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# Copyright (c) 2015 OpenStack Foundation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import functools
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from sqlalchemy.orm import exc
from neutron.api.v2 import attributes
from neutron.common import constants
from neutron.common import exceptions as n_exc
from neutron.common import utils
from neutron.db import common_db_mixin
from neutron.db import models_v2
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def convert_result_to_dict(f):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
result = f(*args, **kwargs)
if result is None:
return None
elif isinstance(result, list):
return [r.to_dict() for r in result]
return result.to_dict()
return inner
def filter_fields(f):
def inner_filter(*args, **kwargs):
result = f(*args, **kwargs)
fields = kwargs.get('fields')
if not fields:
pos = f.__code__.co_varnames.index('fields')
fields = args[pos]
except (IndexError, ValueError):
return result
do_filter = lambda d: {k: v for k, v in d.items() if k in fields}
if isinstance(result, list):
return [do_filter(obj) for obj in result]
return do_filter(result)
return inner_filter
class DbBasePluginCommon(common_db_mixin.CommonDbMixin):
"""Stores getters and helper methods for db_base_plugin_v2
All private getters and simple helpers like _make_*_dict were moved from
More complicated logic and public methods left in db_base_plugin_v2.
Main purpose of this class is to make getters accessible for Ipam
def _generate_mac():
return utils.get_random_mac(cfg.CONF.base_mac.split(':'))
def _delete_ip_allocation(context, network_id, subnet_id, ip_address):
# Delete the IP address from the IPAllocate table
LOG.debug("Delete allocated IP %(ip_address)s "
{'ip_address': ip_address,
'network_id': network_id,
'subnet_id': subnet_id})
def _store_ip_allocation(context, ip_address, network_id, subnet_id,
LOG.debug("Allocated IP %(ip_address)s "
{'ip_address': ip_address,
'network_id': network_id,
'subnet_id': subnet_id,
'port_id': port_id})
allocated = models_v2.IPAllocation(
def _make_subnet_dict(self, subnet, fields=None, context=None):
res = {'id': subnet['id'],
'name': subnet['name'],
'tenant_id': subnet['tenant_id'],
'network_id': subnet['network_id'],
'ip_version': subnet['ip_version'],
'cidr': subnet['cidr'],
'subnetpool_id': subnet.get('subnetpool_id'),
'allocation_pools': [{'start': pool['first_ip'],
'end': pool['last_ip']}
for pool in subnet['allocation_pools']],
'gateway_ip': subnet['gateway_ip'],
'enable_dhcp': subnet['enable_dhcp'],
'ipv6_ra_mode': subnet['ipv6_ra_mode'],
'ipv6_address_mode': subnet['ipv6_address_mode'],
'dns_nameservers': [dns['address']
for dns in subnet['dns_nameservers']],
'host_routes': [{'destination': route['destination'],
'nexthop': route['nexthop']}
for route in subnet['routes']],
# The shared attribute for a subnet is the same as its parent network
res['shared'] = self._is_network_shared(context, subnet.networks)
# Call auxiliary extend functions, if any
self._apply_dict_extend_functions(attributes.SUBNETS, res, subnet)
return self._fields(res, fields)
def _make_subnetpool_dict(self, subnetpool, fields=None):
default_prefixlen = str(subnetpool['default_prefixlen'])
min_prefixlen = str(subnetpool['min_prefixlen'])
max_prefixlen = str(subnetpool['max_prefixlen'])
res = {'id': subnetpool['id'],
'name': subnetpool['name'],
'tenant_id': subnetpool['tenant_id'],
'default_prefixlen': default_prefixlen,
'min_prefixlen': min_prefixlen,
'max_prefixlen': max_prefixlen,
'shared': subnetpool['shared'],
'prefixes': [prefix['cidr']
for prefix in subnetpool['prefixes']],
'ip_version': subnetpool['ip_version'],
'default_quota': subnetpool['default_quota'],
'address_scope_id': subnetpool['address_scope_id']}
return self._fields(res, fields)
def _make_port_dict(self, port, fields=None,
res = {"id": port["id"],
'name': port['name'],
"network_id": port["network_id"],
'tenant_id': port['tenant_id'],
"mac_address": port["mac_address"],
"admin_state_up": port["admin_state_up"],
"status": port["status"],
"fixed_ips": [{'subnet_id': ip["subnet_id"],
'ip_address': ip["ip_address"]}
for ip in port["fixed_ips"]],
"device_id": port["device_id"],
"device_owner": port["device_owner"]}
if "dns_name" in port:
res["dns_name"] = port["dns_name"]
if "dns_assignment" in port:
res["dns_assignment"] = [{"ip_address": a["ip_address"],
"hostname": a["hostname"],
"fqdn": a["fqdn"]}
for a in port["dns_assignment"]]
# Call auxiliary extend functions, if any
if process_extensions:
attributes.PORTS, res, port)
return self._fields(res, fields)
def _get_network(self, context, id):
network = self._get_by_id(context, models_v2.Network, id)
except exc.NoResultFound:
raise n_exc.NetworkNotFound(net_id=id)
return network
def _get_subnet(self, context, id):
subnet = self._get_by_id(context, models_v2.Subnet, id)
except exc.NoResultFound:
raise n_exc.SubnetNotFound(subnet_id=id)
return subnet
def _get_subnetpool(self, context, id):
return self._get_by_id(context, models_v2.SubnetPool, id)
except exc.NoResultFound:
raise n_exc.SubnetPoolNotFound(subnetpool_id=id)
def _get_all_subnetpools(self, context):
# NOTE(tidwellr): see note in _get_all_subnets()
return context.session.query(models_v2.SubnetPool).all()
def _get_subnetpools_by_address_scope_id(self, context, address_scope_id):
# NOTE(vikram.choudhary): see note in _get_all_subnets()
subnetpool_qry = context.session.query(models_v2.SubnetPool)
return subnetpool_qry.filter_by(
def _get_port(self, context, id):
port = self._get_by_id(context, models_v2.Port, id)
except exc.NoResultFound:
raise n_exc.PortNotFound(port_id=id)
return port
def _get_dns_by_subnet(self, context, subnet_id):
dns_qry = context.session.query(models_v2.DNSNameServer)
return dns_qry.filter_by(subnet_id=subnet_id).order_by(
def _get_route_by_subnet(self, context, subnet_id):
route_qry = context.session.query(models_v2.SubnetRoute)
return route_qry.filter_by(subnet_id=subnet_id).all()
def _get_router_gw_ports_by_network(self, context, network_id):
port_qry = context.session.query(models_v2.Port)
return port_qry.filter_by(network_id=network_id,
def _get_subnets_by_network(self, context, network_id):
subnet_qry = context.session.query(models_v2.Subnet)
return subnet_qry.filter_by(network_id=network_id).all()
def _get_subnets_by_subnetpool(self, context, subnetpool_id):
subnet_qry = context.session.query(models_v2.Subnet)
return subnet_qry.filter_by(subnetpool_id=subnetpool_id).all()
def _get_all_subnets(self, context):
# NOTE(salvatore-orlando): This query might end up putting
# a lot of stress on the db. Consider adding a cache layer
return context.session.query(models_v2.Subnet).all()
def _get_subnets(self, context, filters=None, fields=None,
sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None,
marker_obj = self._get_marker_obj(context, 'subnet', limit, marker)
make_subnet_dict = functools.partial(self._make_subnet_dict,
return self._get_collection(context, models_v2.Subnet,
filters=filters, fields=fields,
def _make_network_dict(self, network, fields=None,
process_extensions=True, context=None):
res = {'id': network['id'],
'name': network['name'],
'tenant_id': network['tenant_id'],
'admin_state_up': network['admin_state_up'],
'mtu': network.get('mtu', constants.DEFAULT_NETWORK_MTU),
'status': network['status'],
'subnets': [subnet['id']
for subnet in network['subnets']]}
res['shared'] = self._is_network_shared(context, network)
# TODO(pritesh): Move vlan_transparent to the extension module.
# vlan_transparent here is only added if the vlantransparent
# extension is enabled.
if ('vlan_transparent' in network and network['vlan_transparent'] !=
res['vlan_transparent'] = network['vlan_transparent']
# Call auxiliary extend functions, if any
if process_extensions:
attributes.NETWORKS, res, network)
return self._fields(res, fields)
def _is_network_shared(self, context, network):
# The shared attribute for a network now reflects if the network
# is shared to the calling tenant via an RBAC entry.
matches = ('*',) + ((context.tenant_id,) if context else ())
for entry in network.rbac_entries:
if (entry.action == 'access_as_shared' and
entry.target_tenant in matches):
return True
return False
def _make_subnet_args(self, detail, subnet, subnetpool_id):
gateway_ip = str(detail.gateway_ip) if detail.gateway_ip else None
args = {'tenant_id': detail.tenant_id,
'id': detail.subnet_id,
'name': subnet['name'],
'network_id': subnet['network_id'],
'ip_version': subnet['ip_version'],
'cidr': str(detail.subnet_cidr),
'subnetpool_id': subnetpool_id,
'enable_dhcp': subnet['enable_dhcp'],
'gateway_ip': gateway_ip}
if subnet['ip_version'] == 6 and subnet['enable_dhcp']:
if attributes.is_attr_set(subnet['ipv6_ra_mode']):
args['ipv6_ra_mode'] = subnet['ipv6_ra_mode']
if attributes.is_attr_set(subnet['ipv6_address_mode']):
args['ipv6_address_mode'] = subnet['ipv6_address_mode']
return args
def _make_fixed_ip_dict(self, ips):
# Excludes from dict all keys except subnet_id and ip_address
return [{'subnet_id': ip["subnet_id"],
'ip_address': ip["ip_address"]}
for ip in ips]