Miguel Lavalle a240c68022 Fix list security groups performance with RBAC
After change [1], if the system has a high number of security groups
with no associated RBAC entries, a non admin user owning only one
security group will experience unacceptable response times when
listing her security groups.

Change [1] added methods get_object and get_objects to class
RbacNeutronDbObjectMixin in neutron.objects.rbac_db, which retrieve with
and admin context all the objects (networks, subnets or security groups)
in the DB and then decide in memory whether the project that made the
query has access to them or not, based on their associated RBAC
policies. This change proposes to remove those methods and revert to
their counterparts in NeutronDbObject (neutron.objects.base), which use
a DB query scoped to the project to retrieve the objects based on their
associated RBAC policies by calling [2]. In this way, the potential
number of objects that are retrieved from the DB and that have to be
converted to OVOs is greatly reduced, improving significantly the
response time to the user.

[2] 7a58374fde/neutron_lib/db/ (L100)

Change-Id: Idd303778d83089da8fbeff40e3dda2bd19008d8e
Closes-Bug: #1830679
2019-07-07 17:44:56 -05:00

350 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import itertools
from neutron_lib.callbacks import events
from neutron_lib.callbacks import registry
from neutron_lib.callbacks import resources
from neutron_lib import exceptions
from six import add_metaclass
from six import with_metaclass
from sqlalchemy import and_
from neutron._i18n import _
from neutron.db import _utils as db_utils
from neutron.db import rbac_db_mixin
from neutron.db import rbac_db_models as models
from neutron.extensions import rbac as ext_rbac
from neutron.objects import base
from neutron.objects.db import api as obj_db_api
class RbacNeutronDbObjectMixin(rbac_db_mixin.RbacPluginMixin,
rbac_db_cls = None
def get_bound_tenant_ids(cls, context, obj_id):
"""Returns ids of all tenants depending on this db object.
Has to be implemented by classes using RbacNeutronMetaclass.
The tenants are the ones that need the sharing or 'visibility' of the
object to them. E.g: for QosPolicy that would be the tenants using the
Networks and Ports with the shared QosPolicy applied to them.
:returns: set -- a set of tenants' ids dependent on this object.
def is_network_shared(context, rbac_entries):
# NOTE(korzen) this method is copied from db_base_plugin_common.
# The shared attribute for a network now reflects if the network
# is shared to the calling tenant via an RBAC entry.
matches = ('*',) + ((context.tenant_id,) if context else ())
for entry in rbac_entries:
if (entry.action == models.ACCESS_SHARED and
entry.target_tenant in matches):
return True
return False
def get_shared_with_tenant(context, rbac_db_cls, obj_id, tenant_id):
# NOTE(korzen) This method enables to query within already started
# session
rbac_db_model = rbac_db_cls.db_model
return (db_utils.model_query(context, rbac_db_model).filter(
and_(rbac_db_model.object_id == obj_id,
rbac_db_model.action == models.ACCESS_SHARED,
['*', tenant_id]))).count() != 0)
def is_shared_with_tenant(cls, context, obj_id, tenant_id):
ctx = context.elevated()
with cls.db_context_reader(ctx):
return cls.get_shared_with_tenant(ctx, cls.rbac_db_cls,
obj_id, tenant_id)
def is_accessible(cls, context, db_obj):
return (super(
RbacNeutronDbObjectMixin, cls).is_accessible(context, db_obj) or
def _get_db_obj_rbac_entries(cls, context, rbac_obj_id, rbac_action):
rbac_db_model = cls.rbac_db_cls.db_model
return db_utils.model_query(context, rbac_db_model).filter(
and_(rbac_db_model.object_id == rbac_obj_id,
rbac_db_model.action == rbac_action))
def _get_tenants_with_shared_access_to_db_obj(cls, context, obj_id):
rbac_db_model = cls.rbac_db_cls.db_model
return set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(context.session.query(
and_(rbac_db_model.object_id == obj_id,
rbac_db_model.action == models.ACCESS_SHARED,
rbac_db_model.target_tenant != '*'))))
def _validate_rbac_policy_delete(cls, context, obj_id, target_tenant):
ctx_admin = context.elevated()
rb_model = cls.rbac_db_cls.db_model
bound_tenant_ids = cls.get_bound_tenant_ids(ctx_admin, obj_id)
db_obj_sharing_entries = cls._get_db_obj_rbac_entries(
ctx_admin, obj_id, models.ACCESS_SHARED)
def raise_policy_in_use():
raise ext_rbac.RbacPolicyInUse(
if target_tenant != '*':
# if there is a wildcard rule, we can return early because it
# shares the object globally
wildcard_sharing_entries = db_obj_sharing_entries.filter(
rb_model.target_tenant == '*')
if wildcard_sharing_entries.count():
if target_tenant in bound_tenant_ids:
# for the wildcard we need to query all of the rbac entries to
# see if any allow the object sharing
other_target_tenants = cls._get_tenants_with_shared_access_to_db_obj(
ctx_admin, obj_id)
if not bound_tenant_ids.issubset(other_target_tenants):
def validate_rbac_policy_delete(cls, resource, event, trigger,
"""Callback to handle RBAC_POLICY, BEFORE_DELETE callback.
:raises: RbacPolicyInUse -- in case the policy is in use.
context = payload.context
policy = payload.latest_state
if policy['action'] != models.ACCESS_SHARED:
target_tenant = policy['target_tenant']
db_obj = obj_db_api.get_object(
cls, context.elevated(), id=policy['object_id'])
if db_obj.tenant_id == target_tenant:
def validate_rbac_policy_update(cls, resource, event, trigger,
"""Callback to handle RBAC_POLICY, BEFORE_UPDATE callback.
:raises: RbacPolicyInUse -- in case the update is forbidden.
policy = payload.latest_state
prev_tenant = policy['target_tenant']
new_tenant = payload.request_body['target_tenant']
if prev_tenant == new_tenant:
if new_tenant != '*':
return cls.validate_rbac_policy_delete(
resource, event, trigger, payload=payload)
def validate_rbac_policy_change(cls, resource, event, trigger,
"""Callback to validate changes.
This is the dispatching function for create, update and delete
callbacks. On creation and update, verify that the creator is an admin
or owns the resource being shared.
object_type = payload.metadata.get('object_type')
context = payload.context
policy = (payload.request_body if event == events.BEFORE_CREATE
else payload.latest_state)
# TODO(hdaniel): As this code was shamelessly stolen from
# NeutronDbPluginV2.validate_network_rbac_policy_change(), those pieces
# should be synced and contain the same bugs, until Network RBAC logic
# (hopefully) melded with this one.
if object_type != cls.rbac_db_cls.db_model.object_type:
db_obj = obj_db_api.get_object(
cls, context.elevated(), id=policy['object_id'])
if event in (events.BEFORE_CREATE, events.BEFORE_UPDATE):
if (not context.is_admin and
db_obj['tenant_id'] != context.tenant_id):
msg = _("Only admins can manipulate policies on objects "
"they do not own")
raise exceptions.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
callback_map = {events.BEFORE_UPDATE: cls.validate_rbac_policy_update,
events.BEFORE_DELETE: cls.validate_rbac_policy_delete}
if event in callback_map:
return callback_map[event](resource, event, trigger,
def attach_rbac(self, obj_id, project_id, target_tenant='*'):
obj_type = self.rbac_db_cls.db_model.object_type
rbac_policy = {'rbac_policy': {'object_id': obj_id,
'target_tenant': target_tenant,
'project_id': project_id,
'object_type': obj_type,
'action': models.ACCESS_SHARED}}
return self.create_rbac_policy(self.obj_context, rbac_policy)
def update_shared(self, is_shared_new, obj_id):
admin_context = self.obj_context.elevated()
shared_prev = obj_db_api.get_object(self.rbac_db_cls, admin_context,
is_shared_prev = bool(shared_prev)
if is_shared_prev == is_shared_new:
# 'shared' goes False -> True
if not is_shared_prev and is_shared_new:
self.attach_rbac(obj_id, self.obj_context.tenant_id)
# 'shared' goes True -> False is actually an attempt to delete
# rbac rule for sharing obj_id with target_tenant = '*'
self._validate_rbac_policy_delete(self.obj_context, obj_id, '*')
return self.obj_context.session.delete(shared_prev)
def _update_post(self, obj_changes):
if "shared" in obj_changes:
def _update_hook(self, update_orig):
with self.db_context_writer(self.obj_context):
# NOTE(slaweq): copy of object changes is required to pass it later to
# _update_post method because update() will reset all those changes
obj_changes = self.obj_get_changes()
_update_post(self, obj_changes)
def _create_post(self):
if self.shared:
self.attach_rbac(, self.project_id)
def _create_hook(self, orig_create):
with self.db_context_writer(self.obj_context):
def _to_dict_hook(self, to_dict_orig):
dct = to_dict_orig(self)
if self.obj_context:
dct['shared'] = self.is_shared_with_tenant(self.obj_context,,
# most OVO objects on an agent will not have a context set on the
# object because they will be generated from obj_from_primitive.
dct['shared'] = False
return dct
class RbacNeutronMetaclass(type):
"""Adds support for RBAC in NeutronDbObjects.
Injects code for CRUD operations and modifies existing ops to do so.
def _get_attribute(cls, attribute_name, bases):
for b in bases:
attribute = getattr(b, attribute_name, None)
if attribute:
return attribute
def get_attribute(cls, attribute_name, bases, dct):
return (dct.get(attribute_name, None) or
cls._get_attribute(attribute_name, bases))
def update_synthetic_fields(cls, bases, dct):
if not dct.get('synthetic_fields', None):
synthetic_attr = cls.get_attribute('synthetic_fields', bases, dct)
dct['synthetic_fields'] = synthetic_attr or []
if 'shared' in dct['synthetic_fields']:
raise exceptions.ObjectActionError(
action=_('shared attribute switching to synthetic'),
reason=_('already a synthetic attribute'))
def subscribe_to_rbac_events(class_instance):
for e in (events.BEFORE_CREATE, events.BEFORE_UPDATE,
resources.RBAC_POLICY, e)
def validate_existing_attrs(cls_name, dct):
if 'shared' not in dct['fields']:
raise KeyError(_('No shared key in %s fields') % cls_name)
if 'rbac_db_cls' not in dct:
raise AttributeError(_('rbac_db_cls not found in %s') % cls_name)
def get_replaced_method(orig_method, new_method):
def func(self):
return new_method(self, orig_method)
return func
def replace_class_methods_with_hooks(cls, bases, dct):
methods_replacement_map = {'create': _create_hook,
'update': _update_hook,
'to_dict': _to_dict_hook}
for orig_method_name, new_method in methods_replacement_map.items():
orig_method = cls.get_attribute(orig_method_name, bases, dct)
hook_method = cls.get_replaced_method(orig_method,
dct[orig_method_name] = hook_method
def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
cls.validate_existing_attrs(name, dct)
cls.update_synthetic_fields(bases, dct)
cls.replace_class_methods_with_hooks(bases, dct)
klass = type(name, (RbacNeutronDbObjectMixin,) + bases, dct)
return klass
NeutronRbacObject = with_metaclass(RbacNeutronMetaclass, base.NeutronDbObject)