# Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack Foundation. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from datetime import datetime import itertools import netaddr from neutron_lib.agent import topics from neutron_lib.api.definitions import portbindings_extended as pb_ext from neutron_lib.callbacks import events as callback_events from neutron_lib.callbacks import registry from neutron_lib.callbacks import resources as callback_resources from neutron_lib import constants from neutron_lib.plugins import utils from oslo_log import log as logging import oslo_messaging from oslo_utils import uuidutils from neutron.agent import resource_cache from neutron.api.rpc.callbacks import resources from neutron.common import constants as n_const from neutron.common import rpc as n_rpc from neutron import objects LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) BINDING_DEACTIVATE = 'binding_deactivate' def create_consumers(endpoints, prefix, topic_details, start_listening=True): """Create agent RPC consumers. :param endpoints: The list of endpoints to process the incoming messages. :param prefix: Common prefix for the plugin/agent message queues. :param topic_details: A list of topics. Each topic has a name, an operation, and an optional host param keying the subscription to topic.host for plugin calls. :param start_listening: if True, it starts the processing loop :returns: A common Connection. """ connection = n_rpc.Connection() for details in topic_details: topic, operation, node_name = itertools.islice( itertools.chain(details, [None]), 3) topic_name = topics.get_topic_name(prefix, topic, operation) connection.create_consumer(topic_name, endpoints, fanout=True) if node_name: node_topic_name = '%s.%s' % (topic_name, node_name) connection.create_consumer(node_topic_name, endpoints, fanout=False) if start_listening: connection.consume_in_threads() return connection class PluginReportStateAPI(object): """RPC client used to report state back to plugin. This class implements the client side of an rpc interface. The server side can be found in neutron.db.agents_db.AgentExtRpcCallback. For more information on changing rpc interfaces, see doc/source/contributor/internals/rpc_api.rst. """ def __init__(self, topic): target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic=topic, version='1.0', namespace=n_const.RPC_NAMESPACE_STATE) self.client = n_rpc.get_client(target) def report_state(self, context, agent_state, use_call=False): cctxt = self.client.prepare( timeout=n_rpc.TRANSPORT.conf.rpc_response_timeout) # add unique identifier to a report # that can be logged on server side. # This create visible correspondence between events on # the agent and on the server agent_state['uuid'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid() kwargs = { 'agent_state': {'agent_state': agent_state}, 'time': datetime.utcnow().strftime(constants.ISO8601_TIME_FORMAT), } method = cctxt.call if use_call else cctxt.cast return method(context, 'report_state', **kwargs) class PluginApi(object): '''Agent side of the rpc API. API version history: 1.0 - Initial version. 1.3 - get_device_details rpc signature upgrade to obtain 'host' and return value to include fixed_ips and device_owner for the device port 1.4 - tunnel_sync rpc signature upgrade to obtain 'host' 1.5 - Support update_device_list and get_devices_details_list_and_failed_devices ''' def __init__(self, topic): target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic=topic, version='1.0') self.client = n_rpc.get_client(target) def get_device_details(self, context, device, agent_id, host=None): cctxt = self.client.prepare() return cctxt.call(context, 'get_device_details', device=device, agent_id=agent_id, host=host) def get_devices_details_list(self, context, devices, agent_id, host=None): cctxt = self.client.prepare(version='1.3') return cctxt.call(context, 'get_devices_details_list', devices=devices, agent_id=agent_id, host=host) def get_devices_details_list_and_failed_devices(self, context, devices, agent_id, host=None, **kwargs): """Get devices details and the list of devices that failed. This method returns the devices details. If an error is thrown when retrieving the devices details, the device is put in a list of failed devices. """ cctxt = self.client.prepare(version='1.5') return cctxt.call( context, 'get_devices_details_list_and_failed_devices', devices=devices, agent_id=agent_id, host=host) def update_device_down(self, context, device, agent_id, host=None): cctxt = self.client.prepare() return cctxt.call(context, 'update_device_down', device=device, agent_id=agent_id, host=host) def update_device_up(self, context, device, agent_id, host=None): cctxt = self.client.prepare() return cctxt.call(context, 'update_device_up', device=device, agent_id=agent_id, host=host) def update_device_list(self, context, devices_up, devices_down, agent_id, host, agent_restarted=False): cctxt = self.client.prepare(version='1.5') ret_devices_up = [] failed_devices_up = [] ret_devices_down = [] failed_devices_down = [] step = n_const.RPC_RES_PROCESSING_STEP devices_up = list(devices_up) devices_down = list(devices_down) for i in range(0, max(len(devices_up), len(devices_down)), step): # Divide-and-conquer RPC timeout ret = cctxt.call(context, 'update_device_list', devices_up=devices_up[i:i + step], devices_down=devices_down[i:i + step], agent_id=agent_id, host=host, agent_restarted=agent_restarted) ret_devices_up.extend(ret.get("devices_up", [])) failed_devices_up.extend(ret.get("failed_devices_up", [])) ret_devices_down.extend(ret.get("devices_down", [])) failed_devices_down.extend(ret.get("failed_devices_down", [])) return {'devices_up': ret_devices_up, 'failed_devices_up': failed_devices_up, 'devices_down': ret_devices_down, 'failed_devices_down': failed_devices_down} def tunnel_sync(self, context, tunnel_ip, tunnel_type=None, host=None): cctxt = self.client.prepare(version='1.4') return cctxt.call(context, 'tunnel_sync', tunnel_ip=tunnel_ip, tunnel_type=tunnel_type, host=host) def create_cache_for_l2_agent(): """Create a push-notifications cache for L2 agent related resources.""" objects.register_objects() resource_types = [ resources.PORT, resources.SECURITYGROUP, resources.SECURITYGROUPRULE, resources.NETWORK, resources.SUBNET ] rcache = resource_cache.RemoteResourceCache(resource_types) rcache.start_watcher() return rcache class CacheBackedPluginApi(PluginApi): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CacheBackedPluginApi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.remote_resource_cache = create_cache_for_l2_agent() def register_legacy_notification_callbacks(self, legacy_interface): """Emulates the server-side notifications from ml2 AgentNotifierApi. legacy_interface is an object with 'delete'/'update' methods for core resources. """ self._legacy_interface = legacy_interface for e in (callback_events.AFTER_UPDATE, callback_events.AFTER_DELETE): for r in (resources.PORT, resources.NETWORK): registry.subscribe(self._legacy_notifier, r, e) def _legacy_notifier(self, rtype, event, trigger, context, resource_id, **kwargs): """Checks if legacy interface is expecting calls for resource. looks for port_update, network_delete, etc and calls them with the payloads the handlers are expecting (an ID). """ rtype = rtype.lower() # all legacy handlers don't camelcase agent_restarted = kwargs.pop("agent_restarted", None) method, host_with_activation, host_with_deactivation = ( self._get_method_host(rtype, event, **kwargs)) if not hasattr(self._legacy_interface, method): # TODO(kevinbenton): once these notifications are stable, emit # a deprecation warning for legacy handlers return # If there is a binding deactivation, we must also notify the # corresponding activation if method == BINDING_DEACTIVATE: self._legacy_interface.binding_deactivate( context, port_id=resource_id, host=host_with_deactivation) self._legacy_interface.binding_activate( context, port_id=resource_id, host=host_with_activation) else: payload = {rtype: {'id': resource_id}, '%s_id' % rtype: resource_id} if method == "port_update" and agent_restarted is not None: # Mark ovs-agent restart for local port_update payload["agent_restarted"] = agent_restarted getattr(self._legacy_interface, method)(context, **payload) def _get_method_host(self, rtype, event, **kwargs): """Constructs the name of method to be called in the legacy interface. If the event received is a port update that contains a binding activation where a previous binding is deactivated, the method name is 'binding_deactivate' and the host where the binding has to be deactivated is returned. Otherwise, the method name is constructed from rtype and the event received and the host is None. """ is_delete = event == callback_events.AFTER_DELETE suffix = 'delete' if is_delete else 'update' method = "%s_%s" % (rtype, suffix) host_with_activation = None host_with_deactivation = None if is_delete or rtype != callback_resources.PORT: return method, host_with_activation, host_with_deactivation # A port update was received. Find out if it is a binding activation # where a previous binding was deactivated BINDINGS = pb_ext.COLLECTION_NAME if BINDINGS in kwargs.get('changed_fields', set()): existing_active_binding = ( utils.get_port_binding_by_status_and_host( getattr(kwargs['existing'], 'bindings', []), constants.ACTIVE)) updated_active_binding = ( utils.get_port_binding_by_status_and_host( getattr(kwargs['updated'], 'bindings', []), constants.ACTIVE)) if (existing_active_binding and updated_active_binding and existing_active_binding.host != updated_active_binding.host): if (utils.get_port_binding_by_status_and_host( getattr(kwargs['updated'], 'bindings', []), constants.INACTIVE, host=existing_active_binding.host)): method = BINDING_DEACTIVATE host_with_activation = updated_active_binding.host host_with_deactivation = existing_active_binding.host return method, host_with_activation, host_with_deactivation def get_devices_details_list_and_failed_devices(self, context, devices, agent_id, host=None, agent_restarted=False): result = {'devices': [], 'failed_devices': []} for device in devices: try: result['devices'].append( self.get_device_details(context, device, agent_id, host, agent_restarted)) except Exception: LOG.exception("Failed to get details for device %s", device) result['failed_devices'].append(device) return result def get_device_details(self, context, device, agent_id, host=None, agent_restarted=False): port_obj = self.remote_resource_cache.get_resource_by_id( resources.PORT, device, agent_restarted) if not port_obj: LOG.debug("Device %s does not exist in cache.", device) return {'device': device} if not port_obj.binding_levels: LOG.warning("Device %s is not bound.", port_obj) return {'device': device} segment = port_obj.binding_levels[-1].segment if not segment: LOG.debug("Device %s is not bound to any segment.", port_obj) return {'device': device} binding = utils.get_port_binding_by_status_and_host( port_obj.bindings, constants.ACTIVE, raise_if_not_found=True, port_id=port_obj.id) if (port_obj.device_owner.startswith( constants.DEVICE_OWNER_COMPUTE_PREFIX) and binding[pb_ext.HOST] != host): LOG.debug("Device %s has no active binding in this host", port_obj) return {'device': device, n_const.NO_ACTIVE_BINDING: True} net = self.remote_resource_cache.get_resource_by_id( resources.NETWORK, port_obj.network_id) net_qos_policy_id = net.qos_policy_id # match format of old RPC interface mac_addr = str(netaddr.EUI(str(port_obj.mac_address), dialect=netaddr.mac_unix_expanded)) entry = { 'device': device, 'network_id': port_obj.network_id, 'port_id': port_obj.id, 'mac_address': mac_addr, 'admin_state_up': port_obj.admin_state_up, 'network_type': segment.network_type, 'segmentation_id': segment.segmentation_id, 'physical_network': segment.physical_network, 'fixed_ips': [{'subnet_id': o.subnet_id, 'ip_address': str(o.ip_address)} for o in port_obj.fixed_ips], 'device_owner': port_obj.device_owner, 'allowed_address_pairs': [{'mac_address': o.mac_address, 'ip_address': o.ip_address} for o in port_obj.allowed_address_pairs], 'port_security_enabled': getattr(port_obj.security, 'port_security_enabled', True), 'qos_policy_id': port_obj.qos_policy_id, 'network_qos_policy_id': net_qos_policy_id, 'profile': binding.profile, 'security_groups': list(port_obj.security_group_ids) } LOG.debug("Returning: %s", entry) return entry def get_devices_details_list(self, context, devices, agent_id, host=None): return [self.get_device_details(context, device, agent_id, host) for device in devices]