
248 lines
9.3 KiB

#property("summary", "Openstack - common macros and constants.")
## --------------------
## Common "constants"
## --------------------
#set($DOT = ".")
#set ($IP_FIELDS = {$IPV4 : "IpAddr" , $IPV6 : "Ipv6Addr"})
#set ($VIRT_IP_FIELDS = {$IPV4 : "IpAddress" , $IPV6 : "Ipv6Addr"})
#set($IPV4_REGEX = ""+'\'+"A(25[0-5]|2[0-4]" + '\' + "d|[0-1]?" + '\' + "d?" + '\' + "d)(" + '\' + ".(25[0-5]|2[0-4]" + '\' + "d|[0-1]?" + '\' + "d?" + '\' + "d)){3}" + '\' + "z")
#set($IPV6_HEX4DECCOMPRESSED_REGEX = "" + '\' + "A((?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}(?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})*)?) ::((?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:)*)(25[0-5]|2[0-4]" + '\' + "d|[0-1]?" + '\' + "d?" + '\' + "d)(" + '\' + ".(25[0-5]|2[0-4]" + '\' + "d|[0-1]?" + '\' + "d?" + '\' + "d)){3}" + '\' + "z")
#set($IPV6_6HEX4DEC_REGEX = "" + '\' + "A((?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){6,6})(25[0-5]|2[0-4]" + '\' + "d|[0-1]?" + '\' + "d?" + '\' + "d)(" + '\' + ".(25[0-5]|2[0-4]" + '\' + "d|[0-1]?" + '\' + "d?" + '\' + "d)){3}" + '\' + "z")
#set($IPV6_HEXCOMPRESSED_REGEX = "" + '\' + "A((?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}(?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})*)?)::((?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}(?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})*)?)" + '\' + "z")
#set($IPV6_REGEX = "" + '\' + "A(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}" + '\' + "z")
## ------------------------------------ macros ------------------------------------------------------------------
#macro(os_print_hc_config,$hcType, $hcUUID,$hcRefCount,$hcMxRetries,$hcDelay, $hcTimeout,$hcUrlPath,$hcExpectedCodes)
#os_print_health_check_header($hcType, $hcUUID)
dport none
name "$hcRefCount"
retry $hcMxRetries
#os_print_inter_and_timeout($hcDelay, $hcTimeout)
ssl enabled
#os_print_http_method($hcHttpMethod, $hcUUID)
path "$hcUrlPath"
#os_print_http_response($hcExpectedCodes, $hcUUID)
#macro(os_print_inter_and_timeout, $hcDelay, $hcTimeout)
##Alteon requires that the timeout will be samller or equal to the interval.
#if($hcTimeout > $hcDelay)
inter $hcDelay
timeout $hcTimeout
#macro(os_get_ref_count_for_hc, $hcUUID, $hcType, $refCountRetArray)
## find the vDirect POJO for the given $hcType
#error("Unknown Health Check type occured $hcType with id $hcUUID!")
## strip the uuid
## allocate a bean and look for it by its ID (openstack uuid is used here)
#set($hce = $adc.newBean($hceName))
#set($hce.ID = $stripped_uuid[0])
#set($hce2 = $$hce))
#if ($hce2.isEmpty())
## hc was not found on the device - RefCount is zero
## hc was found on the device - we use the 'Name' field to store its reference count
#macro(os_print_health_check_header, $hcType, $hcUUID)
/c/slb/advhc/health $stripped_uuid[0]
#error("Unsupported Health Monitor type $hcType in id $hcUUID!")
/c/slb/advhc/health $stripped_uuid[0] $calcHcType
#macro(os_print_http_method, $method, $hcUUID)
#error("Unsupported HTTP method $method for id $hcUUID!")
method $lower_method
#macro(os_convert_range_into_two_integers, $response,$result)
#set($offset=$dash_index + 1)
#macro(os_print_http_response, $response, $hcUUID)
#if($dash_index != -1)
#set($range_size=$result[1] - $result[0])
#error("Too many reponse codes in the range $response ($range_size) for id $hcUUID! Up to $HC_HTTP_MAX_RESPONSE_ELEMENT_COUNT reponse codes are supported!")
#foreach($response_code in [$leftInt..$rightInt])
#set($calc_reponse=$calc_reponse + $response_code + ",")
#set($len=$calc_reponse.length() - 1))
response $calc_reponse none ""
#if($response.length() > $HC_HTTP_MAX_RESPONSE_STRING_SIZE)
#error("Too many reponse codes in the range $response ($range_size) for id $hcUUID! Up to $HC_HTTP_MAX_RESPONSE_ELEMENT_COUNT reponse codes are supported!")
response $response none ""
## Remove the "-" from $uuid
## Make sure it is not too long
## Return value using $result
#if($strippedUUID.length() > $HC_MAX_ID_LENGTH)
#error("UUID $strippedUUID is too long and cant be used as Health Monitor ID. Maximum length is $HC_MAX_ID_LENGTH.")
## --------------------------------------------------------------
## Get the IP version of the incoming argument
## Raise an exception if no match was found
## --------------------------------------------------------------
#macro(os_get_ip_version, $ip)
#elseif($ip.matches($IPV6_REGEX) || $ip.matches($IPV6_HEXCOMPRESSED_REGEX) || $ip.matches($IPV6_6HEX4DEC_REGEX) || $ip.matches($IPV6_HEX4DECCOMPRESSED_REGEX))
#error("IP Address $ip is not a valid IP!")
#macro(os_print_persist_command, $persistMethod, $cookieName, $serviceType)
#if ($persistMethod=="APP_COOKIE")
pbind cookie passive "$cookieName" 1 64 enable
#elseif ($persistMethod=="HTTP_COOKIE")
pbind cookie insert "$cookieName" secure
#elseif ($persistMethod=="SOURCE_IP")
pbind sslid
pbind clientip norport
#macro(os_get_service_type, $serviceType)
#error("Unsupported service type $serviceType!")
#macro(os_print_metric_command, $serviceAlgorithm)
#error("Unsupported group metric type $serviceAlgorithm!")
metric $algo
## Verify that a field is not NULL/Empty and its lenght is < maximal length
#if($adc.isNull($field_value) || $field_value.isEmpty())
#error("Field '$field_name' can not be NULL or empty.")
#if($field_value.length() > $max_len)
#error("Field '$field_name' can not be longer than $max_len chars. Current length is $field_value.length()")
## Map boolean value to ena/dis
#macro(os_print_bool_to_ena_dis, $boolean_val)