Dane LeBlanc 420c21f6c7 Support Dual-Stack Gateway Ports on Neutron Routers
(Patch set #2 for multiple-ipv6-prefixes blueprint)

This patchset adds support for dual-stack gateway ports on Neutron
routers. Some background on the changes included in this patchset:

- The L3 driver's init_l3() method has been changed to accept a list
  of gateway IPs, rather than a single gateway IP.
- The Neutron port dictionary's singular 'subnet' entry has been
  replaced with a 'subnets' list, since ports can now be associated
  with multiple subnets.
- The Neutron port dictionary no longer has a (singular) 'ip_cidr'
  entry, since a port can now be associated with multiple IP CIDRs
  (e.g. up to one IP CIDR per IP family on gateway ports).
  Instead, a 'prefixlen' entry has been added to the Neutron
  fixed_ips dictionary, so that the port's (multiple) IP CIDRs can
  be derived from the matching 'ip_address' and 'prefixlen' pairs
  in the port's fixed_ips.

Change-Id: I150da5938e79eeef0c947ddb1a4282e37d0515ee
Partially-implements: blueprint multiple-ipv6-prefixes
2015-03-27 23:37:58 -04:00

215 lines
8.8 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2015 Openstack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import mock
import netaddr
from neutron.agent.l3 import dvr_router
from neutron.agent.l3 import link_local_allocator as lla
from neutron.agent.l3 import router_info
from neutron.agent.linux import ip_lib
from neutron.common import constants as l3_constants
from neutron.common import utils as common_utils
from neutron.openstack.common import uuidutils
from neutron.tests import base
_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid
FIP_PRI = 32768
HOSTNAME = 'myhost'
class TestDvrRouterOperations(base.BaseTestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestDvrRouterOperations, self).setUp()
def _create_router(self, router=None, **kwargs):
agent_conf = mock.Mock()
self.router_id = _uuid()
if not router:
router = mock.MagicMock()
return dvr_router.DvrRouter(mock.sentinel.agent,
def test_get_floating_ips_dvr(self):
router = mock.MagicMock()
router.get.return_value = [{'host': mock.sentinel.myhost},
{'host': mock.sentinel.otherhost}]
ri = self._create_router(router)
fips = ri.get_floating_ips()
self.assertEqual([{'host': mock.sentinel.myhost}], fips)
@mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'send_garp_for_proxyarp')
@mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'IPDevice')
@mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'IPRule')
def test_floating_ip_added_dist(self, mIPRule, mIPDevice, mock_arp):
router = mock.MagicMock()
ri = self._create_router(router)
ext_net_id = _uuid()
subnet_id = _uuid()
agent_gw_port = {'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': '',
'prefixlen': 24,
'subnet_id': subnet_id}],
'subnets': [{'id': subnet_id,
'cidr': '',
'gateway_ip': ''}],
'id': _uuid(),
'network_id': ext_net_id,
'mac_address': 'ca:fe:de:ad:be:ef'}
fip = {'id': _uuid(),
'host': HOSTNAME,
'floating_ip_address': '',
'fixed_ip_address': '',
'floating_network_id': ext_net_id,
'port_id': _uuid()}
ri.fip_ns = mock.Mock()
ri.fip_ns.agent_gateway_port = agent_gw_port
ri.fip_ns.allocate_rule_priority.return_value = FIP_PRI
ri.rtr_fip_subnet = lla.LinkLocalAddressPair('')
ri.dist_fip_count = 0
ip_cidr = common_utils.ip_to_cidr(fip['floating_ip_address'])
ri.floating_ip_added_dist(fip, ip_cidr)
mIPRule().rule.add.assert_called_with('', 16, FIP_PRI)
self.assertEqual(1, ri.dist_fip_count)
# TODO(mrsmith): add more asserts
@mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'IPWrapper')
@mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'IPDevice')
@mock.patch.object(ip_lib, 'IPRule')
def test_floating_ip_removed_dist(self, mIPRule, mIPDevice, mIPWrapper):
router = mock.MagicMock()
ri = self._create_router(router)
subnet_id = _uuid()
agent_gw_port = {'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': '',
'prefixlen': 24,
'subnet_id': subnet_id}],
'subnets': [{'id': subnet_id,
'cidr': '',
'gateway_ip': ''}],
'id': _uuid(),
'network_id': _uuid(),
'mac_address': 'ca:fe:de:ad:be:ef'}
fip_cidr = ''
ri.dist_fip_count = 2
ri.fip_ns = mock.Mock()
ri.fip_ns.get_name.return_value = 'fip_ns_name'
ri.floating_ips_dict[''] = FIP_PRI
ri.fip_2_rtr = ''
ri.rtr_2_fip = ''
ri.fip_ns.agent_gateway_port = agent_gw_port
s = lla.LinkLocalAddressPair('')
ri.rtr_fip_subnet = s
str(netaddr.IPNetwork(fip_cidr).ip), 16, FIP_PRI)
mIPDevice().route.delete_route.assert_called_with(fip_cidr, str(s.ip))
ri.dist_fip_count = 1
ri.rtr_fip_subnet = lla.LinkLocalAddressPair('')
_, fip_to_rtr = ri.rtr_fip_subnet.get_pair()
fip_ns = ri.fip_ns
str(fip_to_rtr.ip), table=16)
def _test_add_floating_ip(self, ri, fip, is_failure):
ri._add_fip_addr_to_device = mock.Mock(return_value=is_failure)
ri.floating_ip_added_dist = mock.Mock()
result = ri.add_floating_ip(fip,
fip, mock.sentinel.device)
return result
def test_add_floating_ip(self):
ri = self._create_router(mock.MagicMock())
ip = ''
fip = {'floating_ip_address': ip}
result = self._test_add_floating_ip(ri, fip, True)
ri.floating_ip_added_dist.assert_called_once_with(fip, ip + '/32')
self.assertEqual(l3_constants.FLOATINGIP_STATUS_ACTIVE, result)
def test_add_floating_ip_error(self):
ri = self._create_router(mock.MagicMock())
result = self._test_add_floating_ip(
ri, {'floating_ip_address': ''}, False)
self.assertEqual(l3_constants.FLOATINGIP_STATUS_ERROR, result)
@mock.patch.object(router_info.RouterInfo, 'remove_floating_ip')
def test_remove_floating_ip(self, super_remove_floating_ip):
ri = self._create_router(mock.MagicMock())
ri.floating_ip_removed_dist = mock.Mock()
ri.remove_floating_ip(mock.sentinel.device, mock.sentinel.ip_cidr)
mock.sentinel.device, mock.sentinel.ip_cidr)
def test__get_internal_port(self):
ri = self._create_router()
port = {'fixed_ips': [{'subnet_id': mock.sentinel.subnet_id}]}
router_ports = [port]
ri.router.get.return_value = router_ports
self.assertEqual(port, ri._get_internal_port(mock.sentinel.subnet_id))
def test__get_internal_port_not_found(self):
ri = self._create_router()
port = {'fixed_ips': [{'subnet_id': mock.sentinel.subnet_id}]}
router_ports = [port]
ri.router.get.return_value = router_ports
self.assertEqual(None, ri._get_internal_port(mock.sentinel.subnet_id2))
def test__get_snat_idx_ipv4(self):
ip_cidr = ''
ri = self._create_router(mock.MagicMock())
snat_idx = ri._get_snat_idx(ip_cidr)
# 0x650C0D00 is numerical value of
self.assertEqual(0x650C0D00, snat_idx)
def test__get_snat_idx_ipv6(self):
ip_cidr = '2620:0:a03:e100::/64'
ri = self._create_router(mock.MagicMock())
snat_idx = ri._get_snat_idx(ip_cidr)
# 0x3D345705 is 30 bit xor folded crc32 of the ip_cidr
self.assertEqual(0x3D345705, snat_idx)
def test__get_snat_idx_ipv6_below_32768(self):
ip_cidr = 'd488::/30'
# crc32 of this ip_cidr is 0x1BD7
ri = self._create_router(mock.MagicMock())
snat_idx = ri._get_snat_idx(ip_cidr)
# 0x1BD7 + 0x3FFFFFFF = 0x40001BD6
self.assertEqual(0x40001BD6, snat_idx)