Some policy rules e.g. for create_port are using rule "network:shared" in which "shared" field is related to network resource instead of port directly. Because of that, "shared" was missing from "target" in policy enforce module thus validation wasn't working properly for such rule. This patch fixes it by adding to FieldCheck checker possibility to get network object and use its "shared" field to validate policy. Change-Id: I56c99883fce40c37a5ee26e6e661c0cc0783c42f Closes-Bug: #1808112
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# Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack Foundation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import itertools
import re
import sys
from neutron_lib.api import attributes
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import network as net_apidef
from neutron_lib import constants
from neutron_lib import context
from neutron_lib import exceptions
from neutron_lib.plugins import directory
from neutron_lib.services import constants as service_const
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_db import exception as db_exc
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_policy import policy
from oslo_utils import excutils
import six
import stevedore
from neutron._i18n import _
from neutron.common import cache_utils as cache
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ADMIN_CTX_POLICY = 'context_is_admin'
ADVSVC_CTX_POLICY = 'context_is_advsvc'
# Identify the attribute used by a resource to reference another resource
net_apidef.COLLECTION_NAME: 'network_id'
def reset():
global _ENFORCER
def register_rules(enforcer):
extmgr = stevedore.extension.ExtensionManager('neutron.policies',
policies = [list(e.obj) for e in extmgr.extensions]
LOG.debug('Loaded default policies from %s '
'under neutron.policies entry points',
[e.name for e in extmgr.extensions])
def init(conf=cfg.CONF, policy_file=None):
"""Init an instance of the Enforcer class."""
global _ENFORCER
if not _ENFORCER:
_ENFORCER = policy.Enforcer(conf, policy_file=policy_file)
def refresh(policy_file=None):
"""Reset policy and init a new instance of Enforcer."""
def get_resource_and_action(action, pluralized=None):
"""Return resource and enforce_attr_based_check(boolean) per
resource and action extracted from api operation.
data = action.split(':', 1)[0].split('_', 1)
resource = pluralized or ("%ss" % data[-1])
enforce_attr_based_check = data[0] not in ('get', 'delete')
return (resource, enforce_attr_based_check)
def set_rules(policies, overwrite=True):
"""Set rules based on the provided dict of rules.
:param policies: New policies to use. It should be an instance of dict.
:param overwrite: Whether to overwrite current rules or update them
with the new rules.
LOG.debug("Loading policies from file: %s", _ENFORCER.policy_path)
_ENFORCER.set_rules(policies, overwrite)
def _is_attribute_explicitly_set(attribute_name, resource, target, action):
"""Verify that an attribute is present and is explicitly set."""
if target.get(constants.ATTRIBUTES_TO_UPDATE):
# In the case of update, the function should not pay attention to a
# default value of an attribute, but check whether it was explicitly
# marked as being updated instead.
return (attribute_name in target[constants.ATTRIBUTES_TO_UPDATE] and
target[attribute_name] is not constants.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED)
result = (attribute_name in target and
target[attribute_name] is not constants.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED)
if result and 'default' in resource[attribute_name]:
return target[attribute_name] != resource[attribute_name]['default']
return result
def _should_validate_sub_attributes(attribute, sub_attr):
"""Verify that sub-attributes are iterable and should be validated."""
validate = attribute.get('validate')
return (validate and isinstance(sub_attr, collections.Iterable) and
any([k.startswith('type:dict') and
v for (k, v) in validate.items()]))
def _build_subattr_match_rule(attr_name, attr, action, target):
"""Create the rule to match for sub-attribute policy checks."""
# TODO(salv-orlando): Instead of relying on validator info, introduce
# typing for API attributes
# Expect a dict as type descriptor
validate = attr['validate']
key = [k for k in validate.keys() if k.startswith('type:dict')]
if not key:
LOG.warning("Unable to find data type descriptor for attribute %s",
data = validate[key[0]]
if not isinstance(data, dict):
LOG.debug("Attribute type descriptor is not a dict. Unable to "
"generate any sub-attr policy rule for %s.",
sub_attr_rules = [policy.RuleCheck('rule', '%s:%s:%s' %
(action, attr_name,
sub_attr_name)) for
sub_attr_name in data if sub_attr_name in
return policy.AndCheck(sub_attr_rules)
def _build_list_of_subattrs_rule(attr_name, attribute_value, action):
rules = []
for sub_attr in attribute_value:
if isinstance(sub_attr, dict):
for k in sub_attr:
'rule', '%s:%s:%s' % (action, attr_name, k)))
if rules:
return policy.AndCheck(rules)
def _process_rules_list(rules, match_rule):
"""Recursively walk a policy rule to extract a list of match entries."""
if isinstance(match_rule, policy.RuleCheck):
elif isinstance(match_rule, policy.AndCheck):
for rule in match_rule.rules:
_process_rules_list(rules, rule)
return rules
def _build_match_rule(action, target, pluralized):
"""Create the rule to match for a given action.
The policy rule to be matched is built in the following way:
1) add entries for matching permission on objects
2) add an entry for the specific action (e.g.: create_network)
3) add an entry for attributes of a resource for which the action
is being executed (e.g.: create_network:shared)
4) add an entry for sub-attributes of a resource for which the
action is being executed
(e.g.: create_router:external_gateway_info:network_id)
match_rule = policy.RuleCheck('rule', action)
resource, enforce_attr_based_check = get_resource_and_action(
action, pluralized)
if enforce_attr_based_check:
# assigning to variable with short name for improving readability
res_map = attributes.RESOURCES
if resource in res_map:
for attribute_name in res_map[resource]:
if _is_attribute_explicitly_set(attribute_name,
target, action):
attribute = res_map[resource][attribute_name]
if 'enforce_policy' in attribute:
attr_rule = policy.RuleCheck(
'rule', '%s:%s' % (action, attribute_name))
# Build match entries for sub-attributes
if _should_validate_sub_attributes(
attribute, target[attribute_name]):
attr_rule = policy.AndCheck(
[attr_rule, _build_subattr_match_rule(
attribute_name, attribute,
action, target)])
attribute_value = target[attribute_name]
if isinstance(attribute_value, list):
subattr_rule = _build_list_of_subattrs_rule(
attribute_name, attribute_value, action)
if subattr_rule:
attr_rule = policy.AndCheck(
[attr_rule, subattr_rule])
match_rule = policy.AndCheck([match_rule, attr_rule])
return match_rule
# This check is registered as 'tenant_id' so that it can override
# GenericCheck which was used for validating parent resource ownership.
# This will prevent us from having to handling backward compatibility
# for policy.json
# TODO(salv-orlando): Reinstate GenericCheck for simple tenant_id checks
class OwnerCheck(policy.Check):
"""Resource ownership check.
This check verifies the owner of the current resource, or of another
resource referenced by the one under analysis.
In the former case it falls back to a regular GenericCheck, whereas
in the latter case it leverages the plugin to load the referenced
resource and perform the check.
def __init__(self, kind, match):
# Process the match
self.target_field = re.findall(r'^\%\((.*)\)s$',
except IndexError:
err_reason = (_("Unable to identify a target field from:%s. "
"Match should be in the form %%(<field_name>)s") %
raise exceptions.PolicyInitError(
policy="%s:%s" % (kind, match),
self._cache = cache._get_memory_cache_region(expiration_time=5)
super(OwnerCheck, self).__init__(kind, match)
def _extract(self, resource_type, resource_id, field):
# NOTE(salv-orlando): This check currently assumes the parent
# resource is handled by the core plugin. It might be worth
# having a way to map resources to plugins so to make this
# check more general
plugin = directory.get_plugin()
if resource_type in service_const.EXT_PARENT_RESOURCE_MAPPING:
plugin = directory.get_plugin(
f = getattr(plugin, 'get_%s' % resource_type)
# f *must* exist, if not found it is better to let neutron
# explode. Check will be performed with admin context
data = f(context.get_admin_context(),
except exceptions.NotFound as e:
# NOTE(kevinbenton): a NotFound exception can occur if a
# list operation is happening at the same time as one of
# the parents and its children being deleted. So we issue
# a RetryRequest so the API will redo the lookup and the
# problem items will be gone.
raise db_exc.RetryRequest(e)
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.exception('Policy check error while calling %s!', f)
return data[field]
def __call__(self, target, creds, enforcer):
if self.target_field not in target:
# policy needs a plugin check
# target field is in the form resource:field
# however if they're not separated by a colon, use an underscore
# as a separator for backward compatibility
def do_split(separator):
parent_res, parent_field = self.target_field.split(
separator, 1)
return parent_res, parent_field
for separator in (':', '_'):
parent_res, parent_field = do_split(separator)
except ValueError:
LOG.debug("Unable to find ':' as separator in %s.",
# If we are here split failed with both separators
err_reason = (_("Unable to find resource name in %s") %
raise exceptions.PolicyCheckError(
policy="%s:%s" % (self.kind, self.match),
parent_foreign_key = _RESOURCE_FOREIGN_KEYS.get(
"%ss" % parent_res, None)
if parent_res == constants.EXT_PARENT_PREFIX:
for resource in service_const.EXT_PARENT_RESOURCE_MAPPING:
key = "%s_%s_id" % (constants.EXT_PARENT_PREFIX, resource)
if key in target:
parent_foreign_key = key
parent_res = resource
if not parent_foreign_key:
err_reason = (_("Unable to verify match:%(match)s as the "
"parent resource: %(res)s was not found") %
{'match': self.match, 'res': parent_res})
raise exceptions.PolicyCheckError(
policy="%s:%s" % (self.kind, self.match),
target[self.target_field] = self._extract(
parent_res, target[parent_foreign_key], parent_field)
match = self.match % target
if self.kind in creds:
return match == six.text_type(creds[self.kind])
return False
class FieldCheck(policy.Check):
def __init__(self, kind, match):
# Process the match
resource, field_value = match.split(':', 1)
field, value = field_value.split('=', 1)
super(FieldCheck, self).__init__(kind, '%s:%s:%s' %
(resource, field, value))
# Value might need conversion - we need help from the attribute map
attr = attributes.RESOURCES[resource][field]
conv_func = attr['convert_to']
except KeyError:
conv_func = lambda x: x
self.field = field
self.resource = resource
self.value = conv_func(value)
self.regex = re.compile(value[1:]) if value.startswith('~') else None
def __call__(self, target_dict, cred_dict, enforcer):
target_value = self._get_target_value(target_dict)
# target_value might be a boolean, explicitly compare with None
if target_value is None:
return False
if self.regex:
return bool(self.regex.match(target_value))
return target_value == self.value
def _get_target_value(self, target_dict):
if self.field in target_dict:
return target_dict[self.field]
# NOTE(slaweq): In case that target field is "networks:shared" we need
# to treat it in "special" way as it may be used for resources other
# than network, e.g. for port or subnet
target_value = None
if self.resource == "networks" and self.field == constants.SHARED:
target_network_id = target_dict.get("network_id")
if not target_network_id:
LOG.debug("Unable to find network_id field in target: "
{'field': self.field, 'target_dict': target_dict})
plugin = directory.get_plugin()
network = plugin.get_network(
context.get_admin_context(), target_network_id)
target_value = network.get(self.field)
if target_value is None:
LOG.debug("Unable to find requested field: %(field)s in target: "
{'field': self.field, 'target_dict': target_dict})
return target_value
def _prepare_check(context, action, target, pluralized):
"""Prepare rule, target, and credentials for the policy engine."""
# Compare with None to distinguish case in which target is {}
if target is None:
target = {}
match_rule = _build_match_rule(action, target, pluralized)
credentials = context.to_policy_values()
return match_rule, target, credentials
def log_rule_list(match_rule):
if LOG.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
rules = _process_rules_list([], match_rule)
LOG.debug("Enforcing rules: %s", rules)
def check(context, action, target, plugin=None, might_not_exist=False,
"""Verifies that the action is valid on the target in this context.
:param context: neutron context
:param action: string representing the action to be checked
this should be colon separated for clarity.
:param target: dictionary representing the object of the action
for object creation this should be a dictionary representing the
location of the object e.g. ``{'project_id': context.project_id}``
:param plugin: currently unused and deprecated.
Kept for backward compatibility.
:param might_not_exist: If True the policy check is skipped (and the
function returns True) if the specified policy does not exist.
Defaults to false.
:param pluralized: pluralized case of resource
e.g. firewall_policy -> pluralized = "firewall_policies"
:return: Returns True if access is permitted else False.
# If we already know the context has admin rights do not perform an
# additional check and authorize the operation
if context.is_admin:
return True
if might_not_exist and not (_ENFORCER.rules and action in _ENFORCER.rules):
return True
match_rule, target, credentials = _prepare_check(context,
result = _ENFORCER.enforce(match_rule,
return result
def enforce(context, action, target, plugin=None, pluralized=None):
"""Verifies that the action is valid on the target in this context.
:param context: neutron context
:param action: string representing the action to be checked
this should be colon separated for clarity.
:param target: dictionary representing the object of the action
for object creation this should be a dictionary representing the
location of the object e.g. ``{'project_id': context.project_id}``
:param plugin: currently unused and deprecated.
Kept for backward compatibility.
:param pluralized: pluralized case of resource
e.g. firewall_policy -> pluralized = "firewall_policies"
:raises oslo_policy.policy.PolicyNotAuthorized:
if verification fails.
# If we already know the context has admin rights do not perform an
# additional check and authorize the operation
if context.is_admin:
return True
rule, target, credentials = _prepare_check(context,
result = _ENFORCER.enforce(rule, target, credentials, action=action,
except policy.PolicyNotAuthorized:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.debug("Failed policy check for '%s'", action)
return result
def get_enforcer():
# NOTE(amotoki): This was borrowed from nova/policy.py.
# This method is for use by oslo.policy CLI scripts. Those scripts need the
# 'output-file' and 'namespace' options, but having those in sys.argv means
# loading the neutron config options will fail as those are not expected to
# be present. So we pass in an arg list with those stripped out.
conf_args = []
# Start at 1 because cfg.CONF expects the equivalent of sys.argv[1:]
i = 1
while i < len(sys.argv):
if sys.argv[i].strip('-') in ['namespace', 'output-file']:
i += 2
i += 1
cfg.CONF(conf_args, project='neutron')
return _ENFORCER