Rodolfo Alonso Hernandez ecb0b428ee [FT] Workaround for "test_gateway_chassis_rebalance" test
There seems to be an error in SQLite3. The "port" DB object is not
stored in the DB or the index is not populated. In the same
transaction, when the "ml2_port_binding" object is created, the
"" reference is not found and a "DBReferenceError" exception
is raised.

Related-Bug: #1956344
Change-Id: I39eab8f0aaa8cc1ec6d03813f6726bb27b52ddc2
2022-01-05 17:24:54 +00:00

568 lines
27 KiB

# Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from unittest import mock
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import external_net
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import l3 as l3_apidef
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import portbindings
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import provider_net as pnet
from neutron_lib import constants as n_consts
from neutron_lib.plugins import directory
from oslo_db import exception as db_exc
from ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl import idlutils
from neutron.common.ovn import constants as ovn_const
from neutron.common.ovn import utils as ovn_utils
from neutron.common import utils as n_utils
from neutron.scheduler import l3_ovn_scheduler as l3_sched
from neutron.tests.functional import base
from neutron.tests.functional.resources.ovsdb import events
class TestRouter(base.TestOVNFunctionalBase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestRouter, self).setUp()
self.chassis1 = self.add_fake_chassis(
'ovs-host1', physical_nets=['physnet1', 'physnet3'])
self.chassis2 = self.add_fake_chassis(
'ovs-host2', physical_nets=['physnet2', 'physnet3'])
self.cr_lrp_pb_event = events.WaitForCrLrpPortBindingEvent()
def _create_router(self, name, gw_info=None):
router = {'router':
{'name': name,
'admin_state_up': True,
'tenant_id': self._tenant_id}}
if gw_info:
router['router']['external_gateway_info'] = gw_info
return self.l3_plugin.create_router(self.context, router)
def _create_ext_network(self, name, net_type, physnet, seg,
gateway, cidr):
arg_list = (pnet.NETWORK_TYPE, external_net.EXTERNAL,)
net_arg = {pnet.NETWORK_TYPE: net_type,
external_net.EXTERNAL: True}
if seg:
arg_list = arg_list + (pnet.SEGMENTATION_ID,)
net_arg[pnet.SEGMENTATION_ID] = seg
if physnet:
arg_list = arg_list + (pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK,)
net_arg[pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK] = physnet
network = self._make_network(self.fmt, name, True,
arg_list=arg_list, **net_arg)
if cidr:
self._make_subnet(self.fmt, network, gateway, cidr,
return network
def _set_redirect_chassis_to_invalid_chassis(self, ovn_client):
with ovn_client._nb_idl.transaction(check_error=True) as txn:
for lrp in self.nb_api.tables[
def test_gateway_chassis_on_router_gateway_port(self):
ext2 = self._create_ext_network(
'ext2', 'flat', 'physnet3', None, "", "")
gw_info = {'network_id': ext2['network']['id']}
self._create_router('router1', gw_info=gw_info)
expected = [ for row in
for row in self.nb_api.tables[
if self._l3_ha_supported():
chassis = [gwc.chassis_name for gwc in row.gateway_chassis]
self.assertCountEqual(expected, chassis)
rc = row.options.get(ovn_const.OVN_GATEWAY_CHASSIS_KEY)
self.assertIn(rc, expected)
def _check_gateway_chassis_candidates(self, candidates):
# In this test, fake_select() is called once from _create_router()
# and later from schedule_unhosted_gateways()
ovn_client = self.l3_plugin._ovn_client
ext1 = self._create_ext_network(
'ext1', 'vlan', 'physnet1', 1, "", "")
# mock select function and check if it is called with expected
# candidates.
def fake_select(*args, **kwargs):
self.assertCountEqual(candidates, kwargs['candidates'])
# We are not interested in further processing, let us return
# INVALID_CHASSIS to avoid erros
with mock.patch.object(ovn_client._ovn_scheduler, 'select',
side_effect=fake_select) as client_select,\
mock.patch.object(self.l3_plugin.scheduler, 'select',
side_effect=fake_select) as plugin_select:
gw_info = {'network_id': ext1['network']['id']}
self._create_router('router1', gw_info=gw_info)
# set redirect-chassis to neutron-ovn-invalid-chassis, so
# that schedule_unhosted_gateways will try to schedule it
def test_gateway_chassis_with_cms_and_bridge_mappings(self):
# Both chassis1 and chassis3 are having proper bridge mappings,
# but only chassis3 is having enable-chassis-as-gw.
# Test if chassis3 is selected as candidate or not.
self.chassis3 = self.add_fake_chassis(
'ovs-host3', physical_nets=['physnet1'],
external_ids={'ovn-cms-options': 'enable-chassis-as-gw'})
def test_gateway_chassis_with_cms_and_no_bridge_mappings(self):
# chassis1 is having proper bridge mappings.
# chassis3 is having enable-chassis-as-gw, but no bridge mappings.
self.chassis3 = self.add_fake_chassis(
external_ids={'ovn-cms-options': 'enable-chassis-as-gw'})
ovn_client = self.l3_plugin._ovn_client
ext1 = self._create_ext_network(
'ext1', 'vlan', 'physnet1', 1, "", "")
# As we have 'gateways' in the system, but without required
# chassis we should not schedule gw in that case at all.
with mock.patch.object(ovn_client._ovn_scheduler, 'select',
return_value=[self.chassis1]), \
mock.patch.object(self.l3_plugin.scheduler, 'select',
gw_info = {'network_id': ext1['network']['id']}
self._create_router('router1', gw_info=gw_info)
with mock.patch.object(
ovn_client._nb_idl, 'update_lrouter_port') as ulrp:
# Make sure that we don't schedule on chassis3
# and do not updated the lrp port.
def test_gateway_chassis_with_bridge_mappings_and_no_cms(self):
# chassis1 is configured with proper bridge mappings,
# but none of the chassis having enable-chassis-as-gw.
# Test if chassis1 is selected as candidate or not.
def _l3_ha_supported(self):
# If the Gateway_Chassis table exists in SB database, then it
# means that L3 HA is supported.
return self.nb_api.tables.get('Gateway_Chassis')
def test_gateway_chassis_least_loaded_scheduler(self):
# This test will create 4 routers each with its own gateway.
# Using the least loaded policy for scheduling gateway ports, we
# expect that they are equally distributed across the two available
# chassis.
ovn_client = self.l3_plugin._ovn_client
ovn_client._ovn_scheduler = l3_sched.OVNGatewayLeastLoadedScheduler()
ext1 = self._create_ext_network(
'ext1', 'flat', 'physnet3', None, "", "")
gw_info = {'network_id': ext1['network']['id']}
# Create 4 routers with a gateway. Since we're using physnet3, the
# chassis candidates will be chassis1 and chassis2.
for i in range(1, 5):
self._create_router('router%d' % i, gw_info=gw_info)
# At this point we expect two gateways to be present in chassis1
# and two in chassis2. If schema supports L3 HA, we expect each
# chassis to host 2 priority 2 gateways and 2 priority 1 ones.
if self._l3_ha_supported():
# Each chassis contains a dict of (priority, # of ports hosted).
# {1: 2, 2: 2} means that this chassis hosts 2 ports of prio 1
# and two ports of prio 2.
expected = {self.chassis1: {1: 2, 2: 2},
self.chassis2: {1: 2, 2: 2}}
# For non L3 HA, each chassis should contain two gateway ports.
expected = {self.chassis1: 2,
self.chassis2: 2}
sched_info = {}
for row in self.nb_api.tables[
if self._l3_ha_supported():
for gwc in row.gateway_chassis:
chassis = sched_info.setdefault(gwc.chassis_name, {})
chassis[gwc.priority] = chassis.get(gwc.priority, 0) + 1
rc = row.options.get(ovn_const.OVN_GATEWAY_CHASSIS_KEY)
sched_info[rc] = sched_info.get(rc, 0) + 1
self.assertEqual(expected, sched_info)
def _get_gw_port(self, router_id):
router = self.l3_plugin._get_router(self.context, router_id)
gw_port_id = router.get('gw_port_id', '')
for row in self.nb_api.tables['Logical_Router_Port'].rows.values():
if == 'lrp-%s' % gw_port_id:
return row
def test_gateway_chassis_with_subnet_changes(self):
"""Launchpad bug #1843485: logical router port is getting lost
Test cases when subnets are added to an external network after router
has been configured to use that network via "set --external-gateway"
ovn_client = self.l3_plugin._ovn_client
with mock.patch.object(
ovn_client._ovn_scheduler, 'select',
return_value=[ovn_const.OVN_GATEWAY_INVALID_CHASSIS]) as \
router1 = self._create_router('router1', gw_info=None)
router_id = router1['id']
"router logical port unexpected before ext net")
# Create external network with no subnets and assign it to router
ext1 = self._create_ext_network(
'ext1', 'flat', 'physnet3', None, gateway=None, cidr=None)
net_id = ext1['network']['id']
gw_info = {'network_id': ext1['network']['id']}
self.context, router_id,
{'router': {l3_apidef.EXTERNAL_GW_INFO: gw_info}})
"router logical port must exist after gw add")
# Add subnets to external network. This should percolate
# into l3_plugin.update_router()
kwargs = {'ip_version': n_consts.IP_VERSION_4,
'gateway_ip': '', 'cidr': ''}
subnet4_res = self._create_subnet(
self.fmt, net_id, **kwargs)
subnet4 = self.deserialize(self.fmt, subnet4_res).get('subnet')
"router logical port must exist after v4 add")
kwargs = {'ip_version': n_consts.IP_VERSION_6,
'gateway_ip': 'fe81::1', 'cidr': 'fe81::/64',
'ipv6_ra_mode': n_consts.IPV6_SLAAC,
'ipv6_address_mode': n_consts.IPV6_SLAAC}
subnet6_res = self._create_subnet(
self.fmt, net_id, **kwargs)
subnet6 = self.deserialize(self.fmt, subnet6_res).get('subnet')
"router logical port must exist after v6 add")
self.assertGreaterEqual(client_select.call_count, 3)
# Verify that ports have had the subnets created
kwargs = {'device_owner': n_consts.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW}
ports_res = self._list_ports(self.fmt, net_id=net_id, **kwargs)
ports = self.deserialize(self.fmt, ports_res).get('ports')
subnet4_ip = None
subnet6_ip = None
for port in ports:
for fixed_ip in port.get('fixed_ips', []):
if fixed_ip.get('subnet_id') == subnet4['id']:
subnet4_ip = fixed_ip.get('ip_address')
if fixed_ip.get('subnet_id') == subnet6['id']:
subnet6_ip = fixed_ip.get('ip_address')
# Verify that logical router port is properly configured
gw_port = self._get_gw_port(router_id)
expected_networks = ['%s/24' % subnet4_ip, '%s/64' % subnet6_ip]
expected_networks, gw_port.networks,
'networks in ovn port must match fixed_ips in neutron')
def test_logical_router_port_creation(self):
"""Launchpad bug #1844652: Verify creation and removal of lrp
This test verifies that logical router port is created and removed
based on attaching and detaching the external network to a router.
router = self._create_router('router1', gw_info=None)
router_id = router['id']
"router logical port unexpected before ext net")
# Create external network and assign it to router
ext1 = self._create_ext_network(
'ext1', 'flat', 'physnet3', None, gateway=None, cidr=None)
gw_info = {'network_id': ext1['network']['id']}
self.context, router_id,
{'router': {l3_apidef.EXTERNAL_GW_INFO: gw_info}})
"router logical port missing after ext net add")
# Un-assign external network from router
self.context, router_id,
{'router': {l3_apidef.EXTERNAL_GW_INFO: None}})
"router logical port exists after ext net removal")
def test_gateway_chassis_with_bridge_mappings(self):
"""Check selected ovn chassis based on external network
This test sets different gateway values to ensure that the proper
chassis are candidates, based on the physical network mappings.
ovn_client = self.l3_plugin._ovn_client
# Create external networks with vlan, flat and geneve network types
ext1 = self._create_ext_network(
'ext1', 'vlan', 'physnet1', 1, "", "")
ext2 = self._create_ext_network(
'ext2', 'flat', 'physnet3', None, "", "")
ext3 = self._create_ext_network(
'ext3', 'geneve', None, 10, "", "")
# mock select function and check if it is called with expected
# candidates.
self.candidates = []
def fake_select(*args, **kwargs):
self.assertCountEqual(self.candidates, kwargs['candidates'])
# We are not interested in further processing, let us return
# INVALID_CHASSIS to avoid erros
with mock.patch.object(ovn_client._ovn_scheduler, 'select',
side_effect=fake_select) as client_select,\
mock.patch.object(self.l3_plugin.scheduler, 'select',
side_effect=fake_select) as plugin_select:
self.candidates = [self.chassis1]
gw_info = {'network_id': ext1['network']['id']}
router1 = self._create_router('router1', gw_info=gw_info)
# set redirect-chassis to neutron-ovn-invalid-chassis, so
# that schedule_unhosted_gateways will try to schedule it
self.candidates = [self.chassis1, self.chassis2]
gw_info = {'network_id': ext2['network']['id']}
self.context, router1['id'],
{'router': {l3_apidef.EXTERNAL_GW_INFO: gw_info}})
self.candidates = []
gw_info = {'network_id': ext3['network']['id']}
self.context, router1['id'],
{'router': {l3_apidef.EXTERNAL_GW_INFO: gw_info}})
# We can't test call_count for these mocks, as we have disabled
# maintenance_worker which will trigger chassis events
# and eventually calling schedule_unhosted_gateways.
# However, we know for sure that these mocks must have been
# called at least 3 times because that is the number of times
# this test invokes them: 1x create_router + 2x update_router
# for client_select mock; and 3x schedule_unhosted_gateways for
# plugin_select mock.
self.assertGreaterEqual(client_select.call_count, 3)
self.assertGreaterEqual(plugin_select.call_count, 3)
def test_router_gateway_port_binding_host_id(self):
# Test setting chassis on chassisredirect port in Port_Binding table,
# will update host_id of corresponding router gateway port
# with this chassis.
chassis = idlutils.row_by_value(self.sb_api.idl, 'Chassis',
'name', self.chassis1)
host_id = chassis.hostname
ext = self._create_ext_network(
'ext1', 'vlan', 'physnet1', 1, "", "")
gw_info = {'network_id': ext['network']['id']}
router = self._create_router('router1', gw_info=gw_info)
core_plugin = directory.get_plugin()
gw_port_id = router.get('gw_port_id')
# Set chassis on chassisredirect port in Port_Binding table
logical_port = 'cr-lrp-%s' % gw_port_id
msg='lrp %s failed to bind' % logical_port)
self.sb_api.lsp_bind(logical_port, self.chassis1,
def check_port_binding_host_id(port_id):
port = core_plugin.get_ports(
self.context, filters={'id': [port_id]})[0]
return port[portbindings.HOST_ID] == host_id
# Test if router gateway port updated with this chassis
n_utils.wait_until_true(lambda: check_port_binding_host_id(
def _validate_router_ipv6_ra_configs(self, lrp_name, expected_ra_confs):
lrp = idlutils.row_by_value(self.nb_api.idl,
'Logical_Router_Port', 'name', lrp_name)
self.assertEqual(expected_ra_confs, lrp.ipv6_ra_configs)
def _test_router_port_ipv6_ra_configs_helper(
self, cidr='aef0::/64', ip_version=6,
router1 = self._create_router('router1')
n1 = self._make_network(self.fmt, 'n1', True)
if ip_version == 6:
kwargs = {'ip_version': 6, 'cidr': 'aef0::/64',
'ipv6_address_mode': address_mode,
'ipv6_ra_mode': address_mode}
kwargs = {'ip_version': 4, 'cidr': ''}
res = self._create_subnet(self.fmt, n1['network']['id'],
n1_s1 = self.deserialize(self.fmt, res)
n1_s1_id = n1_s1['subnet']['id']
router_iface_info = self.l3_plugin.add_router_interface(
self.context, router1['id'], {'subnet_id': n1_s1_id})
lrp_name = ovn_utils.ovn_lrouter_port_name(
if ip_version == 6:
expected_ra_configs = {
'address_mode': ovn_utils.get_ovn_ipv6_address_mode(
'send_periodic': 'true',
'mtu': '1442'}
expected_ra_configs = {}
self._validate_router_ipv6_ra_configs(lrp_name, expected_ra_configs)
def test_router_port_ipv6_ra_configs_addr_mode_slaac(self):
def test_router_port_ipv6_ra_configs_addr_mode_dhcpv6_stateful(self):
def test_router_port_ipv6_ra_configs_addr_mode_dhcpv6_stateless(self):
def test_router_port_ipv6_ra_configs_ipv4(self):
def test_gateway_chassis_rebalance(self):
def _get_result_dict():
sched_info = {}
for row in self.nb_api.tables[
for gwc in row.gateway_chassis:
chassis = sched_info.setdefault(gwc.chassis_name, {})
chassis[gwc.priority] = chassis.get(gwc.priority, 0) + 1
return sched_info
if not self._l3_ha_supported():
self.skipTest('L3 HA not supported')
ovn_client = self.l3_plugin._ovn_client
chassis4 = self.add_fake_chassis(
'ovs-host4', physical_nets=['physnet4'], external_ids={
'ovn-cms-options': 'enable-chassis-as-gw'})
ovn_client._ovn_scheduler = l3_sched.OVNGatewayLeastLoadedScheduler()
ext1 = self._create_ext_network(
'ext1', 'flat', 'physnet4', None, "", "")
gw_info = {'network_id': ext1['network']['id']}
# Tries to create 20 routers with a gateway. Since we're using
# physnet4, the chassis candidates will be chassis4 initially.
num_routers = 20
for i in range(num_routers):
router = self._create_router('router%d' % i, gw_info=gw_info)
except db_exc.DBReferenceError:
# NOTE(ralonsoh): this is a workaround for LP#1956344. There
# seems to be a bug in SQLite3. The "port" DB object is not
# persistently stored in the DB and raises a "DBReferenceError"
# exception occasionally.
num_routers -= 1
gw_port_id = router.get('gw_port_id')
logical_port = 'cr-lrp-%s' % gw_port_id
msg='lrp %s failed to bind' % logical_port)
self.sb_api.lsp_bind(logical_port, chassis4,
expected = {chassis4: {1: num_routers}}
self.assertEqual(expected, _get_result_dict())
# Add another chassis as a gateway chassis
chassis5 = self.add_fake_chassis(
'ovs-host5', physical_nets=['physnet4'], external_ids={
'ovn-cms-options': 'enable-chassis-as-gw'})
# Add a node as compute node. Compute node wont be
# used to schedule the router gateway ports therefore
# priority values wont be changed. Therefore chassis4 would
# still have priority 2
self.add_fake_chassis('ovs-host6', physical_nets=['physnet4'])
# Chassis4 should have all ports at Priority 2
self.assertEqual({2: num_routers}, _get_result_dict()[chassis4])
# Chassis5 should have all ports at Priority 1
self.assertEqual({1: num_routers}, _get_result_dict()[chassis5])
# delete chassis that hosts all the gateways
# As Chassis4 has been removed so all gateways that were
# hosted there are now primaries on chassis5 and have
# priority 1.
self.assertEqual({1: num_routers}, _get_result_dict()[chassis5])
def test_gateway_chassis_rebalance_max_chassis(self):
chassis_list = []
# spawn 6 chassis and check if port has MAX_CHASSIS candidates.
for i in range(0, ovn_const.MAX_GW_CHASSIS + 1):
'ovs-host%s' % i, physical_nets=['physnet1'],
'ovn-cms-options': 'enable-chassis-as-gw'}))
ext1 = self._create_ext_network(
'ext1', 'vlan', 'physnet1', 1, "", "")
gw_info = {'network_id': ext1['network']['id']}
router = self._create_router('router', gw_info=gw_info)
gw_port_id = router.get('gw_port_id')
logical_port = 'cr-lrp-%s' % gw_port_id
msg='lrp %s failed to bind' % logical_port)
self.sb_api.lsp_bind(logical_port, chassis_list[0],
for row in self.nb_api.tables[