Henry Gessau 99cfd671be debtcollector for globals
The deprecation shim created by Doug turns out to be rather useful.
It emits a warning when an global (attribute of a module) is
referenced but that global has been moved to another module.

This update makes the following changes to the shim:

 - Rename it to _MovedGlobals to better describe what it is a
   debtcollector for.

 - Use inspect to get the original reference and to check that
   _MovedGlobals is called from the last line of a module.

 - Save the old reference automatically in the instance to prevent it
   from getting garbage collected.

 - Beef up the _moved_global() method for moving/renaming individual
   globals, allowing it to move and rename or rename in place.

Change-Id: I868aa4a3129dd05467a103364088efbb86bc5d0f
2016-08-30 10:18:19 -04:00

168 lines
6.4 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# limitations under the License.
Provide a deprecation method for globals.
NOTE: This module may be a candidate for adoption by debtcollector.
import inspect
import sys
import debtcollector
from neutron._i18n import _
class _MovedGlobals(object):
"""Override a module to deprecate moved globals.
This class is used when globals (attributes of a module) need to be
marked as deprecated. It can be used in either or both of two ways:
1. By specifying a default new module, all accesses to a global in
the source module will emit a warning if the global does not exist
in the source module and it does exist in the new module. This way
is intended to be used when many globals are moved from one module
to another.
2. By explicitly deprecating individual globals with the _moved_global()
function, see below.
This class must be called from the last line in a module, as follows:
:param default_new_module: The default new location for moved globals
:type default_new_module: module or None
:ivar _mg__my_globals: The current vars() of the source module
:type _mg__my_globals: dict
:ivar _mg__default_new_mod: The default location for moved globals
:type _mg__default_new_mod: module or None
:ivar _mg__old_ref: The original reference to the source module
:type _mg__old_ref: module
:cvar _mg__moves: Moves (and renames) not involving default_new_module
:type _mg__moves: dict
NOTE: An instance of _MovedGlobals overrides the module it is called
from, so instance and class variables appear in the module namespace.
To prevent collisions with existing globals, the instance and class
variable names here are prefixed with ``_mg__``.
# Here we store individual moves and renames. This is a dict where
# key = (old_module, old_name)
# value = (new_module, new_name)
# If new_module is the same as old_module then it is a rename in place.
_mg__moves = {}
def __init__(self, default_new_module=None):
# To avoid infinite recursion at inspect.getsourcelines() below we
# must initialize self._mg__my_globals early here.
self._mg__my_globals = {}
self._mg__default_new_mod = default_new_module
caller_frame = inspect.stack()[1][0]
caller_line = inspect.getframeinfo(caller_frame).lineno
source_module = inspect.getmodule(caller_frame)
src_mod_last_line = len(inspect.getsourcelines(source_module)[0])
if caller_line < src_mod_last_line:
raise SystemExit(_("_MovedGlobals() not called from last "
"line in %s") % source_module.__file__)
self._mg__my_globals = vars(source_module)
# When we return from here we override the sys.modules[] entry
# for the source module with this instance. We must keep a
# reference to the original module to prevent it from being
# garbage collected.
self._mg__old_ref = source_module
sys.modules[source_module.__name__] = self
def __getattr__(self, name):
value = self._mg__my_globals.get(name)
if not name.startswith("__") and not inspect.ismodule(value):
old_module = self._mg__old_ref
specified_move = self._mg__moves.get((old_module, name))
if specified_move:
new_module, new_name = specified_move
new_module, new_name = self._mg__default_new_mod, name
if new_module and new_name in vars(new_module):
old_location = '%s.%s' % (old_module.__name__, name)
new_location = '%s.%s' % (new_module.__name__, new_name)
changed = 'renamed' if old_module == new_module else 'moved'
message='%s to %s' % (changed, new_location),
return vars(new_module)[new_name]
return self._mg__my_globals[name]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(
_("'module' object has no attribute '%s'") % name)
def __setattr__(self, name, val):
if name.startswith('_mg__'):
return super(_MovedGlobals, self).__setattr__(name, val)
self._mg__my_globals[name] = val
def __delattr__(self, name):
if name not in self._mg__my_globals:
raise AttributeError(
_("'module' object has no attribute '%s'") % name)
def _moved_global(old_name, new_module=None, new_name=None):
"""Deprecate a single attribute in a module.
This function is used to move an attribute to a module that differs
from _mg__default_new_mod in _MovedGlobals. It also handles renames.
NOTE: This function has no effect if _MovedGlobals() is not called
at the end of the module containing the attribute.
[TODO(HenryG): Figure out a way of asserting on this.]
:param old_name: The name of the attribute that was moved/renamed.
:type old_name: str
:param new_module: The new module where the attribute is now.
:type new_module: module
:param new_name: The new name of the attribute.
:type new_name: str
assert new_module or new_name # One or both must be new
if isinstance(new_module, _MovedGlobals):
# The new module has been shimmed, get the original
new_module = new_module._mg__old_ref
old_module = inspect.getmodule(inspect.stack()[1][0]) # caller's module
new_module = new_module or old_module
new_name = new_name or old_name
_MovedGlobals._mg__moves[(old_module, old_name)] = (new_module, new_name)