Roman Podoliaka abd1b652f7 Switch to using of oslo.db
oslo.db first stable release has been cut and we can start using it
instead of openstack/common/db/* code which is now marked obsolete.

Change-Id: I1ccf896922a5a762d37a1a3b93c56c8b8ae8c085
2014-06-30 14:07:59 +03:00
.. Rename/remove Nicira NVP references from VMware NSX unit tests 2014-02-24 09:20:24 -08:00 Finish off rebranding of the Nicira NVP plugin 2014-03-01 18:14:52 -08:00 Switch to using of oslo.db 2014-06-30 14:07:59 +03:00