Kevin Benton 393a3bd947 Protect against non-determinstic sort
This reverts commit e74b45d0eb.

This re-adds the non-deterministic sort logic but avoids using
boolean columns to work around the related bug.

Original commit msg:

With the switch to subquery loading, we need to eliminate the
possibility for non-deterministic results in the event of LIMIT
queries caused by non-unique SORT BY parameters.

This always adds on a set of unique keys to sort by when sorting
params are present. By placing them at the end, they take the lower
priority over the user-provided sort strings.


Related-Bug: #1656947
Change-Id: I503c65560d970427be93b39898f4e7acfc4d3e1f
2017-01-16 14:35:20 -08:00

283 lines
13 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2014 OpenStack Foundation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import weakref
from neutron_lib.db import utils as db_utils
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import utils as sa_utils
import six
from sqlalchemy import and_
from sqlalchemy.ext import associationproxy
from sqlalchemy import or_
from sqlalchemy import sql
from neutron.api.v2 import attributes
from neutron.db import _utils as ndb_utils
# TODO(HenryG): Remove these when available in neutron-lib
safe_creation = ndb_utils.safe_creation
model_query_scope = ndb_utils.model_query_scope_is_project
model_query = ndb_utils.model_query
resource_fields = ndb_utils.resource_fields
class CommonDbMixin(object):
"""Common methods used in core and service plugins."""
# Plugins, mixin classes implementing extension will register
# hooks into the dict below for "augmenting" the "core way" of
# building a query for retrieving objects from a model class.
# To this aim, the register_model_query_hook and unregister_query_hook
# from this class should be invoked
_model_query_hooks = {}
# This dictionary will store methods for extending attributes of
# api resources. Mixins can use this dict for adding their own methods
# TODO(salvatore-orlando): Avoid using class-level variables
_dict_extend_functions = {}
def register_model_query_hook(cls, model, name, query_hook, filter_hook,
"""Register a hook to be invoked when a query is executed.
Add the hooks to the _model_query_hooks dict. Models are the keys
of this dict, whereas the value is another dict mapping hook names to
callables performing the hook.
Each hook has a "query" component, used to build the query expression
and a "filter" component, which is used to build the filter expression.
Query hooks take as input the query being built and return a
transformed query expression.
Filter hooks take as input the filter expression being built and return
a transformed filter expression
cls._model_query_hooks.setdefault(model, {})[name] = {
'query': query_hook, 'filter': filter_hook,
'result_filters': result_filters}
def register_dict_extend_funcs(cls, resource, funcs):
cls._dict_extend_functions.setdefault(resource, []).extend(funcs)
def safe_reference(self):
"""Return a weakref to the instance.
Minimize the potential for the instance persisting
unnecessarily in memory by returning a weakref proxy that
won't prevent deallocation.
return weakref.proxy(self)
# TODO(HenryG): Remove this when available in neutron-lib
def model_query_scope(self, context, model):
return ndb_utils.model_query_scope_is_project(context, model)
def _model_query(self, context, model):
query = context.session.query(model)
# define basic filter condition for model query
query_filter = None
if ndb_utils.model_query_scope_is_project(context, model):
if hasattr(model, 'rbac_entries'):
query = query.outerjoin(model.rbac_entries)
rbac_model =
query_filter = (
(model.tenant_id == context.tenant_id) |
((rbac_model.action == 'access_as_shared') &
((rbac_model.target_tenant == context.tenant_id) |
(rbac_model.target_tenant == '*'))))
elif hasattr(model, 'shared'):
query_filter = ((model.tenant_id == context.tenant_id) |
(model.shared == sql.true()))
query_filter = (model.tenant_id == context.tenant_id)
# Execute query hooks registered from mixins and plugins
for _name, hooks in six.iteritems(self._model_query_hooks.get(model,
query_hook = hooks.get('query')
if isinstance(query_hook, six.string_types):
query_hook = getattr(self, query_hook, None)
if query_hook:
query = query_hook(context, model, query)
filter_hook = hooks.get('filter')
if isinstance(filter_hook, six.string_types):
filter_hook = getattr(self, filter_hook, None)
if filter_hook:
query_filter = filter_hook(context, model, query_filter)
# NOTE(salvatore-orlando): 'if query_filter' will try to evaluate the
# condition, raising an exception
if query_filter is not None:
query = query.filter(query_filter)
return query
# TODO(HenryG): Remove this when available in neutron-lib
def _fields(self, resource, fields):
return ndb_utils.resource_fields(resource, fields)
def _get_by_id(self, context, model, id):
query = self._model_query(context, model)
return query.filter( == id).one()
def _apply_filters_to_query(self, query, model, filters, context=None):
if filters:
for key, value in six.iteritems(filters):
column = getattr(model, key, None)
# NOTE(kevinbenton): if column is a hybrid property that
# references another expression, attempting to convert to
# a boolean will fail so we must compare to None.
# See "An Important Expression Language Gotcha" in:
if column is not None:
if not value:
query = query.filter(sql.false())
return query
if isinstance(column, associationproxy.AssociationProxy):
# association proxies don't support in_ so we have to
# do multiple equals matches
query = query.filter(
or_(*[column == v for v in value]))
query = query.filter(column.in_(value))
elif key == 'shared' and hasattr(model, 'rbac_entries'):
# translate a filter on shared into a query against the
# object's rbac entries
rbac =
matches = [rbac.target_tenant == '*']
if context:
matches.append(rbac.target_tenant == context.tenant_id)
# any 'access_as_shared' records that match the
# wildcard or requesting tenant
is_shared = and_(rbac.action == 'access_as_shared',
if not value[0]:
# NOTE(kevinbenton): we need to find objects that don't
# have an entry that matches the criteria above so
# we use a subquery to exclude them.
# We can't just filter the inverse of the query above
# because that will still give us a network shared to
# our tenant (or wildcard) if it's shared to another
# tenant.
# This is the column joining the table to rbac via
# the object_id. We can't just use because
# subnets join on so we have to inspect the
# relationship.
join_cols =
oid_col = list(join_cols)[0]
is_shared = ~oid_col.in_(
elif (not context or
not self.model_query_scope(context, model)):
# we only want to join if we aren't using the subquery
# and if we aren't already joined because this is a
# scoped query
query = query.outerjoin(model.rbac_entries)
query = query.filter(is_shared)
for _nam, hooks in six.iteritems(self._model_query_hooks.get(model,
result_filter = hooks.get('result_filters', None)
if isinstance(result_filter, six.string_types):
result_filter = getattr(self, result_filter, None)
if result_filter:
query = result_filter(query, filters)
return query
def _apply_dict_extend_functions(self, resource_type,
response, db_object):
for func in self._dict_extend_functions.get(
resource_type, []):
args = (response, db_object)
if isinstance(func, six.string_types):
func = getattr(self, func, None)
# must call unbound method - use self as 1st argument
args = (self,) + args
if func:
def _get_collection_query(self, context, model, filters=None,
sorts=None, limit=None, marker_obj=None,
collection = self._model_query(context, model)
collection = self._apply_filters_to_query(collection, model, filters,
if sorts:
sort_keys = db_utils.get_and_validate_sort_keys(sorts, model)
sort_dirs = db_utils.get_sort_dirs(sorts, page_reverse)
if limit:
# we always want deterministic results for limit subqueries
# so add unique keys to limit queries when present.
# (
# loading_relationships.html#subqueryload-ordering)
# (
# ormconfiguration.html#faq-subqueryload-limit-sort)
for k in self._unique_keys(model, marker_obj):
if k not in sort_keys:
collection = sa_utils.paginate_query(collection, model, limit,
return collection
def _unique_keys(self, model, marker_obj):
# just grab first set of unique keys and use them.
# if model has no unqiue sets, 'paginate_query' will
# warn if sorting is unstable
uk_sets = sa_utils.get_unique_keys(model)
for kset in uk_sets:
for k in kset:
if marker_obj and isinstance(getattr(marker_obj, k), bool):
# TODO(kevinbenton): workaround for bug/1656947.
# we can't use boolean cols until that bug is fixed. return
# first entry in uk_sets once that bug is resolved
return kset
return []
def _get_collection(self, context, model, dict_func, filters=None,
fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker_obj=None,
query = self._get_collection_query(context, model, filters=filters,
items = [attributes.populate_project_info(dict_func(c, fields))
for c in query]
if limit and page_reverse:
return items
def _get_collection_count(self, context, model, filters=None):
return self._get_collection_query(context, model, filters).count()
def _get_marker_obj(self, context, resource, limit, marker):
if limit and marker:
return getattr(self, '_get_%s' % resource)(context, marker)
return None
# TODO(HenryG): Remove this when available in neutron-lib
def _filter_non_model_columns(self, data, model):
return ndb_utils.filter_non_model_columns(data, model)