#!/bin/bash set -x source {{ overcloudrc }} image_name={{ image_name }} openstack image show $image_name if [ "$?" != "0" ] then if [ ! -f cirros-0.5.2-x86_64-disk.img ] then curl -Lo cirros-0.5.2-x86_64-disk.img https://github.com/cirros-dev/cirros/releases/download/0.5.2/cirros-0.5.2-x86_64-disk.img fi openstack image create "cirros-ovn-migration-{{ resource_suffix }}" --file cirros-0.5.2-x86_64-disk.img \ --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --public image_name="cirros-ovn-migration-{{ resource_suffix }}" fi openstack flavor create ovn-migration-{{ resource_suffix }} --ram 1024 --disk 1 --vcpus 1 openstack keypair create ovn-migration-{{ resource_suffix }} --private-key {{ ovn_migration_temp_dir }}/ovn_migration_ssh_key openstack security group create ovn-migration-sg-{{ resource_suffix }} openstack security group rule create --ingress --protocol icmp ovn-migration-sg-{{ resource_suffix }} openstack security group rule create --ingress --protocol tcp --dst-port 22 ovn-migration-sg-{{ resource_suffix }} openstack network create ovn-migration-net-{{ resource_suffix }} neutron net-update ovn-migration-net-{{ resource_suffix }} --mtu 1442 openstack subnet create --network ovn-migration-net-{{ resource_suffix }} --subnet-range ovn-migration-subnet-{{ resource_suffix }} openstack router create ovn-migration-router-{{ resource_suffix }} openstack router set --external-gateway {{ public_network_name }} ovn-migration-router-{{ resource_suffix }} openstack router add subnet ovn-migration-router-{{ resource_suffix }} ovn-migration-subnet-{{ resource_suffix }} openstack port create --network ovn-migration-net-{{ resource_suffix }} --security-group ovn-migration-sg-{{ resource_suffix }} ovn-migration-server-port-{{ resource_suffix }} openstack server create --flavor ovn-migration-{{ resource_suffix }} --image $image_name \ --key-name ovn-migration-{{ resource_suffix }} \ --nic port-id=ovn-migration-server-port-{{ resource_suffix }} ovn-migration-server-{{ resource_suffix }} server_ip=`openstack floating ip create --port ovn-migration-server-port-{{ resource_suffix }} \ {{ public_network_name }} -c floating_ip_address | grep floating_ip_address \ | awk '{print $4'}` echo $server_ip > {{ ovn_migration_temp_dir }}/server_public_ip chmod 0600 {{ ovn_migration_temp_dir }}/ovn_migration_ssh_key # Wait till the port is ACTIVE echo "Wait till the port is ACTIVE" port_status=`openstack port show ovn-migration-server-port-{{ resource_suffix }} -c status | grep status | awk '{print $4}'` num_attempts=0 while [ "$port_status" != "ACTIVE" ] do num_attempts=$((num_attempts+1)) sleep 5 port_status=`openstack port show ovn-migration-server-port-{{ resource_suffix }} -c status | grep status | awk '{print $4}'` echo "Port status = $port_status" if [ $num_attempts -gt 24 ] then echo "Port is not up even after 2 minutes. Something is wrong" exit 1 fi done echo "VM is up and the port is ACTIVE" # Wait till the VM allows ssh connections vm_status="down" num_attempts=0 while [ "$vm_status" != "up" ] do num_attempts=$((num_attempts+1)) sleep 5 openstack console log show ovn-migration-server-{{ resource_suffix }} | grep "login:" if [ "$?" == "0" ] then vm_status="up" else if [ $num_attempts -gt 60 ] then echo "Port is not up even after 5 minutes. Something is wrong." # Even though something seems wrong, lets try and ping. break fi fi done num_attempts=0 vm_reachable="false" while [ "$vm_reachable" != "true" ] do num_attempts=$((num_attempts+1)) sleep 1 ping -c 3 $server_ip if [ "$?" == "0" ] then vm_reachable="true" else if [ $num_attempts -gt 60 ] then echo "VM is not reachable. Something is wrong." # Even though something seems wrong, lets try and ping. exit 1 fi fi done ssh -i {{ ovn_migration_temp_dir }}/ovn_migration_ssh_key -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \ -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null cirros@$server_ip date rc=$? echo "Done with the resource creation : exiting with $rc" exit $rc