# Copyright 2011 Citrix System. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import functools import netaddr from neutron_lib.db import model_base from neutron_lib import exceptions from oslo_config import cfg import oslo_i18n from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_policy import policy as oslo_policy from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from six.moves.urllib import parse from webob import exc from neutron._i18n import _, _LW from neutron.common import constants from neutron import wsgi LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_filters(request, attr_info, skips=None): return get_filters_from_dict(request.GET.dict_of_lists(), attr_info, skips) def get_filters_from_dict(data, attr_info, skips=None): """Extracts the filters from a dict of query parameters. Returns a dict of lists for the filters: check=a&check=b&name=Bob& becomes: {'check': [u'a', u'b'], 'name': [u'Bob']} """ skips = skips or [] res = {} for key, values in data.items(): if key in skips or hasattr(model_base.BASEV2, key): continue values = [v for v in values if v] key_attr_info = attr_info.get(key, {}) if 'convert_list_to' in key_attr_info: values = key_attr_info['convert_list_to'](values) elif 'convert_to' in key_attr_info: convert_to = key_attr_info['convert_to'] values = [convert_to(v) for v in values] if values: res[key] = values return res def get_previous_link(request, items, id_key): params = request.GET.copy() params.pop('marker', None) if items: marker = items[0][id_key] params['marker'] = marker params['page_reverse'] = True return "%s?%s" % (prepare_url(request.path_url), parse.urlencode(params)) def get_next_link(request, items, id_key): params = request.GET.copy() params.pop('marker', None) if items: marker = items[-1][id_key] params['marker'] = marker params.pop('page_reverse', None) return "%s?%s" % (prepare_url(request.path_url), parse.urlencode(params)) def prepare_url(orig_url): """Takes a link and swaps in network_link_prefix if set.""" prefix = cfg.CONF.network_link_prefix # Copied directly from nova/api/openstack/common.py if not prefix: return orig_url url_parts = list(parse.urlsplit(orig_url)) prefix_parts = list(parse.urlsplit(prefix)) url_parts[0:2] = prefix_parts[0:2] url_parts[2] = prefix_parts[2] + url_parts[2] return parse.urlunsplit(url_parts).rstrip('/') def get_limit_and_marker(request): """Return marker, limit tuple from request. :param request: `wsgi.Request` possibly containing 'marker' and 'limit' GET variables. 'marker' is the id of the last element the client has seen, and 'limit' is the maximum number of items to return. If limit == 0, it means we needn't pagination, then return None. """ max_limit = _get_pagination_max_limit() limit = _get_limit_param(request) if max_limit > 0: limit = min(max_limit, limit) or max_limit if not limit: return None, None marker = request.GET.get('marker', None) return limit, marker def _get_pagination_max_limit(): max_limit = -1 if (cfg.CONF.pagination_max_limit.lower() != constants.PAGINATION_INFINITE): try: max_limit = int(cfg.CONF.pagination_max_limit) if max_limit == 0: raise ValueError() except ValueError: LOG.warning(_LW("Invalid value for pagination_max_limit: %s. It " "should be an integer greater to 0"), cfg.CONF.pagination_max_limit) return max_limit def _get_limit_param(request): """Extract integer limit from request or fail.""" limit = request.GET.get('limit', 0) try: limit = int(limit) if limit >= 0: return limit except ValueError: pass msg = _("Limit must be an integer 0 or greater and not '%s'") % limit raise exceptions.BadRequest(resource='limit', msg=msg) def list_args(request, arg): """Extracts the list of arg from request.""" return [v for v in request.GET.getall(arg) if v] def get_sorts(request, attr_info): """Extract sort_key and sort_dir from request. Return as: [(key1, value1), (key2, value2)] """ sort_keys = list_args(request, "sort_key") sort_dirs = list_args(request, "sort_dir") if len(sort_keys) != len(sort_dirs): msg = _("The number of sort_keys and sort_dirs must be same") raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) valid_dirs = [constants.SORT_DIRECTION_ASC, constants.SORT_DIRECTION_DESC] absent_keys = [x for x in sort_keys if x not in attr_info] if absent_keys: msg = _("%s is invalid attribute for sort_keys") % absent_keys raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) invalid_dirs = [x for x in sort_dirs if x not in valid_dirs] if invalid_dirs: msg = (_("%(invalid_dirs)s is invalid value for sort_dirs, " "valid value is '%(asc)s' and '%(desc)s'") % {'invalid_dirs': invalid_dirs, 'asc': constants.SORT_DIRECTION_ASC, 'desc': constants.SORT_DIRECTION_DESC}) raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) return list(zip(sort_keys, [x == constants.SORT_DIRECTION_ASC for x in sort_dirs])) def get_page_reverse(request): data = request.GET.get('page_reverse', 'False') return data.lower() == "true" def get_pagination_links(request, items, limit, marker, page_reverse, key="id"): key = key if key else 'id' links = [] if not limit: return links if not (len(items) < limit and not page_reverse): links.append({"rel": "next", "href": get_next_link(request, items, key)}) if not (len(items) < limit and page_reverse): links.append({"rel": "previous", "href": get_previous_link(request, items, key)}) return links def is_native_pagination_supported(plugin): native_pagination_attr_name = ("_%s__native_pagination_support" % plugin.__class__.__name__) return getattr(plugin, native_pagination_attr_name, False) def is_native_sorting_supported(plugin): native_sorting_attr_name = ("_%s__native_sorting_support" % plugin.__class__.__name__) return getattr(plugin, native_sorting_attr_name, False) class PaginationHelper(object): def __init__(self, request, primary_key='id'): self.request = request self.primary_key = primary_key def update_fields(self, original_fields, fields_to_add): pass def update_args(self, args): pass def paginate(self, items): return items def get_links(self, items): return {} class PaginationEmulatedHelper(PaginationHelper): def __init__(self, request, primary_key='id'): super(PaginationEmulatedHelper, self).__init__(request, primary_key) self.limit, self.marker = get_limit_and_marker(request) self.page_reverse = get_page_reverse(request) def update_fields(self, original_fields, fields_to_add): if not original_fields: return if self.primary_key not in original_fields: original_fields.append(self.primary_key) fields_to_add.append(self.primary_key) def paginate(self, items): if not self.limit: return items if not items: return [] # first, calculate the base index for pagination if self.marker: i = 0 for item in items: if item[self.primary_key] == self.marker: break i += 1 else: # if marker is not found, return nothing return [] else: i = len(items) if self.page_reverse else 0 if self.page_reverse: # don't wrap return items[max(i - self.limit, 0):i] else: if self.marker: # skip the matched marker i += 1 return items[i:i + self.limit] def get_links(self, items): return get_pagination_links( self.request, items, self.limit, self.marker, self.page_reverse, self.primary_key) class PaginationNativeHelper(PaginationEmulatedHelper): def update_args(self, args): if self.primary_key not in dict(args.get('sorts', [])).keys(): args.setdefault('sorts', []).append((self.primary_key, True)) args.update({'limit': self.limit, 'marker': self.marker, 'page_reverse': self.page_reverse}) def paginate(self, items): return items class NoPaginationHelper(PaginationHelper): pass class SortingHelper(object): def __init__(self, request, attr_info): pass def update_args(self, args): pass def update_fields(self, original_fields, fields_to_add): pass def sort(self, items): return items class SortingEmulatedHelper(SortingHelper): def __init__(self, request, attr_info): super(SortingEmulatedHelper, self).__init__(request, attr_info) self.sort_dict = get_sorts(request, attr_info) def update_fields(self, original_fields, fields_to_add): if not original_fields: return for key in dict(self.sort_dict).keys(): if key not in original_fields: original_fields.append(key) fields_to_add.append(key) def sort(self, items): def cmp_func(obj1, obj2): for key, direction in self.sort_dict: o1 = obj1[key] o2 = obj2[key] if o1 is None and o2 is None: ret = 0 elif o1 is None and o2 is not None: ret = -1 elif o1 is not None and o2 is None: ret = 1 else: ret = (o1 > o2) - (o1 < o2) if ret: return ret * (1 if direction else -1) return 0 return sorted(items, key=functools.cmp_to_key(cmp_func)) class SortingNativeHelper(SortingHelper): def __init__(self, request, attr_info): self.sort_dict = get_sorts(request, attr_info) def update_args(self, args): args['sorts'] = self.sort_dict class NoSortingHelper(SortingHelper): pass def convert_exception_to_http_exc(e, faults, language): serializer = wsgi.JSONDictSerializer() if isinstance(e, exceptions.MultipleExceptions): converted_exceptions = [ convert_exception_to_http_exc(inner, faults, language) for inner in e.inner_exceptions] # if no internal exceptions, will be handled as single exception if converted_exceptions: codes = {c.code for c in converted_exceptions} if len(codes) == 1: # all error codes are the same so we can maintain the code # and just concatenate the bodies joined_msg = "\n".join( (jsonutils.loads(c.body)['NeutronError']['message'] for c in converted_exceptions)) new_body = jsonutils.loads(converted_exceptions[0].body) new_body['NeutronError']['message'] = joined_msg converted_exceptions[0].body = serializer.serialize(new_body) return converted_exceptions[0] else: # multiple error types so we turn it into a Conflict with the # inner codes and bodies packed in new_exception = exceptions.Conflict() inner_error_strings = [] for c in converted_exceptions: c_body = jsonutils.loads(c.body) err = ('HTTP %s %s: %s' % ( c.code, c_body['NeutronError']['type'], c_body['NeutronError']['message'])) inner_error_strings.append(err) new_exception.msg = "\n".join(inner_error_strings) return convert_exception_to_http_exc( new_exception, faults, language) e = translate(e, language) body = serializer.serialize( {'NeutronError': get_exception_data(e)}) kwargs = {'body': body, 'content_type': 'application/json'} if isinstance(e, exc.HTTPException): # already an HTTP error, just update with content type and body e.body = body e.content_type = kwargs['content_type'] return e if isinstance(e, (exceptions.NeutronException, netaddr.AddrFormatError, oslo_policy.PolicyNotAuthorized)): for fault in faults: if isinstance(e, fault): mapped_exc = faults[fault] break else: mapped_exc = exc.HTTPInternalServerError return mapped_exc(**kwargs) if isinstance(e, NotImplementedError): # NOTE(armando-migliaccio): from a client standpoint # it makes sense to receive these errors, because # extensions may or may not be implemented by # the underlying plugin. So if something goes south, # because a plugin does not implement a feature, # returning 500 is definitely confusing. kwargs['body'] = serializer.serialize( {'NotImplementedError': get_exception_data(e)}) return exc.HTTPNotImplemented(**kwargs) # NOTE(jkoelker) Everything else is 500 # Do not expose details of 500 error to clients. msg = _('Request Failed: internal server error while ' 'processing your request.') msg = translate(msg, language) kwargs['body'] = serializer.serialize( {'NeutronError': get_exception_data(exc.HTTPInternalServerError(msg))}) return exc.HTTPInternalServerError(**kwargs) def get_exception_data(e): """Extract the information about an exception. Neutron client for the v2 API expects exceptions to have 'type', 'message' and 'detail' attributes.This information is extracted and converted into a dictionary. :param e: the exception to be reraised :returns: a structured dict with the exception data """ err_data = {'type': e.__class__.__name__, 'message': e, 'detail': ''} return err_data def translate(translatable, locale): """Translates the object to the given locale. If the object is an exception its translatable elements are translated in place, if the object is a translatable string it is translated and returned. Otherwise, the object is returned as-is. :param translatable: the object to be translated :param locale: the locale to translate to :returns: the translated object, or the object as-is if it was not translated """ localize = oslo_i18n.translate if isinstance(translatable, exceptions.NeutronException): translatable.msg = localize(translatable.msg, locale) elif isinstance(translatable, exc.HTTPError): translatable.detail = localize(translatable.detail, locale) elif isinstance(translatable, Exception): translatable.message = localize(translatable, locale) else: return localize(translatable, locale) return translatable