Rodolfo Alonso Hernandez a70f07deb1 Add "connectivity" parameter in vif_details
Added "connectivity" parameter to mech driver vif_details. The default
value is "legacy". The in-tree drivers (Linux Bridge, Open vSwitch, SR-IOV
and MacVTap) have "l2" connectivity.

Change-Id: I45480986fc89e0b2f475ee0ceb13d8742fb8c530
Related-Bug: #1821058
2019-07-05 10:13:11 +00:00

377 lines
16 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import uuid
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import portbindings
from neutron_lib.callbacks import resources
from neutron_lib import constants as const
from neutron_lib.placement import utils as place_utils
from neutron_lib.plugins.ml2 import api
from oslo_log import log
import six
from neutron._i18n import _
from neutron.db import provisioning_blocks
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
class AgentMechanismDriverBase(api.MechanismDriver):
"""Base class for drivers that attach to networks using an L2 agent.
The AgentMechanismDriverBase provides common code for mechanism
drivers that integrate the ml2 plugin with L2 agents. Port binding
with this driver requires the driver's associated agent to be
running on the port's host, and that agent to have connectivity to
at least one segment of the port's network.
MechanismDrivers using this base class must pass the agent type to
__init__(), and must implement try_to_bind_segment_for_agent().
def __init__(self, agent_type,
"""Initialize base class for specific L2 agent type.
:param agent_type: Constant identifying agent type in agents_db
:param supported_vnic_types: The binding:vnic_type values we can bind
self.agent_type = agent_type
self.supported_vnic_types = supported_vnic_types
def initialize(self):
def create_port_precommit(self, context):
def update_port_precommit(self, context):
if == context.original_host:
def _insert_provisioning_block(self, context):
# we insert a status barrier to prevent the port from transitioning
# to active until the agent reports back that the wiring is done
port = context.current
if not or port['status'] == const.PORT_STATUS_ACTIVE:
# no point in putting in a block if the status is already ACTIVE
vnic_type = context.current.get(portbindings.VNIC_TYPE,
if vnic_type not in self.supported_vnic_types:
# we check the VNIC type because there could be multiple agents
# on a single host with different VNIC types
if context.host_agents(self.agent_type):
context._plugin_context, port['id'], resources.PORT,
def bind_port(self, context):
LOG.debug("Attempting to bind port %(port)s on "
"network %(network)s",
{'port': context.current['id'],
vnic_type = context.current.get(portbindings.VNIC_TYPE,
if vnic_type not in self.supported_vnic_types:
LOG.debug("Refusing to bind due to unsupported vnic_type: %s",
agents = context.host_agents(self.agent_type)
if not agents:
LOG.debug("Port %(pid)s on network %(network)s not bound, "
"no agent of type %(at)s registered on host %(host)s",
{'pid': context.current['id'],
'at': self.agent_type,
for agent in agents:
LOG.debug("Checking agent: %s", agent)
if agent['alive']:
if (vnic_type == portbindings.VNIC_SMARTNIC and not
LOG.debug('Agent on host %s can not bind SmartNIC '
'port %s', agent['host'], context.current['id'])
for segment in context.segments_to_bind:
if self.try_to_bind_segment_for_agent(context, segment,
LOG.debug("Bound using segment: %s", segment)
LOG.warning("Refusing to bind port %(pid)s to dead agent: "
{'pid': context.current['id'], 'agent': agent})
def try_to_bind_segment_for_agent(self, context, segment, agent):
"""Try to bind with segment for agent.
:param context: PortContext instance describing the port
:param segment: segment dictionary describing segment to bind
:param agent: agents_db entry describing agent to bind
:returns: True iff segment has been bound for agent
Called outside any transaction during bind_port() so that
derived MechanismDrivers can use agent_db data along with
built-in knowledge of the corresponding agent's capabilities
to attempt to bind to the specified network segment for the
If the segment can be bound for the agent, this function must
call context.set_binding() with appropriate values and then
return True. Otherwise, it must return False.
def blacklist_supported_vnic_types(self, vnic_types, blacklist):
"""Validate the blacklist and blacklist the supported_vnic_types
:param vnic_types: The supported_vnic_types list
:param blacklist: The blacklist as in vnic_type_blacklist
:return The blacklisted vnic_types
if not blacklist:
return vnic_types
# Not valid values in the blacklist:
if not all(bl in vnic_types for bl in blacklist):
raise ValueError(_("Not all of the items from vnic_type_blacklist "
"are valid vnic_types for %(agent)s mechanism "
"driver. The valid values are: "
"%(valid_vnics)s.") %
{'agent': self.agent_type,
'valid_vnics': vnic_types})
supported_vnic_types = [vnic_t for vnic_t in vnic_types if
vnic_t not in blacklist]
# Nothing left in the supported vnict types list:
if len(supported_vnic_types) < 1:
raise ValueError(_("All possible vnic_types were blacklisted for "
"%s mechanism driver!") % self.agent_type)
return supported_vnic_types
def _possible_agents_for_port(self, context):
agent_filters = {
'host': [context.current['binding:host_id']],
'agent_type': [self.agent_type],
'admin_state_up': [True],
# By not filtering for 'alive' we may report being responsible
# and still not being able to handle the binding. But that case
# will be properly logged and handled very soon. That is when
# trying to bind with a dead agent.
return context._plugin.get_agents(
def responsible_for_ports_allocation(self, context):
"""Report if an agent is responsible for a resource provider.
:param context: PortContext instance describing the port
:returns: True for responsible, False for not responsible
An agent based mechanism driver is reponsible for a resource provider
if an agent of it is responsible for that resource provider. An agent
reports responsibility by including the resource provider in the
configurations field of the agent heartbeat.
uuid_ns = self.resource_provider_uuid5_namespace
if uuid_ns is None:
return False
if 'allocation' not in context.current['binding:profile']:
return False
rp = uuid.UUID(context.current['binding:profile']['allocation'])
host_agents = self._possible_agents_for_port(context)
reported = {}
for agent in host_agents:
if 'resource_provider_bandwidths' in agent['configurations']:
for device in agent['configurations'][
device_rp_uuid = place_utils.device_resource_provider_uuid(
if device_rp_uuid == rp:
reported[agent['id']] = agent
if len(reported) == 1:
agent = list(reported.values())[0]
LOG.debug("Agent %(agent)s of type %(agent_type)s reports to be "
"responsible for resource provider %(rsc_provider)s",
{'agent': agent['id'],
'agent_type': agent['agent_type'],
'rsc_provider': rp})
return True
elif len(reported) > 1:
LOG.error("Agent misconfiguration, multiple agents on the same "
"host %(host)s reports being responsible for resource "
"provider %(rsc_provider)s: %(agents)s",
{'host': context.current['binding:host_id'],
'rsc_provider': rp,
'agents': reported.keys()})
return False
# not responsible, must be somebody else
return False
class SimpleAgentMechanismDriverBase(AgentMechanismDriverBase):
"""Base class for simple drivers using an L2 agent.
The SimpleAgentMechanismDriverBase provides common code for
mechanism drivers that integrate the ml2 plugin with L2 agents,
where the binding:vif_type and binding:vif_details values are the
same for all bindings. Port binding with this driver requires the
driver's associated agent to be running on the port's host, and
that agent to have connectivity to at least one segment of the
port's network.
MechanismDrivers using this base class must pass the agent type
and the values for binding:vif_type and binding:vif_details to
__init__(), and must implement check_segment_for_agent().
def __init__(self, agent_type, vif_type, vif_details,
"""Initialize base class for specific L2 agent type.
:param agent_type: Constant identifying agent type in agents_db
:param vif_type: Value for binding:vif_type when bound
:param vif_details: Dictionary with details for VIF driver when bound
:param supported_vnic_types: The binding:vnic_type values we can bind
super(SimpleAgentMechanismDriverBase, self).__init__(
agent_type, supported_vnic_types)
self.vif_type = vif_type
self.vif_details = {portbindings.VIF_DETAILS_CONNECTIVITY:
def try_to_bind_segment_for_agent(self, context, segment, agent):
if self.check_segment_for_agent(segment, agent):
self.get_vif_type(context, agent, segment),
self.get_vif_details(context, agent, segment))
return True
return False
def get_vif_details(self, context, agent, segment):
return self.vif_details
def get_supported_vif_type(self, agent):
"""Return supported vif type appropriate for the agent."""
return self.vif_type
def get_vif_type(self, context, agent, segment):
"""Return the vif type appropriate for the agent and segment."""
return self.vif_type
def get_allowed_network_types(self, agent=None):
"""Return the agent's or driver's allowed network types.
For example: return ('flat', ...). You can also refer to the
configuration the given agent exposes.
def get_mappings(self, agent):
"""Return the agent's bridge or interface mappings.
For example: agent['configurations'].get('bridge_mappings', {}).
def physnet_in_mappings(self, physnet, mappings):
"""Is the physical network part of the given mappings?"""
return physnet in mappings
def filter_hosts_with_segment_access(
self, context, segments, candidate_hosts, agent_getter):
hosts = set()
filters = {'host': candidate_hosts, 'agent_type': [self.agent_type]}
for agent in agent_getter(context, filters=filters):
if any(self.check_segment_for_agent(s, agent) for s in segments):
return hosts
def check_segment_for_agent(self, segment, agent):
"""Check if segment can be bound for agent.
:param segment: segment dictionary describing segment to bind
:param agent: agents_db entry describing agent to bind
:returns: True iff segment can be bound for agent
Called outside any transaction during bind_port so that derived
MechanismDrivers can use agent_db data along with built-in
knowledge of the corresponding agent's capabilities to
determine whether or not the specified network segment can be
bound for the agent.
mappings = self.get_mappings(agent)
allowed_network_types = self.get_allowed_network_types(agent)
LOG.debug("Checking segment: %(segment)s "
"for mappings: %(mappings)s "
"with network types: %(network_types)s",
{'segment': segment, 'mappings': mappings,
'network_types': allowed_network_types})
network_type = segment[api.NETWORK_TYPE]
if network_type not in allowed_network_types:
'Network %(network_id)s with segment %(id)s is type '
'of %(network_type)s but agent %(agent)s or mechanism driver '
'only support %(allowed_network_types)s.',
{'network_id': segment['network_id'],
'id': segment['id'],
'network_type': network_type,
'agent': agent['host'],
'allowed_network_types': allowed_network_types})
return False
if network_type in [const.TYPE_FLAT, const.TYPE_VLAN]:
physnet = segment[api.PHYSICAL_NETWORK]
if not self.physnet_in_mappings(physnet, mappings):
'Network %(network_id)s with segment %(id)s is connected '
'to physical network %(physnet)s, but agent %(agent)s '
'reported physical networks %(mappings)s. '
'The physical network must be configured on the '
'agent if binding is to succeed.',
{'network_id': segment['network_id'],
'id': segment['id'],
'physnet': physnet,
'agent': agent['host'],
'mappings': mappings})
return False
return True