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# Copyright 2014, Red Hat Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
This module defines functional tests for the Neutron V2 API in the
BaseTestApi class. The intention is that the class will be overridden
and configured for use with testscenarios as follows:
- A subclass should override the 'scenarios' class member with a
list of tuple pairs, e.g.
scenarios = [('scenario_id', dict(client=Client())]
The first element of each scenario tuple is a user-defined textual
id, and the second element is a dictionary whose client parameter
should be a subclass of BaseNeutronClient.
- The module containing the test class should defines a 'load_tests'
variable as follows:
load_tests = testscenarios.load_tests_apply_scenarios
Examples of use include:
neutron.tests.functional.api.test_v2_plugin - targets the plugin api
for each configured plugin
neutron.tests.api.test_v2_rest_client - targets neutron server
via the tempest rest client
The tests in neutron.tests.api depend on Neutron and Tempest being
deployed (e.g. with Devstack) and are intended to be run in advisory
check jobs.
import abc
import six
import testtools
from neutron.tests import sub_base
class AttributeDict(dict):
Provide attribute access (dict.key) to dictionary values.
def __getattr__(self, name):
"""Allow attribute access for all keys in the dict."""
if name in self:
return self[name]
raise AttributeError(_("Unknown attribute '%s'.") % name)
class BaseNeutronClient(object):
Base class for a client that can interact the neutron api in some
Reference: :file:`neutron/`
def setUp(self, test_case):
"""Configure the api for use with a test case
:param test_case: The test case that will exercise the api
self.test_case = test_case
def NotFound(self):
"""The exception that indicates a resource could not be found.
Tests can use this property to assert for a missing resource
in a client-agnostic way.
def create_network(self, **kwargs):
def update_network(self, id_, **kwargs):
def get_network(self, id_, fields=None):
def get_networks(self, filters=None, fields=None,
sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False):
def delete_network(self, id_):
class BaseTestApi(sub_base.SubBaseTestCase):
scenarios = ()
def setUp(self, setup_parent=True):
# Calling the parent setUp is optional - the subclass may be
# calling it already via a different ancestor.
if setup_parent:
super(BaseTestApi, self).setUp()
def test_network_lifecycle(self):
net = self.client.create_network(name=sub_base.get_rand_name())
listed_networks = dict((,
for x in self.client.get_networks())
self.assertIn(, listed_networks)
'Listed network name is not as expected.')
updated_name = 'new %s' %
updated_net = self.client.update_network(, name=updated_name)
'Updated network name is not as expected.')
with testtools.ExpectedException(self.client.NotFound,
msg='Network was not deleted'):