# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import eventlet import netaddr import os from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from neutron.agent.linux import utils from neutron.common import exceptions from neutron.i18n import _LE LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) OPTS = [ cfg.BoolOpt('ip_lib_force_root', default=False, help=_('Force ip_lib calls to use the root helper')), ] LOOPBACK_DEVNAME = 'lo' SYS_NET_PATH = '/sys/class/net' class SubProcessBase(object): def __init__(self, namespace=None, log_fail_as_error=True): self.namespace = namespace self.log_fail_as_error = log_fail_as_error try: self.force_root = cfg.CONF.ip_lib_force_root except cfg.NoSuchOptError: # Only callers that need to force use of the root helper # need to register the option. self.force_root = False def _run(self, options, command, args): if self.namespace: return self._as_root(options, command, args) elif self.force_root: # Force use of the root helper to ensure that commands # will execute in dom0 when running under XenServer/XCP. return self._execute(options, command, args, run_as_root=True, log_fail_as_error=self.log_fail_as_error) else: return self._execute(options, command, args, log_fail_as_error=self.log_fail_as_error) def _as_root(self, options, command, args, use_root_namespace=False): namespace = self.namespace if not use_root_namespace else None return self._execute(options, command, args, run_as_root=True, namespace=namespace, log_fail_as_error=self.log_fail_as_error) @classmethod def _execute(cls, options, command, args, run_as_root=False, namespace=None, log_fail_as_error=True): opt_list = ['-%s' % o for o in options] ip_cmd = add_namespace_to_cmd(['ip'], namespace) cmd = ip_cmd + opt_list + [command] + list(args) return utils.execute(cmd, run_as_root=run_as_root, log_fail_as_error=log_fail_as_error) def set_log_fail_as_error(self, fail_with_error): self.log_fail_as_error = fail_with_error class IPWrapper(SubProcessBase): def __init__(self, namespace=None): super(IPWrapper, self).__init__(namespace=namespace) self.netns = IpNetnsCommand(self) def device(self, name): return IPDevice(name, namespace=self.namespace) def get_devices(self, exclude_loopback=False): retval = [] if self.namespace: # we call out manually because in order to avoid screen scraping # iproute2 we use find to see what is in the sysfs directory, as # suggested by Stephen Hemminger (iproute2 dev). output = utils.execute(['ip', 'netns', 'exec', self.namespace, 'find', SYS_NET_PATH, '-maxdepth', '1', '-type', 'l', '-printf', '%f '], run_as_root=True, log_fail_as_error=self.log_fail_as_error ).split() else: output = ( i for i in os.listdir(SYS_NET_PATH) if os.path.islink(os.path.join(SYS_NET_PATH, i)) ) for name in output: if exclude_loopback and name == LOOPBACK_DEVNAME: continue retval.append(IPDevice(name, namespace=self.namespace)) return retval def add_tuntap(self, name, mode='tap'): self._as_root([], 'tuntap', ('add', name, 'mode', mode)) return IPDevice(name, namespace=self.namespace) def add_veth(self, name1, name2, namespace2=None): args = ['add', name1, 'type', 'veth', 'peer', 'name', name2] if namespace2 is None: namespace2 = self.namespace else: self.ensure_namespace(namespace2) args += ['netns', namespace2] self._as_root([], 'link', tuple(args)) return (IPDevice(name1, namespace=self.namespace), IPDevice(name2, namespace=namespace2)) def del_veth(self, name): """Delete a virtual interface between two namespaces.""" self._as_root([], 'link', ('del', name)) def ensure_namespace(self, name): if not self.netns.exists(name): ip = self.netns.add(name) lo = ip.device(LOOPBACK_DEVNAME) lo.link.set_up() else: ip = IPWrapper(namespace=name) return ip def namespace_is_empty(self): return not self.get_devices(exclude_loopback=True) def garbage_collect_namespace(self): """Conditionally destroy the namespace if it is empty.""" if self.namespace and self.netns.exists(self.namespace): if self.namespace_is_empty(): self.netns.delete(self.namespace) return True return False def add_device_to_namespace(self, device): if self.namespace: device.link.set_netns(self.namespace) def add_vxlan(self, name, vni, group=None, dev=None, ttl=None, tos=None, local=None, port=None, proxy=False): cmd = ['add', name, 'type', 'vxlan', 'id', vni] if group: cmd.extend(['group', group]) if dev: cmd.extend(['dev', dev]) if ttl: cmd.extend(['ttl', ttl]) if tos: cmd.extend(['tos', tos]) if local: cmd.extend(['local', local]) if proxy: cmd.append('proxy') # tuple: min,max if port and len(port) == 2: cmd.extend(['port', port[0], port[1]]) elif port: raise exceptions.NetworkVxlanPortRangeError(vxlan_range=port) self._as_root([], 'link', cmd) return (IPDevice(name, namespace=self.namespace)) @classmethod def get_namespaces(cls): output = cls._execute([], 'netns', ('list',)) return [l.strip() for l in output.split('\n')] class IPDevice(SubProcessBase): def __init__(self, name, namespace=None): super(IPDevice, self).__init__(namespace=namespace) self.name = name self.link = IpLinkCommand(self) self.addr = IpAddrCommand(self) self.route = IpRouteCommand(self) self.neigh = IpNeighCommand(self) def __eq__(self, other): return (other is not None and self.name == other.name and self.namespace == other.namespace) def __str__(self): return self.name class IpCommandBase(object): COMMAND = '' def __init__(self, parent): self._parent = parent def _run(self, options, args): return self._parent._run(options, self.COMMAND, args) def _as_root(self, options, args, use_root_namespace=False): return self._parent._as_root(options, self.COMMAND, args, use_root_namespace=use_root_namespace) class IPRule(SubProcessBase): def __init__(self, namespace=None): super(IPRule, self).__init__(namespace=namespace) self.rule = IpRuleCommand(self) class IpRuleCommand(IpCommandBase): COMMAND = 'rule' def _exists(self, ip, ip_version, table, rule_pr): # Typical rule from 'ip rule show': # 4030201: from lookup 10203040 rule_pr = str(rule_pr) + ":" for line in self._as_root([ip_version], ['show']).splitlines(): parts = line.split() if parts and (parts[0] == rule_pr and parts[2] == str(ip) and parts[-1] == str(table)): return True return False def add(self, ip, table, rule_pr): ip_version = get_ip_version(ip) if not self._exists(ip, ip_version, table, rule_pr): args = ['add', 'from', ip, 'table', table, 'priority', rule_pr] self._as_root([ip_version], tuple(args)) def delete(self, ip, table, rule_pr): ip_version = get_ip_version(ip) args = ['del', 'table', table, 'priority', rule_pr] self._as_root([ip_version], tuple(args)) class IpDeviceCommandBase(IpCommandBase): @property def name(self): return self._parent.name class IpLinkCommand(IpDeviceCommandBase): COMMAND = 'link' def set_address(self, mac_address): self._as_root([], ('set', self.name, 'address', mac_address)) def set_mtu(self, mtu_size): self._as_root([], ('set', self.name, 'mtu', mtu_size)) def set_up(self): self._as_root([], ('set', self.name, 'up')) def set_down(self): self._as_root([], ('set', self.name, 'down')) def set_netns(self, namespace): self._as_root([], ('set', self.name, 'netns', namespace)) self._parent.namespace = namespace def set_name(self, name): self._as_root([], ('set', self.name, 'name', name)) self._parent.name = name def set_alias(self, alias_name): self._as_root([], ('set', self.name, 'alias', alias_name)) def delete(self): self._as_root([], ('delete', self.name)) @property def address(self): return self.attributes.get('link/ether') @property def state(self): return self.attributes.get('state') @property def mtu(self): return self.attributes.get('mtu') @property def qdisc(self): return self.attributes.get('qdisc') @property def qlen(self): return self.attributes.get('qlen') @property def alias(self): return self.attributes.get('alias') @property def attributes(self): return self._parse_line(self._run(['o'], ('show', self.name))) def _parse_line(self, value): if not value: return {} device_name, settings = value.replace("\\", '').split('>', 1) tokens = settings.split() keys = tokens[::2] values = [int(v) if v.isdigit() else v for v in tokens[1::2]] retval = dict(zip(keys, values)) return retval class IpAddrCommand(IpDeviceCommandBase): COMMAND = 'addr' def add(self, cidr, scope='global'): net = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr) args = ['add', cidr, 'scope', scope, 'dev', self.name] if net.version == 4: args += ['brd', str(net.broadcast)] self._as_root([net.version], tuple(args)) def delete(self, cidr): ip_version = get_ip_version(cidr) self._as_root([ip_version], ('del', cidr, 'dev', self.name)) def flush(self, ip_version): self._as_root([ip_version], ('flush', self.name)) def list(self, scope=None, to=None, filters=None, ip_version=None): options = [ip_version] if ip_version else [] args = ['show', self.name] if filters: args += filters retval = [] if scope: args += ['scope', scope] if to: args += ['to', to] for line in self._run(options, tuple(args)).split('\n'): line = line.strip() if not line.startswith('inet'): continue parts = line.split() if parts[0] == 'inet6': scope = parts[3] else: if parts[2] == 'brd': scope = parts[5] else: scope = parts[3] retval.append(dict(cidr=parts[1], scope=scope, dynamic=('dynamic' == parts[-1]))) return retval class IpRouteCommand(IpDeviceCommandBase): COMMAND = 'route' def add_gateway(self, gateway, metric=None, table=None): ip_version = get_ip_version(gateway) args = ['replace', 'default', 'via', gateway] if metric: args += ['metric', metric] args += ['dev', self.name] if table: args += ['table', table] self._as_root([ip_version], tuple(args)) def delete_gateway(self, gateway, table=None): ip_version = get_ip_version(gateway) args = ['del', 'default', 'via', gateway, 'dev', self.name] if table: args += ['table', table] self._as_root([ip_version], tuple(args)) def list_onlink_routes(self, ip_version): def iterate_routes(): output = self._run([ip_version], ('list', 'dev', self.name, 'scope', 'link')) for line in output.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if line and not line.count('src'): yield line return [x for x in iterate_routes()] def add_onlink_route(self, cidr): ip_version = get_ip_version(cidr) self._as_root([ip_version], ('replace', cidr, 'dev', self.name, 'scope', 'link')) def delete_onlink_route(self, cidr): ip_version = get_ip_version(cidr) self._as_root([ip_version], ('del', cidr, 'dev', self.name, 'scope', 'link')) def get_gateway(self, scope=None, filters=None, ip_version=None): options = [ip_version] if ip_version else [] args = ['list', 'dev', self.name] if filters: args += filters retval = None if scope: args += ['scope', scope] route_list_lines = self._run(options, tuple(args)).split('\n') default_route_line = next((x.strip() for x in route_list_lines if x.strip().startswith('default')), None) if default_route_line: gateway_index = 2 parts = default_route_line.split() retval = dict(gateway=parts[gateway_index]) if 'metric' in parts: metric_index = parts.index('metric') + 1 retval.update(metric=int(parts[metric_index])) return retval def pullup_route(self, interface_name): """Ensures that the route entry for the interface is before all others on the same subnet. """ device_list = [] device_route_list_lines = self._run([], ('list', 'proto', 'kernel', 'dev', interface_name) ).split('\n') for device_route_line in device_route_list_lines: try: subnet = device_route_line.split()[0] except Exception: continue subnet_route_list_lines = self._run([], ('list', 'proto', 'kernel', 'match', subnet) ).split('\n') for subnet_route_line in subnet_route_list_lines: i = iter(subnet_route_line.split()) while(i.next() != 'dev'): pass device = i.next() try: while(i.next() != 'src'): pass src = i.next() except Exception: src = '' if device != interface_name: device_list.append((device, src)) else: break for (device, src) in device_list: self._as_root([], ('del', subnet, 'dev', device)) if (src != ''): self._as_root([], ('append', subnet, 'proto', 'kernel', 'src', src, 'dev', device)) else: self._as_root([], ('append', subnet, 'proto', 'kernel', 'dev', device)) def add_route(self, cidr, ip, table=None): ip_version = get_ip_version(cidr) args = ['replace', cidr, 'via', ip, 'dev', self.name] if table: args += ['table', table] self._as_root([ip_version], tuple(args)) def delete_route(self, cidr, ip, table=None): ip_version = get_ip_version(cidr) args = ['del', cidr, 'via', ip, 'dev', self.name] if table: args += ['table', table] self._as_root([ip_version], tuple(args)) class IpNeighCommand(IpDeviceCommandBase): COMMAND = 'neigh' def add(self, ip_address, mac_address): ip_version = get_ip_version(ip_address) self._as_root([ip_version], ('replace', ip_address, 'lladdr', mac_address, 'nud', 'permanent', 'dev', self.name)) def delete(self, ip_address, mac_address): ip_version = get_ip_version(ip_address) self._as_root([ip_version], ('del', ip_address, 'lladdr', mac_address, 'dev', self.name)) class IpNetnsCommand(IpCommandBase): COMMAND = 'netns' def add(self, name): self._as_root([], ('add', name), use_root_namespace=True) wrapper = IPWrapper(namespace=name) wrapper.netns.execute(['sysctl', '-w', 'net.ipv4.conf.all.promote_secondaries=1']) return wrapper def delete(self, name): self._as_root([], ('delete', name), use_root_namespace=True) def execute(self, cmds, addl_env=None, check_exit_code=True, extra_ok_codes=None): ns_params = [] kwargs = {} if self._parent.namespace: kwargs['run_as_root'] = True ns_params = ['ip', 'netns', 'exec', self._parent.namespace] env_params = [] if addl_env: env_params = (['env'] + ['%s=%s' % pair for pair in addl_env.items()]) cmd = ns_params + env_params + list(cmds) return utils.execute(cmd, check_exit_code=check_exit_code, extra_ok_codes=extra_ok_codes, **kwargs) def exists(self, name): output = self._parent._execute( ['o'], 'netns', ['list'], run_as_root=cfg.CONF.AGENT.use_helper_for_ns_read) for line in output.split('\n'): if name == line.strip(): return True return False def device_exists(device_name, namespace=None): """Return True if the device exists in the namespace.""" try: dev = IPDevice(device_name, namespace=namespace) dev.set_log_fail_as_error(False) address = dev.link.address except RuntimeError: return False return bool(address) def device_exists_with_ip_mac(device_name, ip_cidr, mac, namespace=None): """Return True if the device with the given IP and MAC addresses exists in the namespace. """ try: device = IPDevice(device_name, namespace=namespace) if mac != device.link.address: return False if ip_cidr not in (ip['cidr'] for ip in device.addr.list()): return False except RuntimeError: return False else: return True def get_routing_table(namespace=None): """Return a list of dictionaries, each representing a route. The dictionary format is: {'destination': cidr, 'nexthop': ip, 'device': device_name} """ ip_wrapper = IPWrapper(namespace=namespace) table = ip_wrapper.netns.execute(['ip', 'route'], check_exit_code=True) routes = [] # Example for route_lines: # default via dev wlp3s0 proto static metric 1024 # dev tun0 proto static scope link metric 1024 # The first column is the destination, followed by key/value pairs. # The generator splits the routing table by newline, then strips and splits # each individual line. route_lines = (line.split() for line in table.split('\n') if line.strip()) for route in route_lines: network = route[0] # Create a dict of key/value pairs (For example - 'dev': 'tun0') # excluding the first column. data = dict(route[i:i + 2] for i in range(1, len(route), 2)) routes.append({'destination': network, 'nexthop': data.get('via'), 'device': data.get('dev')}) return routes def ensure_device_is_ready(device_name, namespace=None): dev = IPDevice(device_name, namespace=namespace) dev.set_log_fail_as_error(False) try: # Ensure the device is up, even if it is already up. If the device # doesn't exist, a RuntimeError will be raised. dev.link.set_up() except RuntimeError: return False return True def iproute_arg_supported(command, arg): command += ['help'] stdout, stderr = utils.execute(command, check_exit_code=False, return_stderr=True) return any(arg in line for line in stderr.split('\n')) def _arping(ns_name, iface_name, address, count): # Pass -w to set timeout to ensure exit if interface removed while running arping_cmd = ['arping', '-A', '-I', iface_name, '-c', count, '-w', 1.5 * count, address] try: ip_wrapper = IPWrapper(namespace=ns_name) ip_wrapper.netns.execute(arping_cmd, check_exit_code=True) except Exception: msg = _LE("Failed sending gratuitous ARP " "to %(addr)s on %(iface)s in namespace %(ns)s") LOG.exception(msg, {'addr': address, 'iface': iface_name, 'ns': ns_name}) def send_gratuitous_arp(ns_name, iface_name, address, count): """Send a gratuitous arp using given namespace, interface, and address.""" def arping(): _arping(ns_name, iface_name, address, count) if count > 0: eventlet.spawn_n(arping) def send_garp_for_proxyarp(ns_name, iface_name, address, count): """ Send a gratuitous arp using given namespace, interface, and address This version should be used when proxy arp is in use since the interface won't actually have the address configured. We actually need to configure the address on the interface and then remove it when the proxy arp has been sent. """ def arping_with_temporary_address(): # Configure the address on the interface device = IPDevice(iface_name, namespace=ns_name) net = netaddr.IPNetwork(str(address)) device.addr.add(str(net)) _arping(ns_name, iface_name, address, count) # Delete the address from the interface device.addr.delete(str(net)) if count > 0: eventlet.spawn_n(arping_with_temporary_address) def add_namespace_to_cmd(cmd, namespace=None): """Add an optional namespace to the command.""" return ['ip', 'netns', 'exec', namespace] + cmd if namespace else cmd def get_ip_version(ip_or_cidr): return netaddr.IPNetwork(ip_or_cidr).version