- job: name: neutron-tempest-dvr parent: tempest-integrated-networking timeout: 10800 required-projects: - openstack/devstack-gate - openstack/neutron - openstack/tempest vars: tempest_concurrency: 4 devstack_localrc: Q_DVR_MODE: dvr_snat irrelevant-files: &irrelevant-files - ^(test-|)requirements.txt$ - ^.*\.rst$ - ^doc/.*$ - ^neutron/locale/.*$ - ^neutron/tests/unit/.*$ - ^releasenotes/.*$ - ^setup.cfg$ - ^tools/.*$ - ^tox.ini$ - ^vagrant/.*$ - ^migration/.*$ - job: name: neutron-tempest-linuxbridge parent: tempest-integrated-networking timeout: 10800 required-projects: - openstack/devstack-gate - openstack/neutron - openstack/tempest vars: tempest_concurrency: 4 devstack_localrc: Q_AGENT: linuxbridge irrelevant-files: *irrelevant-files - job: name: neutron-tempest-iptables_hybrid parent: tempest-integrated-networking timeout: 10800 required-projects: - openstack/devstack-gate - openstack/neutron - openstack/tempest vars: tempest_concurrency: 4 devstack_plugins: neutron: https://opendev.org/openstack/neutron.git devstack_services: tls-proxy: false tempest: true neutron-dns: true neutron-qos: true neutron-segments: true neutron-trunk: true neutron-uplink-status-propagation: true devstack_local_conf: post-config: $NEUTRON_CONF: QUOTAS: quota_router: 100 quota_floatingip: 500 quota_security_group: 100 quota_security_group_rule: 1000 # NOTE(slaweq): We can get rid of this hardcoded absolute path when # devstack-tempest job will be switched to use lib/neutron instead of # lib/neutron-legacy "/$NEUTRON_CORE_PLUGIN_CONF": ml2_type_vlan: network_vlan_ranges: foo:1:10 agent: enable_distributed_routing: True l2_population: True tunnel_types: vxlan,gre arp_responder: True securitygroup: firewall_driver: iptables_hybrid $NEUTRON_L3_CONF: agent: availability_zone: nova $NEUTRON_DHCP_CONF: agent: availability_zone: nova test-config: $TEMPEST_CONFIG: neutron_plugin_options: provider_vlans: foo, agent_availability_zone: nova image_is_advanced: true available_type_drivers: flat,geneve,vlan,gre,local,vxlan irrelevant-files: *irrelevant-files - job: name: neutron-tempest-postgres-full parent: tempest-integrated-networking timeout: 7800 required-projects: - openstack/devstack-gate - openstack/neutron - openstack/tempest vars: devstack_services: postgresql: true mysql: false # Cinder services c-api: false c-bak: false c-sch: false c-vol: false cinder: false # Swift services s-account: false s-container: false s-object: false s-proxy: false irrelevant-files: *irrelevant-files - job: name: neutron-tempest-mariadb-full parent: tempest-integrated-networking timeout: 7800 required-projects: - openstack/devstack-gate - openstack/neutron - openstack/tempest vars: devstack_localrc: MYSQL_SERVICE_NAME: mariadb devstack_services: # Cinder services c-api: false c-bak: false c-sch: false c-vol: false cinder: false # Swift services s-account: false s-container: false s-object: false s-proxy: false # NOTE(ralonsoh): once MariaDB default version in Ubuntu is bumped to # >10.1, this workaround can be removed (bug 1855912) pre-run: playbooks/add_mariadb_repo.yaml irrelevant-files: *irrelevant-files - job: name: neutron-tempest-with-uwsgi parent: tempest-integrated-networking description: Run neutron Tempest tests with uwsgi timeout: 8400 vars: devstack_localrc: NEUTRON_DEPLOY_MOD_WSGI: true devstack_services: # Cinder services c-api: false c-bak: false c-sch: false c-vol: false cinder: false # Swift services s-account: false s-container: false s-object: false s-proxy: false irrelevant-files: *irrelevant-files - job: name: neutron-ovn-base description: Base job for devstack/tempest to test Neutron with ovn driver. parent: tempest-integrated-networking timeout: 10800 required-projects: &ovn-base-required-projects - openstack/devstack-gate - openstack/neutron - openstack/tempest irrelevant-files: *irrelevant-files vars: &ovn-base-vars tempest_concurrency: 4 devstack_localrc: Q_AGENT: ovn Q_ML2_PLUGIN_MECHANISM_DRIVERS: ovn,logger Q_ML2_PLUGIN_TYPE_DRIVERS: local,flat,vlan,geneve Q_ML2_TENANT_NETWORK_TYPE: geneve Q_USE_PROVIDERNET_FOR_PUBLIC: true PHYSICAL_NETWORK: public ENABLE_CHASSIS_AS_GW: true OVN_L3_CREATE_PUBLIC_NETWORK: true OVN_DBS_LOG_LEVEL: dbg # TODO(mjozefcz): Stop compiling OVS modules when meter action in kernel # will be released in Ubuntu Bionic. # More info: https://mail.openvswitch.org/pipermail/ovs-discuss/2018-December/048009.html OVN_BUILD_MODULES: True USE_PYTHON3: True DOWNLOAD_DEFAULT_IMAGES: false IMAGE_URLS: "http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.4.0/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img,https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/xenial/release/ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img" DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME: cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk DEFAULT_IMAGE_FILE_NAME: cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img ADVANCED_IMAGE_NAME: ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1 ADVANCED_INSTANCE_TYPE: ds512M ADVANCED_INSTANCE_USER: ubuntu BUILD_TIMEOUT: 784 ENABLE_TLS: True devstack_plugins: neutron: https://opendev.org/openstack/neutron zuul_copy_output: '{{ devstack_base_dir }}/data/ovs': 'logs' extensions_to_txt: db: true devstack_services: br-ex-tcpdump: true br-int-flows: true dstat: true g-api: true g-reg: true keystone: true n-api-meta: true n-api: true n-cauth: true n-cond-cell1: true n-cpu: true n-novnc-cell1: true n-sch: true n-super-cond: true q-ovn-metadata-agent: true ovn-controller: true ovn-northd: true ovs-vswitchd: true ovsdb-server: true placement-api: true q-svc: true q-dns: true etcd: false peakmem_tracker: false q-agt: false q-dhcp: false q-l3: false q-meta: false q-metering: false s-account: false s-container-sync: false s-container: false s-object: false s-proxy: false tls-proxy: true q-qos: true # Cinder services c-api: false c-bak: false c-sch: false c-vol: false cinder: false - job: name: neutron-tempest-ipv6-only parent: tempest-ipv6-only timeout: 10800 irrelevant-files: *irrelevant-files vars: tox_envlist: integrated-network devstack_plugins: neutron: https://opendev.org/openstack/neutron.git devstack_services: br-ex-tcpdump: true br-int-flows: true # Cinder services c-api: false c-bak: false c-sch: false c-vol: false cinder: false # Swift services s-account: false s-container: false s-object: false s-proxy: false - job: name: neutron-ovn-tempest-ovs-ipv6-only-base description: Base job for devstack/tempest to test Neutron with ovn driver in an IPv6-only deployment parent: devstack-tempest-ipv6 timeout: 10800 irrelevant-files: *irrelevant-files required-projects: *ovn-base-required-projects vars: *ovn-base-vars - job: name: neutron-ovn-tempest-ovs-release-ipv6-only description: Job testing for devstack/tempest testing Neutron with ovn driver and latest released OVN branch in an IPv6-only deployment parent: neutron-ovn-tempest-ovs-ipv6-only-base vars: devstack_localrc: OVN_BRANCH: v20.03.0 # TODO(jlibosva): v2.13.1 is incompatible with kernel 4.15.0-118, sticking to commit hash until new v2.13 tag is created OVS_BRANCH: 0047ca3a0290f1ef954f2c76b31477cf4b9755f5 - job: name: neutron-ovn-tempest-ovs-release description: Job testing for devstack/tempest testing Neutron with ovn driver and latest released OVN branch parent: neutron-ovn-base vars: devstack_localrc: OVN_BRANCH: v20.03.0 # TODO(jlibosva): v2.13.1 is incompatible with kernel 4.15.0-118, sticking to commit hash until new v2.13 tag is created OVS_BRANCH: 0047ca3a0290f1ef954f2c76b31477cf4b9755f5