# Copyright 2017 - Nokia # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import functools from neutron.common import utils from neutron.tests.fullstack import base from neutron.tests.fullstack.resources import environment from neutron.tests.unit import testlib_api from neutron_lib import constants from oslo_utils import uuidutils load_tests = testlib_api.module_load_tests class PortShutDownTest(base.BaseFullStackTestCase): # This is a test to confirm the port status # on shutting down the port administratively. # The port status should no longer be ACTIVE # and go to DOWN use_dhcp = True l2_pop = False arp_responder = False num_hosts = 1 scenarios = [ (constants.AGENT_TYPE_LINUXBRIDGE, {'l2_agent_type': constants.AGENT_TYPE_LINUXBRIDGE}), (constants.AGENT_TYPE_OVS, {'l2_agent_type': constants.AGENT_TYPE_OVS}) ] def setUp(self): host_descriptions = [ environment.HostDescription( l2_agent_type=self.l2_agent_type, dhcp_agent=self.use_dhcp, ) for _ in range(self.num_hosts)] env = environment.Environment( environment.EnvironmentDescription( l2_pop=self.l2_pop, arp_responder=self.arp_responder), host_descriptions) super(PortShutDownTest, self).setUp(env) def _create_external_network_and_subnet(self, tenant_id): # This test is not exclusive for the external networks. # It is only used here to implicitly create a dhcp port # on the network creation. network = self.safe_client.create_network( tenant_id, name='test-public', external=True, network_type='local') self.safe_client.create_subnet(tenant_id, network['id'], '', gateway_ip='') return network def _get_network_dhcp_ports(self, network_id): return self.client.list_ports(network_id=network_id, device_owner=constants.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP)['ports'] def _is_port_active(self, port_id): port = self.client.show_port(port_id)['port'] return port['status'] == constants.PORT_STATUS_ACTIVE def _is_port_down(self, port_id): port = self.client.show_port(port_id)['port'] return port['status'] == constants.PORT_STATUS_DOWN def test_port_shut_down(self): tenant_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid() # Create an external network network = self._create_external_network_and_subnet(tenant_id) # Check if the DHCP port is created port_created = functools.partial(self._get_network_dhcp_ports, network['id']) utils.wait_until_true(port_created) # Get the DHCP port port = self._get_network_dhcp_ports(network['id'])[0] # Wait till the changes are reflected to DB port_status_active_predicate = functools.partial( self._is_port_active, port['id']) utils.wait_until_true(port_status_active_predicate) # Shut down the port self.safe_client.update_port(port['id'], admin_state_up=False) port_status_down_predicate = functools.partial( self._is_port_down, port['id']) utils.wait_until_true(port_status_down_predicate)