Pedro Henrique 06e43dd95d Add description field to portforwarding NAT rules
Add the `description` field to `PortForwardings`
using the standard attributes like in the

Implements: blueprint portforwarding-description
Closes-Bug: #1850818
Change-Id: Ibac91d24da2b82cdce72165d1295fa5d4475ffd3
Signed-off-by: Pedro Martins <>
2020-01-22 11:19:55 -03:00

153 lines
6.0 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2018 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import itertools
import netaddr
from neutron_lib.objects import common_types
from neutron.db.models import l3
from neutron.db.models import port_forwarding as models
from neutron.objects import base
from neutron.objects import router
from neutron_lib import constants as lib_const
from oslo_utils import versionutils
from oslo_versionedobjects import fields as obj_fields
FIELDS_NOT_SUPPORT_FILTER = ['internal_ip_address', 'internal_port']
class PortForwarding(base.NeutronDbObject):
# Version 1.0: Initial version
# Version 1.1: Change unique constraint
# Version 1.2: Add "description" field
VERSION = '1.2'
db_model = models.PortForwarding
primary_keys = ['id']
foreign_keys = {'FloatingIP': {'floatingip_id': 'id'},
'Port': {'internal_port_id': 'id'}}
# Notes: 'socket': 'socket' maybe odd here, but for current OVO and the
# definition of PortForwarding obj, this obj doesn't define a field named
# "socket", but the db model does, it will get the value to store into db.
# And this obj defines some fields like "internal_ip_address" and
# "internal_port" which will construct "socket" field. Also there is
# a reason why it like this. Please see neutron/objects/
# So if we don't set it into fields_need_translation, the OVO base will
# default skip the field from db.
fields_need_translation = {
'socket': 'socket',
'internal_port_id': 'internal_neutron_port_id'
fields = {
'id': common_types.UUIDField(),
'floatingip_id': common_types.UUIDField(nullable=False),
'external_port': common_types.PortRangeField(nullable=False),
'protocol': common_types.IpProtocolEnumField(nullable=False),
'internal_port_id': common_types.UUIDField(nullable=False),
'internal_ip_address': obj_fields.IPV4AddressField(),
'internal_port': common_types.PortRangeField(nullable=False),
'floating_ip_address': obj_fields.IPV4AddressField(),
'router_id': common_types.UUIDField(),
'description': obj_fields.StringField()
comparision_ignored_fields = ['revision_number', 'updated_at',
synthetic_fields = ['floating_ip_address', 'router_id']
fields_no_update = {
'id', 'floatingip_id'
def __eq__(self, other):
for attr in self.fields:
# Some fields are inherited from standards attributes and are
# irrelevant while comparing two PortForwarding.
if attr in self.comparision_ignored_fields:
if getattr(self, attr) != getattr(other, attr):
return False
return True
def obj_load_attr(self, attrname):
if attrname in ['floating_ip_address', 'router_id']:
return self._load_attr_from_fip(attrname)
super(PortForwarding, self).obj_load_attr(attrname)
def _load_attr_from_fip(self, attrname):
# get all necessary info from fip obj
fip_obj = router.FloatingIP.get_object(
self.obj_context, id=self.floatingip_id)
value = getattr(fip_obj, attrname)
setattr(self, attrname, value)
def from_db_object(self, db_obj):
super(PortForwarding, self).from_db_object(db_obj)
def obj_make_compatible(self, primitive, target_version):
_target_version = versionutils.convert_version_to_tuple(target_version)
if _target_version < (1, 2):
primitive.pop('description', None)
def modify_fields_from_db(cls, db_obj):
result = super(PortForwarding, cls).modify_fields_from_db(db_obj)
if 'socket' in result:
groups = result['socket'].split(":")
result['internal_ip_address'] = netaddr.IPAddress(
groups[0], version=lib_const.IP_VERSION_4)
result['internal_port'] = int(groups[1])
del result['socket']
return result
def modify_fields_to_db(cls, fields):
result = super(PortForwarding, cls).modify_fields_to_db(fields)
if 'internal_ip_address' in result and 'internal_port' in result:
result['socket'] = str(
result['internal_ip_address']) + ":" + str(
del result['internal_ip_address']
del result['internal_port']
return result
def get_port_forwarding_obj_by_routers(cls, context, router_ids):
query = context.session.query(cls.db_model, l3.FloatingIP)
query = query.join(l3.FloatingIP,
cls.db_model.floatingip_id ==
query = query.filter(l3.FloatingIP.router_id.in_(router_ids))
return cls._unique_port_forwarding_iterator(query)
def _unique_port_forwarding_iterator(cls, query):
q = query.order_by(l3.FloatingIP.router_id)
keyfunc = lambda row: row[1]
group_iterator = itertools.groupby(q, keyfunc)
for key, value in group_iterator:
for row in value:
yield (row[1]['router_id'], row[1]['floating_ip_address'],
row[0]['id'], row[1]['id'])