Testing Quantum


    There are two types of tests in quantum: functional and unit.  Their
    respective directories are located in the tests/ directory.

    The functional tests are intended to be used when the service is running.
    Their goal is to make sure the service is working end to end and also to
    test any plugin for conformance and functionality.  Also note that the
    functional tests expect quantum to be running on the local machine.  If it
    isn't you will have to change the tests to point to your quuntum instance.

    The unit tests can be run without the service running.  They are designed
    to test the various pieces of the quantum tree to make sure any new
    changes don't break existing functionality.

Running tests

    All tests can be run via the run_tests.sh script, which will allow you to
    run them in the standard environment or create a virtual environment to
    run them in.  All of the functional tests will fail if the service isn't
    running.  One current TODO item is to be able to specify whether you want
    to run the functional or unit tests via run_tests.sh.

    After running all of the tests, run_test.sh will report any pep8 errors
    found in the tree.

Adding more tests

    Quantum is a pretty new code base at this point and there is plenty of
    areas that need tests.  The current blueprint and branch for adding tests
    is located at:

    Also, there is a wiki page tracking the status of the test effort:

Development process

    It is expected that any new changes that are proposed for merge come with
    unit tests for that feature or code area.  Ideally any bugs fixes that are
    submitted also have unit tests to prove that they stay fixed! :)  In
    addition, before proposing for merge, all of the current unit tests should
    be passing.