Brian Haley f77c7c9584 Fix some pylint indentation warnings
Running with a stricter .pylintrc generates a lot of
C0330 warnings (hanging/continued indentation). Fix
the ones in neutron/scheduler.


Change-Id: Ic131cd49307471982b8bd09f823809261d246c0d
2022-11-02 10:26:11 -04:00

155 lines
6.0 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import copy
import random
from oslo_log import log
from neutron.common.ovn import constants as ovn_const
from neutron.common.ovn import utils
from neutron.conf.plugins.ml2.drivers.ovn import ovn_conf
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
class OVNGatewayScheduler(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def __init__(self):
def select(self, nb_idl, sb_idl, gateway_name, candidates=None):
"""Schedule the gateway port of a router to an OVN chassis.
Schedule the gateway router port only if it is not already
def filter_existing_chassis(self, nb_idl, gw_chassis,
physnet, chassis_physnets,
existing_chassis, az_hints, chassis_with_azs):
chassis_list = copy.copy(existing_chassis)
for chassis_name in existing_chassis:
if utils.is_gateway_chassis_invalid(chassis_name, gw_chassis,
physnet, chassis_physnets,
az_hints, chassis_with_azs):
LOG.debug("Chassis %(chassis)s is invalid for scheduling "
"router in physnet: %(physnet)s.",
{'chassis': chassis_name,
'physnet': physnet})
return chassis_list
def _schedule_gateway(self, nb_idl, sb_idl, gateway_name, candidates,
existing_chassis = existing_chassis or []
candidates = candidates or self._get_chassis_candidates(sb_idl)
candidates = list(set(candidates) - set(existing_chassis))
# If no candidates, or gateway scheduled on MAX_GATEWAY_CHASSIS nodes
# or all candidates in existing_chassis, return existing_chassis.
# Otherwise, if more candidates present, then schedule them.
if existing_chassis:
if not candidates or (
len(existing_chassis) == ovn_const.MAX_GW_CHASSIS):
return existing_chassis
if not candidates:
chassis_count = ovn_const.MAX_GW_CHASSIS - len(existing_chassis)
# The actual binding of the gateway to a chassis via the options
# column or gateway_chassis column in the OVN_Northbound is done
# by the caller
chassis = self._select_gateway_chassis(
nb_idl, candidates)[:chassis_count]
# priority of existing chassis is higher than candidates
chassis = existing_chassis + chassis
LOG.debug("Gateway %s scheduled on chassis %s",
gateway_name, chassis)
return chassis
def _select_gateway_chassis(self, nb_idl, candidates):
"""Choose a chassis from candidates based on a specific policy."""
def _get_chassis_candidates(self, sb_idl):
# TODO(azbiswas): Allow selection of a specific type of chassis when
# the upstream code merges.
# return (sb_idl.get_all_chassis('gateway_router') or
# sb_idl.get_all_chassis())
return sb_idl.get_all_chassis()
class OVNGatewayChanceScheduler(OVNGatewayScheduler):
"""Randomly select an chassis for a gateway port of a router"""
def select(self, nb_idl, sb_idl, gateway_name, candidates=None,
return self._schedule_gateway(nb_idl, sb_idl, gateway_name,
candidates, existing_chassis)
def _select_gateway_chassis(self, nb_idl, candidates):
candidates = copy.deepcopy(candidates)
return candidates
class OVNGatewayLeastLoadedScheduler(OVNGatewayScheduler):
"""Select the least loaded chassis for a gateway port of a router"""
def select(self, nb_idl, sb_idl, gateway_name, candidates=None,
return self._schedule_gateway(nb_idl, sb_idl, gateway_name,
candidates, existing_chassis)
def _get_chassis_load_by_prios(chassis_info):
"""Retrieve the amount of ports by priorities hosted in the chassis.
@param chassis_info: list of (port, prio) hosted by this chassis
@type chassis_info: []
@return: A list of (prio, number_of_ports) tuples.
chassis_load = {}
for lrp, prio in chassis_info:
chassis_load[prio] = chassis_load.get(prio, 0) + 1
return chassis_load.items()
def _get_chassis_load(chassis):
chassis_ports_prios = chassis[1]
return sorted(
chassis_ports_prios), reverse=True)
def _select_gateway_chassis(self, nb_idl, candidates):
chassis_bindings = nb_idl.get_all_chassis_gateway_bindings(candidates)
return [chassis for chassis, load in
OVN_SCHEDULER_CHANCE: OVNGatewayChanceScheduler,
def get_scheduler():
return OVN_SCHEDULER_STR_TO_CLASS[ovn_conf.get_ovn_l3_scheduler()]()