Slawek Kaplonski 9b23abbdb6 Add kill_timeout to AsyncProcess
AsyncProcess.stop() method has now additional parameter
kill_timeout. If this is set to some value different than
None, will be called
with this timeout, so TimeoutExpired exception will be raised
in case if process will not be killed for this "kill_timeout"
In such case process will be killed "again" with SIGKILL signal
to make sure that it is gone.

This should fix problem with failing fullstack tests, when
ovs_agent process is sometimes not killed and test timeout was
reached in this wait() method.

Change-Id: I1e12255e5e142c395adf4e67be9d9da0f7a3d4fd
Closes-Bug: #1798472
2018-11-16 15:33:13 +01:00

293 lines
11 KiB

# Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import signal
import eventlet
import eventlet.event
from import subprocess
import eventlet.queue
from neutron_lib.utils import helpers
from oslo_log import log as logging
from neutron._i18n import _
from neutron.agent.common import ip_lib
from neutron.agent.common import utils
from neutron.common import utils as common_utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AsyncProcessException(Exception):
class AsyncProcess(object):
"""Manages an asynchronous process.
This class spawns a new process via subprocess and uses
greenthreads to read stderr and stdout asynchronously into queues
that can be read via repeatedly calling iter_stdout() and
If respawn_interval is non-zero, any error in communicating with
the managed process will result in the process and greenthreads
being cleaned up and the process restarted after the specified
Example usage:
>>> import time
>>> proc = AsyncProcess(['ping'])
>>> proc.start()
>>> time.sleep(5)
>>> proc.stop()
>>> for line in proc.iter_stdout():
... print(line)
def __init__(self, cmd, run_as_root=False, respawn_interval=None,
namespace=None, log_output=False, die_on_error=False):
:param cmd: The list of command arguments to invoke.
:param run_as_root: The process should run with elevated privileges.
:param respawn_interval: Optional, the interval in seconds to wait
to respawn after unexpected process death. Respawn will
only be attempted if a value of 0 or greater is provided.
:param namespace: Optional, start the command in the specified
:param log_output: Optional, also log received output.
:param die_on_error: Optional, kills the process on stderr output.
self.cmd_without_namespace = cmd
self._cmd = ip_lib.add_namespace_to_cmd(cmd, namespace)
self.run_as_root = run_as_root
if respawn_interval is not None and respawn_interval < 0:
raise ValueError(_('respawn_interval must be >= 0 if provided.'))
self.respawn_interval = respawn_interval
self._process = None
self._pid = None
self._is_running = False
self._kill_event = None
self._watchers = []
self.log_output = log_output
self.die_on_error = die_on_error
def cmd(self):
return ' '.join(self._cmd)
def _reset_queues(self):
self._stdout_lines = eventlet.queue.LightQueue()
self._stderr_lines = eventlet.queue.LightQueue()
def is_active(self):
# If using sudo rootwrap as a root_helper, we have to wait until sudo
# spawns rootwrap and rootwrap spawns the process. will make
# sure to get the correct pid.
return utils.pid_invoked_with_cmdline(, self.cmd_without_namespace)
def start(self, block=False):
"""Launch a process and monitor it asynchronously.
:param block: Block until the process has started.
:raises utils.WaitTimeout if blocking is True and the process
did not start in time.
LOG.debug('Launching async process [%s].', self.cmd)
if self._is_running:
raise AsyncProcessException(_('Process is already started'))
if block:
def stop(self, block=False, kill_signal=None, kill_timeout=None):
"""Halt the process and watcher threads.
:param block: Block until the process has stopped.
:param kill_signal: Number of signal that will be sent to the process
when terminating the process
:param kill_timeout: If given, process will be killed with SIGKILL
if timeout will be reached and process will
still be running
:raises utils.WaitTimeout if blocking is True and the process
did not stop in time.
kill_signal = kill_signal or getattr(signal, 'SIGKILL', signal.SIGTERM)
if self._is_running:
LOG.debug('Halting async process [%s].', self.cmd)
self._kill(kill_signal, kill_timeout)
raise AsyncProcessException(_('Process is not running.'))
if block:
common_utils.wait_until_true(lambda: not self.is_active())
def _spawn(self):
"""Spawn a process and its watchers."""
self._is_running = True
self._pid = None
self._kill_event = eventlet.event.Event()
self._process, cmd = utils.create_process(self._cmd,
self._watchers = []
for reader in (self._read_stdout, self._read_stderr):
# Pass the stop event directly to the greenthread to
# ensure that assignment of a new event to the instance
# attribute does not prevent the greenthread from using
# the original event.
watcher = eventlet.spawn(self._watch_process,
def pid(self):
if self._process:
if not self._pid:
self._pid = utils.get_root_helper_child_pid(,
return self._pid
def _kill(self, kill_signal, kill_timeout=None):
"""Kill the process and the associated watcher greenthreads."""
pid =
if pid:
self._is_running = False
self._pid = None
self._kill_process_and_wait(pid, kill_signal, kill_timeout)
# Halt the greenthreads if they weren't already.
if self._kill_event:
self._kill_event = None
def _kill_process_and_wait(self, pid, kill_signal, kill_timeout=None):
kill_result = self._kill_process(pid, kill_signal)
if kill_result is False:
return kill_result
if self._process:
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
LOG.warning("Process %(pid)s [%(cmd)s] still running after "
"%(timeout)d seconds. Sending %(signal)d to kill "
{'pid': pid,
'cmd': self.cmd,
'timeout': kill_timeout,
'signal': signal.SIGKILL})
return self._kill_process(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
return True
def _kill_process(self, pid, kill_signal):
# A process started by a root helper will be running as
# root and need to be killed via the same helper.
utils.kill_process(pid, kill_signal, self.run_as_root)
except Exception:
LOG.exception('An error occurred while killing [%s].',
return False
return True
def _handle_process_error(self):
"""Kill the async process and respawn if necessary."""
stdout = list(self.iter_stdout())
stderr = list(self.iter_stderr())
LOG.debug('Halting async process [%s] in response to an error. stdout:'
' [%s] - stderr: [%s]', self.cmd, stdout, stderr)
self._kill(getattr(signal, 'SIGKILL', signal.SIGTERM))
if self.respawn_interval is not None and self.respawn_interval >= 0:
LOG.debug('Respawning async process [%s].', self.cmd)
except AsyncProcessException:
# Process was already respawned by someone else...
def _watch_process(self, callback, kill_event):
while not kill_event.ready():
output = callback()
if not output and output != "":
except Exception:
LOG.exception('An error occurred while communicating '
'with async process [%s].', self.cmd)
# Ensure that watching a process with lots of output does
# not block execution of other greenthreads.
# self._is_running being True indicates that the loop was
# broken out of due to an error in the watched process rather
# than the loop condition being satisfied.
if self._is_running:
self._is_running = False
def _read(self, stream, queue):
data = stream.readline()
if data:
data = helpers.safe_decode_utf8(data.strip())
return data
def _read_stdout(self):
data = self._read(self._process.stdout, self._stdout_lines)
if self.log_output:
LOG.debug('Output received from [%(cmd)s]: %(data)s',
{'cmd': self.cmd,
'data': data})
return data
def _read_stderr(self):
data = self._read(self._process.stderr, self._stderr_lines)
if self.log_output:
LOG.error('Error received from [%(cmd)s]: %(err)s',
{'cmd': self.cmd,
'err': data})
if self.die_on_error:
LOG.error("Process [%(cmd)s] dies due to the error: %(err)s",
{'cmd': self.cmd,
'err': data})
# the callback caller will use None to indicate the need to bail
# out of the thread
return None
return data
def _iter_queue(self, queue, block):
while True:
yield queue.get(block=block)
except eventlet.queue.Empty:
def iter_stdout(self, block=False):
return self._iter_queue(self._stdout_lines, block)
def iter_stderr(self, block=False):
return self._iter_queue(self._stderr_lines, block)