Armando Migliaccio 1f4c82ce9e Deprecate neutron-debug
We will not follow the typical deprecation cycle and thus we will
not remove this in the release after the deprecation is advertised.

Nonetheless we want to signal the need for a more comprehensive set
of tools and APIs that will eventually make people want to move away
from the limitations of neutron-debug.

Closes-bug: #1583700

Change-Id: Ibe471f186b9b5c9c15c5857a35cbaca6b8d284d6
2016-05-19 20:25:46 +00:00
README Rename Quantum to Neutron 2013-07-06 15:02:43 -04:00 Empty files should not contain copyright or license 2014-10-20 00:50:32 +00:00 Make neutron-debug command follow cliff command convention 2016-01-09 03:38:19 +09:00 Use constants from neutron-lib 2016-04-23 21:23:56 -04:00 Deprecate neutron-debug 2016-05-19 20:25:46 +00:00


Debug Helper Script for Neutron

- Configure
export NEUTRON_TEST_CONFIG_FILE=/etc/neutron/debug.ini
export NEUTRON_TEST_CONFIG_FILE=/etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini

you can also specify config file by --config-file option

- Usage
neutron-debug commands

probe-create <net-id>
  Create probe port - create port and interface, then plug it in.
  This commands returns a port id of a probe port. A probe port is a port which is used to test.
  The port id is probe id.
  We can have multiple probe probes in a network, in order to check connectivity between ports.

  neutron-debug probe-exec probe_id_1 'nc -l 22'
  neutron-debug probe-exec probe_id_2 'nc -vz 22'

  Note: You should use a user and a tenant who has permission to
   modify network and subnet if you want to probe. For example, you need to be admin user if you
   want to probe external network.

probe-delete <port-id>  Delete probe - delete port then uplug
probe-exec <port-id> 'command'    Exec commands on the namespace of the probe
`probe-exec <port-id>` 'interactive command' Exec interactive command (eg, ssh)

probe-list     List probes
probe-clear    Clear All probes

ping-all --id <network_id> --timeout 1 (optional)
         ping-all is all-in-one command to ping all fixed ip's in all network or a specified network.
         In the command probe is automatically created if needed.

neutron-debug extends the shell of neutronclient,  so you can use all the commands of neutron