  - Missing OSprofiler support was added. This cross-project profiling library
    allows to trace various OpenStack requests through all OpenStack
    services that support it. To initiate OpenStack
    request tracing `--profile <HMAC_KEY>` option needs to be added to
    the CLI command. This key needs to present one of the secret keys
    defined in neutron.conf configuration file with `hmac_keys` option
    under the `[profiler]` configuration section. To enable or disable
    Neutron profiling the appropriate `enabled` option under the same
    section needs to be set either to `True` or `False`. By default
    Neutron will trace all API and RPC requests, but there is an opportunity
    to trace DB requests as well. For this purpose `trace_sqlalchemy`
    option needs to be set to `True`. As a prerequisite OSprofiler
    library and its storage backend needs to be installed to the
    environment. If so (and if profiling is enabled in neutron.conf)
    the trace can be generated via command -
    `$ neutron --profile SECRET_KEY <subcommand>`.
    At the end of output there will be message with <trace_id>, and
    to plot nice HTML graphs the following command should be used -
    `$ osprofiler trace show <trace_id> --html --out result.html`
  - OSprofiler support was introduced. To allow its usage the api-paste.ini
    file needs to be modified to contain osprofiler middleware. Also
    `[profiler]` section needs to be added to the neutron.conf file with
    `enabled`, `hmac_keys` and `trace_sqlalchemy` flags defined.
  - OSprofiler support requires passing of trace information
    between various OpenStack services. This information is
    securely signed by one of HMAC keys, defined in neutron.conf configuration
    file. To allow cross-project tracing user should use the key, that is
    common among all OpenStack services he or she wants to trace.