# Copyright 2015 Cloudbase Solutions. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import io import os import eventlet from eventlet import tpool from neutron_lib.utils import helpers from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import encodeutils import six from neutron._i18n import _ from neutron.common import exceptions if os.name == 'nt': import wmi LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # subprocess.Popen will spawn two threads consuming stdout/stderr when passing # data through stdin. We need to make sure that *native* threads will be used # as pipes are blocking on Windows. subprocess = eventlet.patcher.original('subprocess') subprocess.threading = eventlet.patcher.original('threading') def create_process(cmd, run_as_root=False, addl_env=None, tpool_proxy=True): cmd = list(map(str, cmd)) LOG.debug("Running command: %s", cmd) env = os.environ.copy() if addl_env: env.update(addl_env) popen = subprocess.Popen obj = popen(cmd, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env, preexec_fn=None, close_fds=False) if tpool_proxy and eventlet.getcurrent().parent: # If we intend to access the process streams, we need to wrap this # in a tpool proxy object, avoding blocking other greenthreads. # # The 'file' type is not available on Python 3.x. file_type = getattr(six.moves.builtins, 'file', io.IOBase) obj = tpool.Proxy(obj, autowrap=(file_type, )) return obj, cmd def _get_wmi_process(pid): if not pid: return None conn = wmi.WMI() processes = conn.Win32_Process(ProcessId=pid) if processes: return processes[0] return None def kill_process(pid, signal, run_as_root=False): """Kill the process with the given pid using the given signal.""" process = _get_wmi_process(pid) try: if process: process.Terminate() except Exception: if _get_wmi_process(pid): raise def execute(cmd, process_input=None, addl_env=None, check_exit_code=True, return_stderr=False, log_fail_as_error=True, extra_ok_codes=None, run_as_root=False, do_decode=True): if process_input is not None: _process_input = encodeutils.to_utf8(process_input) else: _process_input = None obj, cmd = create_process(cmd, addl_env=addl_env, tpool_proxy=False) _stdout, _stderr = avoid_blocking_call(obj.communicate, _process_input) obj.stdin.close() _stdout = helpers.safe_decode_utf8(_stdout) _stderr = helpers.safe_decode_utf8(_stderr) m = _("\nCommand: %(cmd)s\nExit code: %(code)s\nStdin: %(stdin)s\n" "Stdout: %(stdout)s\nStderr: %(stderr)s") % \ {'cmd': cmd, 'code': obj.returncode, 'stdin': process_input or '', 'stdout': _stdout, 'stderr': _stderr} extra_ok_codes = extra_ok_codes or [] if obj.returncode and obj.returncode in extra_ok_codes: obj.returncode = None log_msg = m.strip().replace('\n', '; ') if obj.returncode and log_fail_as_error: LOG.error(log_msg) else: LOG.debug(log_msg) if obj.returncode and check_exit_code: raise exceptions.ProcessExecutionError(m, returncode=obj.returncode) return (_stdout, _stderr) if return_stderr else _stdout def avoid_blocking_call(f, *args, **kwargs): """Ensure that the method "f" will not block other greenthreads. Performs the call to the function "f" received as parameter in a different thread using tpool.execute when called from a greenthread. This will ensure that the function "f" will not block other greenthreads. If not called from a greenthread, it will invoke the function "f" directly. The function "f" will receive as parameters the arguments "args" and keyword arguments "kwargs". """ # Note that eventlet.getcurrent will always return a greenlet object. # In case of a greenthread, the parent greenlet will always be the hub # loop greenlet. if eventlet.getcurrent().parent: return tpool.execute(f, *args, **kwargs) else: return f(*args, **kwargs) def get_root_helper_child_pid(pid, expected_cmd, run_as_root=False): # We don't use a root helper on Windows. return str(pid) def process_is_running(pid): """Find if the given PID is running in the system.""" return _get_wmi_process(pid) is not None def pid_invoked_with_cmdline(pid, expected_cmd): process = _get_wmi_process(pid) if not process: return False command = process.CommandLine return command == " ".join(expected_cmd)