Filters below are limit functions mkdir, rm and touch # only to create and delete file resolv.conf in the namespace mkdir_filter: RegExpFilter, /bin/mkdir, root, mkdir, -p, /etc/netns/qdhcp-[0-9a-z./-]+ rm_filter: RegExpFilter, /bin/rm, root, rm, -r, /etc/netns/qdhcp-[0-9a-z./-]+ touch_filter: RegExpFilter, /bin/touch, root, touch, /etc/netns/qdhcp-[0-9a-z./-]+/resolv.conf touch_filter2: RegExpFilter, /usr/bin/touch, root, touch, /etc/netns/qdhcp-[0-9a-z./-]+/resolv.conf # needed by test_ovs_flows which runs ovs-appctl ofproto/trace ovstrace_filter: RegExpFilter, ovs-appctl, root, ovs-appctl, ofproto/trace, .*, .* # needed for TestGetRootHelperChildPid bash_filter: RegExpFilter, /bin/bash, root, bash, -c, \(sleep 100\) sleep_kill: KillFilter, root, sleep, -9 #needed by test_netns_cleanup process_spawn: EnvFilter, env, root, PATH=, python ip_exec: IpNetnsExecFilter, ip, root ps: CommandFilter, ps, root pid_kill: RegExpFilter, kill, root, kill, -\d+, .*