# Copyright 2012 Locaweb. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import glob import grp from http import client as httplib import os import pwd import shlex import socket import threading import time import eventlet from eventlet.green import subprocess from neutron_lib import exceptions from neutron_lib.utils import helpers from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_rootwrap import client from oslo_utils import encodeutils from oslo_utils import excutils from oslo_utils import fileutils import psutil from neutron._i18n import _ from neutron.agent.linux import xenapi_root_helper from neutron.common import utils from neutron.conf.agent import common as config from neutron import wsgi LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RootwrapDaemonHelper(object): __client = None __lock = threading.Lock() def __new__(cls): """There is no reason to instantiate this class""" raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def get_client(cls): with cls.__lock: if cls.__client is None: if (xenapi_root_helper.ROOT_HELPER_DAEMON_TOKEN == cfg.CONF.AGENT.root_helper_daemon): cls.__client = xenapi_root_helper.XenAPIClient() else: cls.__client = client.Client( shlex.split(cfg.CONF.AGENT.root_helper_daemon)) return cls.__client def addl_env_args(addl_env): """Build arguments for adding additional environment vars with env""" # NOTE (twilson) If using rootwrap, an EnvFilter should be set up for the # command instead of a CommandFilter. if addl_env is None: return [] return ['env'] + ['%s=%s' % pair for pair in addl_env.items()] def create_process(cmd, run_as_root=False, addl_env=None): """Create a process object for the given command. The return value will be a tuple of the process object and the list of command arguments used to create it. """ cmd = list(map(str, addl_env_args(addl_env) + cmd)) if run_as_root: cmd = shlex.split(config.get_root_helper(cfg.CONF)) + cmd LOG.debug("Running command: %s", cmd) obj = utils.subprocess_popen(cmd, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) return obj, cmd def execute_rootwrap_daemon(cmd, process_input, addl_env): cmd = list(map(str, addl_env_args(addl_env) + cmd)) # NOTE(twilson) oslo_rootwrap.daemon will raise on filter match # errors, whereas oslo_rootwrap.cmd converts them to return codes. # In practice, no neutron code should be trying to execute something that # would throw those errors, and if it does it should be fixed as opposed to # just logging the execution error. LOG.debug("Running command (rootwrap daemon): %s", cmd) client = RootwrapDaemonHelper.get_client() try: return client.execute(cmd, process_input) except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Rootwrap error running command: %s", cmd) def execute(cmd, process_input=None, addl_env=None, check_exit_code=True, return_stderr=False, log_fail_as_error=True, extra_ok_codes=None, run_as_root=False): try: if process_input is not None: _process_input = encodeutils.to_utf8(process_input) else: _process_input = None if run_as_root and cfg.CONF.AGENT.root_helper_daemon: returncode, _stdout, _stderr = ( execute_rootwrap_daemon(cmd, process_input, addl_env)) else: obj, cmd = create_process(cmd, run_as_root=run_as_root, addl_env=addl_env) _stdout, _stderr = obj.communicate(_process_input) returncode = obj.returncode obj.stdin.close() _stdout = helpers.safe_decode_utf8(_stdout) _stderr = helpers.safe_decode_utf8(_stderr) extra_ok_codes = extra_ok_codes or [] if returncode and returncode not in extra_ok_codes: msg = _("Exit code: %(returncode)d; " "Cmd: %(cmd)s; " "Stdin: %(stdin)s; " "Stdout: %(stdout)s; " "Stderr: %(stderr)s") % { 'returncode': returncode, 'cmd': cmd, 'stdin': process_input or '', 'stdout': _stdout, 'stderr': _stderr} if log_fail_as_error: LOG.error(msg) if check_exit_code: raise exceptions.ProcessExecutionError(msg, returncode=returncode) finally: # NOTE(termie): this appears to be necessary to let the subprocess # call clean something up in between calls, without # it two execute calls in a row hangs the second one time.sleep(0) return (_stdout, _stderr) if return_stderr else _stdout def find_child_pids(pid, recursive=False): """Retrieve a list of the pids of child processes of the given pid. It can also find all children through the hierarchy if recursive=True """ try: raw_pids = execute(['ps', '--ppid', pid, '-o', 'pid='], log_fail_as_error=False) except exceptions.ProcessExecutionError as e: # Unexpected errors are the responsibility of the caller with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt: # Exception has already been logged by execute no_children_found = e.returncode == 1 if no_children_found: ctxt.reraise = False return [] child_pids = [x.strip() for x in raw_pids.split('\n') if x.strip()] if recursive: for child in child_pids: child_pids = child_pids + find_child_pids(child, True) return child_pids def find_parent_pid(pid): """Retrieve the pid of the parent process of the given pid. If the pid doesn't exist in the system, this function will return None """ process = psutil.Process(pid=int(pid)) if process: return str(process.parent().pid) return None def get_process_count_by_name(name): """Find the process count by name.""" return len([p for p in psutil.process_iter(['name']) if p.info['name'] == name]) def find_fork_top_parent(pid): """Retrieve the pid of the top parent of the given pid through a fork. This function will search the top parent with its same cmdline. If the given pid has no parent, its own pid will be returned """ while True: ppid = find_parent_pid(pid) if (ppid and ppid != pid and pid_invoked_with_cmdline(ppid, get_cmdline_from_pid(pid))): pid = ppid else: return pid def kill_process(pid, signal, run_as_root=False): """Kill the process with the given pid using the given signal.""" try: execute(['kill', '-%d' % signal, pid], run_as_root=run_as_root) except exceptions.ProcessExecutionError: if process_is_running(pid): raise def _get_conf_base(cfg_root, uuid, ensure_conf_dir): # TODO(mangelajo): separate responsibilities here, ensure_conf_dir # should be a separate function conf_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(cfg_root)) conf_base = os.path.join(conf_dir, uuid) if ensure_conf_dir: fileutils.ensure_tree(conf_dir, mode=0o755) return conf_base def get_conf_file_name(cfg_root, uuid, cfg_file, ensure_conf_dir=False): """Returns the file name for a given kind of config file.""" conf_base = _get_conf_base(cfg_root, uuid, ensure_conf_dir) return "%s.%s" % (conf_base, cfg_file) def get_value_from_file(filename, converter=None): try: with open(filename, 'r') as f: try: return converter(f.read()) if converter else f.read() except ValueError: LOG.error('Unable to convert value in %s', filename) except IOError as error: LOG.debug('Unable to access %(filename)s; Error: %(error)s', {'filename': filename, 'error': error}) def remove_conf_files(cfg_root, uuid): conf_base = _get_conf_base(cfg_root, uuid, False) for file_path in glob.iglob("%s.*" % conf_base): os.unlink(file_path) def get_root_helper_child_pid(pid, expected_cmd, run_as_root=False): """Get the first non root_helper child pid in the process hierarchy. If root helper was used, two or more processes would be created: - a root helper process (e.g. sudo myscript) - possibly a rootwrap script (e.g. neutron-rootwrap) - a child process (e.g. myscript) - possibly its child processes Killing the root helper process will leave the child process running, re-parented to init, so the only way to ensure that both die is to target the child process directly. """ pid = str(pid) if run_as_root: while True: try: # We shouldn't have more than one child per process # so keep getting the children of the first one pid = find_child_pids(pid)[0] except IndexError: return # We never found the child pid with expected_cmd # If we've found a pid with no root helper, return it. # If we continue, we can find transient children. if pid_invoked_with_cmdline(pid, expected_cmd): break return pid def remove_abs_path(cmd): """Remove absolute path of executable in cmd Note: New instance of list is returned :param cmd: parsed shlex command (e.g. ['/bin/foo', 'param1', 'param two']) """ if cmd and os.path.isabs(cmd[0]): cmd = list(cmd) cmd[0] = os.path.basename(cmd[0]) return cmd def process_is_running(pid): """Find if the given PID is running in the system. """ return pid and os.path.exists('/proc/%s' % pid) def get_cmdline_from_pid(pid): if not process_is_running(pid): return [] # NOTE(jh): Even after the above check, the process may terminate # before the open below happens try: with open('/proc/%s/cmdline' % pid, 'r') as f: cmdline = f.readline().split('\0')[:-1] except IOError: return [] # NOTE(slaweq): sometimes it may happen that values in # /proc/{pid}/cmdline are separated by space instead of NUL char, # in such case we would have everything in one element of cmdline_args # list and it would not match to expected cmd so we need to try to # split it by spaces if len(cmdline) == 1: cmdline = cmdline[0].split(' ') LOG.debug("Found cmdline %s for process with PID %s.", cmdline, pid) return cmdline def cmd_matches_expected(cmd, expected_cmd): abs_cmd = remove_abs_path(cmd) abs_expected_cmd = remove_abs_path(expected_cmd) if abs_cmd != abs_expected_cmd: # Commands executed with #! are prefixed with the script # executable. Check for the expected cmd being a subset of the # actual cmd to cover this possibility. abs_cmd = remove_abs_path(abs_cmd[1:]) return abs_cmd == abs_expected_cmd def pid_invoked_with_cmdline(pid, expected_cmd): """Validate process with given pid is running with provided parameters """ cmd = get_cmdline_from_pid(pid) return cmd_matches_expected(cmd, expected_cmd) def ensure_directory_exists_without_file(path): dirname = os.path.dirname(path) if os.path.isdir(dirname): try: os.unlink(path) except OSError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt: if not os.path.exists(path): ctxt.reraise = False else: fileutils.ensure_tree(dirname, mode=0o755) def is_effective_user(user_id_or_name): """Returns True if user_id_or_name is effective user (id/name).""" euid = os.geteuid() if str(user_id_or_name) == str(euid): return True effective_user_name = pwd.getpwuid(euid).pw_name return user_id_or_name == effective_user_name def is_effective_group(group_id_or_name): """Returns True if group_id_or_name is effective group (id/name).""" egid = os.getegid() if str(group_id_or_name) == str(egid): return True effective_group_name = grp.getgrgid(egid).gr_name return group_id_or_name == effective_group_name class UnixDomainHTTPConnection(httplib.HTTPConnection): """Connection class for HTTP over UNIX domain socket.""" def __init__(self, host, port=None, strict=None, timeout=None, proxy_info=None): httplib.HTTPConnection.__init__(self, host, port, strict) self.timeout = timeout self.socket_path = cfg.CONF.metadata_proxy_socket def connect(self): self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if self.timeout: self.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) self.sock.connect(self.socket_path) class UnixDomainHttpProtocol(eventlet.wsgi.HttpProtocol): def __init__(self, *args): # NOTE(yamahata): from eventlet v0.22 HttpProtocol.__init__ # signature was changed by changeset of # 7f53465578543156e7251e243c0636e087a8445f # Both have server as last arg, but first arg(s) differ server = args[-1] # Because the caller is eventlet.wsgi.Server.process_request, # the number of arguments will dictate if it is new or old style. if len(args) == 2: conn_state = args[0] client_address = conn_state[0] if not client_address: conn_state[0] = ('', 0) # base class is old-style, so super does not work properly eventlet.wsgi.HttpProtocol.__init__(self, conn_state, server) elif len(args) == 3: request = args[0] client_address = args[1] if not client_address: client_address = ('', 0) # base class is old-style, so super does not work properly # NOTE: eventlet 0.22 or later changes the number of args to 2. # If we install eventlet 0.22 or later into a venv for pylint, # pylint complains this. Let's skip it. (bug 1791178) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args eventlet.wsgi.HttpProtocol.__init__( self, request, client_address, server) else: eventlet.wsgi.HttpProtocol.__init__(self, *args) class UnixDomainWSGIServer(wsgi.Server): def __init__(self, name, num_threads=None): self._socket = None self._launcher = None self._server = None super(UnixDomainWSGIServer, self).__init__(name, disable_ssl=True, num_threads=num_threads) def start(self, application, file_socket, workers, backlog, mode=None): self._socket = eventlet.listen(file_socket, family=socket.AF_UNIX, backlog=backlog) if mode is not None: os.chmod(file_socket, mode) self._launch(application, workers=workers) def _run(self, application, socket): """Start a WSGI service in a new green thread.""" logger = logging.getLogger('eventlet.wsgi.server') eventlet.wsgi.server(socket, application, max_size=self.num_threads, protocol=UnixDomainHttpProtocol, log=logger, log_format=cfg.CONF.wsgi_log_format)