LIU Yulong 551130e9f4 [Security] fix allowed-address-pair issue
When add allowed-address-pair to one port, it will
unexpectedly open all others' protocol under same security
group. IPv6 has the same problem.

The root cause is the openflow rules calculation of the
security group, it will unexpectedly allow all IP(4&6)
traffic to get through.

For openvswitch openflow firewall, this patch adds a source
mac address match for the allowed-address-pair which has
prefix lenght 0, that means all ethernet packets from this
mac will be accepted. It exactly will meet the request of
accepting any IP address from the configured VM.

Test result shows that the remote security group and
allowed address pair works:
1. Port has allowed-address-pair clould send any
   IP (src) packet out.
2. Port has x.x.x.x/y allowed-address-pair could be accepted
   for those VMs under same security group.
3. Ports under same network can reach each other (remote
   security group).
4. Protocol port number could be accessed only when there
   has related rule.

Closes-bug: #1867119
Change-Id: I2e3aa7c400d7bb17cc117b65faaa160b41013dde
(cherry picked from commit 00298fe6e8)
2020-07-31 11:22:31 +00:00

425 lines
19 KiB

# Copyright 2012, Nachi Ueno, NTT MCL, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import netaddr
from neutron_lib.callbacks import events
from neutron_lib.callbacks import registry
from neutron_lib.callbacks import resources
from neutron_lib import constants as const
from neutron_lib.db import api as db_api
from neutron_lib.utils import helpers
from neutron._i18n import _
from neutron.db.models import allowed_address_pair as aap_models
from neutron.db.models import securitygroup as sg_models
from neutron.db import models_v2
from neutron.db import securitygroups_db as sg_db
from neutron.extensions import securitygroup as ext_sg
DIRECTION_IP_PREFIX = {'ingress': 'source_ip_prefix',
'egress': 'dest_ip_prefix'}
DHCP_RULE_PORT = {4: (67, 68, const.IPv4), 6: (547, 546, const.IPv6)}
class SecurityGroupServerNotifierRpcMixin(sg_db.SecurityGroupDbMixin):
"""Mixin class to add agent-based security group implementation."""
@registry.receives(resources.PORT, [events.AFTER_CREATE,
def notify_sg_on_port_change(self, resource, event, trigger, context,
port, *args, **kwargs):
"""Trigger notification to other SG members on port changes."""
if event == events.AFTER_UPDATE:
original_port = kwargs.get('original_port')
context, original_port, port)
self.notify_security_groups_member_updated(context, port)
def create_security_group_rule(self, context, security_group_rule):
rule = super(SecurityGroupServerNotifierRpcMixin,
sgids = [rule['security_group_id']]
self.notifier.security_groups_rule_updated(context, sgids)
return rule
def create_security_group_rule_bulk(self, context, security_group_rules):
rules = super(SecurityGroupServerNotifierRpcMixin,
context, security_group_rules)
sgids = set([r['security_group_id'] for r in rules])
self.notifier.security_groups_rule_updated(context, list(sgids))
return rules
def delete_security_group_rule(self, context, sgrid):
rule = self.get_security_group_rule(context, sgrid)
self).delete_security_group_rule(context, sgrid)
def check_and_notify_security_group_member_changed(
self, context, original_port, updated_port):
sg_change = not helpers.compare_elements(
if sg_change:
context, [original_port, updated_port])
elif original_port['fixed_ips'] != updated_port['fixed_ips']:
self.notify_security_groups_member_updated(context, updated_port)
def is_security_group_member_updated(self, context,
original_port, updated_port):
"""Check security group member updated or not.
This method returns a flag which indicates request notification
is required and does not perform notification itself.
It is because another changes for the port may require notification.
need_notify = False
if (original_port['fixed_ips'] != updated_port['fixed_ips'] or
original_port['mac_address'] != updated_port['mac_address'] or
not helpers.compare_elements(
need_notify = True
return need_notify
def notify_security_groups_member_updated_bulk(self, context, ports):
"""Notify update event of security group members for ports.
The agent setups the iptables rule to allow
ingress packet from the dhcp server (as a part of provider rules),
so we need to notify an update of dhcp server ip
address to the plugin agent.
sec_groups = set()
for port in ports:
# NOTE (Swami): ROUTER_INTERFACE_OWNERS check is required
# since it includes the legacy router interface device owners
# and DVR router interface device owners.
if (port['device_owner'] not in
sec_groups |= set(port.get(ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS))
if sec_groups:
context, list(sec_groups))
def notify_security_groups_member_updated(self, context, port):
self.notify_security_groups_member_updated_bulk(context, [port])
class SecurityGroupInfoAPIMixin(object):
"""API for retrieving security group info for SG agent code."""
def get_port_from_device(self, context, device):
"""Get port dict from device name on an agent.
Subclass must provide this method or get_ports_from_devices.
:param device: device name which identifies a port on the agent side.
What is specified in "device" depends on a plugin agent implementation.
For example, it is a port ID in OVS agent and netdev name in Linux
Bridge agent.
:return: port dict returned by DB plugin get_port(). In addition,
it must contain the following fields in the port dict returned.
- device
- security_groups
- security_group_rules,
- security_group_source_groups
- fixed_ips
raise NotImplementedError(_("%s must implement get_port_from_device "
"or get_ports_from_devices.")
% self.__class__.__name__)
def get_ports_from_devices(self, context, devices):
"""Bulk method of get_port_from_device.
Subclasses may override this to provide better performance for DB
queries, backend calls, etc.
return [self.get_port_from_device(context, device)
for device in devices]
def security_group_info_for_ports(self, context, ports):
sg_info = {'devices': ports,
'security_groups': {},
'sg_member_ips': {}}
rules_in_db = self._select_rules_for_ports(context, ports)
remote_security_group_info = {}
for (port_id, rule_in_db) in rules_in_db:
remote_gid = rule_in_db.get('remote_group_id')
security_group_id = rule_in_db.get('security_group_id')
ethertype = rule_in_db['ethertype']
if ('security_group_source_groups'
not in sg_info['devices'][port_id]):
'security_group_source_groups'] = []
if remote_gid:
if (remote_gid
not in sg_info['devices'][port_id][
if remote_gid not in remote_security_group_info:
remote_security_group_info[remote_gid] = {}
if ethertype not in remote_security_group_info[remote_gid]:
# this set will be serialized into a list by rpc code
remote_security_group_info[remote_gid][ethertype] = set()
direction = rule_in_db['direction']
rule_dict = {
'direction': direction,
'ethertype': ethertype}
for key in ('protocol', 'port_range_min', 'port_range_max',
'remote_ip_prefix', 'remote_group_id'):
if rule_in_db.get(key) is not None:
if key == 'remote_ip_prefix':
direction_ip_prefix = DIRECTION_IP_PREFIX[direction]
rule_dict[direction_ip_prefix] = rule_in_db[key]
rule_dict[key] = rule_in_db[key]
if security_group_id not in sg_info['security_groups']:
sg_info['security_groups'][security_group_id] = []
if rule_dict not in sg_info['security_groups'][security_group_id]:
# Update the security groups info if they don't have any rules
sg_ids = self._select_sg_ids_for_ports(context, ports)
for (sg_id, ) in sg_ids:
if sg_id not in sg_info['security_groups']:
sg_info['security_groups'][sg_id] = []
sg_info['sg_member_ips'] = remote_security_group_info
# the provider rules do not belong to any security group, so these
# rules still reside in sg_info['devices'] [port_id]
self._apply_provider_rule(context, sg_info['devices'])
return self._get_security_group_member_ips(context, sg_info)
def _get_security_group_member_ips(self, context, sg_info):
ips = self._select_ips_for_remote_group(
context, sg_info['sg_member_ips'].keys())
for sg_id, member_ips in ips.items():
for ip in member_ips:
ethertype = 'IPv%d' % netaddr.IPNetwork(ip[0]).version
if ethertype in sg_info['sg_member_ips'][sg_id]:
return sg_info
def _select_remote_group_ids(self, ports):
remote_group_ids = []
for port in ports.values():
for rule in port.get('security_group_rules'):
remote_group_id = rule.get('remote_group_id')
if remote_group_id:
return remote_group_ids
def _convert_remote_group_id_to_ip_prefix(self, context, ports):
remote_group_ids = self._select_remote_group_ids(ports)
ips = self._select_ips_for_remote_group(context, remote_group_ids)
for port in ports.values():
updated_rule = []
for rule in port.get('security_group_rules'):
remote_group_id = rule.get('remote_group_id')
direction = rule.get('direction')
direction_ip_prefix = DIRECTION_IP_PREFIX[direction]
if not remote_group_id:
base_rule = rule
ip_list = [ip[0] for ip in ips[remote_group_id]]
for ip in ip_list:
if ip in port.get('fixed_ips', []):
ip_rule = base_rule.copy()
version = netaddr.IPNetwork(ip).version
ethertype = 'IPv%s' % version
if base_rule['ethertype'] != ethertype:
ip_rule[direction_ip_prefix] = str(
port['security_group_rules'] = updated_rule
return ports
def _add_ingress_dhcp_rule(self, port):
for ip_version in (4, 6):
# only allow DHCP servers to talk to the appropriate IP address
# to avoid getting leases that don't match the Neutron IPs
prefix = '32' if ip_version == 4 else '128'
dests = ['%s/%s' % (ip, prefix) for ip in port['fixed_ips']
if netaddr.IPNetwork(ip).version == ip_version]
if ip_version == 4:
# v4 dhcp servers can also talk to broadcast
elif ip_version == 6:
# v6 dhcp responses can target link-local addresses
source_port, dest_port, ethertype = DHCP_RULE_PORT[ip_version]
for dest in dests:
dhcp_rule = {'direction': 'ingress',
'ethertype': ethertype,
'protocol': 'udp',
'port_range_min': dest_port,
'port_range_max': dest_port,
'source_port_range_min': source_port,
'source_port_range_max': source_port,
'dest_ip_prefix': dest}
def _add_ingress_ra_rule(self, port):
has_v6 = [ip for ip in port['fixed_ips']
if netaddr.IPNetwork(ip).version == 6]
if not has_v6:
ra_rule = {'direction': 'ingress',
'ethertype': const.IPv6,
'protocol': const.PROTO_NAME_IPV6_ICMP,
'source_port_range_min': const.ICMPV6_TYPE_RA}
def _apply_provider_rule(self, context, ports):
for port in ports.values():
def security_group_rules_for_ports(self, context, ports):
rules_in_db = self._select_rules_for_ports(context, ports)
for (port_id, rule_in_db) in rules_in_db:
port = ports[port_id]
direction = rule_in_db['direction']
rule_dict = {
'security_group_id': rule_in_db['security_group_id'],
'direction': direction,
'ethertype': rule_in_db['ethertype'],
for key in ('protocol', 'port_range_min', 'port_range_max',
'remote_ip_prefix', 'remote_group_id'):
if rule_in_db.get(key) is not None:
if key == 'remote_ip_prefix':
direction_ip_prefix = DIRECTION_IP_PREFIX[direction]
rule_dict[direction_ip_prefix] = rule_in_db[key]
rule_dict[key] = rule_in_db[key]
self._apply_provider_rule(context, ports)
return self._convert_remote_group_id_to_ip_prefix(context, ports)
def _select_ips_for_remote_group(self, context, remote_group_ids):
"""Get all IP addresses (including allowed addr pairs) for each sg.
Return dict of lists of IPs keyed by group_id.
raise NotImplementedError()
def _select_rules_for_ports(self, context, ports):
"""Get all security group rules associated with a list of ports.
Return list of tuples of (port_id, sg_rule)
raise NotImplementedError()
def _select_sg_ids_for_ports(self, context, ports):
"""Return security group IDs for a list of ports.
Return list of tuples with a single element of sg_id.
raise NotImplementedError()
class SecurityGroupServerRpcMixin(SecurityGroupInfoAPIMixin,
"""Server-side RPC mixin using DB for SG notifications and responses."""
def _select_sg_ids_for_ports(self, context, ports):
if not ports:
return []
sg_binding_port = sg_models.SecurityGroupPortBinding.port_id
sg_binding_sgid = sg_models.SecurityGroupPortBinding.security_group_id
query = context.session.query(sg_binding_sgid)
query = query.filter(sg_binding_port.in_(ports.keys()))
return query.all()
def _select_rules_for_ports(self, context, ports):
if not ports:
return []
sg_binding_port = sg_models.SecurityGroupPortBinding.port_id
sg_binding_sgid = sg_models.SecurityGroupPortBinding.security_group_id
sgr_sgid = sg_models.SecurityGroupRule.security_group_id
query = context.session.query(sg_binding_port,
query = query.join(sg_models.SecurityGroupRule,
sgr_sgid == sg_binding_sgid)
query = query.filter(sg_binding_port.in_(ports.keys()))
return query.all()
def _select_ips_for_remote_group(self, context, remote_group_ids):
ips_by_group = {}
if not remote_group_ids:
return ips_by_group
for remote_group_id in remote_group_ids:
ips_by_group[remote_group_id] = set()
ip_port = models_v2.IPAllocation.port_id
sg_binding_port = sg_models.SecurityGroupPortBinding.port_id
sg_binding_sgid = sg_models.SecurityGroupPortBinding.security_group_id
# Join the security group binding table directly to the IP allocation
# table instead of via the Port table skip an unnecessary intermediary
query = context.session.query(
query = query.join(models_v2.IPAllocation,
ip_port == sg_binding_port)
# Outerjoin because address pairs may be null and we still want the
# IP for the port.
query = query.outerjoin(
sg_binding_port == aap_models.AllowedAddressPair.port_id)
query = query.filter(sg_binding_sgid.in_(remote_group_ids))
# Each allowed address pair IP record for a port beyond the 1st
# will have a duplicate regular IP in the query response since
# the relationship is 1-to-many. Dedup with a set
for security_group_id, ip_address, allowed_addr_ip, mac in query:
# Since port mac will not be used further, but in order to align
# the data structure we directly set None to it to avoid bother
# the ports table.
ips_by_group[security_group_id].add((ip_address, None))
if allowed_addr_ip:
(allowed_addr_ip, mac))
return ips_by_group