Boden R 6d9f1c662f use retry_if_session_inactive from neutron-lib
The retry_if_session_inactive decorator was rehomed into neutron-lib
[1]. This patch consumes it by removing the function from neutron and
using neutron-libs version where appropriate.



Change-Id: I3e3289f33e62d45933d0fbf165bb4b25078f22d5
2018-10-12 14:47:35 -06:00

418 lines
19 KiB

# Copyright 2012, Nachi Ueno, NTT MCL, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import netaddr
from neutron_lib.callbacks import events
from neutron_lib.callbacks import registry
from neutron_lib.callbacks import resources
from neutron_lib import constants as const
from neutron_lib.db import api as db_api
from neutron_lib.utils import helpers
from neutron._i18n import _
from neutron.db.models import allowed_address_pair as aap_models
from neutron.db.models import securitygroup as sg_models
from neutron.db import models_v2
from neutron.db import securitygroups_db as sg_db
from neutron.extensions import securitygroup as ext_sg
DIRECTION_IP_PREFIX = {'ingress': 'source_ip_prefix',
'egress': 'dest_ip_prefix'}
DHCP_RULE_PORT = {4: (67, 68, const.IPv4), 6: (547, 546, const.IPv6)}
class SecurityGroupServerNotifierRpcMixin(sg_db.SecurityGroupDbMixin):
"""Mixin class to add agent-based security group implementation."""
@registry.receives(resources.PORT, [events.AFTER_CREATE,
def notify_sg_on_port_change(self, resource, event, trigger, context,
port, *args, **kwargs):
"""Trigger notification to other SG members on port changes."""
if event == events.AFTER_UPDATE:
original_port = kwargs.get('original_port')
context, original_port, port)
self.notify_security_groups_member_updated(context, port)
def create_security_group_rule(self, context, security_group_rule):
rule = super(SecurityGroupServerNotifierRpcMixin,
sgids = [rule['security_group_id']]
self.notifier.security_groups_rule_updated(context, sgids)
return rule
def create_security_group_rule_bulk(self, context, security_group_rules):
rules = super(SecurityGroupServerNotifierRpcMixin,
context, security_group_rules)
sgids = set([r['security_group_id'] for r in rules])
self.notifier.security_groups_rule_updated(context, list(sgids))
return rules
def delete_security_group_rule(self, context, sgrid):
rule = self.get_security_group_rule(context, sgrid)
self).delete_security_group_rule(context, sgrid)
def check_and_notify_security_group_member_changed(
self, context, original_port, updated_port):
sg_change = not helpers.compare_elements(
if sg_change:
context, [original_port, updated_port])
elif original_port['fixed_ips'] != updated_port['fixed_ips']:
self.notify_security_groups_member_updated(context, updated_port)
def is_security_group_member_updated(self, context,
original_port, updated_port):
"""Check security group member updated or not.
This method returns a flag which indicates request notification
is required and does not perform notification itself.
It is because another changes for the port may require notification.
need_notify = False
if (original_port['fixed_ips'] != updated_port['fixed_ips'] or
original_port['mac_address'] != updated_port['mac_address'] or
not helpers.compare_elements(
need_notify = True
return need_notify
def notify_security_groups_member_updated_bulk(self, context, ports):
"""Notify update event of security group members for ports.
The agent setups the iptables rule to allow
ingress packet from the dhcp server (as a part of provider rules),
so we need to notify an update of dhcp server ip
address to the plugin agent.
sec_groups = set()
for port in ports:
# NOTE (Swami): ROUTER_INTERFACE_OWNERS check is required
# since it includes the legacy router interface device owners
# and DVR router interface device owners.
if (port['device_owner'] not in
sec_groups |= set(port.get(ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS))
if sec_groups:
context, list(sec_groups))
def notify_security_groups_member_updated(self, context, port):
self.notify_security_groups_member_updated_bulk(context, [port])
class SecurityGroupInfoAPIMixin(object):
"""API for retrieving security group info for SG agent code."""
def get_port_from_device(self, context, device):
"""Get port dict from device name on an agent.
Subclass must provide this method or get_ports_from_devices.
:param device: device name which identifies a port on the agent side.
What is specified in "device" depends on a plugin agent implementation.
For example, it is a port ID in OVS agent and netdev name in Linux
Bridge agent.
:return: port dict returned by DB plugin get_port(). In addition,
it must contain the following fields in the port dict returned.
- device
- security_groups
- security_group_rules,
- security_group_source_groups
- fixed_ips
raise NotImplementedError(_("%s must implement get_port_from_device "
"or get_ports_from_devices.")
% self.__class__.__name__)
def get_ports_from_devices(self, context, devices):
"""Bulk method of get_port_from_device.
Subclasses may override this to provide better performance for DB
queries, backend calls, etc.
return [self.get_port_from_device(context, device)
for device in devices]
def security_group_info_for_ports(self, context, ports):
sg_info = {'devices': ports,
'security_groups': {},
'sg_member_ips': {}}
rules_in_db = self._select_rules_for_ports(context, ports)
remote_security_group_info = {}
for (port_id, rule_in_db) in rules_in_db:
remote_gid = rule_in_db.get('remote_group_id')
security_group_id = rule_in_db.get('security_group_id')
ethertype = rule_in_db['ethertype']
if ('security_group_source_groups'
not in sg_info['devices'][port_id]):
'security_group_source_groups'] = []
if remote_gid:
if (remote_gid
not in sg_info['devices'][port_id][
if remote_gid not in remote_security_group_info:
remote_security_group_info[remote_gid] = {}
if ethertype not in remote_security_group_info[remote_gid]:
# this set will be serialized into a list by rpc code
remote_security_group_info[remote_gid][ethertype] = set()
direction = rule_in_db['direction']
rule_dict = {
'direction': direction,
'ethertype': ethertype}
for key in ('protocol', 'port_range_min', 'port_range_max',
'remote_ip_prefix', 'remote_group_id'):
if rule_in_db.get(key) is not None:
if key == 'remote_ip_prefix':
direction_ip_prefix = DIRECTION_IP_PREFIX[direction]
rule_dict[direction_ip_prefix] = rule_in_db[key]
rule_dict[key] = rule_in_db[key]
if security_group_id not in sg_info['security_groups']:
sg_info['security_groups'][security_group_id] = []
if rule_dict not in sg_info['security_groups'][security_group_id]:
# Update the security groups info if they don't have any rules
sg_ids = self._select_sg_ids_for_ports(context, ports)
for (sg_id, ) in sg_ids:
if sg_id not in sg_info['security_groups']:
sg_info['security_groups'][sg_id] = []
sg_info['sg_member_ips'] = remote_security_group_info
# the provider rules do not belong to any security group, so these
# rules still reside in sg_info['devices'] [port_id]
self._apply_provider_rule(context, sg_info['devices'])
return self._get_security_group_member_ips(context, sg_info)
def _get_security_group_member_ips(self, context, sg_info):
ips = self._select_ips_for_remote_group(
context, sg_info['sg_member_ips'].keys())
for sg_id, member_ips in ips.items():
for ip in member_ips:
ethertype = 'IPv%d' % netaddr.IPNetwork(ip).version
if ethertype in sg_info['sg_member_ips'][sg_id]:
return sg_info
def _select_remote_group_ids(self, ports):
remote_group_ids = []
for port in ports.values():
for rule in port.get('security_group_rules'):
remote_group_id = rule.get('remote_group_id')
if remote_group_id:
return remote_group_ids
def _convert_remote_group_id_to_ip_prefix(self, context, ports):
remote_group_ids = self._select_remote_group_ids(ports)
ips = self._select_ips_for_remote_group(context, remote_group_ids)
for port in ports.values():
updated_rule = []
for rule in port.get('security_group_rules'):
remote_group_id = rule.get('remote_group_id')
direction = rule.get('direction')
direction_ip_prefix = DIRECTION_IP_PREFIX[direction]
if not remote_group_id:
base_rule = rule
for ip in ips[remote_group_id]:
if ip in port.get('fixed_ips', []):
ip_rule = base_rule.copy()
version = netaddr.IPNetwork(ip).version
ethertype = 'IPv%s' % version
if base_rule['ethertype'] != ethertype:
ip_rule[direction_ip_prefix] = str(
port['security_group_rules'] = updated_rule
return ports
def _add_ingress_dhcp_rule(self, port):
for ip_version in (4, 6):
# only allow DHCP servers to talk to the appropriate IP address
# to avoid getting leases that don't match the Neutron IPs
prefix = '32' if ip_version == 4 else '128'
dests = ['%s/%s' % (ip, prefix) for ip in port['fixed_ips']
if netaddr.IPNetwork(ip).version == ip_version]
if ip_version == 4:
# v4 dhcp servers can also talk to broadcast
elif ip_version == 6:
# v6 dhcp responses can target link-local addresses
source_port, dest_port, ethertype = DHCP_RULE_PORT[ip_version]
for dest in dests:
dhcp_rule = {'direction': 'ingress',
'ethertype': ethertype,
'protocol': 'udp',
'port_range_min': dest_port,
'port_range_max': dest_port,
'source_port_range_min': source_port,
'source_port_range_max': source_port,
'dest_ip_prefix': dest}
def _add_ingress_ra_rule(self, port):
has_v6 = [ip for ip in port['fixed_ips']
if netaddr.IPNetwork(ip).version == 6]
if not has_v6:
ra_rule = {'direction': 'ingress',
'ethertype': const.IPv6,
'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_IPV6_ICMP,
'source_port_range_min': const.ICMPV6_TYPE_RA}
def _apply_provider_rule(self, context, ports):
for port in ports.values():
def security_group_rules_for_ports(self, context, ports):
rules_in_db = self._select_rules_for_ports(context, ports)
for (port_id, rule_in_db) in rules_in_db:
port = ports[port_id]
direction = rule_in_db['direction']
rule_dict = {
'security_group_id': rule_in_db['security_group_id'],
'direction': direction,
'ethertype': rule_in_db['ethertype'],
for key in ('protocol', 'port_range_min', 'port_range_max',
'remote_ip_prefix', 'remote_group_id'):
if rule_in_db.get(key) is not None:
if key == 'remote_ip_prefix':
direction_ip_prefix = DIRECTION_IP_PREFIX[direction]
rule_dict[direction_ip_prefix] = rule_in_db[key]
rule_dict[key] = rule_in_db[key]
self._apply_provider_rule(context, ports)
return self._convert_remote_group_id_to_ip_prefix(context, ports)
def _select_ips_for_remote_group(self, context, remote_group_ids):
"""Get all IP addresses (including allowed addr pairs) for each sg.
Return dict of lists of IPs keyed by group_id.
raise NotImplementedError()
def _select_rules_for_ports(self, context, ports):
"""Get all security group rules associated with a list of ports.
Return list of tuples of (port_id, sg_rule)
raise NotImplementedError()
def _select_sg_ids_for_ports(self, context, ports):
"""Return security group IDs for a list of ports.
Return list of tuples with a single element of sg_id.
raise NotImplementedError()
class SecurityGroupServerRpcMixin(SecurityGroupInfoAPIMixin,
"""Server-side RPC mixin using DB for SG notifications and responses."""
def _select_sg_ids_for_ports(self, context, ports):
if not ports:
return []
sg_binding_port = sg_models.SecurityGroupPortBinding.port_id
sg_binding_sgid = sg_models.SecurityGroupPortBinding.security_group_id
query = context.session.query(sg_binding_sgid)
query = query.filter(sg_binding_port.in_(ports.keys()))
return query.all()
def _select_rules_for_ports(self, context, ports):
if not ports:
return []
sg_binding_port = sg_models.SecurityGroupPortBinding.port_id
sg_binding_sgid = sg_models.SecurityGroupPortBinding.security_group_id
sgr_sgid = sg_models.SecurityGroupRule.security_group_id
query = context.session.query(sg_binding_port,
query = query.join(sg_models.SecurityGroupRule,
sgr_sgid == sg_binding_sgid)
query = query.filter(sg_binding_port.in_(ports.keys()))
return query.all()
def _select_ips_for_remote_group(self, context, remote_group_ids):
ips_by_group = {}
if not remote_group_ids:
return ips_by_group
for remote_group_id in remote_group_ids:
ips_by_group[remote_group_id] = set()
ip_port = models_v2.IPAllocation.port_id
sg_binding_port = sg_models.SecurityGroupPortBinding.port_id
sg_binding_sgid = sg_models.SecurityGroupPortBinding.security_group_id
# Join the security group binding table directly to the IP allocation
# table instead of via the Port table skip an unnecessary intermediary
query = context.session.query(sg_binding_sgid,
query = query.join(models_v2.IPAllocation,
ip_port == sg_binding_port)
# Outerjoin because address pairs may be null and we still want the
# IP for the port.
query = query.outerjoin(
sg_binding_port == aap_models.AllowedAddressPair.port_id)
query = query.filter(sg_binding_sgid.in_(remote_group_ids))
# Each allowed address pair IP record for a port beyond the 1st
# will have a duplicate regular IP in the query response since
# the relationship is 1-to-many. Dedup with a set
for security_group_id, ip_address, allowed_addr_ip in query:
if allowed_addr_ip:
return ips_by_group