--- features: - | Adds support for configuring a list of IPv6 addresses for a dhcp-host entry in the dnsmasq DHCP agent driver. For a port with multiple IPv6 fixed-ips in the same subnet a single dhcp-host entry including all the addresses are written to the dnsmasq dhcp-hostsfile. Reserving multiple addresses for a host eases problems related to network and chain-booting where each step in the boot process requests an address using different DUID/IAID combinations. With a single address, only one gets the "static" address and the boot process will fail on the following steps. By reserving enough addresses for all the stages of the boot process this problem is resolved. (See bug: `#1861032 `_) .. NOTE:: This requires dnsmasq version 2.81 or later. Some distributions may backport this feauture to earlier dnsmasq version as part of the packaging, check the distributions releasenotes. Since the new configuration format is invalid in previous versions of dnsmasq this feauture is *disabled* by default. To *enable* the feature set the option ``dnsmasq_enable_addr6_list`` in DHCP agent configuration to ``True``.