# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import collections import copy import mock from neutron_lib.api.definitions import l3 from oslo_utils import uuidutils from neutron.common.ovn import constants as ovn_const from neutron.common.ovn import utils as ovn_utils class FakeOvsdbNbOvnIdl(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.lswitch_table = FakeOvsdbTable.create_one_ovsdb_table() self.lsp_table = FakeOvsdbTable.create_one_ovsdb_table() self.lrouter_table = FakeOvsdbTable.create_one_ovsdb_table() self.lrouter_static_route_table = \ FakeOvsdbTable.create_one_ovsdb_table() self.lrp_table = FakeOvsdbTable.create_one_ovsdb_table() self.addrset_table = FakeOvsdbTable.create_one_ovsdb_table() self.acl_table = FakeOvsdbTable.create_one_ovsdb_table() self.dhcp_options_table = FakeOvsdbTable.create_one_ovsdb_table() self.nat_table = FakeOvsdbTable.create_one_ovsdb_table() self.port_group_table = FakeOvsdbTable.create_one_ovsdb_table() self._tables = {} self._tables['Logical_Switch'] = self.lswitch_table self._tables['Logical_Switch_Port'] = self.lsp_table self._tables['Logical_Router'] = self.lrouter_table self._tables['Logical_Router_Port'] = self.lrp_table self._tables['Logical_Router_Static_Route'] = \ self.lrouter_static_route_table self._tables['ACL'] = self.acl_table self._tables['Address_Set'] = self.addrset_table self._tables['DHCP_Options'] = self.dhcp_options_table self._tables['NAT'] = self.nat_table self._tables['Port_Group'] = self.port_group_table self.transaction = mock.MagicMock() self.create_transaction = mock.MagicMock() self.ls_add = mock.Mock() self.ls_del = mock.Mock() self.create_lswitch_port = mock.Mock() self.set_lswitch_port = mock.Mock() self.delete_lswitch_port = mock.Mock() self.get_acls_for_lswitches = mock.Mock() self.create_lrouter = mock.Mock() self.lrp_del = mock.Mock() self.update_lrouter = mock.Mock() self.delete_lrouter = mock.Mock() self.add_lrouter_port = mock.Mock() self.update_lrouter_port = mock.Mock() self.delete_lrouter_port = mock.Mock() self.set_lrouter_port_in_lswitch_port = mock.Mock() self.add_acl = mock.Mock() self.delete_acl = mock.Mock() self.update_acls = mock.Mock() self.idl = mock.Mock() self.add_static_route = mock.Mock() self.delete_static_route = mock.Mock() self.create_address_set = mock.Mock() self.update_address_set_ext_ids = mock.Mock() self.delete_address_set = mock.Mock() self.update_address_set = mock.Mock() self.get_all_chassis_gateway_bindings = mock.Mock() self.get_gateway_chassis_binding = mock.Mock() self.get_unhosted_gateways = mock.Mock() self.add_dhcp_options = mock.Mock() self.delete_dhcp_options = mock.Mock() self.get_subnet_dhcp_options = mock.Mock() self.get_subnet_dhcp_options.return_value = { 'subnet': None, 'ports': []} self.get_subnets_dhcp_options = mock.Mock() self.get_subnets_dhcp_options.return_value = [] self.get_all_dhcp_options = mock.Mock() self.get_router_port_options = mock.MagicMock() self.get_router_port_options.return_value = {} self.add_nat_rule_in_lrouter = mock.Mock() self.delete_nat_rule_in_lrouter = mock.Mock() self.get_lrouter_nat_rules = mock.Mock() self.get_lrouter_nat_rules.return_value = [] self.set_nat_rule_in_lrouter = mock.Mock() self.check_for_row_by_value_and_retry = mock.Mock() self.get_parent_port = mock.Mock() self.get_parent_port.return_value = [] self.dns_add = mock.Mock() self.get_lswitch = mock.Mock() fake_ovs_row = FakeOvsdbRow.create_one_ovsdb_row() self.get_lswitch.return_value = fake_ovs_row self.get_lswitch_port = mock.Mock() self.get_lswitch_port.return_value = fake_ovs_row self.get_ls_and_dns_record = mock.Mock() self.get_ls_and_dns_record.return_value = (fake_ovs_row, None) self.ls_set_dns_records = mock.Mock() self.get_floatingip = mock.Mock() self.get_floatingip.return_value = None self.check_revision_number = mock.Mock() self.lookup = mock.MagicMock() # TODO(lucasagomes): The get_floatingip_by_ips() method is part # of a backwards compatibility layer for the Pike -> Queens release, # remove it in the Rocky release. self.get_floatingip_by_ips = mock.Mock() self.get_floatingip_by_ips.return_value = None self.is_col_present = mock.Mock() self.is_col_present.return_value = False self.get_lrouter = mock.Mock() self.get_lrouter.return_value = None self.delete_lrouter_ext_gw = mock.Mock() self.delete_lrouter_ext_gw.return_value = None self.is_port_groups_supported = mock.Mock() # TODO(lucasagomes): Flip this return value to True at some point, # port groups should be the default method used by networking-ovn self.is_port_groups_supported.return_value = False self.get_address_set = mock.Mock() self.get_address_set.return_value = None self.pg_acl_add = mock.Mock() self.pg_acl_del = mock.Mock() self.pg_del = mock.Mock() self.pg_add = mock.Mock() self.get_port_group = mock.Mock() self.pg_add_ports = mock.Mock() self.pg_del_ports = mock.Mock() self.lsp_get_up = mock.Mock() self.nb_global = mock.Mock() self.db_list_rows = mock.Mock() self.lsp_list = mock.MagicMock() self.db_find = mock.Mock() self.db_find_rows = mock.Mock() self.db_set = mock.Mock() self.db_clear = mock.Mock() self.db_remove = mock.Mock() self.set_lswitch_port_to_virtual_type = mock.Mock() self.unset_lswitch_port_to_virtual_type = mock.Mock() self.ls_get = mock.Mock() self.check_liveness = mock.Mock() self.ha_chassis_group_get = mock.Mock() class FakeOvsdbSbOvnIdl(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.chassis_exists = mock.Mock() self.chassis_exists.return_value = True self.get_chassis_hostname_and_physnets = mock.Mock() self.get_chassis_hostname_and_physnets.return_value = {} self.get_all_chassis = mock.Mock() self.get_chassis_data_for_ml2_bind_port = mock.Mock() self.get_chassis_data_for_ml2_bind_port.return_value = \ ('fake', '', ['fake-physnet']) self.get_logical_port_chassis_and_datapath = mock.Mock() self.get_logical_port_chassis_and_datapath.return_value = \ ('fake', 'fake-dp') self.get_chassis_and_physnets = mock.Mock() self.get_gateway_chassis_from_cms_options = mock.Mock() self.is_col_present = mock.Mock() self.is_col_present.return_value = False self.db_set = mock.Mock() class FakeOvsdbTransaction(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.insert = mock.Mock() class FakePlugin(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.get_ports = mock.Mock() self._get_port_security_group_bindings = mock.Mock() class FakeResource(dict): def __init__(self, manager=None, info=None, loaded=False, methods=None): """Set attributes and methods for a resource. :param manager: The resource manager :param Dictionary info: A dictionary with all attributes :param bool loaded: True if the resource is loaded in memory :param Dictionary methods: A dictionary with all methods """ info = info or {} super(FakeResource, self).__init__(info) methods = methods or {} self.__name__ = type(self).__name__ self.manager = manager self._info = info self._add_details(info) self._add_methods(methods) self._loaded = loaded # Add a revision number by default setattr(self, 'revision_number', 1) @property def db_obj(self): return self def _add_details(self, info): for (k, v) in info.items(): setattr(self, k, v) def _add_methods(self, methods): """Fake methods with MagicMock objects. For each <@key, @value> pairs in methods, add an callable MagicMock object named @key as an attribute, and set the mock's return_value to @value. When users access the attribute with (), @value will be returned, which looks like a function call. """ for (name, ret) in methods.items(): method = mock.MagicMock(return_value=ret) setattr(self, name, method) def __repr__(self): reprkeys = sorted(k for k in self.__dict__.keys() if k[0] != '_' and k != 'manager') info = ", ".join("%s=%s" % (k, getattr(self, k)) for k in reprkeys) return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, info) def keys(self): return self._info.keys() def info(self): return self._info def update(self, info): super(FakeResource, self).update(info) self._add_details(info) class FakeNetwork(object): """Fake one or more networks.""" @staticmethod def create_one_network(attrs=None): """Create a fake network. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object faking the network """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. fake_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() network_attrs = { 'id': 'network-id-' + fake_uuid, 'name': 'network-name-' + fake_uuid, 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'tenant_id': 'project-id-' + fake_uuid, 'admin_state_up': True, 'shared': False, 'subnets': [], 'provider:network_type': 'geneve', 'provider:physical_network': None, 'provider:segmentation_id': 10, 'router:external': False, 'availability_zones': [], 'availability_zone_hints': [], 'is_default': False, } # Overwrite default attributes. network_attrs.update(attrs) return FakeResource(info=copy.deepcopy(network_attrs), loaded=True) class FakeNetworkContext(object): def __init__(self, network, segments): self.fake_network = network self.fake_segments = segments self._plugin_context = mock.MagicMock() @property def current(self): return self.fake_network @property def original(self): return None @property def network_segments(self): return self.fake_segments class FakeSubnetContext(object): def __init__(self, subnet, original_subnet=None, network=None): self.fake_subnet = subnet self.fake_original_subnet = original_subnet self.fake_network = FakeNetworkContext(network, None) self._plugin_context = mock.MagicMock() @property def current(self): return self.fake_subnet @property def original(self): return self.fake_original_subnet @property def network(self): return self.fake_network class FakeOvsdbRow(FakeResource): """Fake one or more OVSDB rows.""" @staticmethod def create_one_ovsdb_row(attrs=None, methods=None): """Create a fake OVSDB row. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :param Dictionary methods: A dictionary with all methods :return: A FakeResource object faking the OVSDB row """ attrs = attrs or {} methods = methods or {} # Set default attributes. fake_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() ovsdb_row_attrs = { 'uuid': fake_uuid, 'name': 'name-' + fake_uuid, 'external_ids': {}, } # Set default methods. ovsdb_row_methods = { 'addvalue': None, 'delete': None, 'delvalue': None, 'verify': None, 'setkey': None, } # Overwrite default attributes and methods. ovsdb_row_attrs.update(attrs) ovsdb_row_methods.update(methods) return FakeResource(info=copy.deepcopy(ovsdb_row_attrs), loaded=True, methods=copy.deepcopy(ovsdb_row_methods)) class FakeOvsdbTable(FakeResource): """Fake one or more OVSDB tables.""" @staticmethod def create_one_ovsdb_table(attrs=None): """Create a fake OVSDB table. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object faking the OVSDB table """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. ovsdb_table_attrs = { 'rows': {}, 'columns': {}, } # Overwrite default attributes. ovsdb_table_attrs.update(attrs) return FakeResource(info=copy.deepcopy(ovsdb_table_attrs), loaded=True) class FakePort(object): """Fake one or more ports.""" @staticmethod def create_one_port(attrs=None): """Create a fake port. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object faking the port """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. fake_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() port_attrs = { 'admin_state_up': True, 'allowed_address_pairs': [{}], 'binding:host_id': 'binding-host-id-' + fake_uuid, 'binding:profile': {}, 'binding:vif_details': {}, 'binding:vif_type': 'ovs', 'binding:vnic_type': 'normal', 'device_id': 'device-id-' + fake_uuid, 'device_owner': 'compute:nova', 'dns_assignment': [{}], 'dns_name': 'dns-name-' + fake_uuid, 'extra_dhcp_opts': [{}], 'fixed_ips': [{'subnet_id': 'subnet-id-' + fake_uuid, 'ip_address': ''}], 'id': 'port-id-' + fake_uuid, 'mac_address': 'fa:16:3e:a9:4e:72', 'name': 'port-name-' + fake_uuid, 'network_id': 'network-id-' + fake_uuid, 'port_security_enabled': True, 'security_groups': [], 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'tenant_id': 'project-id-' + fake_uuid, } # Overwrite default attributes. port_attrs.update(attrs) return FakeResource(info=copy.deepcopy(port_attrs), loaded=True) class FakePortContext(object): def __init__(self, port, host, segments_to_bind): self.fake_port = port self.fake_host = host self.fake_segments_to_bind = segments_to_bind self.set_binding = mock.Mock() @property def current(self): return self.fake_port @property def host(self): return self.fake_host @property def segments_to_bind(self): return self.fake_segments_to_bind class FakeSecurityGroup(object): """Fake one or more security groups.""" @staticmethod def create_one_security_group(attrs=None): """Create a fake security group. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object faking the security group """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. fake_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() security_group_attrs = { 'id': 'security-group-id-' + fake_uuid, 'name': 'security-group-name-' + fake_uuid, 'description': 'security-group-description-' + fake_uuid, 'tenant_id': 'project-id-' + fake_uuid, 'security_group_rules': [], } # Overwrite default attributes. security_group_attrs.update(attrs) return FakeResource(info=copy.deepcopy(security_group_attrs), loaded=True) class FakeSecurityGroupRule(object): """Fake one or more security group rules.""" @staticmethod def create_one_security_group_rule(attrs=None): """Create a fake security group rule. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object faking the security group rule """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. fake_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() security_group_rule_attrs = { 'direction': 'ingress', 'ethertype': 'IPv4', 'id': 'security-group-rule-id-' + fake_uuid, 'port_range_max': 22, 'port_range_min': 22, 'protocol': 'tcp', 'remote_group_id': None, 'remote_ip_prefix': '', 'security_group_id': 'security-group-id-' + fake_uuid, 'tenant_id': 'project-id-' + fake_uuid, } # Overwrite default attributes. security_group_rule_attrs.update(attrs) return FakeResource(info=copy.deepcopy(security_group_rule_attrs), loaded=True) class FakeSegment(object): """Fake one or more segments.""" @staticmethod def create_one_segment(attrs=None): """Create a fake segment. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object faking the segment """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. fake_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() segment_attrs = { 'id': 'segment-id-' + fake_uuid, 'network_type': 'geneve', 'physical_network': None, 'segmentation_id': 10, } # Overwrite default attributes. segment_attrs.update(attrs) return FakeResource(info=copy.deepcopy(segment_attrs), loaded=True) class FakeSubnet(object): """Fake one or more subnets.""" @staticmethod def create_one_subnet(attrs=None): """Create a fake subnet. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object faking the subnet """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. fake_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() subnet_attrs = { 'id': 'subnet-id-' + fake_uuid, 'name': 'subnet-name-' + fake_uuid, 'network_id': 'network-id-' + fake_uuid, 'cidr': '', 'tenant_id': 'project-id-' + fake_uuid, 'enable_dhcp': True, 'dns_nameservers': [], 'allocation_pools': [], 'host_routes': [], 'ip_version': 4, 'gateway_ip': '', 'ipv6_address_mode': 'None', 'ipv6_ra_mode': 'None', 'subnetpool_id': None, } # Overwrite default attributes. subnet_attrs.update(attrs) return FakeResource(info=copy.deepcopy(subnet_attrs), loaded=True) class FakeFloatingIp(object): """Fake one or more floating ips.""" @staticmethod def create_one_fip(attrs=None): """Create a fake floating ip. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object faking the floating ip """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. fake_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() fip_attrs = { 'id': 'fip-id-' + fake_uuid, 'tenant_id': '', 'fixed_ip_address': '', 'fixed_port': FakePort.create_one_port(), 'floating_ip_address': '', 'router_id': 'router-id', 'port_id': 'port_id', 'fixed_port_id': 'port_id', 'floating_port_id': 'fip-port-id', 'status': 'Active', 'floating_network_id': 'fip-net-id', 'dns': '', 'dns_domain': '', 'dns_name': '', 'project_id': '', } # Overwrite default attributes. fip_attrs.update(attrs) return FakeResource(info=copy.deepcopy(fip_attrs), loaded=True) class FakeOVNPort(object): """Fake one or more ports.""" @staticmethod def create_one_port(attrs=None): """Create a fake ovn port. :param Dictionary attrs: A dictionary with all attributes :return: A FakeResource object faking the port """ attrs = attrs or {} # Set default attributes. fake_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() port_attrs = { 'addresses': [], 'dhcpv4_options': '', 'dhcpv6_options': [], 'enabled': True, 'external_ids': {}, 'name': fake_uuid, 'options': {}, 'parent_name': [], 'port_security': [], 'tag': [], 'tag_request': [], 'type': '', 'up': False, } # Overwrite default attributes. port_attrs.update(attrs) return type('Logical_Switch_Port', (object, ), port_attrs) @staticmethod def from_neutron_port(port): """Create a fake ovn port based on a neutron port.""" external_ids = { ovn_const.OVN_NETWORK_NAME_EXT_ID_KEY: ovn_utils.ovn_name(port['network_id']), ovn_const.OVN_SG_IDS_EXT_ID_KEY: ' '.join(port['security_groups']), ovn_const.OVN_DEVICE_OWNER_EXT_ID_KEY: port.get('device_owner', '')} addresses = [port['mac_address'], ] addresses += [x['ip_address'] for x in port.get('fixed_ips', [])] port_security = ( addresses + [x['ip_address'] for x in port.get('allowed_address_pairs', [])]) return FakeOVNPort.create_one_port( {'external_ids': external_ids, 'addresses': addresses, 'port_security': port_security}) FakeStaticRoute = collections.namedtuple( 'Static_Routes', ['ip_prefix', 'nexthop', 'external_ids']) class FakeOVNRouter(object): @staticmethod def create_one_router(attrs=None): router_attrs = { 'enabled': False, 'external_ids': {}, 'load_balancer': [], 'name': '', 'nat': [], 'options': {}, 'ports': [], 'static_routes': [], } # Overwrite default attributes. router_attrs.update(attrs) return type('Logical_Router', (object, ), router_attrs) @staticmethod def from_neutron_router(router): def _get_subnet_id(gw_info): subnet_id = '' ext_ips = gw_info.get('external_fixed_ips', []) if ext_ips: subnet_id = ext_ips[0]['subnet_id'] return subnet_id external_ids = { ovn_const.OVN_GW_PORT_EXT_ID_KEY: router.get('gw_port_id') or '', ovn_const.OVN_ROUTER_NAME_EXT_ID_KEY: router.get('name', 'no_router_name')} # Get the routes routes = [] for r in router.get('routes', []): routes.append(FakeStaticRoute(ip_prefix=r['destination'], nexthop=r['nexthop'], external_ids={})) gw_info = router.get(l3.EXTERNAL_GW_INFO) if gw_info: external_ids = { ovn_const.OVN_ROUTER_IS_EXT_GW: 'true', ovn_const.OVN_SUBNET_EXT_ID_KEY: _get_subnet_id(gw_info)} routes.append(FakeStaticRoute( ip_prefix='', nexthop='', external_ids=external_ids)) return FakeOVNRouter.create_one_router( {'external_ids': external_ids, 'enabled': router.get('admin_state_up') or False, 'name': ovn_utils.ovn_name(router['id']), 'static_routes': routes})