
289 lines
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# Copyright 2009-2012 Nicira Networks, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
import client
import eventlet
import httplib
import logging
import request_eventlet
import time
from common import _conn_str
lg = logging.getLogger('nvp_api_client')
# Default parameters.
GENERATION_ID_TIMEOUT = -1 # if set to -1 then disabled
class NvpApiClientEventlet(object):
'''Eventlet-based implementation of NvpApiClient ABC.'''
def __init__(self, api_providers, user, password,
:param api_providers: a list of tuples of the form: (host, port,
:param user: login username.
:param password: login password.
:param concurrent_connections: total number of concurrent connections.
:param use_https: whether or not to use https for requests.
:param connect_timeout: connection timeout in seconds.
:param failover_time: time from when a connection pool is switched to
the next connection released via acquire_connection().
:param nvp_gen_timeout controls how long the generation id is kept
if set to -1 the generation id is never timed out
if not api_providers:
api_providers = []
self._api_providers = set([tuple(p) for p in api_providers])
self._user = user
self._password = password
self._concurrent_connections = concurrent_connections
self._use_https = use_https
self._connect_timeout = connect_timeout
self._failover_time = failover_time
self._nvp_config_gen = None
self._nvp_config_gen_ts = None
self._nvp_gen_timeout = nvp_gen_timeout
# Connection pool is a list of queues.
self._conn_pool = list()
conn_pool_idx = 0
for host, port, is_ssl in api_providers:
provider_conn_pool = eventlet.queue.Queue(
for i in range(concurrent_connections):
# All connections in a provider_conn_poool have the
# same priority (they connect to the same server).
conn = self._create_connection(host, port, is_ssl)
conn.idx = conn_pool_idx
conn_pool_idx += 1
self._active_conn_pool_idx = 0
self._cookie = None
self._need_login = True
self._doing_login_sem = eventlet.semaphore.Semaphore(1)
def _create_connection(self, host, port, is_ssl):
if is_ssl:
return httplib.HTTPSConnection(host, port,
return httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port,
def _conn_params(http_conn):
is_ssl = isinstance(http_conn, httplib.HTTPSConnection)
return (, http_conn.port, is_ssl)
def update_providers(self, api_providers):
raise Exception('update_providers() not implemented.')
def user(self):
return self._user
def password(self):
return self._password
def nvp_config_gen(self):
# If nvp_gen_timeout is not -1 then:
# Maintain a timestamp along with the generation ID. Hold onto the
# ID long enough to be useful and block on sequential requests but
# not long enough to persist when Onix db is cleared, which resets
# the generation ID, causing the DAL to block indefinitely with some
# number that's higher than the cluster's value.
if self._nvp_gen_timeout != -1:
ts = self._nvp_config_gen_ts
if ts is not None:
if (time.time() - ts) > self._nvp_gen_timeout:
return None
return self._nvp_config_gen
def nvp_config_gen(self, value):
if self._nvp_config_gen != value:
if self._nvp_gen_timeout != -1:
self._nvp_config_gen_ts = time.time()
self._nvp_config_gen = value
def auth_cookie(self):
return self._cookie
def acquire_connection(self, rid=-1):
'''Check out an available HTTPConnection instance.
Blocks until a connection is available.
:param rid: request id passed in from request eventlet.
:returns: An available HTTPConnection instance or None if no
api_providers are configured.
if not self._api_providers:
lg.warn("[%d] no API providers currently available." % rid)
return None
# The sleep time is to give controllers time to become consistent after
# there has been a change in the controller used as the api_provider.
now = time.time()
if now < getattr(self, '_issue_conn_barrier', now):
lg.warn("[%d] Waiting for failover timer to expire." % rid)
time.sleep(self._issue_conn_barrier - now)
# Print out a warning if all connections are in use.
if self._conn_pool[self._active_conn_pool_idx].empty():
lg.debug("[%d] Waiting to acquire client connection." % rid)
# Try to acquire a connection (block in get() until connection
# available or timeout occurs).
active_conn_pool_idx = self._active_conn_pool_idx
conn = self._conn_pool[active_conn_pool_idx].get()
if active_conn_pool_idx != self._active_conn_pool_idx:
# active_conn_pool became inactive while we were waiting.
# Put connection back on old pool and try again.
lg.warn("[%d] Active pool expired while waiting for connection: %s"
% (rid, _conn_str(conn)))
return self.acquire_connection(rid=rid)
# Check if the connection has been idle too long.
now = time.time()
if getattr(conn, 'last_used', now) < now - self.CONN_IDLE_TIMEOUT:"[%d] Connection %s idle for %0.2f seconds; reconnecting."
% (rid, _conn_str(conn), now - conn.last_used))
conn = self._create_connection(*self._conn_params(conn))
# Stash conn pool so conn knows where to go when it releases.
conn.idx = self._active_conn_pool_idx
conn.last_used = now
qsize = self._conn_pool[self._active_conn_pool_idx].qsize()
lg.debug("[%d] Acquired connection %s. %d connection(s) available."
% (rid, _conn_str(conn), qsize))
return conn
def release_connection(self, http_conn, bad_state=False, rid=-1):
'''Mark HTTPConnection instance as available for check-out.
:param http_conn: An HTTPConnection instance obtained from this
:param bad_state: True if http_conn is known to be in a bad state
(e.g. connection fault.)
:param rid: request id passed in from request eventlet.
if self._conn_params(http_conn) not in self._api_providers:
lg.warn("[%d] Released connection '%s' is not an API provider "
"for the cluster" % (rid, _conn_str(http_conn)))
# Retrieve "home" connection pool.
conn_pool_idx = http_conn.idx
conn_pool = self._conn_pool[conn_pool_idx]
if bad_state:
# Reconnect to provider.
lg.warn("[%d] Connection returned in bad state, reconnecting to %s"
% (rid, _conn_str(http_conn)))
http_conn = self._create_connection(*self._conn_params(http_conn))
http_conn.idx = conn_pool_idx
if self._active_conn_pool_idx == http_conn.idx:
# This pool is no longer in a good state. Switch to next pool.
self._active_conn_pool_idx += 1
self._active_conn_pool_idx %= len(self._conn_pool)
lg.warn("[%d] Switched active_conn_pool from %d to %d."
% (rid, http_conn.idx, self._active_conn_pool_idx))
# No connections to the new provider allowed until after this
# timer has expired (allow time for synchronization).
self._issue_conn_barrier = time.time() + self._failover_time
lg.debug("[%d] Released connection %s. %d connection(s) available."
% (rid, _conn_str(http_conn), conn_pool.qsize()))
def need_login(self):
return self._need_login
def need_login(self, val=True):
self._need_login = val
def wait_for_login(self):
'''Block until a login has occurred for the current API provider.'''
if self._need_login:
if self._doing_login_sem.acquire(blocking=False):
lg.debug("Waiting for auth to complete")
return self._cookie
def login(self):
'''Issue login request and update authentication cookie.'''
g = request_eventlet.NvpLoginRequestEventlet(
self, self._user, self._password)
ret = g.join()
if ret:
if isinstance(ret, Exception):
lg.error('NvpApiClient: login error "%s"' % ret)
raise ret
self._cookie = None
cookie = ret.getheader("Set-Cookie")
if cookie:
lg.debug("Saving new authentication cookie '%s'" % cookie)
self._cookie = cookie
self._need_login = False
# TODO: or ret is an error.
if not ret:
return None
return self._cookie
# Register as subclass.